Cures for Cancer at any Cost
A recent article in the Globe and Mail regarding the risks and benefits of Cancer Screening. “ The advantages to screening have been exaggerated.” states Dr Brawley. In Canada an expert panel said that women over 40 do not need routine mammography screening . The reason being that the value of mammography has been decisively disproven. Many experts say that it is of no value period. In one Danish study women between 55 and 74 who had regular mammograms had a 1% annual decrease in breast cancer mortality. But women who were unscreened had a 2% annual decrease in breast cancer mortality. In other words you were less likely to die from breast cancer if you did not participate in the annual mammogram screening. Dr. Gotzche concluded if “screening were a drug it would have been withdrawn . You don’t market a drug that harms so many people for such uncertain benefits. “
Furthermore the article continues to state that the screening picks up harmless cancers that never would have been a problem . Instead of saving lives screening creates an avalanche of over diagnosing and needless treatments. For example out of 2100 women, 690 would have detected a false positive result , 75 would have to undergo unnecessary biopsies and needless surgeries.
Now let’s address prostate PSA tests. These same experts state that men should not have PSA tests at all. The test does not save lives and it does inflict devastating harm on men whose cancer would have otherwise been benign . Between 1986 and 2005 1 million men were treated for prostate cancer because of the PSA test. At least 5000 men died soon after the test due to the harm from the surgeries. 70. 000 men suffered needless serious complications and 300,000 suffered impotence and incontinence. The expert group are totally against the PSA test stating the test to be harmful with the annual cost in the USA being $3 billion. So why is the PSA test administered as I speak. The drug companies continue peddling the tests for financial gain. Richard Ablin the founder of PSA is devastated, “ I never dreamed that my discovery four years ago would lead to such as profit driven public health disaster. “
Because cancer always starts from an injury it makes no sense to inflict your breasts to an injurious type of mammography test. It simple aggravates the problem . It makes no sense to submit to unproven prostate tests that serve no purpose accept to expose you to surgical procedures that cause harm and inflict injury. In cancer there is cell replication and the law of nature states that cells do not randomly replicate. There must be a reason for cell replication to take place and that reason is that there is an injury. So here is the wisdom of this all. It is imperative that we should on a daily basis provide our stem cells whose job it is to repair that injury with all the essential building blocks at all times so that any inconsequential injuries may be repaired well before they get to the mutated point. What do we do ? We feed our bodies not with daily junk food but with high dense nutritious super foods . And what better way to feed these wondrous stem cells than to give them a Smoothie every day loaded with:
Mineral Chi Tonic for the minerals lacking in today’s foods
Collatrim Plus bioavailable amino acids
Agrinine Plus to solve all circulation issues
Flax Hull Lignans which bind the harmful xenoestrogens produced by Candida and which feed cancer.
Colostrum known to bind harmful lectins found in all grains . They plug up the blood stream .
Monday, November 28, 2011
Why Nature's Sunshine ?
November 28/11/11
According to Stanford Research Institute 80% of all consumers are very interested in improving their personal health. The problem arises when they are inundated with all sorts of well meaning health companies trying to sell them products. The internet is loaded with various health products, Alive magazine is full of advertisements and all ads are very convincing leaving one to think they need to buy all those wonderful supplements. Consequently it is imperative to provide a set of guideline to help select the correct health products one might need.
1 The product name must provide lab research as does Nature’s Sunshine .
2 It must be long standing . Nature’s Sunshine has over 35 years of operation behind it. It is the oldest company of capsulated herbs in the North America.
3 Nature’s Sunshine conducts over 500 different testing procedures in Microbiology, Herb and Purity testing, foreign material testing and quality testing. Nature’s Sunshine places into your hands the the finest quality herbs and nutritional supplements. NSP motto is Quality , Service and Integrity.
4 Nature’s Sunshine has a long list of success stories to prove its efficacy . Ask for success stories from other companies especially for cancers and Nature’s Sunshine becomes tops. My book , Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury houses at least 50 cancer success stories with over that many that are not printed in the book. My website houses numerous success stories on various other illnesses.
5 Nature’s Sunshine perfectly meets the growing worldwide need by marrying time honored wisdom and cutting edge technology.
6 Nature’s Sunshine has designed a holistic approach to wellness using the body system approach. It is a simple thing to do to go to and complete the Health Analysis on the home page to determine the supplements individualized for your body.
7 No other company offers such a vast variety of education as does Nature’s Sunshine and its dedicated distributors: webinars, teleconference calls. Resource Center, Library of Fact Sheets , product education
8 Many to the top Nature’s Sunshine distributors have been a part of the Nature’s Sunshine company for over 20 years. This is unheard of in the industry of direct selling.
9 It is the vision of Nature’s Sunshine to make their products program and services available to all who wish to improve their lives.
10. Nature’s Sunshine has a team of dedicated Research and Development scientist to provide us all the largest range of the finest vitamin, and herbal supplements in the world.
11. Each day at the Nature’s Sunshine head quarters 5 million capsules and tablets are produced. This gives you some idea as to how popular these products really are and the number of people that use them daily.
According to Stanford Research Institute 80% of all consumers are very interested in improving their personal health. The problem arises when they are inundated with all sorts of well meaning health companies trying to sell them products. The internet is loaded with various health products, Alive magazine is full of advertisements and all ads are very convincing leaving one to think they need to buy all those wonderful supplements. Consequently it is imperative to provide a set of guideline to help select the correct health products one might need.
1 The product name must provide lab research as does Nature’s Sunshine .
2 It must be long standing . Nature’s Sunshine has over 35 years of operation behind it. It is the oldest company of capsulated herbs in the North America.
3 Nature’s Sunshine conducts over 500 different testing procedures in Microbiology, Herb and Purity testing, foreign material testing and quality testing. Nature’s Sunshine places into your hands the the finest quality herbs and nutritional supplements. NSP motto is Quality , Service and Integrity.
4 Nature’s Sunshine has a long list of success stories to prove its efficacy . Ask for success stories from other companies especially for cancers and Nature’s Sunshine becomes tops. My book , Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury houses at least 50 cancer success stories with over that many that are not printed in the book. My website houses numerous success stories on various other illnesses.
5 Nature’s Sunshine perfectly meets the growing worldwide need by marrying time honored wisdom and cutting edge technology.
6 Nature’s Sunshine has designed a holistic approach to wellness using the body system approach. It is a simple thing to do to go to and complete the Health Analysis on the home page to determine the supplements individualized for your body.
7 No other company offers such a vast variety of education as does Nature’s Sunshine and its dedicated distributors: webinars, teleconference calls. Resource Center, Library of Fact Sheets , product education
8 Many to the top Nature’s Sunshine distributors have been a part of the Nature’s Sunshine company for over 20 years. This is unheard of in the industry of direct selling.
9 It is the vision of Nature’s Sunshine to make their products program and services available to all who wish to improve their lives.
10. Nature’s Sunshine has a team of dedicated Research and Development scientist to provide us all the largest range of the finest vitamin, and herbal supplements in the world.
11. Each day at the Nature’s Sunshine head quarters 5 million capsules and tablets are produced. This gives you some idea as to how popular these products really are and the number of people that use them daily.
Friday, November 25, 2011
1000Herbal Success Stories
37. Emotional Stress and Surgical Pain
One lady ended up with excruciating pain after a knee surgery. She refused to take pain medication because the medication would make her very sick. She was in a desperate situation feeling overwhelmed. anxious and worried. “ It’s an awful feeling when you have pain after knee surgery and you don’t know whither you are coming or going. I had reached the end of my tether and I didn’t know what to do.” In her final desperation she looked at the Nature’s Sunshine catalogue. In studying the pages she came across Stress Pak. She picked up the phone an dialled Nature’s Sunshine at 1 800 265 9163 and ordered a Stress Pak. “ What have I got to lose ?” Within a short time the Stress Pak arrived and she began to take the little packets of Stress Pak which contained all kinds of marvellous herbal formulas designed specifically to alleviate physical pain and emotional stress. Within days of taking several paks of Stress Pak the anxiety , worry, and despair disappeared and the pain subsided; but most of all it became tolerable. “ It’s amazing as to how much better I feel. I am back to my old self.”
38. Urinary Tract Infection and Weight Loss
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
39. Cat’s Claw for Strep Throat
Ashley had many incidents of strep throat since birth and she was given antibiotics every time. One day when she was 10 years with a severe case of strep throat , fever, pain, her Mother decided to give Ashley Cat’s Claw instead. After using 10 Cat’s Claw a day for 4 days nothing changed and Ashley wanted to see the doctor. However on the 5th day Ashley woke up and all pain, fever and soreness was gone. Ashley is now 26 years old and relies on Cat’s Claw for any infection that may occur.
40. Cat’s Claw and Silver Guard for Blood Poisoning
Deb , while playing with a dog was bitten. Her first reaction was to take Cat’s Claw 15 capsules a day. On the second day severe swelling and pain in the pinky finger along with a red vein indicated blood poisoning and Deb added 4 ounces of Silver Guard along with another 15 capsules of Cat’s Claw. Deb woke up the third day and all symptoms of swelling , pain and red vein were gone . “ What a miracle!”
41. Back pain / Kidney Problem
John had an excruciating pain in the lower back in the area of the kidney. His first gesture was to immediately call an ambulance. “ All they did , recalls John, “ is to give me a pain killer.” Now this just did not fix the problem and this same type of pain appeared a short time later. With the first experience in mind John simply took the pain killer without calling the ambulance as he stated, “ this is something I can do myself without their help.” The third time the pain appeared John decided the answer to the problem is definitely not a pain killer. This time his wife entered into the picture. As we all know wives usually have the wisdom it takes to solve many unsolved problems. However we also all know that two heads are better than one. Upon contemplation in regards to this issue his very wise wife gave John the answer,” Just call Donna Roth.” Wow what a brilliant idea ! Now enters Donna Roth with her vast amount of experience and analyses the situation. “ John, would you do the one day herbal kidney cleanse?” John with a willing heart and an opened mind emphatically replied, “Of course!” Shortly thereafter the necessary products appeared from Nature’s Sunshine and with Donna’s well defined instructions John began his new adventure.
I glass of water with some lemon juice
Combination K – 2 capsules to help the kidneys with the cleansing process.
Hydrangea - 1 capsules to dissolve any kidney stones that may be present.
Marshmallow – 2 capsules to coat the inner lining of the kidney ureter
Two hours later repeat the above process but with Chlorophyll and water instead.
Repeat this process until by the end of the day you will have taken about 10 glasses of water .
This was a day of cleansing for John. He frequented the bathroom many times on the day of Oct. 4/11
The consequence of this story is significant. John has not had a severe back pain since.
One lady ended up with excruciating pain after a knee surgery. She refused to take pain medication because the medication would make her very sick. She was in a desperate situation feeling overwhelmed. anxious and worried. “ It’s an awful feeling when you have pain after knee surgery and you don’t know whither you are coming or going. I had reached the end of my tether and I didn’t know what to do.” In her final desperation she looked at the Nature’s Sunshine catalogue. In studying the pages she came across Stress Pak. She picked up the phone an dialled Nature’s Sunshine at 1 800 265 9163 and ordered a Stress Pak. “ What have I got to lose ?” Within a short time the Stress Pak arrived and she began to take the little packets of Stress Pak which contained all kinds of marvellous herbal formulas designed specifically to alleviate physical pain and emotional stress. Within days of taking several paks of Stress Pak the anxiety , worry, and despair disappeared and the pain subsided; but most of all it became tolerable. “ It’s amazing as to how much better I feel. I am back to my old self.”
38. Urinary Tract Infection and Weight Loss
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
39. Cat’s Claw for Strep Throat
Ashley had many incidents of strep throat since birth and she was given antibiotics every time. One day when she was 10 years with a severe case of strep throat , fever, pain, her Mother decided to give Ashley Cat’s Claw instead. After using 10 Cat’s Claw a day for 4 days nothing changed and Ashley wanted to see the doctor. However on the 5th day Ashley woke up and all pain, fever and soreness was gone. Ashley is now 26 years old and relies on Cat’s Claw for any infection that may occur.
