Monday, December 30, 2019

MC for Optimum Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is the most critical part of restoring health.
I have on now on numerous occasions seen the impact that large doses of the blood cleanser,  MC has on health.
Donna cleared up a blood clot within 2 days of taking 8 MC and 2 capsicum three times a day.
Dr. Joen arrested her husband’s heart attack within an short time using 8 MC and 2 capsicum.
Tricia brought a serious pneumonia to a halt within 7 days by taking  8 MC and 2 Licorice three times a day.
Donna cleared up a serious pain in her hip within 2 days by taking 8 MC and 2 capsicum three times a day.
I cleared up an eye infection within 2 days using  8 MC three times a day and several Silver sprays.
If in doubt and in fear just know this:  clean up the blood by using 8 MC three times a day.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Donna Roth Tells Her Story. Dec 10/2019 at Kelly O Brian’s in Kelowna with Balance Well Being

I want to start my story to the days when I was a VP of elementary school on leave of absence with my second baby, Devin. Here I am a nursing Mother stricken with that horrible tonsillitis that had afflicted me many times during my years of teaching. What did I do each time I had tonsillitis; go to the doctor, get a prescription, an antibiotic? That was repetitive in my teaching years. Tonsillitis, hot burning fever, swollen tonsils, painful, Off to the doctor for a prescription, antibiotics! Missing school for a whole week, something I dreaded because no one could adequately fill my shoes as a teacher for those kids that I loved. 
Then one day I decided to take this really far out course at Caribou College in Wm Lake. It was called Herbs For Your Health or something like that. Carol was the instructor. The course was an eye opener. Carol taught me that not all foods we eat are foods! Imagine that! I just thought foods were all good. She taught me the properties of herbs. Back in my school years I knew chamomile, I loved the smell of the flowers, I knew burdock, rosehips, stinging nettle. My Mom taught me how to pick stinging Nettle so it would not sting, and she would chop it up with cornmeal and feed it the baby geese on our farm. In knew Cranberries, Mom and I used to pick it to make cranberry jam and soup. I knew these plants. I could identify them, but I had no idea that they had powerful healing properties.
So here I am with this incredible knowledge at my fingertips suffering from tonsillitis. I made a decision that defied all and I am going to call it dogma. This time I would not go to a doctor for antibiotics as I had in the past. I would be brave and courageous and be a pioneer and tackle this tonsillitis problem using Carol Nilsson’s herbal remedies. This was tough. In my most anxious fearful desperate moment I humbly picked up the phone not to call a doctor but to call Carol. Sheepishly I explained my situation and asked for her advice. Are there herbs that could resolve a serious tonsil problem? Would they work? How should I take them? Carol, I asked, are you absolutely sure this is going to work! My life was at stake and here I was trusting a non-doctor! What did she know about tonsillitis? I needed reassurance and an absolute guarantee that I would not die taking this on! This was so out of whack, so crazy! But weighing out the odds I knew that I could not rely on antibiotics any longer. I had taken too many of them in my lifetime. Actually, I was scared of them. Surgery was not an option for me either. I had studied anatomy in university, and I knew that every organ in my body had a purpose. Even though I did not really know the purpose of tonsils. And in the back of my mind I recalled a situation of my school days where a young boy was taken to the hospital for tonsillitis surgery and died as a result of the surgery. So in my mind I opted out of surgery. I opted out of antibiotics and there appeared to be that one other option; herbs!
Yep! I took the path least followed. I listened to Carol’s free advice; I say free because she was not even charging me a fee for her time with me over the phone. Eat chicken soup, drink lots of water and chlorophyll. I could handle that. But hear this. Then she said, take 2 Rosehips, 2 Golden Seal, every hour and take lots of Cascara Sagrada to clean out the bowels. Let me see. That’s 12 per -hour x 4; that’s 48 capsules a day! This is so wild; so crazy! But I made a commitment and a decision.
Day 1 I proceeded as instructed. Nothing happened. The pain was worse than ever. The[KR1]  fever was hot and burning and I was a bit concerned.
Day 2: I proceeded as instructed. Nothing happened. My fever was raging. The tonsils throbbed in pain.
Day 3. I proceeded with the instructions. Nothing happened. Panic started to set in. It took some courage to call Carol again. “Carol, this is day 3, Are you sure that these herbs will work for my tonsillitis. I see no improvement and I  am suffering. I might die; I am not taking antibiotics. Aren’t we taught if we don’t take those drugs we will die!  Carol reassured me to keep taking those herbs every hour until they worked. Well, how did she know they would work? But I decided not to succumb to fear.
Day 4: I proceeded with the instructions. Nothing happened. My husband and mother in law were very worried and attempted to change my mind, that I must go to the doctor. But my decision was final. If Carol said it would work, then I would wait it out.
Day 5; I noticed white pustules forming on my tonsils. This looked really serious. I had to keep going.
Day 6: The pustules were bigger and whiter than ever. Something was happening.
