Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Your First Aid Kit by Steven Horne:

 Your First Aid Kit by Steven Horne:
Here are my recommendations for what to put in your home health care kit.
Capsicum Extract or Capsules: Capsicum is an important remedy for stopping bleeding, treating shock and stimulating circulation and healing. It is also a valuable remedy for colds and has mild analgesic qualities.
Lobelia Essence: Lobelia is an antispasmodic that relaxes muscle cramps or spasms and can be used to ease pain, relax the body during anxiety attacks and stress, ease asthma attacks, and relieve tension headaches. Lobelia can also be used as an emetic to induce vomiting in cases of food poisoning or flu. Blue Vervain is a milder alternative some people prefer for young children.
Ultimate Echinacea or Immune Stimulator: It’s good to have something to stimulate the immune system to help fight off contagious disease when it's "going around." Ultimate Echinacea is a liquid immune booster, suitable for young children and adults. Immune Stimulator is an encapsulated remedy for older children and adults who can swallow capsules. These remedies can not only help prevent infections, they can also boost your immune system to fight them off more effectively.
Silver Shield and/or Silver Shield Gel: I keep both of these in my first aid supplies as natural antiseptics. Silver Shield is a very effective and nontoxic silver product that can be taken internally or applied topically. You can use it as a sinus spray, throat gargle or as ear drops for infections in the sinuses, throat and ears. It can also be taken internally for infections, but I have better results with other remedies for colds, flu and other acute ailments. The gel is excellent for all topical applications and is safe to use on open wounds. It can also be used as a hand sanitizer.
Tei Fu Oil or Tei Fu Massage Lotion: Tei Fu oil is a topical analgesic and can be rubbed in to ease the pain of headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, sore throats and much more. It can be inhaled for respiratory congestion and makes a great remedy for bites and stings. I've also rubbed it into the chest for congestion. I think it's one of the best topical analgesics on the market.
Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil settles the stomach where there is nausea and vomiting and eases gas and bloating. It can also help to promote mental alertness.
AL-J Liquid or Capsules:  If you are prone to colds and respiratory congestion, this is a great remedy for clearing mucus from the lungs and sinuses. It is useful for coughs, colds, earaches, digestive upset and allergies.
Aloe Vera Gel or Herbal Trim Skin Conditioner: A high quality aloe vera gel is useful to keep on hand for burns, sunburn, abrasions and other skin irritations. Herbal Trim Skin Conditioner works even better than plain aloe vera gel.
IF-C: No first aid kit is complete without something for pain. This natural anti-inflammatory is a great remedy for easing pain and promoting recovery from minor injuries, headaches and other aches and pains.
Nature’s Fresh: This product is great to have on hand for stains and odors, but it is also an amazing topical spray for helping to ease pain and promote healing. You can spray it on all kinds of minor injuries and painful areas to ease pain and promote healing.
Silver Shield destroys bacteria, viruses and molds. It has been tested for many purposes:
Anti-aging   and wound healing
Burns and bites
Parasites and Malaria
MRSA, Strep, Staph, Candida, Aspergillus, HIV,
Purifies water in 1.5 minutes
Deactivates harmful hormones
Abnormal cells as in breast cancer, Sarcoma, Leukemia, cervical cancer, Human Papilloma virus,
Epstein Barr virus, Influenza, Parainfluenza, Cytomegalovirus (cancer), SARS, Bird Flu, etc.
Silver creates stem cells in the blood stream.