From the Desk of Donna Roth October , 2011 250 764 2852
Health requires constant vigilance and work. Health is earned. There are those diagnosed with cancers that quit the Paw Paw Program. There are those suffering from various diseases that quit their herbal programs prematurely. Here are the reasons that have been brought forth to me:
1. There are those who favour more" sophisticated" approaches to cancer.
Of course these much more expensive treatments sound much more attractive. And because it is more expensive it follows that it must be far superior.
Sophistication does not necessarily equal greater health results.
More expensive does not necessarily equal health success.
2. Donna Roth is not a doctor so why would anyone even lend her an ear. Clinics in Mexico, United States, and elsewhere in Canada have real doctors.
Real doctors does not necessarily equal health success .
3. All she is trying to do is to sell a product.
It is interesting to find the number of people who purchase the" drug products" from a pharmacy and yet never say" the pharmacy is just” trying to sell me a product." But the difference is that we , at NSP, offer excellent education and lead you to understand health.
Just trying to sell a product does not equal health success .
4. It costs too much money.
To put money into perspective consider the car you drive. A car costs much money. You did not have that money. Yet you went to the bank and borrowed that money to buy that car because it was your priority. So the" it costs too much money" is not really the issue. The issue here is your priority. Just as a car was your priority and you found the money to buy the car so health is your chosen priority and you would set aside the money you needed to purchase the necessary items for your health. The vehicle that I drive 24 /7 from this day forth and for the rest of my life is my body and for me it is of utmost importance to sustain its health so that it can serve me well till the day I leave this world. I love the words of my son, Dean," I am following a health code."
Consider also Sheena, who 14 1/2 years ago at the age of 25 years was diagnosed with her second bout of cancer and given only two months to live. She hardly had a penny to her name. But she made a firm immovable decision to follow an herbal program which would cost her about $300 a month for several months. Not once did she waiver in sticking to the program. When asked,” where did you get your money" she simply replies, “the universe provided." In other words her stand for her health was so strong and her decision so final that her friends and family helped her. Does she look back today and say," it cost too much money!" On the contrary. Today she walks in abundance of health and wealth and freely provides offerings to those in need if they choose to follow an herbal program just as she did many years ago.It costs too much money does not equal good health.
5.I am in good health.
What is health? I often hear the statement," Oh I am in good health." when in fact the body of that same voice is being subjected to a drug, a prescribed medication on a daily basis. You are simply not healthy if you are taking a drug or medication on a daily basis. I am proud to say that I have not taken a medication, a drug, an antibiotic not even an aspirin for 29 years of my life.
Taking medications does not equal good health.
There are alternatives to all medications. I urge you to pay strict adherence to this health code:
1. Eliminate foods that feed Candida.
2. Have a high power Smoothie every day with:
Mineral Chi Tonic
Collatrim Plus
Flax Hull Lignans
Water and ice
3. Take herbs for your individualized specific needs.
Infection - Cats Claw Combination and Silver Guard
Brain- Focus ATN, Gingko Biloba
Lungs- Mullein, LH-C
Liver – Milk Thistle, LIV-C
Heart – MC, Hawthorn
Stomach Ulcers – ULC-R
Kidneys- K
Arthritis – ART-A
Bowels – BWL-BLD
Colitis, Chrone’s - UC3J
Eyes- Perfect Eyes
Diabetes – P14
Stress – Stress Pak
Yeast – Yeast/Fungal Detox
Candida – Candida Clear
Cancer – Paw Paw
Thyroid – KC-X
Calcium- CA ATC
Pain – High Potency Feverfew
Prostate – Men’s Formula
Cholesterol – Cholester-Reg
Iron- I-X
4. Refer to my site . Become educated , become an expert in your own health, follow a health code and call me if you need help. 250 764 2852
5.Become a distributor of NSP products, help others, earn an income. Ask me how !
We offer state -of –the- art quality controlled herbals designed to be the leading edge of nutrition, health and fitness. Please visit , complete the Lifestyle Analysis and discover your own individualized supplement needs. Then contact me for education and assistance in placing your order.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
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