Day 7: This is a day I will never forget. This is the day that changed my life. I felt I burst from my tonsils and all kinds of sticky fluids spilled out. I washed my mouth with Chlorophyll and water and kept doing this all day long. The pain has subsided, the fever was gone, my energy was back, and I was at the end of that dark tunnel of the unknown. I had come through the other side with a whole new outlook on life. I had experienced my first profound epiphany. Herbs can heal.  Life is not meant to be in sickness. Life is meant to be in joy, to open up our closed minds, to listen to others and to serve others. I started to see that in staying healthy certain common-sense laws I realized that antibiotics were simply suppressing my immune system whose purpose is to take out toxic poisonous waste debris out of my body. I woke up to the Laws of Nature, that our bodies are created to heal, that we have an amazing immune system, a garburator known as the lymphatic system and that our bodies are always working for us and never against us. I realized the importance of nutrition for healing and most of all the amazing properties of herbs. This is when it came to my mind. If herbs are so powerful why does the world not know about this. I soon found out but that is a topic for another story.
This epiphany struck such a deep passion within me that I made a life changing decision. I would no longer remain in the teaching world. I would be a stay at home Mom, raise my children and study and teach others how to heal their own bodies as I did mine. This decision led me to the next adventure in my life. In 1992 my dear aunt died. She had breast cancer and she spent 3 weeks in my home. In 1993 my Mom, died of colon cancer. She spent the last 4 months of her life in our home. In 1994 my mother in law died of lung cancer and she had spent 1 year of her life in our home. I had witnessed the devastation of cancer. I wanted to know what cancer really is. Why does cancer happen? I only knew one thing; that I would never find the answer to cancer in the medical world. We have been funding the cure for cancer all the days of my life with no end in sight. They are stuck in a box. So I put this cancer thing on my back burner. By this time, I had become a herbal practitioner and I worked with clients in my own home office. One day in 1998 Sheena came into my office. She was 25 years old and proceeded to tell me that she was diagnosed with carcinoma, the same kind of cancer that Terry Fox was diagnosed with. To put the matters into a more serious perspective she was given 2 months to live. She came into my office because she had been given a newsletter by her father. That newsletter had my name on it. I had written an article about cancer. Sheena was there to ask for my help. I really did not know much about cancer at that time as I know today but she was so young, 25; 2 months to live. Wow! This was a big challenge. In my mind this was no coincidence. God has sent Sheena and I would do what ever I could with the little knowledge I had even though I had a certificate Master of Herbalism from the Tree of Light Institute. So, Sheena, I got to work. Very truthfully it was Sheena, God and me. I used the herbal knowledge I had, and Sheena had an unprecedented determination. She vowed she would never see another doctor in her life. I remember her words well, “Would you see a doctor who gave you a death sentence?” So week after week, month after month Sheena took her God given power into her own hands and followed a somewhat scattered nutritional herbal program that I designed for her. Then one day I got a phone call from Sheena. This was a very different phone call. Sheena called to give me her declaration. My cancer is gone! Of course, I jumped in to ask her; How do you know? Answer was simple; I just know! I believed her.  My second epiphany; Your body is created to heal. Cancer is not a death sentence. I met Sheena in 1998 and today it is 2019 and Sheena continues to live a life full of joy and health.
My next epiphany happened in the year 2000 when I was introduced to Ron Gransky and his book, Cancer Cause Cure and Cover Up. Cancer starts from an injury! I now knew why there is continuous cell replication in cancer. Those little stem cell carpenters in your body are trying hard to replicate cells to heal an injury but there are no nutrient building blocks for them to rebuild those cells and heal that injury. But for some reason the cells become mutated. Why does that happen? It happens when there are so many poisons surrounding the injured area that oxygen can no longer reach that injured area. When the oxygen levels drop to below 35% then the Law of Nature states that oxidation for healthy cell replication can no longer take place. If there is sugar in that injured area oxidation flips into fermentation and that gives rise to parasites and fungus. The fungal DNA integrates into the stem cell line and mutates the cells, so you have a continuous replication of mutated cells that we give a name; cancer. I now had the full picture. I now understood why cancer happens. I then devised a simple 5 pillar formula for cancer; injury, inflammation, elimination, infection, circulation. Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37 C.  Since then I have discovered many pieces especially to the poison inflammation problem. I have taught this simple formula to hundreds of people who have followed this formula and have overcome cancer. I have written a book that has sold over 5000 copies just by word of mouth. This work has now become a movement that is hardly visible. I know without a shadow of doubt that the body is created to heal. I have been so blessed to be the recipient of so many people who have healed their cancers, heart disease, MS. Infections by following a very simple herbal program.

