Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Newsletter 2010

Donna Roth 250 764 2852 kdroth@shaw.ca www.donnaroth.com

This Christmas letter has been composed with compassion, care and concern. There are so many suffering needlessly as I speak. Cancer is an epidemic, diabetes is raging and heart disease is rampant. A huge percentage of the population is on antibiotics and many others are taking various medications. We have all forgotten the importance of nutrition. We have all forgotten that nutrition can heal all aspects of your body if we simply have that knowledge. For this reason I offer these very simple solutions to better your health. I offer the gift of health to you and to your loved ones this Christmas and I ask that each of you ponder on these words and choose to take on your health this season. Furthermore I ask that each of you share this very valuable newsletter with others so that you, too, can make a difference in this world.

The gift offered herein is a lifestyle that supports the environment and supports every cell of your body so that it can create a pathway to health for you. I am offering my time to help design a Healthplan for you, your family members and for your friends. In a few days I will be calling you to ask you if you will take me up in this challenge. The plan is as follows:

1) Do the Candida Saliva test. Fill up a clear glass with water and leave it on your bedside stand. First thing in the morning before you put anything into your mouth work up some saliva and spit into the glass of water. If the saliva forms strings, suspends or sinks to the bottom then this is an indication that Candida is present.

2) Eliminate Candida feeders that is sugars, grains, dairy. Here is where the newly released cookbook can help you. It is called Mud Pies – grain free, sugar free, dairy free simple recipes.

3) Agricultural practises have depleted our soils significantly and we all need to take minerals every day. You can choose Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic or Essential Liquid Minerals and Super Trio , very convenient vit/min/EFA/antioxidant pack. For children there is a special line of great tasting supplements just for you !

4) Then go to www.naturessunshine.ca and complete the Health Analyzer. Choose one or two products to fit your body’s personal needs.

I look forward to connecting with you and updating you on your health and offering my services to help you with a happy health lifestyle.

Merry Christmas,


Donna Roth

Successful Gift of Health Tips


Consider the above dietary changes. Then add P14, Chromium and Liquid Licorice at bedtime to regulate blood sugar levels.


Vision loss, macular degeneration, cataracts, night vision loss. 90% of the rods in the eyes benefit from Super Omega 3 and Perfect Eyes

Low Testosterone

A Finnish study recently revealed that men with low testosterone levels were nearly 2 1/2 times more likely to develop diabetes. Testosterone reduces body fat, increases energy, improves mood and memory. Men’s Formula and Super Omega 3.

Memory Loss

Most doctors believe that deterioration of mental functions is inevitable upon aging and that nothing can be done to reverse it. 50% of the brain is composed of fat. Super Omega 3

Antioxidants help your brain- Zambroza

Even older brain or an injured brain is very flexible and has the ability to reroute and establish new communication pathways given the right nutrients. Focus Atn and Macca


Ulcers is usually caused by H pylori bacteria. Say good by to ulcers with ULC-R\

Blood Pressure

Keep your blood pressure healthy , your cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels in check with MC, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic and Super Omega 3.

Bone Density Increase

The healthier the kidneys , the healthier the bones. KB-C and Herbal Ca

Prostate Health

Prostate cancer is skyrocketing and is the second leading cause of death in men. However 50 % of the PSA tests are false positives. Saw Pametto conc, Herbal Pumpkin and Zinc.


HRP-C , RE-X, Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic . Silver Gel on the affected areas.

Flu Protection

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Cat’s Claw Combination and Silver Guard

Elevating Moods, Horomone Balancing, Lubrication, Energy and Clearing Mental Fog


Dry Skin, Itching

Super Omega 3 about 10 capsules a day, Pau D’Arco lotion and Silver Gel

Frozen shoulder, Sore Muscles , Sore Joints

Collatrim Plus, Super Omega 3 and ART-A

Solstic Shake Pump up your energy, Boost your Immunity

1 Solstic

1 tablespoon Green Zone

2 Tablespoons Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic

1 scoop Collatrim Plus

2 capsules Maca

Phyll’s All Day Energy Booster Tea

1 Solstic

1 capsule E-Tea

1 Capsule Green Tea

Hot water in a thermos

Children’s Supplements

Multi Vit/Min Soft Chews

Whole foods Papayazyme

Probiotic Power chewables