Monday, February 25, 2019

Success Story by Josey Feb /2019

Success Story by Josey  Feb /2019
On Friday morning, Feb 22/2019 at 6:08 am I was awakened by a “ding” that sound that indicates a text was alerting me to action. Hesitantly I picked it up and the message read, “I have a bad pain when I urinate with a show of blood. Are there any preferred products that I can take or do I need to go to a doctor?”
With the expertise I have gained over the many years of listening intently to thousands of clients, my replied with this message , “ This sounds like a kidney stone to me. I would do the One Day Kidney Flush with K, Hydrangea and Chlorophyll. You can take 1 ounce of lemon juice straight up to east the pain.”
Interestingly enough J immediately responded with the fact that she had done the Kidney Flush the day before. Normally we would tend to accept such a response as valid and true. However with my long time experience in human behavior I asked J whether she has taken at least 20 capsules of K and 20 capsules of Hydrangea during her Kidney Flush. In shock she replied, “ 20! And then stated that she had only taken 2 of each of the K and Hydrangea.
I then proceeded to send her the instructions for the One Day Kidney Flush and explained to her that if she wanted to dissolve those kidney stones the instructions must be followed exactly a written. Deviating from the instructions would not give her the results she was looking for. J then decided to follow the instructions for the One Day Kidney Flush and 24 hours later on Saturday morning I received the great news, Hi Donna, The pain is gone. I did the 20 capsules of K and Hydrangea yesterday with alternating lemon water and chlorophyll water.”
A later message led to a true confession, “ I was afraid to take all 20 herbs all in one day but I did follow your instructions and I am fine now!”`
We are living in a day when good is seen as bad and bad is seen as good. Herbs also known as plants with all their nutritious qualities, all their incredible natural actives all created perfectly to be used for our healing is something we are afraid of. To bring it further to your awareness these herbs have been used for centuries very successfully for all kinds of ailments. On the other side of the coin, drugs are seen as good yet there is no nutritious value to any drug, it is a prescription, it does have side effects and it does cause inflammation in the body as the body recognizes it as a poison. How did your mind ever come to this point of thinking that drugs are good and safe and herbs are dangerous? I think I can answer this question using one word. FEAR! Fear is the driving factor. If the white coat authority prescribes it than our belief system accepts it willingly without fear even though the consequences can cause further serious health problems. But to take responsibility for your own health is a scary thing to do. With that kind of thinking we have become trapped; more dangerously we have become controlled; put into a box of dogma thinking!

All About Fear

All About Fear
There are numerous tactics and strategies  to effectively exploit the public through fear but two of the more powerful and efficient tactics re the use of false flags, and propaganda via repetition.

"A false flag event takes its name from the days of piracy. Before taking over a ship, pirates would sail the flag of a nation that was known to be friendly to their targeted ship. When they got close enough, the pirates would raise their flag, showing their true colors and commandeer the unsuspecting ship taking all its valuables and killing its crew. Today’s false flag operations are much more subversive and don’t give their victims the courtesy of knowing they’ve been duped.":

False flag events pose as imminent threats to the security of a populace and are usually committed by a group for specific purposes often to manipulate a way of thinking  The philosopher Voltaire stated that “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” To avoid being that someone  who can be convinced of absurdities, you need to become an active truth seeker, instead a passive propaganda receiver. Start evaluating the claims of those in power, Become skeptical about their claims and find out the truth. 

What can such false flag events be?
Here is one such event. “You have 6 months to live.” An imminent threat was just created to make you believe that you must succumb to an authority and their creative design to save your life. The most important thing you can do here is to take responsibility for your own actions and check out your fear and your belief systems. Are you blindly accepting the vision that someone else created for you or are you creating your own vision and responsible action to save your own life?  Stanley Milgram stated: “The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.”

A mind that is afraid withers away; it cannot function properly. JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI,

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” ~Aristotle

The other tactic of fear exploitation is  propaganda via repetition by authority figures.” Vaccines are safe and effective. Get your flu shot here.” That  word "effective" implies the vaccine will save us from some imminent disease.What if that is not proven to be true?  What is in those vaccines? Where is the insert to tell us what the side effects are?   Note no one tells you all vaccines are genetically engineered. There is no statistics quoted as to how safe they are. Repetition in this case is a well-known and prevalent propaganda technique used to solidify falsehoods and perpetuate fear in the public consciousness. By repeating specific phrases and warnings  those in power are able to paralyze entire populations with a fear psychosis.
Plato rightly stated that “ignorance is the root of misfortune”, and as long as we remain ignorant of the fact that all too often those who claim to protect us from fear are actually manipulating our fears for their own benefit, then we will be contributing to the misfortune of the world through our ignorant compliance.
“If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid.”

To alleviate fear take KB-C 1 with each meal and do the One Day Kidney Flush.