Cancer! Take It On and Move it Out!

Cancer starts from an injury. How do I know that? There is cell replication happening in cancer. The Laws of Nature state that cells in our bodies don’t randomly replicate. They replicate for a reason and that reason is to repair an injured membrane. Documented by Dr. McDougall
But there is a lack of nutrient building blocks for the stem cells to replicate healthy cells and the cell replication process continues. Stem cells are your little inner carpenters. They need nutrients and oxygen to build healthy cells for you. The bottom line is that if you have cancer you are not providing your stem cells with adequate nutrients, oxygen and water. This is a Law of Nature.
In order for the nutrients to reach the injured organ the pathways that carry those nutrients must by clear. In other words, the highways need to be plowed out in order for the trucks to get the building materials to the stem cell carpenters. The highways in your body is the blood stream The trucks are your blood plasma proteins that carry water and oxygen and nutrients to all the cells and tissues. If you want to know if your highways are moving just check your body temperature first thing iin the morning. It must be at 37 C. The laws of Nature states that cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37 C. Your body temperature indicates how clear your blood highways are.Body temperature is related to an active blood circulation.
In cancer the cells that are replicating are mutated and these mutated cells cannot repair the injury. Why are there mutations happening?
1.The blood highways are congested with poisons, toxic debris, and the nutrients and oxygen are not getting to the stem cell carpenters.
2. The lymphatic system, your inner snowplows are overloaded and congested and are not moving out the poisons and waste debris out of the blood stream.
3.The elimination channels, your bowels , kidneys, lungs are plugged out and the waste debris and poisons are not moving out.
The consequence of the 3 reasons I just mentioned is that the oxygen levels to the injured area are not getting there. The laws of nature state that without oxygen oxidation for cell replication cannot take place. Dr. Otto Warburg proved in 1931 that when oxygen levels drop to below 35 % oxidation for healthy cell replication can no longer take place. If there is adequate oxygen in the adjacent area oxidation flips into fermentation. This process gives rise to parasital, fungal, viral activity. When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of inner skin cells then the end results is cancer.
 When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of lungs the end result is lung cancer.
When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of breasts the end result is breast cancer.
When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of the colon the end result is colon cancer.
When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of prostate glands the end result is prostate cancer.
When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of  brain cells the end result is brain cancer.
When the fungus integrates into the stem cell line of the stomach the end result is stomach cancer.

