Recently Ken Campbell, the scientist behind Nature‘s Sunshine Flax Hull Lignans sent me an article from HSI that totally amazed me.
“Stage 4 cancer patients cancer free within two months. Tumor metastasis reduced by 82 percent. A human study in which 31 percent of cancer cells were flat out killed in thirty days. In another study, mice fed Flax Hull Lignans ended up with half the tumors of the control group.”“People withType 2 diabetes have stopped needing shots of insulin. Men with enlarged prostates have started sleeping through the night.”
This following information comes from the AIDS Research Assistance Institute. The breakthrough that targets cancer is not flax seed but a concentrated Flax Hull Lignans which is extracted from the hulls of Flax seeds using a special process designed by farmer, Curtis Rangeloff. Consequently the nutrients in the Flax Hull Lignans are very concentrated where one teaspoon of Flax Hull Lignans contains the nutritional equivalent of two gallons of flax seed. Lignans are a group of chemical compounds that work together to provide amazing health benefits. Flax Hull Lignans contains 27 different lignans and the major lignan in flax seed is called secoisolariciresinol diglucoside, SDG, which isn’t unlocked until it is metabolized by your body. Once it hits the intestines it has power to wipe out cancer, as well as battle diabetes, shrink enlarged prostates , boost the immune system and bring the hormones into balance. Each scoop of the Lignans contains 150-300 mg of SDG . Flax Hull Lignans also contains high levels of omega-3s and high amounts of antioxidants. In comparing the antioxidant levels of kale, one of the highest ORAC (a measurement of food’s antioxidant content) at 1,770 per 100 grams, concentrated Flax Hull Lignans measures at 19,600 per 100 grams. Lignans also contains 4.3g of fiber and 2.8g of protein per scoop.
HSI reports that recently “an exciting study was carried out in Canada on a group of postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed breast cancer. Each day for a month, the women in the test group ate a flaxseed muffin containing a predetermined concentration of SDG. After only one month, the growth of the cancer cells was reduced by 34.2%. Even better,31% of cancer cells were completely killed, and the expression of the cancer growth receptor Her2 (c-erB2) decreased by 71%”. Her2 is a gene that helps to regulate cell growth. Some breast cancers, ovarian cancers and stomach cancers have multiple copies of unnecessary Her2 genes whereby cell growth regulation goes out of control. The SDG found in Flax Hull Lignans brings this process to a halt and causes the cancer cells to die.
“In two studies on breast cancer cells implanted into immune deficient mice, Flax Hull Lignans again proved deadly to cancer. Both tumor growth and metastasis were significantly reduced. In one of the studies, metastasis to the lungs was reduced by 82 percent. The average number of tumors was also considerably lower in the test group than in the control group.” ( HSI)
“A study in California demonstrated that SDG reduced risk of endometrial cancer in some women by 32 percent. This reduced risk was most evident among postmenopausal women who consumed high levels of both isoflavones and lignans.4 Other studies have shown similar reduced risk for uterine and ovarian cancers.” (HSI)
“A clinical trial in Canada found that higher dietary lignan intake was linked to considerable reduction in colorectal cancer risk. And, according to studies with human colon cancer cells, lignans stunt the growth of tumor cells and actually drive them to what can only be described as mass suicide.” (HSI)
“Supplementation with SDG reduced tumors significantly in mice with melanoma. The average number of tumors in the control group was 62, while the average number in the groups of mice receiving SDG was around half that. Tumor size was also decreased.” (HSI)
The Mayo Clinic says Flax Hull Lignans may inhibit the growth of some breast cancers. The American Cancer Society cites a study in which the growth rate of cancer cells was slowed in men suffering from prostate cancer.
Flax Hull Lignans is a rich source of phytoestrogens, and their ability to prevent cancer is presently being acknowledged by the National Cancer Institute.
The most powerful evidence of the significant uses of Flax Hull Lignans comes from actual people who have used them. The following testimonies come form the Health Sciences Institute :
“A 52-year-old woman started taking Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans two years after she was diagnosed with bone cancer. At that point, she was only able towalk with crutches, and painfully at that. After just one month with the lignans, she stopped taking her pain medication, ditched the crutches, and found her energy level returning to normal.”
Last September, Tony, aged 84, was told his lung cancer was so advanced that he wouldn’t make it to Christmas. His daughter-in-law was distraught, knowing her daughter’s December wedding would be a sad event without him. She learned about the Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans from a friend and had some sent to Tony. Come December, he was a happy guest at his granddaughter’s wedding.” “A scan showed the cancer had not spread and actually was reduced to one tiny nodule in his lung. This was after Tony had been taking the Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans for only six months.” (HSI)
“In a 12-year study of Finnish men, it was found that those with the highest intake of plant lignans were significantly less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than their counterparts who ate the least amount of foods containing plant lignans.” (HSI)
“Flax Hull Lignans have also been shown to suppress the development of atherosclerosis (chronic inflammation of the arteries due to an accumulation of plaque) in a study on rabbits. The development of atherosclerosis in rabbits treated with the lignans was reduced by 34.4percent. The lignans also lowered LDL cholesterol and raised levels of HDL cholesterol. “(HIS).
“A 26-year-old man who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a few years ago has been struggling to manage his illness ever since. Unable to keep his blood sugar down, he watched helplessly as it regularly spiked to 600, despite taking 40 units of insulin with every shot. Two weeks after he began including Concentrated Flax Hull Lignans in his diet, he noticed a change in how he felt. Now, his blood sugar stays under 200, and he hasn’t had to give himself a shot in two months.”
“A recent study demonstrated that Flax Hull Lignans could reduce prostate size. Rats given the human equivalent of 50 mg per day of SDG had significantly smaller .”
There are reports of men who suffer from enlarged prostate and make frequent trips to the bathroom at night when they should be asleep. In taking a scoop of Flax Hull Lignans a day within 2 weeks their nightly bathroom routines came to a halt.
“In a study of 25 men who were scheduled for prostatectomy, supplementation with flax brought significant changes in serum cholesterol, total testosterone, and the free androgen index. Researchers concluded that Flax Hull Lignans may be very beneficial food for men battling prostate cancer.”(HSI)
Flax Hull Lignans was given to children who were alarmingly underweight . They gained both weight and energy, and stopped getting the colds and flus they once constantly suffered from, according to, a nurse working in Swaziland. (HSI)
“In a 90-day anecdotal test on 100 people with HIV (75 percent exhibiting full AIDS symptoms),97 percent reported positive health changes, with energy and appetites increasing. Most amazing is the fact that, after 6 weeks, 28 percent had viral loads drop to non-detectible levels.” (HSI)
“ In 2005, 14.5 percent of flu viruses were resistant to major flu drugs. That might not sound like a lot, but compare it to the fact that only 1.9 percent of flu viruses were resistant just one year earlier.Luckily, it seems Flax Hull Lignans can do the same thing for influenza that they are doing for the HIV virus in Africa. When a virus enters the cells of the body, it stimulates hormones that activate the gene for p53. When this gene is activated, it actually induces virally infected cells to shut down, thereby preventing the virus from spreading.If this is activated shortly after infection, further viral replication is completely stopped. Based upon recent studies, influenza virus infections can be stopped in this way. Flax Hull Lignans, through a series of interactions with the inner workings of the body’s cells, can increase the level of p53 in cells. Long story short, Flax Hull Lignans can actually help to both prevent flu infections and fight those that already exist.”
“A Canadian study also suggests that SDG may have a therapeutic role in treating lupus. A Dutch human study showed that Flax Hull Lignans could be an answer for hair loss for both men and women. :”