Saturday, March 21, 2020

Successes From TAFYH Team 54

Success stories TAFYH Grads Team 54 March 17/2020
David G
BSQ 70 to 36
Digestive 10 to 4, Hepatic 5 to 5, Intestinal 10 to 3, Respiratory 8 to 4, Urinary 6 to 5, Circulation 4 to 2, Glandular 9 to 2, Structural 2 to 4, Immune 4 to 2, Reproductive 6 to 5
Excessive urination gone.
 Used to get up about 11 times a night. Now only once or twice a night.
 Had trouble passing water now vastly improved.
Asthma symptoms are not a problem any longer.
Used to use a puffer because of wheezing and now don’t use it anymore.
Tremors in my hands are has virtually disappeared.
My fine motor coordination has made a great shift.
Improved mental clarity.
There is a general sense of optimism.
I have that feeling that my body is capable of healing in ways I did not see.
I am empowered.

Health Plan
A activate with Cat’s Claw
B eat right and have a super food smoothie with Chi Mineral Tonic, Collagen, Solstic Energy
C Kidney Flush once a week, Liver Cleanse and taking Psyllium Hulls,
D Paw Paw for prostate cancer
MC for circulation and pain
Protease Plus for cleansing the blood
Colostrum for immune system
Focus ATN for repairing the blood vessel malformation in my brain

Dentist: root canals,
Medication : noticed it has side effects affecting my kidneys, back and digestion.
Hang on to my health vision.
Express Gratitude:

My body is created to regenerate
My body can deal with cancer without chemo and radiation.
I needed red meat to raise my body temperature which is now at 36.7 up from35.7
Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37 C
The stem cell capacity and seeing the development of stem cells with nutrition.
In TAFYH there is a routine I follow for my health.
There is a coordinated approach to using a specific set of supplements.

It is a 20-minute call which moved along quite nicely. We covered important information each day.
I would like an extended time to have broader conversations.
It’s all directly relevant.
It’s a hands-on education that deals with issues that are personally meaningful.
Very powerful education.

Committing to having smoothies, drinking Chlorophyll and water and choosing what to eat is so valuable. It’s a huge lifestyle change. We are taught and corralled into behaving a certain way and this is a huge thing to overcome. In TAFYH we overcome it. TAFYH requires repetition and constant reminders. The conditions are such that change is obvious even though it may be painful.

Beautifully organized and easy to follow.

Taking responsibility for our own health with increased supplements and nutrition is huge. We are the best people to make decisions for our health. In TAFYH we shift that responsibility from doctors as dictators to us. We are presently going through a virus crisis! We have impaired immune systems. TAFYH implies that we shift from a health care system to financially supporting health. If you add up the cost of bad health to the cost of being healthy the money shift would be huge.

Reaching Others
There is a system of a support group, the TAG team. This is where I got stone walled. We are brain washed into another direction and nutrition is totally ignored. There is a lot of resistance.

It’s a good direction finder and a good analytical measure of looking at what areas of your body need to be addressed.

It’s a big issue. I am paying for all of this stuff my self to keep my health going. I have sold a vehicle to sustain my health. But I plan to focus on eating better, using high quality supplements, on education and attaining knowledge. We have this bad habit of looking out instead of looking in. We have our own capacity to health and health is huge part of happiness.

I love you for it.
In TAFYH you are acknowledged for who you are and partnered in a forward movement. Its an experiential education. It is a much more holistic approach to learning. People don’t see the value of health. We need to recognize value in it.
We are creating a lifestyle and a quality of life that is so much better. The question should come Up
Why am I doing stuff that is depleting my life energy? To break through this programming is huge.
We are stuck into an ego approach to living. This course intrigues me; the nutrition, the cleanses, its amazing what the body can do. The supplements are high quality. It’s a coherent approach to healing, very powerful and focused. The present health care system is counterproductive and sucking out my energy. TAFYH is an amazing opportunity to be motivated to pursue your own health. It’s a kind of truth.

My evaluation- Richard
My Ahha’s- high cholesterol levels are in fact a protection from cancer and heart disease. All the holistic treatments strive to re-establish balance and equilibrium to develop light in dark places. This is the path of Hering’s law of cure. Dr. Hamer states that 85% of our diseases are caused by strong emotions.

 Antibiotics have been overused and have caused greater problems than they solve. The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. The cold is the cure. A fairly large mercury filling contains enough mercury to kill a single child. Each day is a day of decision and our decisions determine our destiny.
The time did not work for me because it was the busiest time of the day for my work.

I enjoyed doing the cleanses because it felt like it worked well. It was better to do them off of work time but it was easy to handle at home.

The info in the program was great, learning how the body works and reading all the success stories was inspirational. I will be rereading all the info again because there was so much info.

Listening to Donna read was good. And fallowing up with doing our homework was really good, even if you missed being on the call you still were able to get what you needed.

My TAG team was my family and I won’t let them down for when they need something to replace the prescriptions. Donna is a great teacher and I will be committed to her teaching forever. I will not stop taking my supplements and doing self-evaluations.

