Cancer Story from Lois age 83
Lois had bladder cancer for 2 years which she was treating with chemotherapy.
She did 3 rounds of chemotherapy treatments- 6 sessions each round as prescribed by her doctor. The chemo was injected into her bladder via a catheter and she had to hold the chemo in her body for a space of 2 hours while slowly rotating her body during this time.
First round of 6 sessions of chemo the cancer was throughout her bladder.
Second round of 6 sessions the cancer had progressed into her sphincter muscle.
Third round of 6 sessions there was no cancer in the sphincter muscle but there were tumors in her bladder.
At this point another set of chemotherapy treatments were prescribed. She had to do one chemotherapy treatment a week for 6 weeks. Four weeks before the completion of this round of treatments Lois started a herbal program as follows:
6 Paw Paw in the morning
4 Paw Paw at midday
6 Paw Paw at night
1 oz of Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic 3 times a day
3 Protease Plus enzymes 3 times a day on an empty stomach
2 Super Oil a day
No sugar, no pasta, no grains, no fruit juice
Lois did this herbal program for 1 month while she was finishing her chemotherapy treatments. During the last week of February, 2005 she went back to her oncologist who took biopsies all over her bladder looking for cancer. He found no signs of any cancer in her bladder. Lois no longer requires any chemotherapy treatments and she is totally grateful to the Nature Sunshine herbal program that gave her such fast results.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Cancer the Answer is Outside the Box
Cancer? Time to Think Outside the Box
There are times we are required to think outside the box. In ancient times it was strongly believed that the world was flat and that to believe otherwise was foolish. However the young courageous Christopher Columbus totally disregarded such a belief system and “in 1492 he sailed the ocean blue.” He reached Americas and proved the world to be round. Let’s apply this analogy to cancer. Each year and for many years now, millions of dollars are donated to the medical establishment to fund cancer research and each year we are told that no cure for cancer has been found. Why, after so many years of dedicated research can scientists not find a cure for cancer? What if the answer to cancer exists outside the box of traditional orthodox methods?
Let’s be bold and courageous and explore cancer outside the box. We know that the most common early warning signs of cancer are unexplained persistent bleeding, injuries that do not heal and sudden changes in moles or other growths. These observations point to the plausible conclusion that an injury is involved in cancer. Now this injury, this break in the membrane of say the lungs, colon, breast, prostate, lymphatic system, and so on may be due to nutritional deficiencies, chemical toxins, viral growths, physical injuries, or parasites. The natural body’s response to any injury is to repair the injury. Therefore the brain sets up an electrical energy response, a“ current of injury”, and sends it along the autonomic nervous system to the injured site to make the DNA of the cells replicate. In a healthy body adjacent cells of the injured cells multiply to repair the injury and stop multiplying when the injury is repaired. Out–of–control replication occurs when the new cells fail to connect with the old cells to repair the injury.
Why are these replicated new cells rejected? Two reasons come to mind. Firstly, in order for healthy cell replication to occur it is imperative that the cells be provided with the essential building blocks. Such building blocks familiar to all of us include amino acids from proteins, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, enzymes and oxygen. If for some reason any of these essentials are missing then healthy cell replication cannot take place. Secondly, if the immune system is in a weakened state and there is an adequate availability of glucose then microbes begin to infect the cells that are replicating. The microbes inside the cells also replicate thereby giving birth to part human, part microbial cells, which of course are rejected by the original injured membrane cells. Consequently the injury is not repaired. The “current of injury” continues with mutated cell replication and the result is cancer.
Understanding this concept it is easy to see a simple solution to a complex medical problem. First of all it is important to stop feeding the cancer cells with sugar. In 1931 Otto Warburg received a Nobel Prize when he proved that fermentation of sugar causes cancer. Second, it is obvious that the body requires essential building blocks particularly minerals, enzymes, and essential fatty acids for healthy cell replication. Because of our toxic agricultural practices it is necessary to supplement the diet with quality-controlled nutrients from a reputable source to ensure purity. The other step to the cancer solution is to cleanse the microbial infestation. This can easily be accomplished by using Protease Enzymes and the herb known as Paw Paw, which claims 22 years of research from Purdue University, by Dr. McLaughlin et al. The American National Cancer Institute funded this research and today it is being used quite successfully in some cancer clinics in the US. Paw Paw and its knowledge is now available in Canada and there have been courageous Christopher Columbuses who have looked for the answer to cancer outside the box and today are cancer free .
