Thursday, April 8, 2021

TAFYH Completion March 25, 2021

 TAFYH Completion March 25, 2021

Success Story by Gayle

Disease tree Symptoms


-              Waking up at night

-              Arthritis

-              Food sits heavy

-              Dry skin

-              Sugar cravings

-              Brittle fingernails

-              Abdominal pain or discomfort


-              Arthritis

-              Waking up at night

BSQ in Jan, 2021 was Structural 5, Glandular 4, Digestive 4, Hepatic, Intestinal, Urinary, Nerves, Reproduction 1 for a grand total of 18

BSQ in March, 2021 is 2 Structural, Urinary, Glandular and Nerves 1 for a grand total of 5.

Body temperature started at 36.7 C and was 36.9  this morning.

Candida test clear from the start.

Blood pressure originally 128/81, pulse 65 and currently 124/73, pulse 69.

Weight decreased 2 pounds. More to go


Shawn  03/22/2021

 BSQ start Date 01/13/2021 score of 31…………   03/22/2021 score of 7

Urinary 5 to 1

Circulation 4 to 0

Nerves 4 to 3

Glandular 4 to 2

Absent mindedness no longer a problem

Bad breath gone

Cravings for fats gone’

Dry skin gone

Leg cramps gone

Meds for blood sugar have been reduced

Saliva test was normal.

Blood Pressure was normal.

Body Temperature was normal- 36.9C from 35.4

Weight lost .5 lbs it’s a start, 119.5 lbs to go.


Success Story (thus far) Chad

1.            BSQ changes; total score went from 26 to 16

a.            Digestive 4 to 2, Hepatic 4 to 3, Intestinal, Circulation now 0, Nerves, and Glandular 4 to 1

2.            Overall sense of well-being increased (don’t feel run down all the time)

3.            Body temp has averaged 97.04F at start to 97.12F recently (been testing every week day since TAFYH started)

4.            Candida Saliva test, from the first to the last test the last test was not as cloudy or stringy

5.            Energy levels have increased, especially noticed when sleep is longer than my regular time of sleep. (Normally when I slept in I used to get a headache)

6.            Weight-loss was low…but body structure changed in its shape…some areas have “tightened” up.

7.            Appetite has diminished…

8.            No cravings…of any type.

9.            Inflammation has reduced in many areas of my body

10.          Some of the edema in my legs has also reduced, and a rash on one leg has also completely disappeared.

11.          One change that I noticed was a “pressure” or “tightness” in my groin area that it wasn’t until about the third week of TAFYH that I noticed was gone and has not returned!!!!

12.          TAFYH has sparked a desire in me to want to further my expedition into this field of health. As it has been such a positive experience and a great encouragement to me!!!!


Shelly’s Success Story: Breast Cancer Warrior Goddess

March 2021

BSQ - Original Score: 41 New Score: 29

Nerves 8 to 4

Glandular 8 to 6

Body Temperature: Ranges between 35.1 - 36.4

Candida Test: No Candida at the start, no Candida now

Weight: no change (already lost weight over the past 3 years prior to course)

Sleep: no real change (going thru major healing crisis with cancering thru the course)

Biggest Change: State of mind has improved. - Nervous System seems calmer and I am

not in Fight or Flight (sympathetic mode nearly at all). Much more aware of when I am

stressed and now I have so many tools to help me get back into a Parasympathetic state quicker.

The support of others on the TAFYH team has been inspirational. Finding more like minded

people who are looking for ways to live happier, healthier and longer lives creates a feeling of

togetherness and also self reliance that western “NON-medicine” can’t provide. You are empowered

when you are in control and you understand the laws of nature, which where all sources of healing

come from.

I will continue taking MC, PAW PAW, Flax Hull Lignans, my superfood smoothies and many of the

other supplements to aid in my healing and overall health from now on.

The Ionic breathing, the success stories, the AHA moments and lesson concepts will be resources

and tools that I will use on a daily basis to keep a confident mind set, to calm my nerves and quell

any doubts or fears they may arise. They are natural feelings, but letting them rule your life is not.

They no longer control my health or my life.

Right now... I am in the middle of my success story... as I use my new tools that I have learned thru

TAFYH to keep healthy as I draw out the tumor and supporting my lymphatic and elimination

systems as they manage the toxic over load that is about to be unleashed upon them. I now know

so many more ways to do this, thanks to TAFYH.