40. Cat’s Claw and Silver Guard for Blood Poisoning
Deb , while playing with a dog was bitten. Her first reaction was to take Cat’s Claw 15 capsules a day. On the second day severe swelling and pain in the pinky finger along with a red vein indicated blood poisoning and Deb added 4 ounces of Silver Guard along with another 15 capsules of Cat’s Claw. Deb woke up the third day and all symptoms of swelling , pain and red vein were gone . “ What a miracle!”
41. Back pain / Kidney Problem
John had an excruciating pain in the lower back in the area of the kidney. His first gesture was to immediately call an ambulance. “ All they did , recalls John, “ is to give me a pain killer.” Now this just did not fix the problem and this same type of pain appeared a short time later. With the first experience in mind John simply took the pain killer without calling the ambulance as he stated, “ this is something I can do myself without their help.” The third time the pain appeared John decided the answer to the problem is definitely not a pain killer. This time his wife entered into the picture. As we all know wives usually have the wisdom it takes to solve many unsolved problems. However we also all know that two heads are better than one. Upon contemplation in regards to this issue his very wise wife gave John the answer,” Just call Donna Roth.” Wow what a brilliant idea ! Now enters Donna Roth with her vast amount of experience and analyses the situation. “ John, would you do the one day herbal kidney cleanse?” John with a willing heart and an opened mind emphatically replied, “Of course!” Shortly thereafter the necessary products appeared from Nature’s Sunshine and with Donna’s well defined instructions John began his new adventure.
I glass of water with some lemon juice
Combination K – 2 capsules to help the kidneys with the cleansing process.
Hydrangea - 1 capsules to dissolve any kidney stones that may be present.
Marshmallow – 2 capsules to coat the inner lining of the kidney ureter
Two hours later repeat the above process but with Chlorophyll and water instead.
Repeat this process until by the end of the day you will have taken about 10 glasses of water .
This was a day of cleansing for John. He frequented the bathroom many times on the day of Oct. 4/11
The consequence of this story is significant. John has not had a severe back pain since.
Back Pain, Kidney Problem
41. Back pain / Kidney Problem
John had an excruciating pain in the lower back in the area of the kidney. His first gesture was to immediately call an ambulance. “ All they did , recalls John, “ is to give me a pain killer.” Now this just did not fix the problem and this same type of pain appeared a short time later. With the first experience in mind John simply took the pain killer without calling the ambulance as he stated, “ this is something I can do myself without their help.” The third time the pain appeared John decided the answer to the problem is definitely not a pain killer. This time his wife entered into the picture. As we all know wives usually have the wisdom it takes to solve many unsolved problems. However we also all know that two heads are better than one. Upon contemplation in regards to this issue his very wise wife gave John the answer,” Just call Donna Roth.” Wow what a brilliant idea ! Now enters Donna Roth with her vast amount of experience and analyses the situation. “ John, would you do the one day herbal kidney cleanse?” John with a willing heart and an opened mind emphatically replied, “Of course!” Shortly thereafter the necessary products appeared from Nature’s Sunshine and with Donna’s well defined instructions John began his new adventure.
I glass of water with some lemon juice
Combination K – 2 capsules to help the kidneys with the cleansing process.
Hydrangea - 1 capsules to dissolve any kidney stones that may be present.
Marshmallow – 2 capsules to coat the inner lining of the kidney ureter
Two hours later repeat the above process but with Chlorophyll and water instead.
Repeat this process until by the end of the day you will have taken about 10 glasses of water .
This was a day of cleansing for John. He frequented the bathroom many times on the day of Oct. 4/11
The consequence of this story is significant. John has not had a severe back pain since.
John had an excruciating pain in the lower back in the area of the kidney. His first gesture was to immediately call an ambulance. “ All they did , recalls John, “ is to give me a pain killer.” Now this just did not fix the problem and this same type of pain appeared a short time later. With the first experience in mind John simply took the pain killer without calling the ambulance as he stated, “ this is something I can do myself without their help.” The third time the pain appeared John decided the answer to the problem is definitely not a pain killer. This time his wife entered into the picture. As we all know wives usually have the wisdom it takes to solve many unsolved problems. However we also all know that two heads are better than one. Upon contemplation in regards to this issue his very wise wife gave John the answer,” Just call Donna Roth.” Wow what a brilliant idea ! Now enters Donna Roth with her vast amount of experience and analyses the situation. “ John, would you do the one day herbal kidney cleanse?” John with a willing heart and an opened mind emphatically replied, “Of course!” Shortly thereafter the necessary products appeared from Nature’s Sunshine and with Donna’s well defined instructions John began his new adventure.
I glass of water with some lemon juice
Combination K – 2 capsules to help the kidneys with the cleansing process.
Hydrangea - 1 capsules to dissolve any kidney stones that may be present.
Marshmallow – 2 capsules to coat the inner lining of the kidney ureter
Two hours later repeat the above process but with Chlorophyll and water instead.
Repeat this process until by the end of the day you will have taken about 10 glasses of water .
This was a day of cleansing for John. He frequented the bathroom many times on the day of Oct. 4/11
The consequence of this story is significant. John has not had a severe back pain since.
Blood Poisoning
40. Cat’s Claw and Silver Guard for Blood Poisoning
Deb , while playing with a dog was bitten. Her first reaction was to take Cat’s Claw 15 capsules a day. On the second day severe swelling and pain in the pinky finger along with a red vein indicated blood poisoning and Deb added 4 ounces of Silver Guard along with another 15 capsules of Cat’s Claw. Deb woke up the third day and all symptoms of swelling , pain and red vein were gone . “ What a miracle!”
Deb , while playing with a dog was bitten. Her first reaction was to take Cat’s Claw 15 capsules a day. On the second day severe swelling and pain in the pinky finger along with a red vein indicated blood poisoning and Deb added 4 ounces of Silver Guard along with another 15 capsules of Cat’s Claw. Deb woke up the third day and all symptoms of swelling , pain and red vein were gone . “ What a miracle!”
Strep Throat
39. Cat’s Claw for Strep Throat
Ashley had many incidents of strep throat since birth and she was given antibiotics every time. One day when she was 10 years with a severe case of strep throat , fever, pain, her Mother decided to give Ashley Cat’s Claw instead. After using 10 Cat’s Claw a day for 4 days nothing changed and Ashley wanted to see the doctor. However on the 5th day Ashley woke up and all pain, fever and soreness was gone. Ashley is now 26 years old and relies on Cat’s Claw for any infection that may occur
Ashley had many incidents of strep throat since birth and she was given antibiotics every time. One day when she was 10 years with a severe case of strep throat , fever, pain, her Mother decided to give Ashley Cat’s Claw instead. After using 10 Cat’s Claw a day for 4 days nothing changed and Ashley wanted to see the doctor. However on the 5th day Ashley woke up and all pain, fever and soreness was gone. Ashley is now 26 years old and relies on Cat’s Claw for any infection that may occur
Urinary Tract Infection and Weight Loss
38. Urinary Tract Infection and Weight Loss
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
Emotional Stress and Surgical Pain
37. Emotional Stress and Surgical Pain
One lady ended up with excruciating pain after a knee surgery. She refused to take pain medication because the medication would make her very sick. She was in a desperate situation feeling overwhelmed. anxious and worried. “ It’s an awful feeling when you have pain after knee surgery and you don’t know whither you are coming or going. I had reached the end of my tether and I didn’t know what to do.” In her final desperation she looked at the Nature’s Sunshine catalogue. In studying the pages she came across Stress Pak. She picked up the phone an dialled Nature’s Sunshine at 1 800 265 9163 and ordered a Stress Pak. “ What have I got to lose ?” Within a short time the Stress Pak arrived and she began to take the little packets of Stress Pak which contained all kinds of marvellous herbal formulas designed specifically to alleviate physical pain and emotional stress. Within days of taking several paks of Stress Pak the anxiety , worry, and despair disappeared and the pain subsided; but most of all it became tolerable. “ It’s amazing as to how much better I feel. I am back to my old self.”
One lady ended up with excruciating pain after a knee surgery. She refused to take pain medication because the medication would make her very sick. She was in a desperate situation feeling overwhelmed. anxious and worried. “ It’s an awful feeling when you have pain after knee surgery and you don’t know whither you are coming or going. I had reached the end of my tether and I didn’t know what to do.” In her final desperation she looked at the Nature’s Sunshine catalogue. In studying the pages she came across Stress Pak. She picked up the phone an dialled Nature’s Sunshine at 1 800 265 9163 and ordered a Stress Pak. “ What have I got to lose ?” Within a short time the Stress Pak arrived and she began to take the little packets of Stress Pak which contained all kinds of marvellous herbal formulas designed specifically to alleviate physical pain and emotional stress. Within days of taking several paks of Stress Pak the anxiety , worry, and despair disappeared and the pain subsided; but most of all it became tolerable. “ It’s amazing as to how much better I feel. I am back to my old self.”
Newsletter December 2011
From the Desk of Donna Roth December 2011 Newsletter
Do You Have a Pathway to Health?
From Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll ,Alice was following a path through a forest in Wonderland when she came across a division in the pathway. There were two directions. She began to wonder which pathway she should choose when out of nowhere appeared a Cheshire Cat. She inquired of the Cheshire Cat the pathway she should take whereupon the Cat asked," Where do you want to go?” Alice replied," “I don't know!" “Then,” said that cat," it really doesn't matter does it!" For us as seekers of health on this Earth whether we want to sustain our present good health or we want to regain our health from some diagnosed disease the pathway we should take does matter.
There are no two directions to health. How grateful I am to have discovered the pathway to health and furthermore how grateful I am to the many others who, before me, have shown me the way. The health pathways are available to each and every one of us if we would but open our hearts to receive that simple message of health. Recently in doing a health presentation to a group of young adults the question was asked," What is health?" All answers were very vague and uncertain. Now if we do not understand the meaning of health it follows that we would not know which pathway we should choose to regain health . Let's look at Suzanne Somers author of many health related books. Even though Suzzanne was afflicted with cancer, today she is alive and well radiating with health because she chose the pathway of high dense quality nutritional and plant supplements. If only our past NDP leader Jack Layton had known this. If only our past Steve Jobs would have known this. Suzanne Somers understood health well .She knew that health is simply the manifestation of life. To be healthy is to be filled with the power of the life force, of vitality. Where does this vital force come from? It comes from light, from sunlight. Plants absorb the light of the sun, the water from the earth and the carbon dioxide from the air and through the process of photosynthesis convert the well-known elements from Earth as listed on our Periodical Table into living forms of minerals that give life force and vitality and energies to our bodies. Carbon Dioxide plus Water plus Elements equals Carbohydrates plus Oxygen Health then comes from nutrition and nutrition is plant food and animal food that import life energy to our bodies. As long as there is life energy the body has the capacity to affect healing. Healing is a function of the forces of life and light working inside our bodies. Healing never comes from outside the body, not from drugs, not from vaccinations, not from chemotherapy etc. Only the life force within our bodies can ever heal anything. Therefore health is vibrating life elements within us moving to provide us energy. It follows then that disease is the result of the loss of the vibrating life energy. Knowing the pathway to health is so very empowering and for those who have found this pathway health will be their lasting reward. And there have been many who in the past had been afflicted with serious degenerative conditions ,who have chosen the pathway of health and today live with abundance of life and energy sharing this pathway with those who have opened their hearts and minds. I think of Diane ,a pianist, who 25 years ago was forced to give up her passion of playing piano because she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Did she choose to succumb to the pits of despair? No. She chose the life force pathway eating life giving foods and Nature’s Sunshine herbals. As I write she has been free of any symptoms of MS for over 20 years. Then I think of the hundred plus, many mentioned in my book ,Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury who no longer have cancer .They chose the pathway of health ,the pathway of life force foods using Nature’s Sunshine herbals. I think of Sheena, at 25 years old, who was given only two months to live, with her second bout of cancer in 1998. Today she is alive and well and radiant in energy because she chose the pathway of life force, the pathway of health and used a Nature’s Sunshine Herbal program. I think of Deb up there in the mountains suffering from a serious infected wound and blood poisoning from a dog bite. What did she rely on to clear up her infection? It was Natures Sunshine Cat’s Claw Combination and Silver Guard. Within two days her serious infection was totally cleared up.
