Gall Bladder Stones Dissolved by Rachel
Last week Rachel reported how she worked with one person who was told that she had gallstones in her gall bladder and that surgery was necessary. This person then called upon
Rachel for her instructions on how to dissolve gallstones. The 3 day liver cleanse with 6 LIV-C , 6 Hydrangea and 9 Lecithin was taken, Then on the 4th day the gallbladder instructions were specifically followed. The 5th day and the 6 th day was a revelation to this person as she passed 100’s of dissolved gallstones. Wow to this great accomplishment! Rachel is a TAFYH grad.
Rachel for her instructions on how to dissolve gallstones. The 3 day liver cleanse with 6 LIV-C , 6 Hydrangea and 9 Lecithin was taken, Then on the 4th day the gallbladder instructions were specifically followed. The 5th day and the 6 th day was a revelation to this person as she passed 100’s of dissolved gallstones. Wow to this great accomplishment! Rachel is a TAFYH grad.
Bee reported that she did the gallbladder flush the second time round and passed 40 dissolved gall stones. Her quote,” I never thought I would be so excited about passing gallstones!”