Knowing this information you job then is to take this on and do the following:
Take Chi Mineral Toni, Flax Lignans, Collatrim Plus, Ultimate Green Zone, Solstic Energy in a water twice a day.
Take Cat’s Claw in high doses to open the lymphatic system
Use LBS 11 and do the One Day Kidney Flush to open the elimination channels.
Clean up the fungal infection with Pau D’Arco and Paw Paw.
Clean up the poisons in your blood with high doses of MC.
Stop eating sugar and stop putting poisons into your body.
Take your body temperature.
Do the Nevarro test.
Do the above until it works.
Don't quit! 
The only time this program does not work is when you quit.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Two Herbs Found in MC

What is health?
Health is a dynamic, positive, regenerative, and elevating attribute of a functioning system.
Herbs are plants full of life-giving properties that provide your stem cells, your living inner carpenters with life energy needed for cell replication and for cell repair.
Herbs are alive and organic, and therefore are endowed with life-giving properties harmonious with and assimilable in man's body chemistry.
Those who follow the Laws of Nature oppose to unnatural and inorganic procedures of administering serums, vaccines and drugs that have serious side effects and aftereffects on cell functions and which eventually result in the induction of systemic malfunction and the smothering of life
Herbs that promote rapid healing and restoration Saw palmetto.

Two herbs found in MC.
Dr Christopher “One of the first things we do to improve the circulatory system is to clean out the channels the blood flows through because, over the period of years, due to faulty diet and the use of hard water, the walls of arteries, veins, and capillaries become coated with inorganic waste materials.  This waste forms a lining that does not allow the cell structure of the veins and arteries to be fed property, so these originally soft pliable tissues become hard and lose their elasticity.  Then, like an "old" rubber hose, they cannot expand or contract with ease and they become, through weakness, ballooned out, or brittle and then break, as in varicosity.  The heavy use of breads, pastries and refined sugars leach out the calcium from the veins and arteries and when there is a calcium deficiency, we have weakness, which allows malfunction.”
One way to build good veins and arteries is to keep them clean, by the use of MC.
Butcher’s Broom
Breaks down the buildup of deposits on the inside of the artery walls which cause thickening and hardening of the arteries.
Improves circulation to the hands and feet
Reduces edema in the legs and feet
Reduces swelling and pain in RA
Treats vascular problems such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
Strengthens and tightens the veins.
Anti inflammatory
Strengthens capillary walls,
Effective for chronic venous insufficiency
Sometimes called post-thrombotic syndrome, and related to phlebitis and other causes, chronic venous insufficiency is a circulation problem in which your veins (usually in the legs, but sometimes the arms) have non-functioning valves, causing blood to pool in your limbs and internal pressure to rise in the veins.

Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is one of the most well-touted supplements in the world for improving cognitive health and preventing decline over the years. It reduces chronic inflammation and increases the activity of antioxidants throughout the body. Germany and other European countries have introduced ginkgo biloba as a medication because of its many studied benefits.

Some of the major ginkgo biloba benefits are:

Protects and enhances cognitive health
May improve symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s
Helps fight anxiety
Fights symptoms of PMS
Helps maintain eye health
Helps prevent or treat ADHD
Could improve libido
Helps treat migraines
Reduces symptoms of altitude sickness
Improves sleep quality
Fights fibromyalgia
May support heart health
Increases effectiveness of schizophrenia treatment
Promotes healthy skin
Research shows that ginkgo can help protect against cognitive decline and increase brain function, particularly for people with Alzheimer’s, dementia or vascular problems caused by cerebral infarction (loss of blood flow to vessels in the brain).

Foreign Proteins
When certain foreign substances, usually proteins, are introduced into the animal bloodstream, they trigger a specific response by certain specialized lymphoid cells resulting in the production of blood proteins called immunoglobulins.

Antibody, also called immunoglobulin, a protective protein produced by the immune system in response to the presence of a foreign substance, called an antigen. Antibodies recognize and latch onto antigens in order to remove them from the body.
Where do they come from?
Leaky gut

Extraneous Variable Missing in Clinical Studies

Extraneous Variable Missing in Clinical Studies

Dr. McLaughlin did scientific studies using Paw Paw for the cancer of laboratory animals. Paw Paw was very effective in arresting these cancers of laboratory animals. Dr. McLaughlin stated that Paw Paw was almost a million times stronger than Adriamycin for cancer. He stayed in my home when we brought him out on tour and so I got to know him personally.  A clinical study was then done by Dr. Forsythe, an oncologist in Reno, Nevada which involved more than 130 patients.