Is it not time that we , too, come to know what health is? Is it not time that we start to empower our bodies with vitality and that life force that can provide strength and healing to our bodies? Is it not time that we share that message to empower others, our families, our friends, our neighbors to do the same, to understand this vital formula. Plants equals Life Force equals Vitality equals Health Choosing the pathway to health means” Your home is the clinic and you are the medic! “
Your home, the clinic, requires some essential items.
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, a powerful vital mineral beverage from plant sources that light all electrical structures in your body.
Cat’s Claw Combination opens up the lymphatic system and clears up all kinds of congestion and nasty infections.
Silver Guard kills microbial , viral , fungal and bacterial infections. Silver in its nano particle state is able to make stem cells in your bloodstream.
ArgininePlus , a new product are sparks of amino acids to enhance circulation and prevent aging.
Super Trio pocket ready convenient packs of vitamin, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants
Stress Pack for those times of shock, trauma, or stressed.
Chlorophyll that hemoglobin manufacturer for your blood. It comes in capsules or liquid.
Tei Fu Oil provides instant relief for dry , sore throats.
To be, the" medic" requires a bit of time to do one or more of the following:
1.Call Donna Roth at 250-764-2852
2 .Become a member of Nature,s Sunshine and receive a free bottle of Silver Guard and free education from Update and Educate. Your e-mail address is required here. If you place an order you also receive a free bottle of Chlorophyll. Then you will be privy to a library of fact sheets and to an incredible resource Center.
3. Attend the Donna Roth's teleconference call every Monday at 5:45 PM.
Call 760-569-7676 access code 972723#
4. Purchase a copy of the Donna Roth book entitled Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury new edition $30 at . To date 3500 copies of this book are in circulation.
5. Purchase a copy of Mud Pies, sugar free, grain free, dairy free recipes $25.Here is a Christmas treat:
Almond Cookies
1 cup almond butter
1 egg
1/3 cup xylitol
Roll into balls at 350° for 10 min.
6. Register for the upcoming Donna Roth courses:
Muscle Testing January 19, 20, 21
Basic Iridology Feb. 23, 24, 25
7. Attend the evening presentation with Dr. Jay , Tuesday , Feb. 7, 2011
8.Do a Health Analysis on
8 Become a business assoc. of Nature’s Sunshine and make health your business. Training if free and fun
May Christmas bring light and love to you and to your families across the nations. May you be inspired to touch the hearts of the many others searching for solutions to their health.
Merry Christmas,
Donna Roth
Do You Have a Pathway to Health?
From Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll ,Alice was following a path through a forest in Wonderland when she came across a division in the pathway. There were two directions. She began to wonder which pathway she should choose when out of nowhere appeared a Cheshire Cat. She inquired of the Cheshire Cat the pathway she should take whereupon the Cat asked," Where do you want to go?” Alice replied," “I don't know!" “Then,” said that cat," it really doesn't matter does it!" For us as seekers of health on this Earth whether we want to sustain our present good health or we want to regain our health from some diagnosed disease the pathway we should take does matter.
There are no two directions to health. How grateful I am to have discovered the pathway to health and furthermore how grateful I am to the many others who, before me, have shown me the way. The health pathways are available to each and every one of us if we would but open our hearts to receive that simple message of health. Recently in doing a health presentation to a group of young adults the question was asked," What is health?" All answers were very vague and uncertain. Now if we do not understand the meaning of health it follows that we would not know which pathway we should choose to regain health . Let's look at Suzanne Somers author of many health related books. Even though Suzzanne was afflicted with cancer, today she is alive and well radiating with health because she chose the pathway of high dense quality nutritional and plant supplements. If only our past NDP leader Jack Layton had known this. If only our past Steve Jobs would have known this. Suzanne Somers understood health well .She knew that health is simply the manifestation of life. To be healthy is to be filled with the power of the life force, of vitality. Where does this vital force come from? It comes from light, from sunlight. Plants absorb the light of the sun, the water from the earth and the carbon dioxide from the air and through the process of photosynthesis convert the well-known elements from Earth as listed on our Periodical Table into living forms of minerals that give life force and vitality and energies to our bodies. Carbon Dioxide plus Water plus Elements equals Carbohydrates plus Oxygen Health then comes from nutrition and nutrition is plant food and animal food that import life energy to our bodies. As long as there is life energy the body has the capacity to affect healing. Healing is a function of the forces of life and light working inside our bodies. Healing never comes from outside the body, not from drugs, not from vaccinations, not from chemotherapy etc. Only the life force within our bodies can ever heal anything. Therefore health is vibrating life elements within us moving to provide us energy. It follows then that disease is the result of the loss of the vibrating life energy. Knowing the pathway to health is so very empowering and for those who have found this pathway health will be their lasting reward. And there have been many who in the past had been afflicted with serious degenerative conditions ,who have chosen the pathway of health and today live with abundance of life and energy sharing this pathway with those who have opened their hearts and minds. I think of Diane ,a pianist, who 25 years ago was forced to give up her passion of playing piano because she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Did she choose to succumb to the pits of despair? No. She chose the life force pathway eating life giving foods and Nature’s Sunshine herbals. As I write she has been free of any symptoms of MS for over 20 years. Then I think of the hundred plus, many mentioned in my book ,Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury who no longer have cancer .They chose the pathway of health ,the pathway of life force foods using Nature’s Sunshine herbals. I think of Sheena, at 25 years old, who was given only two months to live, with her second bout of cancer in 1998. Today she is alive and well and radiant in energy because she chose the pathway of life force, the pathway of health and used a Nature’s Sunshine Herbal program. I think of Deb up there in the mountains suffering from a serious infected wound and blood poisoning from a dog bite. What did she rely on to clear up her infection? It was Natures Sunshine Cat’s Claw Combination and Silver Guard. Within two days her serious infection was totally cleared up.
Is it not time that we , too, come to know what health is? Is it not time that we start to empower our bodies with vitality and that life force that can provide strength and healing to our bodies? Is it not time that we share that message to empower others, our families, our friends, our neighbors to do the same, to understand this vital formula. Plants equals Life Force equals Vitality equals Health Choosing the pathway to health means” Your home is the clinic and you are the medic! “
Your home, the clinic, requires some essential items.
Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, a powerful vital mineral beverage from plant sources that light all electrical structures in your body.
Cat’s Claw Combination opens up the lymphatic system and clears up all kinds of congestion and nasty infections.
Silver Guard kills microbial , viral , fungal and bacterial infections. Silver in its nano particle state is able to make stem cells in your bloodstream.
ArgininePlus , a new product are sparks of amino acids to enhance circulation and prevent aging.
Super Trio pocket ready convenient packs of vitamin, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants
Stress Pack for those times of shock, trauma, or stressed.
Chlorophyll that hemoglobin manufacturer for your blood. It comes in capsules or liquid.
Tei Fu Oil provides instant relief for dry , sore throats.
To be, the" medic" requires a bit of time to do one or more of the following:
1.Call Donna Roth at 250-764-2852
2 .Become a member of Nature,s Sunshine and receive a free bottle of Silver Guard and free education from Update and Educate. Your e-mail address is required here. If you place an order you also receive a free bottle of Chlorophyll. Then you will be privy to a library of fact sheets and to an incredible resource Center.
3. Attend the Donna Roth's teleconference call every Monday at 5:45 PM.
Call 760-569-7676 access code 972723#
4. Purchase a copy of the Donna Roth book entitled Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury new edition $30 at . To date 3500 copies of this book are in circulation.
5. Purchase a copy of Mud Pies, sugar free, grain free, dairy free recipes $25.Here is a Christmas treat:
Almond Cookies
1 cup almond butter
1 egg
1/3 cup xylitol
Roll into balls at 350° for 10 min.
6. Register for the upcoming Donna Roth courses:
Muscle Testing January 19, 20, 21
Basic Iridology Feb. 23, 24, 25
7. Attend the evening presentation with Dr. Jay , Tuesday , Feb. 7, 2011
8.Do a Health Analysis on
8 Become a business assoc. of Nature’s Sunshine and make health your business. Training if free and fun
May Christmas bring light and love to you and to your families across the nations. May you be inspired to touch the hearts of the many others searching for solutions to their health.
Merry Christmas,
Donna Roth
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Excerpt from Shawn Buckley
"And in preparing for that I wanted to show the court that he was telling the truth. And what happened was, obviously he was a little herbalist at the time, there were no double blind clinical studies or anything like that. But he gave me literally thousands of letters that people wrote just saying, listen I had heart disease, I took your heart drops and I got well. Now I couldn't use those letters, as evidence in court because that's what's called hearsay. But I could call the authors of the letters. And so in preparing for the trial, on the trial day, I actually had five middle class professionals, who had all had heart disease, they had all had at least one open heart by-pass surgery, they all then continued to have heart disease because the mainstream system wasn't addressing why their arteries were clogging, and they all needed another open heart by-pass surgery to survive.
And here's where they differed, a couple of them were not willing to go through it again, they had had so many complications, and it would just buy them a short period of time anyways so they just said "No. Sorry I am not doing that, I would just rather die." And a couple of the others were just too weak that the doctors ethically couldn't put them through the surgery, they weren't likely to survive. All of them were not into natural health but now the mainstream system was a dead end for them. So they all turned to the natural health community, they all came across these heart drops, usually through a naturopathic doctors, and they all became well, they all went back to work, none of them had been able to work.
And that experience changed my thinking because when I was acting for Health Canada against this herbalist, I had what really is a mainstream view that if something isn't regulated by the government then it shouldn't be allowed on the market. I mean if I said, now I'm just going to dramatize here:
"Do you mean that some rogue herbalist could sell something that is unapproved of by Health Canada? Doesn't that sound dangerous?
That's the mind set I had. But in preparing for that trial I had to come to the exact opposite conclusion about those heart drops. The danger was removing them from the market. And at the time, this was about twelve years ago, I could have given you the names, addresses and phone numbers of literally thousands of Canadians whose lives depended on those heart drops. And it forced me to do a re-think, because for them, Health Canada's actions in trying to take them away actually presented an extremely significant danger, and it raised in my mind for the first time, wait a second, people have to be able to take responsibility for their own health. It's fine for the government to educate us, and watch out for the things that are truly dangerous but to say you can't have something because we haven't approved it, when your life depends on it, is a very different issue. And that's what woke me up to it, was actually that experience. And so ironically, it was Health Canada that created that experien
And here's where they differed, a couple of them were not willing to go through it again, they had had so many complications, and it would just buy them a short period of time anyways so they just said "No. Sorry I am not doing that, I would just rather die." And a couple of the others were just too weak that the doctors ethically couldn't put them through the surgery, they weren't likely to survive. All of them were not into natural health but now the mainstream system was a dead end for them. So they all turned to the natural health community, they all came across these heart drops, usually through a naturopathic doctors, and they all became well, they all went back to work, none of them had been able to work.
And that experience changed my thinking because when I was acting for Health Canada against this herbalist, I had what really is a mainstream view that if something isn't regulated by the government then it shouldn't be allowed on the market. I mean if I said, now I'm just going to dramatize here:
"Do you mean that some rogue herbalist could sell something that is unapproved of by Health Canada? Doesn't that sound dangerous?
