Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Essential Oils

Support the cellular health of your skin, lymph, veins, breasts, and connective tissues
Up to1 Bottle Carrier Oil—place in a glass dispenser
Add 1-3 tsp lemon oil
         1-3 tsp organic orange
         1 tsp of Prosper success blend
Apply over the liver, belly, fatty areas after showering

Roller bottle
15 drops Frankincense
15 drops Lavender
15 drops Lemon
Vitamin E Oil

Sweat Bath
2 cups Epsom salt
2 T baking soda
Add 20 drops of Essential Shield Oil
Fill the tub and add the Epsom salts with the Essential Shield Oils
Soak and sweat cause you will sweat.

Core Blend for Radiation Detox
Into your bath water add:
3 quarts of Hydrogen Peroxide
2 cups of Kosher salt.
½ tsp of Core
Soak in this bath water.
Drink water and Chlorophyll as you soak.

Reduction of anxiety and depression
Enhancing the immune system
Anti-Cancer properties
Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal
Balancing Hormone levels
Improves memory and learning functions.
Healthy gastrointestinal functions
Relieves constipation, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mood swings,
Release joint pain
Decrease inflammation and promotes wound healing.
Reduce pain and inflammation from auto immune disease
Relaxation and reduction of stress.