Patient #3 reduced his tumor size from to the point that it was no longer detectable.
Patient #8 After 7 months of using Paw Paw 14 tumors on the lymph nodes were no longer detectable and the patient was considered cancer free.
Patient #12 had stage 4 breast cancer. After using Paw Paw for 6 weeks the tumor markers reduced from 160 to 80.
Patient #52 ; non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma . After 35 days of sue the high white blood cell count dropped from 34,000 to 12,000. The lymphocyte count dropped from 67% to 30% well within the normal range.
Anna , a  patient with stage 4 breast cancer, saw a tumor marker reduction of 50%
Ed with stage 4 lung cancer used Paw Paw for 2 months and the tumor marker decreased and he was able to walk again.
Byron with stage 4 prostate cancer reduced his tumor size by 25% within 6 weeks.
Note there were 130 patients and the report I received only accounted for 8 patients. Eight patients got marvelous results. What about the other 122 patients?
Why is it that clinical studies using Paw Paw for these 122 cancer patients not get the same results as that demonstrated by the animal studies where the results were 100% effective?  The answer lies in extraneous variables. The variables in the clinical studies were not all controlled! What are extraneous variables? “They are those factors in the research environment which may have an effect on the dependent variable ( in this case Paw Paw) but which are not controlled. Extraneous variables are dangerous. They may damage a study's validity, making it impossible to know whether the effects were caused by the independent and moderator variables or some extraneous factor. If they cannot be controlled, extraneous variables must at least be taken into consideration when interpreting results.”  So think about little lab mice and the variables I am referring to. Do they eat the amount of sugar that we as humans consume? Here is a shocking stat for you. “Today the average American consumes 176 pounds of sugar per year!” That’s 1000% more sugar than 100 years ago. Do those little animals take all those antibiotics that humans do? Do they drink mounds of pop that humans do? How about 57 gallons of soda pop per person per year on the average! Do those little critters have root canals as humans do? Have they had all those vaccination shots containing foreign proteins, sick animal pus, formaldehyde, all those toxic heavy metals  injected into their bodies as we inject into our bodies? You start to see that those extraneous variables are all part of our human makeup that are not controlled in a clinical study:
Sugar consumption
Pop consumption
Root canals and mercury fillings.
Now let’s see what happens when one of my clients decides to take on the Paw Paw program.
What do I do when I work with clients that are working to overcome cancer? I identify the sources of their inflammation. In other words, I identify the extraneous variables and bring this to the attention of my clients so that they can work on eradicating as many poisons from the body as possible. In other words I try to control as many extraneous variables that I can. Now many times I do not always get the cooperation of the client. One cancer client with cancer had root canals and when I asked him to address his root canals, which was by the way many times, his response was, “This is not going to happen.” He then decided that my program was not effective and that my work was not worthy so off he went to a very expensive cancer retreat center. The end result of that story is that he died. Of course that ultimate experience for his family was that he tried the Paw Paw program and it did not work. What the family failed to realize is that part of the Paw Paw program is to address the inflammation, those toxic root canals, and in science these are called extraneous variable. So you guessed it the tumor is now that the Paw Paw program does not work!
That same year one lady with cancer of the throat was told to address her toxic root canals. She went to 3 dentists who refused to extract them because with their diagnosis there was nothing wrong with the root canals. They all failed to realize that a root canal is a dead tooth. It is the law of Nature that tells us when once something is alive that has oxygen flowing through it and then it dies Nature automatically activates microbes in that dead thing to break it down. That is the job of those microbes is to break dead matter up. Sometimes this process is called decaying. Well if it is a dead crow on the lawn than the decaying matter simply goes back into the Earth. But where does the decaying matter of a dead root canal go? It goes right into the flow systems of your body ; the blood stream and the lymphatic system. The consequence of this action means the energy of the immune system must constantly clean up the decaying matter of this root canal. Eventually the immune system is overloaded and microbial infestation is constantly happening in your body. The blood becomes a cesspool of waste debris. This lady in her very vulnerable state was not able to be strong enough to tell the dentist to extract her root canals and she died. The two people I am referring to did not do TAFYH where the course teaches you to discover your own sources of inflammation and to take action.
So let me tell you about another critical variable. And it is our own personal preconceived ideas, our programmed belief system often based on dogma. When a false idea is presented to us enough times we eventually start to believe it. So I am going to quote a physicist
“The very expression “scientifically proven” is a contradiction in terms. There’s nothing that is scientifically proven. The core of science is the deep awareness that we have wrong ideas, we have prejudices. We have ingrained prejudices. In our conceptual structure for grasping reality, there might be something not appropriate, something we may have to revise to understand better.
"[Science] has nothing to do with the assembling of data and the ways of organizing the assembly of data. It has everything to do with the way we think, and with our mental vision of the world." A Physicist
We have all experienced the changes in scientific data. I recall the scientific studies that were presented to the world in the 1950’s that Thalidomide was a great drug for settling nausea in expectant Mothers. This drug was proven to be safe and effective. The outcome of this drug was that babies were born without limbs and many mothers miscarried their babies as a result of this drug. Then suddenly this so called very safe and effective drug was removed from the market.
From the Globe and Mail: Vioxx, a drug, was prescribed by physicians for arthritis and chronic or acute pain. FDA originally approved Vioxx in May 1999. Scientific safety studies included approximately 5000 patients on Vioxx which showed no increased risk of heart attack or stroke.Vioxx was tested and proven safe but then it was pulled off the market! Why? Because of Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke. In 2004 VIOXX was pulled off the market world-wide. “David Graham, associate director of science for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Office of Drug Safety has estimated that Vioxx killed some 60,000 patients--as many people, he points out, as died in the Vietnam War.”
Once again, I ask how accurate is science? You can now clearly see why I question science. I choose, instead to follow the Laws of Nature.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Essential Oils

