Comments of gratitude
Vancouver Rally
Dr Malthouse prescription
Maci, 6 years old, words of wisdom
Quercetin as found in Histablock, a
Why would someone get Parkinson’s?
Why would someone get MS?
Words of wisdom from Carol
Q and A
Mark is a 64-year-old with joint problems on right hip and
left knee joint. Doctor says there is no
cartilage left and he must have knee and hip replacement.
Lectins from grains rob the collagen from the joints.
Candida also destroys collagen production.
No grains, no sugar, no
antibiotics, no legumes.
Eat meats, fermented dairy, vegies, seeds, berries,
Smoothies with Green Zone and Collagen
powder with Solstic Energy
Glucosamine binds toxic lectins
from the joints,
EverFlex tablets and Everflex
cream externally
Do the One Day Kidney Flush one
day a week.
Do this program one month for
every 10 years of your age,
Hi iIwas wondering does Donna has experience with Autism
and how she can help?
I have son he will be 8 years old in March , he is been
diagnosed ASD on he was 3 years old.