Monday, July 20, 2020

Breast Cancer , Cecelia

It was 2015 when Cecilia, at 79 years old, discovered she had a large lump on her left breast the size of a walnut. Cecilia then succumbed to a mammogram followed by a lumpectomy to remove that lump. After completing 26 sessions of radiation Cecilia just felt that this was not right. The next recommendation was chemotherapy. This is where Cecilia drew the line. She refused chemotherapy treatments and decided to do some research.
It came to her realization that diet had something to do with cancer. In fact, this was Cecilia’s second health problem. In 2011 she underwent a surgery to remove a 12 inch portion of her colon because there was a blockage in her colon and she was made to believe it was cancerous. However, upon having that portion of her colon tested it was discovered there was no cancer in the colon. Cecilia was somewhat annoyed. Her words,” If I had known I would never have done the colon surgery.” Cecilia was also warned by her doctor that cancer generally comes back within 5 years.
Here it was 4 years later and there was cancer in the left breast. Because of her experience with the colon surgery Cecilia really dug into research this time. The book that jumped out at her was Eat Right For Your Blood Type. Wow! There were some answers here. So immediately the diet was addressed. All sugars, all grains were eliminated. The search continued.
One day shortly thereafter, a friend who had attended a seminar given by Dr. McLaughlin on Paw Paw, gave Cecilia a handout entitled War on Cancer, the Paw Paw discovery. Gratefully, Cecilia took the article and as most of us do, never read it but tucked it away. Now that cancer was a problem it hit Cecilia that she needed to find that article. There it was! War on Cancer, Paw Paw Discovery! The name stamped at the bottom of the article was Fran Kovacs. In Cecilia’s words “ I got excited and called Fran. She helped me get all the products I needed to get started on the Paw Paw program. I also purchased Donna's two books...Practical Solution to the Cancer Injury & the Mud Pies cookbook” This was March 4, 2015.Fran also helped Cecilia complete the Body Systems Questionnaire with the following results:
immune...2..hepatic...1 reproductive..0...digestion Total was 44
Fran noticed that the high number in the Body Systems Questionnaire was 9 for Circulation.  She asked Cecilia if there were any problems with heart and circulation. Cecilia proceeded to explain that she had a monitoring system from the doctor because her blood pressure would rise when she was sleeping as high as 150. Fran realized that there were some heart problems.  Fran immediately suggested the Nature’s Sunshine product Arginine Plus for heart and circulation. The program Fran designed for Cecilia  included Collagen, Chi Mineral Toni, Flax Hull Lignans, Combination K., Paw Paw, Pau D ‘Arco, Silver Guard, as per the instructions in Donna Roth’s book, Practical Solutions to the Cancer Injury.
Cecilia got to work. She ate the right foods. She made a smoothie twice a day with Chi Mineral Tonic, Flax Hull Lignans, Green Zone Solstic Energy and water. It took about 2 months before Cecilia noticed that there were changes happening.
Cecilia’s words,” My breast had a slight tingle, I got worried that the cancer had returned.  Two days later I noticed no more tingle; it was gone.  I also experienced the rash on the breast.  It was itchy so I put Silver gel on it several times a day and it disappeared.  I also had a callus on my foot, I had tried every remedy on the market, so I told myself why not try the Paw Paw  on my callus so I made a cream out of 1 capsules of Paw Paw and lemon juice. I then soaked my foot for 30 minutes and  put it on a bandage and applied it to my foot I wrapped it in a plastic bag and went to bed. The next morning I took the bandage off, washed my foot and noticed a layer of the callus had come off.  Slowly time after time following this procedure, I was able to remove the callus.  This stuff is amazing, I was excited.  When I told Fran what happened she was excited too.
“In the meantime, I wanted to know, what my body was doing so I asked my Doctor.  I wanted a complete blood test done.  He agreed.  When my report came back he couldn't believe what he was seeing. All he said you are healthy.  My cholesterol was normal and all he said whatever you are doing...keep doing it.”
“And I am going to stay on this program for a long time thanks to Fran, to Paw Paw and Dr. McLaughlin and staff and to Donna Roth for putting this all together.”
Now the year is 2020, five years since the breast lump was removed. Cecilia at 84 years of age continues to follow the program. Cecelia does have digestive  problems with gas and bloating and today recognizes that the colon surgery that she never should have been done is the cause of the digestive problem. Cecilia has a strong determination,” I won’t give up.” What does she continue to do:
Eat the right foods. Avoid sugar and grains.
Take 2 Paw Paw 2 x daily, & 2 Pau D ‘Arco. 2 x daily and CoQ10 for the heart.
Every day Cecilia has a smoothie with Collagen, Ultimate Green Zone, Chi Mineral Toni and she still takes liquid Chlorophyll
Fran continues to follow up with Cecilia and to coach her. Just recently Fran once again worked with Cecilia to do a Body Systems Questionnaire and the total is 23. There is no cancer, the cholesterol levels are healthy, the heart and blood are healthy, and Cecilia is on no medications.
In regard to money Cecilia stated that she does not have much money, but health is a priority for her and she has made the decision to adjust her finances to purchase the products needed to stay healthy. At one point she said that her health was a life or death situation and she made the money work. She does not believe in drugs and stays away from them.
Cecilia has tried to help others who are afflicted with breast cancer. She recalls writing a letter to one lady with breast cancer explaining the program to her but never heard back from her. She warns others to do their research and to think twice about having a surgery.
At this point I would like to thank Cecilia for being a hero for these many reasons:
She opened her mind to learn from Fran.
She took on her own health and trusted Fran to be her mentor and guide.
She recognized that doctors make mistakes as they did with her surgery.
She found out how important it is to do your own research and not blindly trust a doctor,
She took a strong stand in refusing chemotherapy and that is a courageous thing to do.
She did not accept the old adage that at 79 years old you cannot regain health.
She did not have money, but herbs were a priority and she adjusted her finances.
She is teaching others the wisdom she has gained if only they would listen.
She was opened to learning the Laws of Nature that you need nutritional energy to heal.