Amazing Properties of Lobelia
Herbalists through the
years have made some pretty amazing claims about lobelia. Here are a few.
Pioneer Herbalist
Priddy Meeks said in his journal:
I don’t know what
[high praise] I could place on Lobelia to be competent with its virtues…for
Lobelia will act on the system in complete conformity with the laws of
health…it will permeate the whole system till it finds where the obstruction
is seated, and there it will spend its influence and powers by relaxing the
parts obstructed…always accompany the lobelia with cayenne pepper, which is
the purest and best stimulant that is known in the compass of medicine…[They]
will act on the whole system like an increased flow of water turned [into] a
muddy spring of water—it will soon run clear. And, although Lobelia is set at
naught and persecuted the way it is… it is ordained of God to be used in
R. Swinburne Clymer,
MD in his book Nature’s
Healing Agents, had this to say about lobelia.
The number one agent
on the Natura physician’s armamentarium is lobelia. Lobelia is one of
Nature’s few dual agents in the relief of human ailments. It is both a
relaxant and a stimulant; depending altogether on how it is prescribed,
hence, if the Natura physician had to choose one remedy from others, it would
be lobelia and his practice would be successful. So many claims have been
made for this agent, and so many more could honestly be made for it, were its
virtues fully understood. …most unjustly, Lobelia has been, and continues to
be—labeled a poison… In my fifty-six years (at the writing) I have prescribed
it for children and people advanced in age; in three drops to new born
children; fifteen drops every fifteen minutes for hours, or maximum doses of
60 drops, to older persons with never any but the best results… If there is
any such thing as a general panacea, I would say that lobelia comes closer to
being such than any other agent I have used all of these many years.
In more recent times,
the father of the modern American herb movement, Dr. John Christopher, wrote
this in his book, School
of Natural Medicine:
Lobelia is one of
the greatest herbs ever given to the world… lobelia is a general corrector of
the whole system, as it is easily diffused and able to influence the entire
body… Over years of practice, lobelia has been administered many times, and
there have been numerous miraculous healings. Time after time, lobelia has
helped the very young to the very old, with only positive results. As for
lobelia being a poison: this is one of the most ridiculous falsehood ever
foisted on the public by orthodox allopaths.
Lobelia is a selective herb. When a fetus is dead, or in an extremely
weakened condition, lobelia will cause it to abort. However, if the fetus is
well and healthy, and the mother is weak, it will cause the mother to heal
and strengthen, enabling her to carry the child until the proper time of
delivery. Lobelia accurately and intelligently selects which way it is to go.
It is truly a ‘thinking’ herb.
Lobelia's Modern Uses
Today lobelia is
primarily used for its anti-spasmodic effect. By depressing the central
nervous system it relaxes all the muscles of the body, helping to relieve
spasms, cramps, and obstructions. This helps to explain why lobelia has
historically been used to help with epileptic seizures. Because of its
ability to dilate the bronchioles and open respiratory passages it also has
been used to treat disorders of the lungs and throat such as bronchitis,
whooping cough, laryngitis and asthma. Midwives have also administered
lobelia as a muscle relaxant to counteract pelvic rigidity during childbirth.
And it relieves the cramping of a spastic bowel. In addition, the tincture or
extract can be applied topically for relief of muscle cramps, stiffness, and
One way of explaining
the ambivalence surrounding lobelia is that when it is used in large doses it
acts as an emetic (promotes vomiting). To prevent it from living up to its
name of vomit wart it must be taken in small doses or in combination with
other herbs to moderate its intense effects
But the other, more
unsettling, characteristic of lobelia is its ability to act as what Matthew
Wood calls an activator,
“to stir up the other herbs in a formula and direct them to the desired
tissue or organ needing therapy.” The idea of an activator herb possessing an
intelligence which allows it to direct the actions of other herbs, was known
and used by Native American herbalists, but certainly goes against the grain
of modern-day pharmaceutical herbology.
In the final analysis,
we can try using an herb like lobelia and see what happens. We can try it for
its anti-spasmodic or bronchodilator effects. But it is important to be aware
that, as Matthew Wood says, herbs “like to do all sorts of things. They
really do have a magical level of action and this goes far beyond the
artificial constructs of the human mind.”

Cardinal Lobelia by Steven Horne
Favorite Uses for Lobelia
I personally love
lobelia, and think it should be in everyone's home remedy kit. I've used it
to stop anxiety attacks, ease spastic coughing and help a person breathe who
is having an asthma attack. I've also used it with capsicum rubbing it into
sore muscles, sore throats and other aching body parts. It has also been
helpful in small amounts, along with other herbs, to aid recovery from colds
and other infections involving respiratory congestion. I've also used it to
help people stop smoking. It contains lobeline, which attaches to the same
nervous system receptors as nicotine.
Typically I only give
3-10 drops at a time and repeat the dose every 2-5 minutes until the desired
effect is achieved.
Lobelia is generally
not taken on a daily basis, except as a small part of a formula. John
Christopher used a little of it, along with a little capsicum in many of his
herb formulas, claiming it made them work faster. Otherwise, lobelia is
reserved for acute ailments where there are obstructions in the body. In
capsule form, one capsule is a pretty large dose, so I rarely use it in
capsules. I nearly always use it as a glycerite or tincture. If you use small
doses you almost never make anyone throw up, but i if nausea or vomiting
occur, peppermint tea can be used to settle the stomach.
The official species
used in the medicinal world is Lobelia
inflata, but there are other species that are used as ornamentals
in gardens or that grow wild. Just for fun I included a photo of cardinal
lobelia from Zion National Park. It certainly has striking flowers, doesn't
Don't let lobelia's
checkered history tarnish its beauty as both an ornamental flower and
versatile remedy, just take the time to understand how to use it and
appreciate its innate intelligence.