Thank you Donna and all the members of TAFYH 59!


Glenda – Success Story March 2021

 BSQ score down from 55 to 29

Urinary 6 to 3

Nerves 11 to 7

Glandular 9 to 5

Sturctural 8 to 5

BT increased from 96.2 to 98.

Improved sleep.  Off sleeping pills after 12 years.

Lost 4 pounds

Anxiety level dropped

Bloating has almost disappeared

Afternoon fatigue has improved

Body aches & pains have subsided.  Inflammation is down.

The pressure of having to get up and urinate during the night as subsided

Realize the importance of eating super foods and having super smoothies

Being able to ask questions before the evening call started was helpful

Continue working on getting my body temperature up.  Has increased from 94.5 to 96.8

The TAFYH program was very informative, I learned a lot that will help me for yea


Success Story


BSQ score down from 54 to 22

Intestinal 10 to 1

Structural 7 to 3

Urinary 6 to 3

Hepatic 6 to 3

Lost 8 pounds.

Abdominal pain, bowel irritations, constipation, diarrhea and bad breath gone. I continue to have intestinal gas.

BT went from 36.7 to 36.8 on the right ear, and 36.9 to 37 on the left ear.

Saliva test – improved and not yet 100%.

It was fun having discussions with my tag team.

Team 59 was a fun team.

My biggest success is all the learning. My mind is stretched. I am looking forward to the year.

I have lots to work on and excellent advice from Donna and TAFYH.



BSQ dropped 33 to 17

Circulation 8 to 0

Nerves 6 to 3

Glandular 4 to 2

Heart palpitations have subsided

Constipation gone

Sugar cravings gone

BT increased from 36.2 to 36.8

Blood pressure 120/86 to 115/78 weaning off BP meds

Hot flashes still there; weaning off Synthroid







TAFYH by Wendy

 Success Story Wendy:

BSQ score down from 54 to 22

Lost 8 pounds.

Abdominal pain, bowel irritations, constipation, diarrhea and bad breath gone. I continue to have intestinal gas.

BT went from 36.7 to 36.8 on the right ear, and 36.9 to 37 on the left ear.

Saliva test – improved and not yet 100%.

It was fun having discussions with my tag team.

Team 59 was a fun team.

My biggest success is all the learning. My mind is stretched. I am looking forward to the year.

I have lots to work on and excellent advice from Donna and TAFYH.

 One Year Health Plan March 25, 2021 to March 25, 2022

 A – Activate: Continue walk/run, rebounder for lymphatic system, balancing, core and knee exercises, riding, boxing, planks, ionic breathing, expressing gratitude, meditating, and cat’s claw for lymphatic system.

 B – Build: Continue to eat the right foods, and have smoothie every morning with super foods:

Chinese Mineral Chi

Flax Hull Lignans


Solstic Energy



 C – Cleanse: Continue and complete Oral chelation. Complete the gall bladder cleanse.

Do Candida Cleanse after dental work completed.

Do One Day Kidney Flush 2x a month.

Drink chlorophyll with water. LBS ll and Psyllium Hulls, Bacillus Coagulans

Periodic bowel, liver, and gallbladder cleanse.

 D - Direct Herbals:

Nervous System – continue Focus ATN, Super Oil

Circulatory – MC

Hepatic – LIV – C

Urinary – K

 E – Express Gratitude: Journal and express gratitude daily.

 Chinese Constitutional Quiz:

Most deficient in Water Element – do kidney flush 2x a month and take KB – C daily.

Color – blue – super foods Noni

Emotion - trust

 Inflammation List: I have an appointment made to see dentist about removing mercury fillings.

Cleaning in our house: I use Norwex cloths, and Essential Shield Cleaner

Skincare and make-up: Beautycounter

Adrenal stress: lie on my back with my feet up daily at 3 pm.

TAFYH Glenda – Success StoryMarch 2021

 Glenda – Success StoryMarch 2021

 BSQ score down from 55 to 29

Improved sleep.  Off sleeping pills after 12 years.

Lost 4 pounds

Anxiety level dropped

Bloating has almost disappeared

Afternoon fatigue has improved

Body aches & pains have subsided.  Inflammation is down.

