Totally Amazing
Please register for our next Nature's Sunshine sponsored
session with :
Jennifer Cole , General Manager of Nature's Sunshine Canada
Lynn Kildaw
Donna Roth
On Thursday , November 6/2014
At 6:45 pm for refreshments
Ramada Inn in Kelowna
Agenda :
Weight Loss and the new products just released
Convention recap.
Success stories, arthritis, cancer, heart , infection,
I am looking for 100 registrations. Please notify me if you
are able to help me make this happen.
My gratitude goes out to the following people who have come
forward to assist:
Kathy and Gunner
Nick and Sheila
The call with Dr. Joen was inspiring as she related the
results her sister received using the Paw Paw program for overcoming cancer. Dr. Joen than proceeded to discuss
what she did when her athletic husband underwent a serious heart attack. She was very quickly able to use the
Emergency teachings from TAFYH to guide her husband through the heart attack and then drove him to the Mayo
Clinic. By the time he arrived to the Mayo Clinic he was no longer experiencing the symptoms. The Mayo Clinic
called his heart attack the " Widow Maker"meaning no one ever survives such a serious case. As a result
of this experience the Mayo Clinic has asked Dr. Joen to give talks in regards to the Emergency program
she used and how to prevent heart attacks from happening.Everyone needs this information as heart disease is one of
the leading cause of death next to cancer. I am enclosing the playback number.
Here is what Dr. Joen did:
9 MC all at once with Capsicum opened in water.
This is totally amazing but I have witnessed this same
procedure work for others. Preparedness is powerful and this education is offered to you in TAFYH and Please contact me
to register for the next session.
The call next Monday features Werner and prostate cancer.
Every Monday at 5:45 PST
Number: (760) 569-7676
Access Code: 972723
Playback (760) 569-7699