That's the mind set I had. But in preparing for that trial I had to come to the exact opposite conclusion about those heart drops. The danger was removing them from the market. And at the time, this was about twelve years ago, I could have given you the names, addresses and phone numbers of literally thousands of Canadians whose lives depended on those heart drops. And it forced me to do a re-think, because for them, Health Canada's actions in trying to take them away actually presented an extremely significant danger, and it raised in my mind for the first time, wait a second, people have to be able to take responsibility for their own health. It's fine for the government to educate us, and watch out for the things that are truly dangerous but to say you can't have something because we haven't approved it, when your life depends on it, is a very different issue. And that's what woke me up to it, was actually that experience. And so ironically, it was Health Canada that created that experien
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Canadians Do Not Get Enough Fruits ansd Vegetables
Everyone today is aware of the
importance of a diet rich in plantbased
nutrients from vegetables and
fruit to prevent disease and ensure a
long, healthy life. Yet, many of us
do not achieve the 7 to 10 servings
of vegetables and fruits recommended
by the Canadian Food
Guide, 2008 Edition. Furthermore,
much of the fruits and vegetables
we do eat lack nutrients due to storage,
cooking, and poor soil conditions.
In addition, the use of pesticides
and chemicals reduce the
quality and safety of foods.
But there is a way to make up for
dietary shortfalls in quality and
nutrition: Consume specially formulated
green and fruit based
superfood concentrates like
GreenZone and Zambroza.
GreenZone is a convenient powdered
food supplement (available in
capsules, too) that can help you get
the plant-based nutrition you need
to enjoy optimum health.
In fact, GreenZone is so brimming
with nutrition it is considered
a whole “superfood.”
GreenZone provides balanced
nutrition following the 40-30-30
principle: 40 percent of calories
from carbohydrates, 30 percent
from proteins, and 30 percent from
fats. This balance allows
GreenZone to help maximize the
body's fat-burning and energyreleasing
mechanisms. It blends the
most nutritionally dense greens,
algaes and herbs for the best
Few Canadians get the
recommended amount of
fruits and vegetables
utilization by the body.
One of the first things you’ll
notice after taking GreenZone for
some time is stronger nails, healthier
hair and improved skin condition.
You’ll have increased vitality
and endurance. You’ll experience
less stress and fewer bouts with illness.
Because GreenZone is a low
glycemic food, many people also
report better control of their blood
And for those looking to lose
weight, GreenZone increases your
metabolism without causing nervousness
or heart palpitations.
One serving of a whole food supplement
like GreenZone is nutritionally
equivalent to 6 servings of
healthy salad. Whole food supplements
also have one of the highest
ORAC scores (antioxidant potential)
of any fruit or vegetable.
Just as GreenZone satisfies your
body’s need for vegetable nutrition,
the fruit-juice blend, Zambroza,
meets your need for nutrients and
phytochemicals from fruit. Most
recently, Zambroza received one of
the highest antioxidant (ORAC) ratings
from an independent laboratory.
And no wonder! Zambroza contains
extracts and juices from some
of the most potent fruits in the
world like blueberry, mangosteen,
goji berry, raspberries, grapes,
grape seeds and even green tea.
Just a 1/2 ounce serving of
Zambroza is nutritionally
The Dirty Dozen
Called the Dirty Dozen, these
are the 12 most likely produce
items to be contaminated by
pesticides according to
research conducted by the
• Apples
• Bell Peppers
• Celery
• Cherries
• Grapes (imported)
• Nectarines
• Peaches
• Pears
• Potatoes
• Red Raspberries
• Spinach
• Strawberries
equivalent to a serving of fruit.
Taken twice daily it’s powerful
defence against many of today’s
chronic health concerns. It’s also
delicious tasting.
Supplementing with “Superfood” concentrates can make up for
poor food choices and a lack of proper nutrition
importance of a diet rich in plantbased
nutrients from vegetables and
fruit to prevent disease and ensure a
long, healthy life. Yet, many of us
do not achieve the 7 to 10 servings
of vegetables and fruits recommended
by the Canadian Food
Guide, 2008 Edition. Furthermore,
much of the fruits and vegetables
we do eat lack nutrients due to storage,
cooking, and poor soil conditions.
In addition, the use of pesticides
and chemicals reduce the
quality and safety of foods.
But there is a way to make up for
dietary shortfalls in quality and
nutrition: Consume specially formulated
green and fruit based
superfood concentrates like
GreenZone and Zambroza.
GreenZone is a convenient powdered
food supplement (available in
capsules, too) that can help you get
the plant-based nutrition you need
to enjoy optimum health.
In fact, GreenZone is so brimming
with nutrition it is considered
a whole “superfood.”
GreenZone provides balanced
nutrition following the 40-30-30
principle: 40 percent of calories
from carbohydrates, 30 percent
from proteins, and 30 percent from
fats. This balance allows
GreenZone to help maximize the
body's fat-burning and energyreleasing
mechanisms. It blends the
most nutritionally dense greens,
algaes and herbs for the best
Few Canadians get the
recommended amount of
fruits and vegetables
utilization by the body.
One of the first things you’ll
notice after taking GreenZone for
some time is stronger nails, healthier
hair and improved skin condition.
You’ll have increased vitality
and endurance. You’ll experience
less stress and fewer bouts with illness.
Because GreenZone is a low
glycemic food, many people also
report better control of their blood
And for those looking to lose
weight, GreenZone increases your
metabolism without causing nervousness
or heart palpitations.
One serving of a whole food supplement
like GreenZone is nutritionally
equivalent to 6 servings of
healthy salad. Whole food supplements
also have one of the highest
ORAC scores (antioxidant potential)
of any fruit or vegetable.
Just as GreenZone satisfies your
body’s need for vegetable nutrition,
the fruit-juice blend, Zambroza,
meets your need for nutrients and
phytochemicals from fruit. Most
recently, Zambroza received one of
the highest antioxidant (ORAC) ratings
from an independent laboratory.
And no wonder! Zambroza contains
extracts and juices from some
of the most potent fruits in the
world like blueberry, mangosteen,
goji berry, raspberries, grapes,
grape seeds and even green tea.
Just a 1/2 ounce serving of
Zambroza is nutritionally
The Dirty Dozen
Called the Dirty Dozen, these
are the 12 most likely produce
items to be contaminated by
pesticides according to
research conducted by the
• Apples
• Bell Peppers
• Celery
• Cherries
• Grapes (imported)
• Nectarines
• Peaches
• Pears
• Potatoes
• Red Raspberries
• Spinach
• Strawberries
equivalent to a serving of fruit.
Taken twice daily it’s powerful
defence against many of today’s
chronic health concerns. It’s also
delicious tasting.
Supplementing with “Superfood” concentrates can make up for
poor food choices and a lack of proper nutrition
Dr Bill Keller on Zambroza
At Nature’s Sunshine, I firmly
believe that original basic science
research is of paramount
importance. I feel that this belief is
shared by my colleagues because
everyone recognizes the important
correlation between company prestige
and research that supports the
products that we sell. We ask fundamental
questions about product
benefits and then design experiments
that provide the answers.
This approach separates Nature’s
Sunshine from the competition.
After considerable thought, I have
listed below salient points that
define the importance of original
basic science research:
• Verifies and/or establishes
the identity of
actives from an ingredient
• Correlates benefits
with identified actives
• Substantiates the science
behind ingredient
• Establishes ingredient
• Confirms Nature’s
Sunshine as an industry
leader through publication
in peer reviewed
scientific journals
• Honours the scientific
integrity of defining and characterizing
the highest quality products
• Instills a high degree of consumer
Again, recognizing, embracing,
and pursuing these points distinguishes
Nature’s Sunshine as a first
class nutritional supplement company.
I have known Professor Doug
Kinghorn for 30 years. He is a
world class scientist in the discipline
of natural product chemistry
(Pharmacognosy). Professor
Kinghorn occupies an endowed
research chair at the prestigious
Ohio State University.
Professor Kinghorn and I
have collaborated on many
projects that focus on
Nature’s Sunshine’s high
quality products. Zambroza
has been a major research
effort for the past four
years. Mangosteen
(Garcinia mangostana), the
core fruit of Zambroza, has
yielded some fascinating
research results.
Xanthones are a class of
plant chemicals that are
found abundantly in mangosteen.
Not only are
the xanthones powerful
Some Of The Science
Behind The Benefits Of
Zambroza™ And Paw Paw Common cold meets
its match in ancient herb
A University of Western Ontario
and University of Alberta team
found that ginseng extracts
"have been found to have the
potential to modulate both natural
and acquired immune
responses." The four-month test
involved 280 subjects between
18 and 65 years of age. At the
conclusion of the test 10% of
the ginseng group reported only
experiencing two or more colds
during the cold/flu season. More
than double that percentage
reported having caught colds in
the placebo group.
In another study from the
Journal of the American
Geriatric Society, 2004, 200 elderly
subjects were given either
ginseng extract or a placebo during
flu season. At the end of the
study, researchers found the
incidence of influenza was considerably
higher in the placebo
group than the ginseng group.
Hand washing best
According to Health Canada the
best prevention against catching
a virus is frequent hand washing.
Most germs are caught
through hand to eye, face and
mouth contact.
Healthy Bits
Nature’s News
News and information from the world of herbs and nutrition science
by William J. Keller, Ph.D.
Vol. 1/No. 1.
antioxidants, but we also believe
that they possess many other beneficial
effects. Our first scientific
investigation of mangosteen resulted
in the isolation of ten different
xanthones in chemically pure form
and three of these were new from
Nature. Once we determined the
chemical structure of these three
xanthones, we knew that no one
else had ever isolated them. These
pure xanthones were then shown to
have outstanding antioxidant activity.
Further evaluation of these isolated
xanthones suggested cancer
chemoprevention potential. These
data were first published as an
abstract and presented as a poster
paper at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of
Pharmacognosy in 2005 and then
published as a full paper in the peer
reviewed Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry.
A follow-up study on mangosteen
xanthones was recently published
as an abstract, presented as a poster
paper, and a manuscript has been
accepted for publication in the peer
reviewed Journal of Natural
Products. In this work, five additional
xanthones were isolated in
chemically pure form and two of
these had never been isolated from
Nature before. These isolated xanthones
showed powerful cancer
chemopreventive activity in our
quinone reductase induction bioassay
which suggests an inhibition of
cancer initiation.
Focusing on another benefit of
the mangosteen xanthones, several
researchers have published on their
anti-inflammatory properties. For
example, it has been shown that by
neutralizing free radicals, the
polyphenolic xanthones relieve
oxidative stress which, in turn,
reduces inflammation. Other
researchers have demonstrated that
mangosteen xanthones reduce the
production of pro-inflammatory
prostaglandins by inhibiting COX
(cyclooxygenase). My collaboration
with Professor Kinghorn recently
revealed a new
mangosteen xanthone
We found that by
inhibiting a
nuclear factor
called NF-KB, the
xanthones block
the production of
(cytokines) and enzymes (COX) to
afford a powerful anti-inflammatory
effect. We now have three mechanisms
that can be used to explain
how the xanthones suppress inflammation.
I am sure that many of you
believe that original basic science
research is of paramount
importance. I feel that this belief is
shared by my colleagues because
everyone recognizes the important
correlation between company prestige
and research that supports the
products that we sell. We ask fundamental
questions about product
benefits and then design experiments
that provide the answers.
This approach separates Nature’s
Sunshine from the competition.
After considerable thought, I have
listed below salient points that
define the importance of original
basic science research:
• Verifies and/or establishes
the identity of
actives from an ingredient
• Correlates benefits
with identified actives
• Substantiates the science
behind ingredient
• Establishes ingredient
• Confirms Nature’s
Sunshine as an industry
leader through publication
in peer reviewed
scientific journals
• Honours the scientific
integrity of defining and characterizing
the highest quality products
• Instills a high degree of consumer
Again, recognizing, embracing,
and pursuing these points distinguishes
Nature’s Sunshine as a first
class nutritional supplement company.
I have known Professor Doug
Kinghorn for 30 years. He is a
world class scientist in the discipline
of natural product chemistry
(Pharmacognosy). Professor
Kinghorn occupies an endowed
research chair at the prestigious
Ohio State University.
Professor Kinghorn and I
have collaborated on many
projects that focus on
Nature’s Sunshine’s high
quality products. Zambroza
has been a major research
effort for the past four
years. Mangosteen
(Garcinia mangostana), the
core fruit of Zambroza, has
yielded some fascinating
research results.