Athletic Testimonial From Jon Cool
Subject: Athletic Testimonial from Jon Cool - Nature's Gold for IQ CHEF -
I started running when I was in elementary school on the school track & field team and the cross country running teams, I did this through high school. In high school and through out University I was a member of Athletics Canada and raced track and Field during both the indoor and outdoor season. At that time I also ran allot of road races, 5K, and 10K races. I have done 2 triathlons and one half marathon. In 1999 I injured my knee during a race and decided to take some time off to recover. Shortly after that I graduated from University, started looking for work and moving on with my life, getting away from the running scene. In 2005 I moved to Edmonton and saw the strong running community which motivated me to get back into the sport. I decided that the Boston Marathon was what I want to accomplish as a runner, it is my goal. I decided that I would do my first marathon that summer in Toronto. In my preparation I did some 5 and 10 K races and than off to TO. I felt strong the first half, was on a 3 Hour 45 min pace, with 15 KM left I hit the wall and struggled to finish. I crossed the finish line at 4 hours and 29 min. At this point I learned how much work goes into proper training and what needed to be done If I am ever going to run a 3 hour 15 min Marathon, which is the Time I need to qualify for Boston. In 2006 I stared with more knowledge and determination and Nature's Gold in my diet. I planned 2 marathons, and a number of shorter races for the summer. I started eating barley and became more disciplined in my whole regime, diet, training, etc. Leading up to the marathons I ran a 5KM race in 19 min, 42 sec, which was the first time I ever ran a 5K in under 20 Min. Which I followed up with a 3 hour 40 Min Marathon, knocking 49 min off my first. (with a time of 3:59 min in the other marathon) The morning of race days I eat 4 heaping spoonfuls of Barley. In the 2 weeks leading up to a Marathon I eat 3 spoonfuls, 3 times a day. The rest of the time I eat 3 spoonfuls twice a day. Leading up to a marathon I typical mix my barley with the juice I make with my Juicer. I than would add a raw egg and a spoonful of unpasturized honey to my barley juice mix. (presently I am looking at adding sea salt and apple cider vinegar to my diet as well.) When I eat 4 spoonfuls at once it quickly flushes out my system allowing me to race without extra junk in my body slowing me down. I find that I have more energy after I eat the barley, and If I eat it after a workout my energy lever returns much faster. I feel that the barley, in conjunction with my training and diet has helped me significantly with my times. With proper training and Nature's Gold I believe that a 3:15 marathon is not that far away.
Jon Cool
I started running when I was in elementary school on the school track & field team and the cross country running teams, I did this through high school. In high school and through out University I was a member of Athletics Canada and raced track and Field during both the indoor and outdoor season. At that time I also ran allot of road races, 5K, and 10K races. I have done 2 triathlons and one half marathon. In 1999 I injured my knee during a race and decided to take some time off to recover. Shortly after that I graduated from University, started looking for work and moving on with my life, getting away from the running scene. In 2005 I moved to Edmonton and saw the strong running community which motivated me to get back into the sport. I decided that the Boston Marathon was what I want to accomplish as a runner, it is my goal. I decided that I would do my first marathon that summer in Toronto. In my preparation I did some 5 and 10 K races and than off to TO. I felt strong the first half, was on a 3 Hour 45 min pace, with 15 KM left I hit the wall and struggled to finish. I crossed the finish line at 4 hours and 29 min. At this point I learned how much work goes into proper training and what needed to be done If I am ever going to run a 3 hour 15 min Marathon, which is the Time I need to qualify for Boston. In 2006 I stared with more knowledge and determination and Nature's Gold in my diet. I planned 2 marathons, and a number of shorter races for the summer. I started eating barley and became more disciplined in my whole regime, diet, training, etc. Leading up to the marathons I ran a 5KM race in 19 min, 42 sec, which was the first time I ever ran a 5K in under 20 Min. Which I followed up with a 3 hour 40 Min Marathon, knocking 49 min off my first. (with a time of 3:59 min in the other marathon) The morning of race days I eat 4 heaping spoonfuls of Barley. In the 2 weeks leading up to a Marathon I eat 3 spoonfuls, 3 times a day. The rest of the time I eat 3 spoonfuls twice a day. Leading up to a marathon I typical mix my barley with the juice I make with my Juicer. I than would add a raw egg and a spoonful of unpasturized honey to my barley juice mix. (presently I am looking at adding sea salt and apple cider vinegar to my diet as well.) When I eat 4 spoonfuls at once it quickly flushes out my system allowing me to race without extra junk in my body slowing me down. I find that I have more energy after I eat the barley, and If I eat it after a workout my energy lever returns much faster. I feel that the barley, in conjunction with my training and diet has helped me significantly with my times. With proper training and Nature's Gold I believe that a 3:15 marathon is not that far away.
Jon Cool
Follow Each Herbal Program in Faith
Let him follow the program in faith, "nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like the waves of the sea driven by the wind and tossed.”