Support the cellular health of your skin, lymph, veins, breasts, and connective tissues
Up to1 Bottle Carrier Oil—place in a glass dispenser
Add 1-3 tsp lemon oil
         1-3 tsp organic orange
         1 tsp of Prosper success blend
Apply over the liver, belly, fatty areas after showering

Roller bottle
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Lavender
15 drops Lemon
Vitamin E Oil

Sweat Bath
2 cups Epsom salt
2 T baking soda
Add 20 drops of Essential Shield Oil
Fill the tub and add the Epsom salts with the Essential Shield Oils
Soak and sweat cause you will sweat.

Core Blend for Radiation Detox
Into your bath water add:
3 quarts of Hydrogen Peroxide
2 cups of Kosher salt.
½ tsp of Core
Soak in this bath water.
Drink water and Chlorophyll as you soak.

Reduction of anxiety and depression
Enhancing the immune system
Anti-Cancer properties
Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
Balancing Hormone levels
Improves memory and learning functions.
Healthy gastrointestinal functions
Relieves constipation, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mood swings,
Release joint pain
Decrease inflammation and promotes wound healing.
Reduce pain and inflammation from auto immune disease
Relaxation and reduction of stress.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Anita Teleconference Call
Anita shares her experience in overcoming anxiety, depression, OCD, phobias, CPR drops from 99 to 6.54 for the first time in 5 years, cortisol levels normal for the first time in 5 years.

Anita’s Story: Fragmented Thoughts, Anxiety, Depression, A Life-time of Hospitals
Anita shares her experience in overcoming anxiety, depression, OCD, phobias, CPR drops from 99 to 6.54 for the first time in 5 years, cortisol levels normal for the first time in 5 years.