Xanthones are a class of
plant chemicals that are
found abundantly in mangosteen.
Not only are
the xanthones powerful
Some Of The Science
Behind The Benefits Of
Zambroza™ And Paw Paw Common cold meets
its match in ancient herb
A University of Western Ontario
and University of Alberta team
found that ginseng extracts
"have been found to have the
potential to modulate both natural
and acquired immune
responses." The four-month test
involved 280 subjects between
18 and 65 years of age. At the
conclusion of the test 10% of
the ginseng group reported only
experiencing two or more colds
during the cold/flu season. More
than double that percentage
reported having caught colds in
the placebo group.
In another study from the
Journal of the American
Geriatric Society, 2004, 200 elderly
subjects were given either
ginseng extract or a placebo during
flu season. At the end of the
study, researchers found the
incidence of influenza was considerably
higher in the placebo
group than the ginseng group.
Hand washing best
According to Health Canada the
best prevention against catching
a virus is frequent hand washing.
Most germs are caught
through hand to eye, face and
mouth contact.
Healthy Bits
Nature’s News
News and information from the world of herbs and nutrition science
by William J. Keller, Ph.D.
Vol. 1/No. 1.
antioxidants, but we also believe
that they possess many other beneficial
effects. Our first scientific
investigation of mangosteen resulted
in the isolation of ten different
xanthones in chemically pure form
and three of these were new from
Nature. Once we determined the
chemical structure of these three
xanthones, we knew that no one
else had ever isolated them. These
pure xanthones were then shown to
have outstanding antioxidant activity.
Further evaluation of these isolated
xanthones suggested cancer
chemoprevention potential. These
data were first published as an
abstract and presented as a poster
paper at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of
Pharmacognosy in 2005 and then
published as a full paper in the peer
reviewed Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry.
A follow-up study on mangosteen
xanthones was recently published
as an abstract, presented as a poster
paper, and a manuscript has been
accepted for publication in the peer
reviewed Journal of Natural
Products. In this work, five additional
xanthones were isolated in
chemically pure form and two of
these had never been isolated from
Nature before. These isolated xanthones
showed powerful cancer
chemopreventive activity in our
quinone reductase induction bioassay
which suggests an inhibition of
cancer initiation.
Focusing on another benefit of
the mangosteen xanthones, several
researchers have published on their
anti-inflammatory properties. For
example, it has been shown that by
neutralizing free radicals, the
polyphenolic xanthones relieve
oxidative stress which, in turn,
reduces inflammation. Other
researchers have demonstrated that
mangosteen xanthones reduce the
production of pro-inflammatory
prostaglandins by inhibiting COX
(cyclooxygenase). My collaboration
with Professor Kinghorn recently
revealed a new
mangosteen xanthone
We found that by
inhibiting a
nuclear factor
called NF-KB, the
xanthones block
the production of
(cytokines) and enzymes (COX) to
afford a powerful anti-inflammatory
effect. We now have three mechanisms
that can be used to explain
how the xanthones suppress inflammation.
I am sure that many of you
Study on Ginseng and the Common Cold
Common cold meets
its match in ancient herb
A University of Western Ontario
and University of Alberta team
found that ginseng extracts
"have been found to have the
potential to modulate both natural
and acquired immune
responses." The four-month test
involved 280 subjects between
18 and 65 years of age. At the
conclusion of the test 10% of
the ginseng group reported only
experiencing two or more colds
during the cold/flu season. More
than double that percentage
reported having caught colds in
the placebo group.
In another study from the
Journal of the American
Geriatric Society, 2004, 200 elderly
subjects were given either
ginseng extract or a placebo during
flu season. At the end of the
study, researchers found the
incidence of influenza was considerably
higher in the placebo
group than the ginseng group.
Hand washing best
According to Health Canada the
best prevention against catching
a virus is frequent hand washing.
Most germs are caught
through hand to eye, face and
mouth contact.
its match in ancient herb
A University of Western Ontario
and University of Alberta team
found that ginseng extracts
"have been found to have the
potential to modulate both natural
and acquired immune
responses." The four-month test
involved 280 subjects between
18 and 65 years of age. At the
conclusion of the test 10% of
the ginseng group reported only
experiencing two or more colds
during the cold/flu season. More
than double that percentage
reported having caught colds in
the placebo group.
In another study from the
Journal of the American
Geriatric Society, 2004, 200 elderly
subjects were given either
ginseng extract or a placebo during
flu season. At the end of the
study, researchers found the
incidence of influenza was considerably
higher in the placebo
group than the ginseng group.
Hand washing best
According to Health Canada the
best prevention against catching
a virus is frequent hand washing.
Most germs are caught
through hand to eye, face and
mouth contact.
Cancer Facts
Cancer Facts
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
Paw Paw
I am sure that many of you
remember my seminars on Paw
Paw (Asimina triloba) as well as
Paw Paw presentations by Dr. Jerry
McLaughlin, Spence Masson, and
others. Recall that our product Paw
Paw contains a Paw Paw twig
extract. This extract is composed of
over 50 active acetogenins. The fact
that the twigs needed for extraction
are expensive to source (collect)
prompted me to conduct more
research. A collaborative research
project with Dr. Kirk Pomper from
Kentucky State University yielded
some surprising results. We found
that ripe Paw Paw fruits contained
higher concentrations of active acetogenins
as compared to the twigs.
These findings may lead to a less
expensive product because ripe
fruits are much easier to collect and
extract than the twigs.
For a long time it was assumed
that Paw Paw could not be combined
with antioxidants. This old
view suggested to avoid this combination
because the Paw Paw
induced cell apoptosis (programmed
cell death) would be
blocked by antioxidants. The current
view, based on our research
efforts, is that antioxidants have no
effect on Paw Paw’s action. In collaboration
with the Ford Cancer
Center, we have demonstrated that
with cultures of HCT-116 (human
colon cancer) cells, Paw Paw, in
combination with a wide variety of
different antioxidants, including
Zambroza, showed the same effect
as when Paw Paw was used alone.
Furthermore, it appears that antioxidants
may actually complement
Paw Paw. Recently published data
show that antioxidants block cellular
HIF-1 (Hypoxia Induced Factor)
by depriving this protein of needed
free radicals. Without free radicals
HIF-1 does not function and without
HIF-1 cancer cells cannot grow
in anaerobic conditions that occur
when tumours are rapidly growing.
Therefore, it appears that Zambroza
and Paw Paw is a beneficial combination
in most cases.
The science behind pharmacognosy
is fascinating and in this article
I have presented a brief scientific
tale of two products. I believe
that you can now see a correlation
of ingredient actives with the health
benefits of these products. These
correlations are supported by scientific
evidence, much of which came
from our original research. This
original research contributes to the
scientific substantiation of product
value and is a mark of distinction
that characterizes Nature’s
Sunshine. And finally, through this
article you have come away with an
understanding of how an industry
leader creates knowledge that facilitates
the development of their truly
outstanding products.
Cancer Facts
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
remember my seminars on Paw
Paw (Asimina triloba) as well as
Paw Paw presentations by Dr. Jerry
McLaughlin, Spence Masson, and
others. Recall that our product Paw
Paw contains a Paw Paw twig
extract. This extract is composed of
over 50 active acetogenins. The fact
that the twigs needed for extraction
are expensive to source (collect)
prompted me to conduct more
research. A collaborative research
project with Dr. Kirk Pomper from
Kentucky State University yielded
some surprising results. We found
that ripe Paw Paw fruits contained
higher concentrations of active acetogenins
as compared to the twigs.
These findings may lead to a less
expensive product because ripe
fruits are much easier to collect and
extract than the twigs.
For a long time it was assumed
that Paw Paw could not be combined
with antioxidants. This old
view suggested to avoid this combination
because the Paw Paw
induced cell apoptosis (programmed
cell death) would be
blocked by antioxidants. The current
view, based on our research
efforts, is that antioxidants have no
effect on Paw Paw’s action. In collaboration
with the Ford Cancer
Center, we have demonstrated that
with cultures of HCT-116 (human
colon cancer) cells, Paw Paw, in
combination with a wide variety of
different antioxidants, including
Zambroza, showed the same effect
as when Paw Paw was used alone.
Furthermore, it appears that antioxidants
may actually complement
Paw Paw. Recently published data
show that antioxidants block cellular
HIF-1 (Hypoxia Induced Factor)
by depriving this protein of needed
free radicals. Without free radicals
HIF-1 does not function and without
HIF-1 cancer cells cannot grow
in anaerobic conditions that occur
when tumours are rapidly growing.
Therefore, it appears that Zambroza
and Paw Paw is a beneficial combination
in most cases.
The science behind pharmacognosy
is fascinating and in this article
I have presented a brief scientific
tale of two products. I believe
that you can now see a correlation
of ingredient actives with the health
benefits of these products. These
correlations are supported by scientific
evidence, much of which came
from our original research. This
original research contributes to the
scientific substantiation of product
value and is a mark of distinction
that characterizes Nature’s
Sunshine. And finally, through this
article you have come away with an
understanding of how an industry
leader creates knowledge that facilitates
the development of their truly
outstanding products.
Cancer Facts
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
Paw Paw
I am sure that many of you
remember my seminars on Paw
Paw (Asimina triloba) as well as
Paw Paw presentations by Dr. Jerry
McLaughlin, Spence Masson, and
others. Recall that our product Paw
Paw contains a Paw Paw twig
extract. This extract is composed of
over 50 active acetogenins. The fact
that the twigs needed for extraction
are expensive to source (collect)
prompted me to conduct more
research. A collaborative research
project with Dr. Kirk Pomper from
Kentucky State University yielded
some surprising results. We found
that ripe Paw Paw fruits contained
higher concentrations of active acetogenins
as compared to the twigs.
These findings may lead to a less
expensive product because ripe
fruits are much easier to collect and
extract than the twigs.
For a long time it was assumed
that Paw Paw could not be combined
with antioxidants. This old
view suggested to avoid this combination
because the Paw Paw
induced cell apoptosis (programmed
cell death) would be
blocked by antioxidants. The current
view, based on our research
efforts, is that antioxidants have no
effect on Paw Paw’s action. In collaboration
with the Ford Cancer
Center, we have demonstrated that
with cultures of HCT-116 (human
colon cancer) cells, Paw Paw, in
combination with a wide variety of
different antioxidants, including
Zambroza, showed the same effect
as when Paw Paw was used alone.
Furthermore, it appears that antioxidants
may actually complement
Paw Paw. Recently published data
show that antioxidants block cellular
HIF-1 (Hypoxia Induced Factor)
by depriving this protein of needed
free radicals. Without free radicals
HIF-1 does not function and without
HIF-1 cancer cells cannot grow
in anaerobic conditions that occur
when tumours are rapidly growing.
Therefore, it appears that Zambroza
and Paw Paw is a beneficial combination
in most cases.
The science behind pharmacognosy
is fascinating and in this article
I have presented a brief scientific
tale of two products. I believe
that you can now see a correlation
of ingredient actives with the health
benefits of these products. These
correlations are supported by scientific
evidence, much of which came
from our original research. This
original research contributes to the
scientific substantiation of product
value and is a mark of distinction
that characterizes Nature’s
Sunshine. And finally, through this
article you have come away with an
understanding of how an industry
leader creates knowledge that facilitates
the development of their truly
outstanding products.
Cancer Facts
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
remember my seminars on Paw
Paw (Asimina triloba) as well as
Paw Paw presentations by Dr. Jerry
McLaughlin, Spence Masson, and
others. Recall that our product Paw
Paw contains a Paw Paw twig
extract. This extract is composed of
over 50 active acetogenins. The fact
that the twigs needed for extraction
are expensive to source (collect)
prompted me to conduct more
research. A collaborative research
project with Dr. Kirk Pomper from
Kentucky State University yielded
some surprising results. We found
that ripe Paw Paw fruits contained
higher concentrations of active acetogenins
as compared to the twigs.
