Friday, November 27, 2015


Stroke :  Louise’s Husband Massive Stroke, A Miracle
Today, August 20, 2015 I had a wonderful conversation with Louise as she reported the miraculous success her husband had in recuperating from a massive stroke that took his health on Boxing Day , Dec. 26, 2015.
He was immediately hospitalized and his condition was dismal. He had lost his balance and could not walk. He could not see on one side. His right hand was particularly affected and he could not write at all. His memory was unstable. He could not think straight.  He had a hard time even knowing how to turn around in a room. Everything was upside down. Louise explained that he was in terrible shape and did not even know if he would recover because he also had a weakened heart even from childhood. “ This happened to my husband after he had a polyp removed from his colon. I was in an extreme state of stress.” But Louise did not give up on her husband. She was grateful to the excellent Rehab people who really helped him with the essential exercises that needed to be done. As soon as her husband got home from the hospital Louise gave him Smoothies as many times as she could in a day. “ Before the stroke he would not take anything. He did not believe in any of this herbal stuff. We had lots of arguments about taking herbs.” Now there was no argument. The Smoothies contained Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, Flax Lignans, Aloe Vera juice, Arginine Plus and water. Louise also gave her husband CoQ10 , crystal free from Nature’s Sunshine, B 12, Vitamin D3 , Magnesium, MC off and on  and CurQMin. Louise also used a couple of products that she bought elsewhere. All sugars, all grains, all legumes and milk were eliminated.  She did this for her husband every day for 8 months. Was it worth the effort?
Here are the results as of August 20/2015
He can write maybe not as well as he used to but it is legible and readable.
He can walk without losing any balance and as a matter of fact he walks 3 miles a day.
His memory has totally come back.
His vision is great and he can see perfectly.
He did his driver’s test and passed it!
He got his driver’s licence back with no restrictions.
He goes out and socializes with all his friends.
Everything is back to normal.

“ I believe in prayer and I believe the right people come into your  life when you ask in prayer. Today he is a real believer and asks to have those Smoothies. We have been through a lot but we made it! This has been a miracle in our lives!”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Wonders of the Vascular System

The Wonders of the Vascular System

This lesson is really an out- of -the- box lesson. Who else out there talks about the vascular system; the tubes in your body that house the blood, the lymph fluids and move out the waste matter. The health of these tubes is of utmost importance to the healthy functioning of the entire body. The big big tube known as the intestinal tract has a big job and that is moving out  all the morbid waste matter and the toxic acids. Imagine what could happen to the health of a vulnerable organ of your body if the
bowel is sluggish and can't perform its duty! On the other hand imagine what could happen to your vascular tubes if you don't provide it with enough nutrition to rejuvenate! That's what we do in TAFYH. We take high performance Smoothies and we cleanse!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Eye on the Flu Shot

Eye on the Flu Shot

Thursday, November 5, 2015

TAFYH Tidbits

My name is Michele.
I became a TAFYH leader because I had a health issue I wanted to resolve. I read many books; I searched the internet. I talked to many people involved with health and everyone had different suggestions and different products.  For years I have been working with a naturopath to help with my IBS, allergies and food intolerances. Upon her suggestion, I enrolled in TAFYH. I tried many things but nothing worked as well as TAFYH, which presented me with the sound, scientifically documented educational information I needed to make the right choices regarding foods, super foods, supplements and herbals. I was truly empowered and confident with this information. TAFYH allowed me to take action for my own health with the guidance of a caring TAFYH leader and coach. (Donna Roth) Within a few short weeks I was feeling different. After experiencing a health crisis where my body rid itself of infection and parasites, I felt lighter, more energetic. My thoughts were clearer. My cellulite disappeared and abdominal cramps stopped.  By the end of TAFYH I got amazing results. I lost 10 lbs over the course of the program. I have found my dancer’s waistline again!! Well, almost, I’m at 29 inches! I got rid of total body inflammation. I got rid of intestinal parasites and cellulite. My skin glows. I have more mental clarity; I am more able to be objective. I have steady, stable and available energy. Most importantly, I have tools to evaluate my state of health and I know what to do when my body is out of balance. Not only did I get results, everyone in my team got results. Shauna has been cancer free longer on nutritional supplements than on chemotherapy. Chris, who is the CEO of a large corporation, sees the positive impact of his good health on the quality of day he and his employees have, Karen is full of exploding energy, Pat now has a deep respect for her body and conquered smoking. Margot, who is coping with squamous cell carcinoma, has experienced much needed deep cleansing after a reaction to anaesthesia and morphine.

 I then decided that I wanted to become a TAFYH leader and this is when I took the TAFYH training with Donna Roth and had the opportunity to hear the results that other TAFYH leaders experienced

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

TAFYH Tidbits

I loved Valerie's concept this morning concerning the Emergency program. She has used this program many times with her husband who is diagnosed with a rare blood disorder . When his heart began to fail she just used this program and she personally witnessed her husband' s health normalize. Everyone needs to have MC, CoQ10 and Capsicum at home for emergency purposes.
"In emergency situations where a person may experience chest pains , liver pain, arthritic pain,
travelling pain, numbness of the left arm then 8 MC and 2 CoQ10 taken all at once with a glass of water and 3 opened  capsules of Capsicum  has known to alleviate the symptoms."
I am so grateful to be the recipient of these amazing success stories. This morning I received a new breastcancer success story from a lady who is 79 years old. This will be shared with you at a future date.

Thanks to Nature's Sunshine, a company that works hard to seek sources
of Super Foods that provide us with high dense minerals, vitamins, amino acids and phyto nutrients. I am so grateful to this company for their high quality products as I witness almost every day someone else who has a success story to share.This morning I received a new breast cancer success story from a lady who is 79. I am waiting to meet her at our Kelowna meeting this evening.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

TAFYH Tidbits

Our bodies are amazing. The inner cells of our bodies have an inner sacred intelligence which is always working towards your good and never towards bad. The liver of our bodies  makes extra cholesterol when certain very dangerous toxins haveentered our bodies. That cholesterol then binds to those toxins such as heavy metals that come from flu shots or any other vaccination shots or from toxic teeth. How incredible it is to know that our inner cells have that innate intelligence that
saves our lives without our even knowing it. TAFYH teaches you how to get rid of heavy metals through a safe easy inexpensive oral chelation program. I love the inner sacred intelligence of our bodies and I love TAFYH.