Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Silver Guard

Dr. Jay did a  presentation on SilverGuard , Nature’s Sunshine liquid nano Silver.

This Silver is outstanding and miraculous. Recently there was a study done with 18 women who suffered HPV. Interestingly enough they were all vaccinated and they still got the HPV virus. What does this tell you about HPV vaccinations? All 18 women outsmarted HPV by using Silver, not any store bought Silver but Nature’s Sunshine Silver! Yahoo for Silver! This Silver is not colloidal. It is a nano  Silver made with 2 electrons so it can recharge itself and  inhibit viruses, bacteria, fungus and molds. It is different than any other on the market because it resonates a certain frequency of 850 hertz to kill bacteria:
Food poisoning
Strep throat
Infected teeth
Injury healing
Burns: immerse into Silver for 10 minutes and the pain subsides
Drop into eyes
Breathe into lungs
Gargle for 10 minutes
Urinary tract infections; drink 6 ounces within a day
Use it on tampons for STD infections and bladder infections
Use it to purify water
Dr. Leavitt stated there was not one infection that Silver could not kill.
Dr. Jay clearly stated that NSP SilverGuard does not cause Argyria! We all sat back wondering what Argyria is.  “Argyria is a condition where silver particles accumulate in the skin tissue and make it turn blue.” Dr. Jay asked us all to warn against using homemade Silver or questionable Silver products.