These findings may lead to a less
expensive product because ripe
fruits are much easier to collect and
extract than the twigs.
For a long time it was assumed
that Paw Paw could not be combined
with antioxidants. This old
view suggested to avoid this combination
because the Paw Paw
induced cell apoptosis (programmed
cell death) would be
blocked by antioxidants. The current
view, based on our research
efforts, is that antioxidants have no
effect on Paw Paw’s action. In collaboration
with the Ford Cancer
Center, we have demonstrated that
with cultures of HCT-116 (human
colon cancer) cells, Paw Paw, in
combination with a wide variety of
different antioxidants, including
Zambroza, showed the same effect
as when Paw Paw was used alone.
Furthermore, it appears that antioxidants
may actually complement
Paw Paw. Recently published data
show that antioxidants block cellular
HIF-1 (Hypoxia Induced Factor)
by depriving this protein of needed
free radicals. Without free radicals
HIF-1 does not function and without
HIF-1 cancer cells cannot grow
in anaerobic conditions that occur
when tumours are rapidly growing.
Therefore, it appears that Zambroza
and Paw Paw is a beneficial combination
in most cases.
The science behind pharmacognosy
is fascinating and in this article
I have presented a brief scientific
tale of two products. I believe
that you can now see a correlation
of ingredient actives with the health
benefits of these products. These
correlations are supported by scientific
evidence, much of which came
from our original research. This
original research contributes to the
scientific substantiation of product
value and is a mark of distinction
that characterizes Nature’s
Sunshine. And finally, through this
article you have come away with an
understanding of how an industry
leader creates knowledge that facilitates
the development of their truly
outstanding products.
Cancer Facts
• 159,900 Canadians will be diagnosed
with cancer in 2007
• 72,700 of those Canadians will
die from the disease
• 1 out of 4 Canadians will die of
• Men are slightly more likely
than women of developing cancer
• Cancer is the leading cause of
premature death in Canada
Source: Canadian Cancer Society.
Multiple Supplement Users in Better Health
A 2007 study presented in Nutrition
Journal concludes that individuals
who take multiple supplements are
in better health and have fewer diseases
than those who don’t take
supplements or those who take only
a single supplement. According to
the study, this is due to higher
nutrient concentrations in the body.
Disease risk factors that decreased
with the increased use of supplements
included elevated homocysteine
levels, triglycerides, the ratio
of HDL-to-LDL cholesterol, and
the level of pro-inflammatory biomarkers.
In this study those who took multiple
supplements were 73% less
likely to have diabetes. Multiplesupplement
users had a 39%
decrease in the risk of high blood
pressure and had healthier levels of
homocysteine, triglycerides and
LDL cholesterol, risk factors of
heart disease.
Multiple-supplement users were
defined as individuals who took a
multi-vitamin/mineral supplement,
B-complex, vitamins C, E, and D,
antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids,
and herbal supplements on a regular
basis over a prolonged period of
What’s news in this study is that
it demonstrates the superior health
benefits achieved by taking multiple
combined nutrients in forms of
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
fatty acids and herbs. Those who
took just one single supplement—
say vitamin C only—did not fare as
well in the study.
Prestigious medical journal
recommends adults
take supplements to
prevent disease
It wasn’t that long ago that the
Journal of the American Medical
Association startled the medical
world with the recommendation
that, in addition to a healthy
lifestyle, adults take a multi-vitamin/
mineral supplement for the
prevention of chronic life-threatening
diseases. This was an astonishing
admission, since for decades
mainstream medicine would not
budge from its insistence that one
can get all the nutrition needed
from a balanced diet. However,
with mounting evidence and solid
science behind the use of higher
levels of vitamins and minerals,
modern medicine was forced to do
an about-face.
So, follow your doctor’s orders—
with that apple a day, don’t forget
your supplements.
Multiple supplement
users in better health,
Journal concludes that individuals
who take multiple supplements are
in better health and have fewer diseases
than those who don’t take
supplements or those who take only
a single supplement. According to
the study, this is due to higher
nutrient concentrations in the body.
Disease risk factors that decreased
with the increased use of supplements
included elevated homocysteine
levels, triglycerides, the ratio
of HDL-to-LDL cholesterol, and
the level of pro-inflammatory biomarkers.
In this study those who took multiple
supplements were 73% less
likely to have diabetes. Multiplesupplement
users had a 39%
decrease in the risk of high blood
pressure and had healthier levels of
homocysteine, triglycerides and
LDL cholesterol, risk factors of
heart disease.
Multiple-supplement users were
defined as individuals who took a
multi-vitamin/mineral supplement,
B-complex, vitamins C, E, and D,
antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids,
and herbal supplements on a regular
basis over a prolonged period of
What’s news in this study is that
it demonstrates the superior health
benefits achieved by taking multiple
combined nutrients in forms of
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
fatty acids and herbs. Those who
took just one single supplement—
say vitamin C only—did not fare as
well in the study.
Prestigious medical journal
recommends adults
take supplements to
prevent disease
It wasn’t that long ago that the
Journal of the American Medical
Association startled the medical
world with the recommendation
that, in addition to a healthy
lifestyle, adults take a multi-vitamin/
mineral supplement for the
prevention of chronic life-threatening
diseases. This was an astonishing
admission, since for decades
mainstream medicine would not
budge from its insistence that one
can get all the nutrition needed
from a balanced diet. However,
with mounting evidence and solid
science behind the use of higher
levels of vitamins and minerals,
modern medicine was forced to do
an about-face.
So, follow your doctor’s orders—
with that apple a day, don’t forget
your supplements.
Multiple supplement
users in better health,
Garlic, that smelly little bulb, more
than any other herb has played a
major role in all cuisines of the
world, and in the medicines of
every great civilization. With such a
reputation it’s not surprising that
this humble vegetable continues to
astound modern researchers.
Although small in size, the clove
of garlic is a source of over 100
health-promoting compounds: 75
different organosulfur compounds
(allicin being one of them),
saponins, polyphenols, selenium,
arginine, vitamin C, potassium and
zinc, to name but a few. As with
most whole foods, garlic's healthpromoting
abilities are probably
due to the sum of the whole, rather
than a single component.
With that said, science has discovered
some compounds are more
abundant than others, and the sulfur-
containing compounds in garlic
appear to be responsible for many
of its powers.
Studies indicate garlic protective
against some cancers
A number of studies have reported
on garlic’s ability to fight cancer,
and research continues to find out
just how. A review of more than
thirty-five studies report some protective
effect against cancer in
about 75% of the published articles.
Garlic supports cardiovascular
Garlic has gained lots of attention
for its benefit to cardiovascular
health. Specifically, powerful
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
compounds in garlic protect LDL
cholesterol from oxidation, raise
levels of HDL cholesterol, improve
triglyceride levels, reduce levels of
heart-damaging homocysteine,
inhibit blood clotting, improve
blood pressure, reduce plaque formation,
and protect against the
damaging affect of free radicals and
toxins such as cigarette smoke.
Powerful antibiotic activity
In the oldest records of medicine
garlic has been used as an antiinfectious
Four Thieves Vinegar was a concoction
fed to condemned criminals
in the 1700s made of vinegar wine
and crushed garlic. During the
bubonic plague in 1721, as part of
their death sentence, criminals were
condemned to collect dead bodies
and dig their graves. Surprisingly,
the criminals avoided catching the
plague due to the garlic concoction
they drank!
Today, garlic has been the subject
of many studies into its antibiotic
and antiviral powers. Not surprising,
garlic has been shown to
defend against a host of pathogens.
Even antibiotic-resistant strains of
staphylococci have been no match
for garlic.
How to buy garlic supplements
When purchasing garlic supplements
look for a supplement that
provides all the components of
fresh garlic. Some odourless products
have removed important constituents
of the fresh bulb. Look for
a supplement that guarantees
Cardioprotective effects of garlic found in
various clinical studies
Condition studied % of improvement from garlic
Platelet adhesion 35-58%
(sticking together)
Platelet aggregation 10-25%
LDL cholesterol 5-12%
Total serum cholesterol 6-31+%
Triglycerides 10-19%
Blood pressure 6-8%
Homocysteine 24-35%
LDL oxidation 35-51%
Oxidative damage caused by smoking 29-48%
Microcirculation 67%
than any other herb has played a
major role in all cuisines of the
world, and in the medicines of
every great civilization. With such a
reputation it’s not surprising that
this humble vegetable continues to
astound modern researchers.
Although small in size, the clove
of garlic is a source of over 100
health-promoting compounds: 75
different organosulfur compounds
(allicin being one of them),
saponins, polyphenols, selenium,
arginine, vitamin C, potassium and
zinc, to name but a few. As with
most whole foods, garlic's healthpromoting
abilities are probably
due to the sum of the whole, rather
than a single component.
With that said, science has discovered
some compounds are more
abundant than others, and the sulfur-
containing compounds in garlic
appear to be responsible for many
of its powers.
Studies indicate garlic protective
against some cancers
A number of studies have reported
on garlic’s ability to fight cancer,
and research continues to find out
just how. A review of more than
thirty-five studies report some protective
effect against cancer in
about 75% of the published articles.
Garlic supports cardiovascular
Garlic has gained lots of attention
for its benefit to cardiovascular
health. Specifically, powerful
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
compounds in garlic protect LDL
cholesterol from oxidation, raise
levels of HDL cholesterol, improve
triglyceride levels, reduce levels of
heart-damaging homocysteine,
inhibit blood clotting, improve
blood pressure, reduce plaque formation,
and protect against the
damaging affect of free radicals and
toxins such as cigarette smoke.
Powerful antibiotic activity
In the oldest records of medicine
garlic has been used as an antiinfectious
Four Thieves Vinegar was a concoction
fed to condemned criminals
in the 1700s made of vinegar wine
and crushed garlic. During the
bubonic plague in 1721, as part of
their death sentence, criminals were
condemned to collect dead bodies
and dig their graves. Surprisingly,
the criminals avoided catching the
plague due to the garlic concoction
they drank!
Today, garlic has been the subject
of many studies into its antibiotic
and antiviral powers. Not surprising,
garlic has been shown to
defend against a host of pathogens.
Even antibiotic-resistant strains of
staphylococci have been no match
for garlic.
How to buy garlic supplements
When purchasing garlic supplements
look for a supplement that
provides all the components of
fresh garlic. Some odourless products
have removed important constituents
of the fresh bulb. Look for
a supplement that guarantees
Cardioprotective effects of garlic found in
various clinical studies
Condition studied % of improvement from garlic
Platelet adhesion 35-58%
(sticking together)
Platelet aggregation 10-25%
LDL cholesterol 5-12%
Total serum cholesterol 6-31+%
Triglycerides 10-19%
Blood pressure 6-8%
Homocysteine 24-35%
LDL oxidation 35-51%
Oxidative damage caused by smoking 29-48%
Microcirculation 67%
Listen to Your Gut
A healthy intestinal environment is
the very foundation of good health.
And one of the best ways to keep
your intestines in good health is to
ensure a proper balance of gut flora
(friendly bacteria).
Having a healthy population of
gut flora alleviates several uncomfortable
conditions like gas and
bloating, diarrhea, constipation,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, yeast
overgrowth and general intestinal
But that’s just the beginning. The
benefits of maintaining good intestinal
bacteria levels go far beyond
easing intestinal discomforts. Gut
flora produce certain B vitamins
and even omega-3 fatty acids.
They’re responsible for producing
digestive enzymes like lactase, and
powerful immune factors.
But this critical ecosystem is
fragile and easily disturbed. Some
antibiotics can completely kill off
Hippocrates said...
Eating alone will not keep a
man well; he must also take
exercise. For food and exercise,
while possessing opposite qualities,
yet work together to produce
—Hippocrates, 5th Century
Do vitamins extend
In a UCLA report in 1992 it was
announced that men who took
800 mg a day of vitamin C lived
six years longer than those who
consumed the FDA's recommended
daily allowance of
60 mg a day. The study, which
evaluated 11,348 participants
over a ten year period of time,
showed that high vitamin C
intake extended average life
span and reduced mortality from
cardiovascular disease by 42%.