 Anita’s Story: Fragmented Thoughts, Anxiety, Depression, A Life-time of Hospitals
It was October 24/2019 when Anita arrived in my office with her Mom, Donna. Anita was in a state of despair. She was on a number of different medications and under the compassionate care of a psychiatrist. But nothing she had been doing up to this time alleviated her horrible symptoms of fragmentation, unfocused dark thought patterns, anxiety attacks and depression. Anita’s cortisol levels were always abnormal. Every cortisol test over the last 5 years were high. The endocrinologist she had been seeing did test after test and nothing he did could help Anita. He even prescribed steroids for a short time and that failed as well. Anita’s CRP tests were also very high at 99. CRP stands for C-reactive protein and the CRP tests indicate the level of inflammation in Anita’s body. Anita’s CRP levels were extremely high and dangerous at 99 and 99 was the CRP level for Anita for the last 5 years. Nothing she did could bring it down. Anita was not able to sleep; her stress level was extremely high, and her hormones were out of whack. From the time Anita was 13 years old she had suffered anorexia, severe depression, anxiety attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, acrophobia and so many other mood disorders. She had been in and out of the hospital hundreds of times; Vancouver, Alberta, Kelowna, catatonic state, shock treatments, and the list goes on.
It was Anita’s Mom, Donna, who encouraged Anita to do a consultation with Donna Roth. Anita was informed that the cost of the consultation was $100. It was at this point that Anita made a decision. For Anita this was a lot of money, money she did not have but there was something inside of her that told her that perhaps taking that $100 out of her meagre disability check might be worth the risk. Other things that she spent her money on were dismissed and Anita set aside that $100. Anita also knew there was a cost for the supplements that Donna would recommend so she also set aside money for that purpose.
On October 24 Anita left Donna’s office with a bottle of Chi Toni, Chlorophyll, Solstic Energy, Nature’s Harvest , Liquid Methyl B12 and the herbal combination, Zerenity. The following day Anita started her program. She committed to stop eating all grains, bread, sugar and to drinking 2 Smoothies a day, and drinking water with Chlorophyll. Anita followed the program for 3 weeks. Then the time came when she ran out of supplements. And yes Anita had noticed a difference slight as it may have been. But now without money the entire program was dropped. However Anita did keep track of her body temperature; 34.7, 35, 35.1. and now her body temperature was dropping, “ I fell backwards. It was horrible.” Anxiety, fragmented thoughts, depression, panic attacks, dark thoughts !!!
Back to Donna’s office. Donna replenished Anita’s program. This time Anita was more determined than ever. “It was in that state of fragmentation that I called in all my angels. It took every effort in my body and soul and my soul spoke to me and said; Anita, you do this or your die!” It took every ounce of energy and effort that Anita could muster to get up in the morning to make that Smoothie. It took every ounce of effort to read the simple instructions to make that smoothie. This was not simple for Anita. It took so much EFFORT. One just once a day but twice a day. “ I had to really work hard to focus on the instructions. But my soul spoke to me and told me that no one could this for me. You have to do this, Anita.” Every single day for 30 days Anita had to muster her effort to read those instructions and to make those smoothies and to take Zerenity and Methyl B12. And her soul kept speaking to her” You do this, Anita, or you die!”
Thirty days later it  was a Sunday morning when Anita woke up. She not only woke up , she woke up with life in her body. There was a huge dramatic difference. “ I had my life back. This is the way life should be. To think that I had been a prisoner in my own body and now I was free was miraculous.” Anita was able to think. The fragmented thoughts were gone. There was no anxiety. There was no depression. There was a sense of peace, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of joy! Life had been in that state of despair for 5 years and now after 30 days of following those instructions that Donna gave Anita desperation gave way to peace! This was almost too good to be true. Anita decided that she would go shopping to buy a new coat. What an incredible moment of blissful joy ; to buy a new coat, something she was not able to do for such a long , long time.
Within a few days Anita went off to see her psychiatrist to share her joy. Another CRP test was done and another cortisol test was done. As soon as these results came in, Anita immediately picked up the phone and called Donna Roth. Anita was ecstatic. The results were amazing. The CRP levels were down from 99 to 6.55 well within the normal range of 10 or below, the first time in 5 years. The cortisol levels were in the normal range, the first time in 5 years. 
To date a month has gone by. Anita continues to live in peace of mind. She is determined to stay on her program as she totally understands the need for nutrition to sustain her mental health. Presently she is being encouraged to write a book to share her experience with others so they could do what she did. Anita has faith that nutrition is required to overcome mental disorders. She wants to get the word out!