Roman: Serious deep dog bite healed in 4 days without
antibiotics TAFYH GRAD
Russ: Serious dog bite healed in 4 days without antibiotics
From Kim: worked with a young 27 year old with Chrone's
Disease with serious Candida problems. Within 1 year the bowels healed. TAFYH GRAD
Kim: infected root canal extracted and healed with Cat's
Claw, SilverGuard and Paw Paw without
From Yvonne: Charla had a nodule on the thyroid disappeared using Super
Oil, Cat's Claw. Paw Paw for 8 a few months TAFYH GRAD
Jacquelyn: eye infection cleared up with SilverGuard sprayed
in nose , ears and eyes. TAFYH GRAD
Jacquelyn: dry throat eased up with TeiFei Oil TAFYH GRAD
From Yvonne: worked with a lady who got Shingles and it
cleared up within one week with HRP-C, RE-X, Cat's Claw, Pau D'Arco lotion TAFYH GRAD
Herlinda: Horrible flus continually , couldn't work, missed a
lot of work over a couple of years. No work missed now for at least a year with
Cat's Claw and Mineral Chi Tonic. " I look good and I feel healthy."
Nan: diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's ; is off
blood pressure meds, cholesterol lowering meds, does the smoothies and Focus
ATN" My head is clearing up. I feel great. It's working." TAFYH GRAD
Amanda: cleared up dozens of gall bladder pebbles after
doing the gall bladder cleanse. TAFYH GRAD
Brenda: Rosacea, burning fiery skin, inflamed , blistered
cleared up with no grains and Cat's Claw , Mineral Chi Tonic, Chlorophyll "
I swear by your products."
Delores: painful chest pains, low blood pressure, took 2
Utra Therm and Emergency First Response Protocol
and Cat's Claw, SilverGuard and Fankinsence; cleared up within a day TAFYH GRAD
From Val: a lady she worked with had a fast growing cancer
on her leg, 2 months to live; did the Paw Paw protocal and by the time the
surgeon got to her the cancer was gone! TAFYH
From Linda; a bed wetting problem cleared up with Cornsilk
and Heavy Metal Detox