This study was published in the
journal Epidemiology (1992;
3:3, pp 194-202).
In another study involving
11,178 participants (published in
The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition August 1996),
those who took vitamin C and E
supplements experienced a 42%
reduction in overall mortality.
Yellow pigment is a
potent antioxidant
Science has discovered that
turmeric, the yellow compound
in curcumin, has some impressive
antioxidant properties.
Some of its published benefits
include cardiovascular support,
and reduced inflammation. You
can find turmeric in the NSP’s
Super Trio Pack.
Healthy Bits
the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Steroid drugs like cortisone and
prednisone, as well as birth control
pills and chemotherapy can also
upset your gut flora. In addition,
poor nutrition and weak digestion
can impair the efficiency of intestinal
bacteria, as can stress, trauma,
surgery, or parasitic infestation.
When the number or activity
level of your good bacteria drops
too low, it opens the door for harmful
bacteria to proliferate, allowing
the opportunity for diseases to
Keeping your population of
friendly bacteria up is an important
step to good health. To restore
friendly bacteria take a daily supplement
and you’ll soon be back in
Supplement daily with
Bifidophilus Flora Force or
the very foundation of good health.
And one of the best ways to keep
your intestines in good health is to
ensure a proper balance of gut flora
(friendly bacteria).
Having a healthy population of
gut flora alleviates several uncomfortable
conditions like gas and
bloating, diarrhea, constipation,
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, yeast
overgrowth and general intestinal
But that’s just the beginning. The
benefits of maintaining good intestinal
bacteria levels go far beyond
easing intestinal discomforts. Gut
flora produce certain B vitamins
and even omega-3 fatty acids.
They’re responsible for producing
digestive enzymes like lactase, and
powerful immune factors.
But this critical ecosystem is
fragile and easily disturbed. Some
antibiotics can completely kill off
Hippocrates said...
Eating alone will not keep a
man well; he must also take
exercise. For food and exercise,
while possessing opposite qualities,
yet work together to produce
—Hippocrates, 5th Century
Do vitamins extend
In a UCLA report in 1992 it was
announced that men who took
800 mg a day of vitamin C lived
six years longer than those who
consumed the FDA's recommended
daily allowance of
60 mg a day. The study, which
evaluated 11,348 participants
over a ten year period of time,
showed that high vitamin C
intake extended average life
span and reduced mortality from
cardiovascular disease by 42%.
This study was published in the
journal Epidemiology (1992;
3:3, pp 194-202).
In another study involving
11,178 participants (published in
The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition August 1996),
those who took vitamin C and E
supplements experienced a 42%
reduction in overall mortality.
Yellow pigment is a
potent antioxidant
Science has discovered that
turmeric, the yellow compound
in curcumin, has some impressive
antioxidant properties.
Some of its published benefits
include cardiovascular support,
and reduced inflammation. You
can find turmeric in the NSP’s
Super Trio Pack.
Healthy Bits
the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Steroid drugs like cortisone and
prednisone, as well as birth control
pills and chemotherapy can also
upset your gut flora. In addition,
poor nutrition and weak digestion
can impair the efficiency of intestinal
bacteria, as can stress, trauma,
surgery, or parasitic infestation.
When the number or activity
level of your good bacteria drops
too low, it opens the door for harmful
bacteria to proliferate, allowing
the opportunity for diseases to
Keeping your population of
friendly bacteria up is an important
step to good health. To restore
friendly bacteria take a daily supplement
and you’ll soon be back in
Supplement daily with
Bifidophilus Flora Force or
Healthy Tidbits
Healthy Tidbits
Hippocrates said...
Eating alone will not keep a
man well; he must also take
exercise. For food and exercise,
while possessing opposite qualities,
yet work together to produce
—Hippocrates, 5th Century
Do vitamins extend
In a UCLA report in 1992 it was
announced that men who took
800 mg a day of vitamin C lived
six years longer than those who
consumed the FDA's recommended
daily allowance of
60 mg a day. The study, which
evaluated 11,348 participants
over a ten year period of time,
showed that high vitamin C
intake extended average life
span and reduced mortality from
cardiovascular disease by 42%.
This study was published in the
journal Epidemiology (1992;
3:3, pp 194-202).
In another study involving
11,178 participants (published in
The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition August 1996),
those who took vitamin C and E
supplements experienced a 42%
reduction in overall mortality.
Yellow pigment is a
potent antioxidant
Science has discovered that
turmeric, the yellow compound
in curcumin, has some impressive
antioxidant properties.
Some of its published benefits
include cardiovascular support,
and reduced inflammation. You
can find turmeric in the NSP’s
Super Trio Pack.
Hippocrates said...
Eating alone will not keep a
man well; he must also take
exercise. For food and exercise,
while possessing opposite qualities,
yet work together to produce
—Hippocrates, 5th Century
Do vitamins extend
In a UCLA report in 1992 it was
announced that men who took
800 mg a day of vitamin C lived
six years longer than those who
consumed the FDA's recommended
daily allowance of
60 mg a day. The study, which
evaluated 11,348 participants
over a ten year period of time,
showed that high vitamin C
intake extended average life
span and reduced mortality from
cardiovascular disease by 42%.
This study was published in the
journal Epidemiology (1992;
3:3, pp 194-202).
In another study involving
11,178 participants (published in
The American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition August 1996),
those who took vitamin C and E
supplements experienced a 42%
reduction in overall mortality.
Yellow pigment is a
potent antioxidant
Science has discovered that
turmeric, the yellow compound
in curcumin, has some impressive
antioxidant properties.
Some of its published benefits
include cardiovascular support,
and reduced inflammation. You
can find turmeric in the NSP’s
Super Trio Pack.
Many people who suffer from indigestion
are actually deficient in
digestive enzymes.
The process of digesting food
starts in the mouth, where chewing
and saliva begin the breakdown of
food. The process is then continued
in the stomach and intestines. Raw
fruits and vegetables contain their
own digestive enzymes to help in
their own digestion. However,
meats and other cooked foods are
devoid of enzymes and are hard on
the digestive system.
Over the years our digestive system
falters from dietary abuses and
Acid indigestion may mean
not enough enzymes
a reduction in digestive fluids.
Digestive enzyme supplements to
the rescue! By taking digestive
enzymes with meals you can reduce
digestive upsets because the
enzymes help your body digest
food. Digestive enzymes also help
you absorb more of your food’s
Many people who suffer from indigestion
are actually deficient in
digestive enzymes.
The process of digesting food
starts in the mouth, where chewing
and saliva begin the breakdown of
food. The process is then continued
in the stomach and intestines. Raw
fruits and vegetables contain their
own digestive enzymes to help in
their own digestion. However,
meats and other cooked foods are
devoid of enzymes and are hard on
the digestive system.
Over the years our digestive system
falters from dietary abuses and
Acid indigestion may mean
not enough enzymes
a reduction in digestive fluids.
Digestive enzyme supplements to
the rescue! By taking digestive
enzymes with meals you can reduce
digestive upsets because the
enzymes help your body digest
food. Digestive enzymes also help
you absorb more of your food’s
Migraine Headahes
Migraine Facts: Know the
It is estimated that 30 million North
Americans suffer from migraine
headaches on a regular basis.
For unknown reasons, migraine
headaches are three times more
common in women than
in men. Most migraine sufferers
(about 60 percent) experience their
first attack before the age of twenty.
Symptoms of migraine may
• Moderate to severe pain on one
or both sides of the head
• Pulsating or throbbing pain
• Pain worse with physical activity
• Nausea with or without vomiting
• Sensitivity to light or sound
Approximately 20 percent of people
with migraines experience
what's called an aura prior to the
migraine. Symptoms of an aura
include flashes of light, zig zags, or
blind spots in your vision or tingling
in one arm or leg.
There is a natural solution called
Feverfew. Feverfew has traditionally
been used to alleviate or lessen
the severity of migraine headaches,
and to reduce the intensity and
Plant relief for migraine sufferers
duration of migraine headaches.
High Potency Feverfew provides
six times more parthenolides—its
active ingredient—per capsule than
the regular feverfew supplements
sold on the market.
For the most
effective relief
take High
Feverfew on a
regular basis to
reduce the frequency
intensity of
Nothing written or portrayed in this publication should be taken as prescription, diagnoses or a substitute for consultation
with a competent health professional. It is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor concerning any ailment or when
starting a supplement program. For educational purposes only. Stock #15638-0 (15)
It is estimated that 30 million North
Americans suffer from migraine
headaches on a regular basis.
For unknown reasons, migraine
headaches are three times more
common in women than
in men. Most migraine sufferers
(about 60 percent) experience their
first attack before the age of twenty.
Symptoms of migraine may
• Moderate to severe pain on one
or both sides of the head
• Pulsating or throbbing pain
• Pain worse with physical activity
• Nausea with or without vomiting
• Sensitivity to light or sound
Approximately 20 percent of people
with migraines experience
what's called an aura prior to the
migraine. Symptoms of an aura
include flashes of light, zig zags, or
blind spots in your vision or tingling
in one arm or leg.
There is a natural solution called
Feverfew. Feverfew has traditionally
been used to alleviate or lessen
the severity of migraine headaches,
and to reduce the intensity and
Plant relief for migraine sufferers
duration of migraine headaches.
High Potency Feverfew provides
six times more parthenolides—its
active ingredient—per capsule than
the regular feverfew supplements
sold on the market.
For the most
effective relief
take High
Feverfew on a
regular basis to
reduce the frequency
intensity of
Nothing written or portrayed in this publication should be taken as prescription, diagnoses or a substitute for consultation
with a competent health professional. It is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor concerning any ailment or when
starting a supplement program. For educational purposes only. Stock #15638-0 (15)
Antiperspirants and Cancer
Studies Link Antiperspirants to Cancer
For years the link between breast
cancer and antiperspirants has been
scoffed at and regarded an urban
myth due to a lack of evidence.
That was until British researchers
found chemicals used in antiperspirants
and other cosmetic products
in breast tumors.
"Our research certainly does not
prove causality, but we believe that
in a few of these tumors the level of
this chemical was high enough to
promote breast cancer cell growth,”
says lead researcher Philippa
Darbre, PhD.
In a more recent study, British
researcher Dr Chris Exley, showed
that higher concentrations of aluminum
salts, a common ingredient
in antiperspirants, can be found in
breast tissue and breast fat nearest
to the underarm region. In 17 breast
cancer patients who underwent a
mastectomy, aluminum was found
to have passed through the underarm
skin and into breast tissue.
“Aluminum is a metalloestrogen,
it is genotoxic, is bound by DNA
and has been shown to be
carcinogenic. The confirmed
presence of aluminum
in breast tissue
biopsies highlights its
potential as a possible
factor in the aetiology of
breast cancer,” said Dr.
Aluminum used in
antiperspirants acts as
estrogen and therefore
could increase the risk of
other estrogen-related
cancers, such as prostate
cancer, and may also
interfere with hormonal
There is a natural,
effective alternative to
antiperspirants that might
just reduce your risk of some cancers.
Natural deodorants made of large
alum molecules in a salt form that
cannot be absorbed into the body or
blood stream are available. They
don’t contain aluminum that can
clog pores or enter the body.
Neither do they stop the natural
process of perspiration
in attempting to eliminate
odour. Natural deodorants
work by keeping the bacteria
on the skin from multiplying.
They effectively
impede the growth of bacteria
by raising the pH level
of the skin, forming a highalkaline
environment that
stops bacteria in its tracks.
Natural deodorants don’t
just mask odour but actually
eliminate it.
Sadly, despite this new
evidence and the availability
of healthy alternatives for
women and men, the
industry still claims the cancer link
to its products is a myth.
NSP offers Crystal Clear, a natural
deodorant that is safe and effective
for both women and men.