I have enclosed a list of genuine testimonials that were recorded by people who faithfully used the Nature Sunshine herbal program, some of them for more that than a year before they witnessed incredible results. They did not waver, they did not give up, they simply followed a plan of action using high quality Nature Sunshine herbs.
It is said that there are no such thing as incurable diseases, there are only incurable people. People become curable when they design a plan of action and in faith they follow their plan of action nothing wavering.
When such a decision is made providence mysteriously sets in motion to provide all the earthly help required to assist in the healing process. The right people, the right herbs, the right diet all come into the picture. The body systems are then empowered with the energy they are receiving from the decision, from the diet and from the herbs to take control of the entire healing action. All that is required is to give the plan of action patience, time, faith and ultimately success is imminent.
Here are the steps to success be it for your health or for your business:
1 Set your goals.
2 Design a plan.
3 Write the plan on paper.
4 Carry it with you wherever you go.
5 Read it every morning and evening to ensure the plan is followed.
6 Follow the plan nothing wavering.
7 Believe the plan will come to fruition. See it happen. Feel it happen- the excitement.
8 Without a shadow of a doubt results are achieved.
I have enclosed a list of genuine testimonials that were recorded by people who faithfully used the Nature Sunshine herbal program, some of them for more that than a year before they witnessed incredible results. They did not waver, they did not give up, they simply followed a plan of action using high quality Nature Sunshine herbs.
It is said that there are no such thing as incurable diseases, there are only incurable people. People become curable when they design a plan of action and in faith they follow their plan of action nothing wavering.
When such a decision is made providence mysteriously sets in motion to provide all the earthly help required to assist in the healing process. The right people, the right herbs, the right diet all come into the picture. The body systems are then empowered with the energy they are receiving from the decision, from the diet and from the herbs to take control of the entire healing action. All that is required is to give the plan of action patience, time, faith and ultimately success is imminent.
Here are the steps to success be it for your health or for your business:
1 Set your goals.
2 Design a plan.
3 Write the plan on paper.
4 Carry it with you wherever you go.
5 Read it every morning and evening to ensure the plan is followed.
6 Follow the plan nothing wavering.
7 Believe the plan will come to fruition. See it happen. Feel it happen- the excitement.
8 Without a shadow of a doubt results are achieved.
Tidbits From Dr Kim Balas May 31, 2008, Kelowna
For calcium to be assimilated and used by the bones and teeth the following are essential:
Progesterone - Wild Yam and Chaste
Magnesium - Magnesium Complex
Essential Fatty Acids - Super Oil
If you have plaque on the teeth you have too much free calcium and the calcium is not being absorbed. Free calcium predisposes one to arthritis, gout, cancer, arterial lesions or high blood pressure.
Calcium has to be bound to a protein. To get protein from meat , it needs to be eaten medium rare and with enzymes if there is difficulty with digestion.
All postmenopausal women need progesterone as in Wild Yam and Chaste for calcium absorption.
Dr. Balas gets great results for weight loss using Progesterone and her Chronic Inflammation program which is :
Heavy Metal Detox - start with 1/ 3 times a day and increase to 4 / 3 times a day or until there is a metal taste in the mouth.
IF-C about 12 to 18 a day for inflammation.
Zambroza as an antioxidant
Super Oil and Lecithin as the essential fatty acids
LoClo for the bowels
TSII for belly fat
Flax Hull Lignans to get rid of xenoestrogens
Two great books to read:
Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon
Belly Fat to Belly Flat by C.W. Randalf
Progesterone - Wild Yam and Chaste
Magnesium - Magnesium Complex
Essential Fatty Acids - Super Oil
If you have plaque on the teeth you have too much free calcium and the calcium is not being absorbed. Free calcium predisposes one to arthritis, gout, cancer, arterial lesions or high blood pressure.
Calcium has to be bound to a protein. To get protein from meat , it needs to be eaten medium rare and with enzymes if there is difficulty with digestion.
All postmenopausal women need progesterone as in Wild Yam and Chaste for calcium absorption.
Dr. Balas gets great results for weight loss using Progesterone and her Chronic Inflammation program which is :
Heavy Metal Detox - start with 1/ 3 times a day and increase to 4 / 3 times a day or until there is a metal taste in the mouth.
IF-C about 12 to 18 a day for inflammation.
Zambroza as an antioxidant
Super Oil and Lecithin as the essential fatty acids
LoClo for the bowels
TSII for belly fat
Flax Hull Lignans to get rid of xenoestrogens
Two great books to read:
Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Sally Fallon
Belly Fat to Belly Flat by C.W. Randalf
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