Thursday, May 3, 2012
Gall Bladder Flush
Three days before the flush take LIV-C 3 with each meal , Hydrangea 3 four times a day and Lecithin 3 with each meal.
On the day of the flush mix 4 T of Epsom Salts in 3 cups of cold water and refrigerate.
6 pm 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
8 pm 3/4 cup epsom salts
9:45 pm Prepare 1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Lemon Juice0
10 drops Black Walnut extract
Shake hard
Use the bathroom
10:00 Sip the above Olive Oil mixture with a straw.
Lie down immediately and lie still for 20 minutes.
Then fall asleep.
8:00 am 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
10:00 am 3/4 cup Epsom Salts
12:00 You can eat.
Kidney Cleanse
8 am - Drink a glass of water with a squirt of lemon juice and 2 capsules of K
9:30 am - Drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of Liquid Chlorophyll and take 2 capsules of K , 1 Hydrangea
11:00 am Water and lemon juice and 2 K, 1 Hydrangea
12:30 am Water and Liquid Chlorophyll and 2 K , 1 Hydrangea
Repeat every hour and a half until 9:30 pm .
If there are kidney stones add 1 Marshmallow capsule to each glass of water.
If there is arthritis add 2 capsules ART-A.
If there is pain take lemon juice straight up.
This cleanse has been known to be very effective for kidney stones, gout arthritis., blood pressure
The kidney cleanse can be repeated twice a month if needed.
In between cleanses take Mineral Chi Tonic 2 oz and K , ART-A and Hydrangea on a daily basis about 2 capsules three times a day until all symptoms subside.
One Day Bowel Cleanse
Aloe Vera juice 2 oz in 1 glass water , ½ Solstic 1 T Chi Tonic, 1 tsp Green Zone 4 times a day.
BWL-BLD or LBS 11 2 to 4 capsules each time