This program has started our journey to a healthy, strong and disease-free life for everyone I know and for their children.

Reaching others-
I did not need to reach others, they were coming to me and asking questions. For they want an alternative to doctors, once they heard I was doing this program like this.

This a great tool and I will continue to use for the many years to come.
It is expensive but your health is worth it.
Comments- I like the fact that even with the program done, Donna will always be there to help.

My Evaluation by Dave C

My Ahhas: I love the saying “There is no such thing as an incurable disease.  There are only incurable people.”  Dr. Christopher. The Herings Law of Cure.  All cure starts from within, from the head down and in the reverse order as the symptoms have appeared.  The more you become immersed in the knowledge of healing, the more you develop the realization of your own.  The 4 root causes of all diseased conditions are: Nutritional Deficiencies, Toxic Overload, Physical Trauma and Mental/Emotional Stress.

Concepts: High Concentration of negative ions are essential for high energy and positive mood.  Microscopic particle silver in the bloodstream creates new stem cells.  Water is essential for cell activity and brain function.  The Lymphatic system affects the entire body. Heavy Metal Detox is a good formula for helping to get metals out of the body.

Time: The time was great in that it started my day with positivity and engaged my thought process and jump started my energy levels.

Cleanses: I have done some of the cleanses and will continue to do all the cleanses I did (bowel, liver, kidney) and am going to do them all in the next few weeks.

Education:  The education is truly life changing information.  The education from this course will last a lifetime and I will continue to read and reread this information until it is engrained in my thought processes.  I loved all the references to different statements and principles and discoveries by great people from the past.

Structure: I loved the format of the learning.  We delved into the basics of health and got our feet wet, per say and then dove in the deep end of the learning at the end.  Encompassing all the subjects that truly matter when it comes to health.  It teaches knowledge not found in the normal teaching of the day when it comes to health.  I also loved the knowledge of learning all the different systems of the body and how and what their functions mean to my health.

Commitment:  I am committed to these “HABITS” I have formed now, and I will continue to read the lessons over and over.  It has created a committing attitude in my that I truly had only hoped to find.  I have also learned that committing to too many things is not realistic and thus I have to clean my commitments up and focus on what really matters.

Implications:  The implications are mind blowing.  I now have my health back and am now taking NSP supplements every day, smoothies every day, exercise every day, goals every day, a schedule (still refining) every day and a promise to myself to keep on being positive and living a healthy life EVERYDAY!  It means reaching out to help as many people as I can improve their health as the world needs this information MORE THEN EVER!

 Reaching OTHERS:  I reach out everyday to people I talk to, email or text.  It is hard to watch how many minds have been closed off by our traditional medical system and media.  I will continue to be passionate and persistent in my goal to change the world one person at a time!

BSQ’s:  This is where it all starts.  This is where you start to think truly about your health and what needs to happen to improve your health.  Without this, the issues that need to be uncovered for each individual would be lost or forgotten about.  Truly ingenious!

Money:  If you put a value on your health or don’t find the money to do this program then you really don’t get it and you should go see your doctor! Get it done.

Comments:  I do not know where to start.  The single most phenomenal thing I have ever done in my life, besides my children.  This course truly changed me as a person in every facet of my life and I will learn from it for the rest of my life.  You truly are an ANGEL Donna Roth!

Thank you.

Success Story – David C

I would say this whole experience has been a positive uplifting life changing experience.  A year ago, I was feeling terrible.  I was fearful for my health.  I was positive something serious was wrong with me.  I went to the doctor and they said I had a staph infection and gave me antibiotics.  The antibiotics did nothing.  I knew the answer was not through traditional medicine.  I searched everywhere I could for the answers.

Finally, I decided to try to cleanse my body using of Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.  For six months I drank it every day.  I did start to feel better, but I knew that alone would not cure my lack of energy, my foggy head, my skin. I was pretty sure I had a parasitic infection from the information I had read and the appearance of my skin.  It was not something I wanted to discuss with anyone.  The people I did discuss it with thought I was crazy.

I continued to search.  Then a few months ago, in the summer of 2019, I was talking to a friend of mine and she had stated she had signed up for a course and asked if I would be a part of her tag team.  My initial thought was I am not really into wrestling, but sure I would do that for her.  She stated she would send me, most every day, an email about what she had learnt.  As I started to receive the information, I knew that what she was sending me had truth and substance to it.

Later that summer she asked me to go to a breakfast at the Kelowna Golf and country club, where Donna Roth and other people were having an informational meeting.  I said “absolutely”.

After experiencing the people, the positivity and the information I ordered some products from Nature’s Sunshine.  I started to feel even better, and my energy increased, and I noticed my skin started to clear up.

I started to really pay attention to my diet, and I started exercising again.  I have always been a fitness buff, but for the 5 years prior to 2019, I had lived a very unhealthy life.  I knew I had to get active again and start living my life and stop being afraid and negative.

The TAFYH course has been over the top.  It has taught me so much.  I will never go back to the way I lived before.  My diet has changed.  My weight has decreased.  My body fat has decreased, and my muscle increased.  My energy level is high.  My athlete’s foot is gone, the crack on the bottom of my foot that has bothered me for the past 5 years is gone.  My skin has cleared up and I feel incredible.

