Tonsilitis and Adenoids
One 15 year old young woman became so sick with infected tonsillitis and adenoids she was not able to attend school. Her only option was home schooling. She had been on antibiotics off and on for three years but to no avail. Finally she decided that her only choice was to have the tonsils surgically removed. But the surgery made no difference to her state of health. Even the surgeon was not happy with the results of the surgery. He suggested that she drink more water. The tiredness, listlessness, lack of energy continued and she was now labelled as “lazy”. She was very concerned and did not know what could be wrong. Finally a friend talked to her and convinced her that there was a different way and perhaps she could take a visit to Donna Roth’s office. Reluctantly she decided that this could not hurt. She agreed to a Zyto scan and to following a lifestyle change. She stopped eating cereal, milk, pasta and sugar. She began taking Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Maca and Cat’s Claw. Within 2 weeks a whole new transformation took place. The energy returned, she got a job and she feels like a new person. “ I never knew what it felt like to fell better. It is amazing !