Source: (Pam Stephan's
Breast Cancer Blog);;
For years the link between breast
cancer and antiperspirants has been
scoffed at and regarded an urban
myth due to a lack of evidence.
That was until British researchers
found chemicals used in antiperspirants
and other cosmetic products
in breast tumors.
"Our research certainly does not
prove causality, but we believe that
in a few of these tumors the level of
this chemical was high enough to
promote breast cancer cell growth,”
says lead researcher Philippa
Darbre, PhD.
In a more recent study, British
researcher Dr Chris Exley, showed
that higher concentrations of aluminum
salts, a common ingredient
in antiperspirants, can be found in
breast tissue and breast fat nearest
to the underarm region. In 17 breast
cancer patients who underwent a
mastectomy, aluminum was found
to have passed through the underarm
skin and into breast tissue.
“Aluminum is a metalloestrogen,
it is genotoxic, is bound by DNA
and has been shown to be
carcinogenic. The confirmed
presence of aluminum
in breast tissue
biopsies highlights its
potential as a possible
factor in the aetiology of
breast cancer,” said Dr.
Aluminum used in
antiperspirants acts as
estrogen and therefore
could increase the risk of
other estrogen-related
cancers, such as prostate
cancer, and may also
interfere with hormonal
There is a natural,
effective alternative to
antiperspirants that might
just reduce your risk of some cancers.
Natural deodorants made of large
alum molecules in a salt form that
cannot be absorbed into the body or
blood stream are available. They
don’t contain aluminum that can
clog pores or enter the body.
Neither do they stop the natural
process of perspiration
in attempting to eliminate
odour. Natural deodorants
work by keeping the bacteria
on the skin from multiplying.
They effectively
impede the growth of bacteria
by raising the pH level
of the skin, forming a highalkaline
environment that
stops bacteria in its tracks.
Natural deodorants don’t
just mask odour but actually
eliminate it.
Sadly, despite this new
evidence and the availability
of healthy alternatives for
women and men, the
industry still claims the cancer link
to its products is a myth.
NSP offers Crystal Clear, a natural
deodorant that is safe and effective
for both women and men.
Source: (Pam Stephan's
Breast Cancer Blog);;
Urinary Tract Infection
38. Urinary Tract Infection and Weight Loss
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
Terry had just completed a 3 day course with Donna Roth and she was all fired up about taking her health on ,in a big way . She was several pounds overweight, feeling fat and uncomfortable. She had in the past experienced urinary tract infections that created those horrible burning sensations whenever she went to the bathroom. Purchasing the book , Paleo Diet by Dr Cordain and the essential Nature’s Sunshine products was Terry’s first step. Now armed with knowledge and determination Terry started her herbal routine ;
Probiotic 11 , 2 capsules first thing in the morning,
A shake with frozen berries, whey protein as in NutriBurn and Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic,
Drinking lots of water and Chlorophyll to flush the system then exercise .
Sugar and grains were totally eliminated.
Parsley, Capsicum and Super Omega 3 were taken with each meal
These products were indicated by a Zyto scan and Donna Roth’s muscle testing technique. When the occasional hunger or craving struck Terry , she simply ate some almonds. Only one week into the program Terry, feeling quite confident and in control , started to feel that awful dreaded sensation of burning within the urinary tract, a feeling she had in the past identified with as a urinary tract infection. The thought of going to the doctor crossed her mind but only for an instant when she came to the realization that the only thing the doctor could do for her was to prescribe an antibiotic which she had succumbed to in the past. But not this time ! An absolute “AHA” moment hit her! “If I but feed my body what it really needs then my body will heal itself .” That statement struck her as profound and almost new founded ! The course had taught her to take control. to be empowered and to trust in the obvious. Yes her body would heal even without the antibiotics that she was taught to rely on in the past. The past was the past and this was no longer a part of her being. Terry had entered into the dark tunnel of the unknown . Would she live through this without antibiotics. Would these simple herbs really heal her body? All kinds of questions flooded her anxious mind. She dived into this program with purpose . She increased her water consumption with lots of Chlorophyll, she increased the Parsley especially designed for the kidneys to 8 capsules a day. The end was certainly nowhere in sight. The bloating was getting worse and the pain was in no way subsiding. Day three and still no results and things were now even worse than ever ! Fright was almost ready to take over. However, one thing was clear; quitting was not an option. The words from Donna’s course kept ringing in her ears, “Feed the body and allow the body to take its course of action and give it time to heal. Infections usually take about 3 to 7 days.” The morning of the fourth day finally arrived . Terry woke up to use the bathroom. The bloating was gone . The pain had subsided. The burning sensation was no longer there . In truth the urinary tract infection was gone! “ I had just crossed the threshold of the incredible ! I had cured my urinary tract infection without any antibiotics! “ Now onto the scale for the morning weigh–in : two pounds lighter and 5 pounds in total since starting the program one week ago. How empowering to know that your body will heal all on its own once you provide it with the nutrition it needs to do the healing!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Chinese Herbals
Chinese Herbals
LIV-C (Brings about harmony)
Normalizes liver and gallbladder function; reduces hyperactivity; strengthens digestion; relieves nervous stress; nourishes blood; regulates menstruation; relieves cramping and
tension; calms agitation and irritation; enhances circulation
of Chi.
Stock# 1862-8
STR-C (Pacifies the spirit)
Normalizes heart functions; calms the nervous system;relieves inflammation; settles rising Chi; opens up circulation of Chi in the chest; clears Chi that irritates the intestines and urinary tract; reduces excitability; stabilizes emotions; improves memory; purges excess Chi.Stock# 1871-0
AG-C (Clears the congestion)
Clears stagnant moisture in the digestive system; relievesreaction to foods; settles nausea; normalizes appetite; normalizes the digestive system and the nerves; relieves congestion of the gastrointestinal tract and the joints; broadens interests; expands thinking.Stock# 1870-4
AL-C (Ventilates the lungs)
Removes congestion; improves digestion; normalizes lungfunctions, clears phlegm; relieves inflammation; aids circulation in the upper body; helps one to look up and let goof the past; relaxes defensive posture; tonifies Chi; deepens breathing.Stock# 1864-0
K-C (Clears the dampness)
Removes excess moisture; relieves swelling; restores normal function of the kidney and bladder; normalizes tissuesof the urinary tract; relieves the stress of edema; clarifiesand focuses attention; clears excessive moisture.Stock# 1872-5
IF-C (Clears the heat)
Cools the blood; clears the excess; normalizes tissues ofthe head; activates circulation of Chi and blood; calms agitation; harmonizes internal feelings with external expression; clears excess Chi. Stock# 1874-3
AD-C (Relieves the depression)
Settles agitation; disperses congested Chi, moisture, andblood; regulates the hormones; relieves tightness in the chest and congestion; activates circulation of Chi and blood; opens a wider view of the world; relieves emphasis on personal conditions; promotes circulation of Chi. Stock# 1877-2
BP-C (Nourishes the blood)
Enhances immune functions; normalizes menstruation; normalizes liver and cellular functions; vitalizes blood circulation; softens responses; increases decisiveness; strengthens Chi; strengthens lower body. Stock# 1882-1
HS-C (Nurtures the heart)
Nourishes the blood; tonifies Yin; normalizes the heart functions; improves circulation in the chest; strengthens lower body; clarifies mind; improves memory; strengthens will; strengthens Chi and Yang; nurtures the heart. Stock# 1884-7
UC-C (Warms the centre)
Enhances absorption and utilization of nutrients; removesexcessive moisture; normalizes the digestive functions; strengthens the muscles supporting the internal organs; activates circulation of Chi in the interior and the limbs; increases responsiveness. Stock# 1891-4
LH-C (Supports the weak)
Moistens dryness; reduces feverish feeling; aids utilization of nutrients; normalizes lung functions; relaxes tension in the chest; restores sense of power and strength; tonifies and consolidates Chi. Stock# 1890-3
KB-C (Strengthens the bones)
Improves hearing; regulates hormones; normalizes function of kidney and bladder; strengthens will and drive; tonifies Chi and Yang. Stock# 1883-3
HY-C (Nourishes the Yin)
Moistens the dryness; regulates the hormones and the circulation; strengthens lower body; cools the blood; strengthens will; relaxes overbearing nature; tonifies and regulates the Chi. Stock# 1885-0
IMM-C (Generates the pulse)
Restores normal organ functions; nourishes the blood; strengthens the bones; regulates the moisture; normalizes the immune system; enhances circulation; improves outlook on life; tonifies Chi and Yang. Stock# 1892-6
LIV-C (Brings about harmony)
Normalizes liver and gallbladder function; reduces hyperactivity; strengthens digestion; relieves nervous stress; nourishes blood; regulates menstruation; relieves cramping and
tension; calms agitation and irritation; enhances circulation
of Chi.
Stock# 1862-8
STR-C (Pacifies the spirit)
Normalizes heart functions; calms the nervous system;relieves inflammation; settles rising Chi; opens up circulation of Chi in the chest; clears Chi that irritates the intestines and urinary tract; reduces excitability; stabilizes emotions; improves memory; purges excess Chi.Stock# 1871-0
AG-C (Clears the congestion)
Clears stagnant moisture in the digestive system; relievesreaction to foods; settles nausea; normalizes appetite; normalizes the digestive system and the nerves; relieves congestion of the gastrointestinal tract and the joints; broadens interests; expands thinking.Stock# 1870-4
AL-C (Ventilates the lungs)
Removes congestion; improves digestion; normalizes lungfunctions, clears phlegm; relieves inflammation; aids circulation in the upper body; helps one to look up and let goof the past; relaxes defensive posture; tonifies Chi; deepens breathing.Stock# 1864-0
K-C (Clears the dampness)
Removes excess moisture; relieves swelling; restores normal function of the kidney and bladder; normalizes tissuesof the urinary tract; relieves the stress of edema; clarifiesand focuses attention; clears excessive moisture.Stock# 1872-5
IF-C (Clears the heat)
Cools the blood; clears the excess; normalizes tissues ofthe head; activates circulation of Chi and blood; calms agitation; harmonizes internal feelings with external expression; clears excess Chi. Stock# 1874-3
AD-C (Relieves the depression)
Settles agitation; disperses congested Chi, moisture, andblood; regulates the hormones; relieves tightness in the chest and congestion; activates circulation of Chi and blood; opens a wider view of the world; relieves emphasis on personal conditions; promotes circulation of Chi. Stock# 1877-2
BP-C (Nourishes the blood)
Enhances immune functions; normalizes menstruation; normalizes liver and cellular functions; vitalizes blood circulation; softens responses; increases decisiveness; strengthens Chi; strengthens lower body. Stock# 1882-1
HS-C (Nurtures the heart)
Nourishes the blood; tonifies Yin; normalizes the heart functions; improves circulation in the chest; strengthens lower body; clarifies mind; improves memory; strengthens will; strengthens Chi and Yang; nurtures the heart. Stock# 1884-7
UC-C (Warms the centre)
Enhances absorption and utilization of nutrients; removesexcessive moisture; normalizes the digestive functions; strengthens the muscles supporting the internal organs; activates circulation of Chi in the interior and the limbs; increases responsiveness. Stock# 1891-4
LH-C (Supports the weak)
Moistens dryness; reduces feverish feeling; aids utilization of nutrients; normalizes lung functions; relaxes tension in the chest; restores sense of power and strength; tonifies and consolidates Chi. Stock# 1890-3
KB-C (Strengthens the bones)
Improves hearing; regulates hormones; normalizes function of kidney and bladder; strengthens will and drive; tonifies Chi and Yang. Stock# 1883-3
HY-C (Nourishes the Yin)
Moistens the dryness; regulates the hormones and the circulation; strengthens lower body; cools the blood; strengthens will; relaxes overbearing nature; tonifies and regulates the Chi. Stock# 1885-0
IMM-C (Generates the pulse)
Restores normal organ functions; nourishes the blood; strengthens the bones; regulates the moisture; normalizes the immune system; enhances circulation; improves outlook on life; tonifies Chi and Yang. Stock# 1892-6
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