Gall Bladder Flush
Three days before the flush take LIV-C 3 with each meal , Hydrangea 3 four times a day and Lecithin 3 with each meal.
On the day of the flush mix 4 T of Epsom Salts in 3 cups of cold water and refrigerate.
6 pm 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
8 pm 3/4 cup epsom salts
9:45 pm Prepare 1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Lemon Juice
10 drops Black Walnut extract
Shake hard
Use the bathroom
10:00 Sip the above Olive Oil mixture with a straw.
Lie down immediately and lie still for 20 minutes.
Then fall asleep.
8:00 am 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
10:00 am 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
12:00 You can eat.