My sleep was another thing that has changed.  I used to wake up all the time in the night.  Now I sleep right through the night and I feel great again.

I am going to continue to grow my health through, Nature’s Sunshine, Diet, Exercise and Attitude.

I am going to continue to be passionate about spreading the work about TAFTH and Donna and Nature’s Sunshine.  I want to grow it into a business, of which I am very passionate about.  It is all I want to talk
about.  I am putting together a business and goal plan that I will implement and pursue with all my heart.  I am also going to add to my bucket list and pursue my bucket list with an unrelentless passion!! I see people spend 1000’s on the traditional system and tis not doing anything for them.It’s a phenomenal course and I feel sorry for people that don’t take it.

Thank you, Donna, !!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

My Evaluation:Shelley

My Ahahas:

High concentrations of negative ions are essential for high energy and positive mood.

There is scientific evidence that gratitude is one of the most healing emotional states for our mind and body.

It is the energy in the plants and foods we eat that is required for the cell repair of our bodies.


When you have a cold or a nostril is clogged or feels plugged up this can disrupt polarity and the ionization is thrown out of balance.

William James," the greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.

When we give our bodies the right information they will function at their highest level of performance.


The time was not always best for me with trying to get things organized for the day for my daughter for school and early morning appointments for myself. Evening would have definitely been eaiser. However, I found it a nice way to start the day.


I have never done a lot of cleansing so I was eager to try. The kidney flush I felt fine with, but the last day of the liver cleanse I had an upset stomach. I took this as I sign that I need to do this more often.


Incredibly content rich and full of important info. I really looked forward to the lesson every day and also to sharing what I had learned.
I will definitely be re-reading the lessons on a frequent basis.

Success Story:
At the beginning of TAFYH I was in enormous pain in my neck, shoulders, upper back and low back with terrible headaches. I also had issues with my stomach and digestion. My energy was low as was my appetite. My BSQ was 96. I am pleased to report that it is now 55 with significant changes in digestion and glandular. At the beginning of TAFYH my body temperate was 93.6. Yesterday it was 96.9. My weight was 101 and it is now 107. My blood pressure was 110/70 and it is now 120/80. I have found a decrease in pain as of late and was making steady gains at the beginning of the program but was set back by another car accident. Each day is a new day to move forward with positivity and determination.  I am really hoping their will be a TAFYH 2!

Donna Lyons
Digestive 14 to8 Biggest improvement
Hepatic  10 to7
Intestinal 13 to4
Respiratory 6 to2
Urinary. 9 to 6
Circulation 7 to 5
Nerves 15 to 7
Glandular 18 to13
Structural 12 to 9
Immune 10 to 9
Reproductive 9 to 6
 According to my BSQ scores I have greatly improved. My main concerns now are body muscle aches. My biggest concern was the intestinal tract; the spasms, cramps are gone. With the kidney flushes the flair up of arthritis in hands has improved. The flair up of eczema on the ankle is almost gone. My stomach settled so I can do a proper food plan, and getting my mood back to where it was when I started the course.  Unfortunately, I am back on Nexium as needed, but I continue to use Aloe Vera juice and Stomach Comfort. Hopefully getting to the point of not using Nexium. The antidepressant will be in place until I feel I can safely come of it. My mood descended to a dangerous level, but I continue to take HTP and St John’s Wort. We plan to do each of the body cleanse over the next year. That is another AHA. The body cleanses. I will continue to work on my program, looking forward to further improvements. 

BT 37 then 36.7, Weight gain 8 pounds, Saliva test improved, BQS 123 to 77.  Came off Nexium and antidepressant, went into crisis, back on both. BP152over 96 down to 143 over100. 
Activate: Osteofit, Yoga, Ionic breathing, walking
Building: Chi Tonic, MC, B12, Collagen, Cats Claw, oils, Chlorophyll
Cleanse: Psyllium husks, LB11, H2O, Chlorophyll
Direct: use of herbs as required by testing with Donna

AHAS:  learning about the many tests for the different body systems; Very informative and will use Four causes for all our ailments.
Learning about the Chinese programs
Learning about the supports for each body system.
The food programs
Cancer can’t grow at temp. Of 37

The time for the classes was perfect for me.
Classes: I enjoyed sharing the times and knowledge with my classmates.
 Education: I cannot believe we learned so much, I am forever grateful for the extent and knowledge shared in such a short time.
Structure: I was very grateful for the food plans and homework each day. Very informative. 
Commitment: I enjoyed tuning in each day to see what we would learn next. Very enjoyable
Implications: I will work very hard to make this a lifestyle change to better my and my family’s health.
Comments: I loved the homework.  I enjoyed this course and would think everyone would benefit. I learned so much and will have this knowledge to use every day from now on. Learning about the body systems and supports for each is invaluable knowledge. Its knowledge we can use for the rest of our lives. I loved sharing with my teammates. Great course, thank you Donna big hug