The pressure of having to get up and urinate during the night as subsided

Realize the importance of eating super foods and having super smoothies

Being able to ask questions before the evening call started was helpful

Continue working on getting my body temperature up.  Has increased from 94.5 to 96.8

The TAFYH program was very informative, I learned a lot that will help me for years to come

Realized of the power of expressing gratitude and in helping others every day.

TAFYH Evaluation – Glenda Buyan

March 2021

 Ahha’s:  No matter what our circumstances, periodically putting our attention on our heart and thinking and feeling gratitude for another person or up lifting situation will improve our heart rhythm, immune function, hormonal balance and quality of life.

Oxidation is the key to healthy cells.  A swelling can be the first step in the process of inflammation if there is an unhealthy lymphatic system.

Time:   I found the length of time (15-20 minutes) was adequate.   For me, the time of the call could have been a little earlier or later in the evening or even an early morning call.    

Participation: Having to participate on a call made all the difference to me in committing and completing the course.   It was nice to hear others share their medical issues and how they overcame them with using Nature’s Sunshine products, doing the cleanses and taking herbs.  Laughter within the group was inspiring.

Education: I learned so much throughout the course which will help me for years to come in my journey to better my health.  It will also help me to suggest to others that there are alternate ways to heal.

Structure:    Structure is always good for any course.  It worked well as it allowed everyone to know what was expected from them.  Having a time frame for the calls made it easy for everyone to block that time from their busy days.

Information: Information received was/is invaluable.  As we were provided with so much information in such a short period of time, I’m sure that I will be referring back to the sessions over and over again. It was great that we were able to print the sessions off for future use.   It was excellent to receive the fact sheets on the herbs.

Commitment:  I found it was easy to commit to 15 – 20 minutes for the evening call.  Having it set a certain time each evening worked well. It was great having to commit on doing the cleanses as I probably wouldn’t have done them otherwise. 

Application:  I feel I have a better understanding on how the body actually functions and how important it is to drink clean water and eat super foods.  

Reaching Others:  I feel I can now discuss with others what I have learned during this program.  On how the important it is to eat the right foods, taking the right supplements and taking control of your own health.

BSQ’s as a form of measurement:  This is a great tool to use when first starting the program.  It helps to pin point the areas for your health that need addressing.    I am looking forward to taking it again at the end of the program to see what and where there was improvement.  It is also a great way to start a conversation with others.  Have them fill out the form and see what areas they need to consider looking at.  If they are interested it’s a great way to tell them what you have learned.

Comments:  I am grateful for my daughter Shelly suggesting that I take the course.  I have learned a lot and look forward to seeing more improvements in my health as I continue to eat the right foods and take the herbs & supplements.  

I’m grateful for Donna Roth for providing her time & experience & knowledge for the past 8 weeks.  It’s been great!


Health Plan – Glenda Buyan

March 18, 2021

A – Activate:   Continue with my walking exercise of 10,000 or more steps per day.  Practice yoga stretching at home.  Continue ionic breathing morning, afternoon and evening outside in the fresh air.   


B – Build:  Continue eating super organic foods (green leafy vegetables, red meat, free range organic chicken, eggs and wild caught salmon).  Continue having two super smoothies each day which include the following ingredients:  organic spinach, organic blueberries & raspberries, Chinese Mineral Chi, Ultimate Green Zone, Solstic Energy, Collagen and Arginine Plus.  Use healthy oils to help raise my body temperature and build muscles.   Take a daily probiotic to promote balance of good bacteria to counteract the bad bacteria.


C – Cleanse:  Continue taking LBS II two times a day with food.    Psyllium Hulls Combination twice a day with Chlorophyll and filtered water.  Do the occasionally bowel, liver, kidney and gallbladder cleanses when needed (approximately every 2-3 months).


Direct Herbals taken daily:

Cat’s Claw – 4 tabs daily (Helps promote balance of intestinal bacteria)

MC – 4 tabs daily (Vitamin & Mineral Supplement)

Turmeric Curcumin – 2 tabs daily (Helps relieve joint inflammation)

CoQ10 – 2 tabs daily (Supports Cardiovascular Health)

AD-C – 1 tab daily (Relieve anxiety, depression and inflammation)

LIV-C – 1 tab daily (Helps improve digestion & also helps with depression, nervous tension)

Lecithin – 2 tabs daily (Provides Liver Support)

Everflex with Hyaluronic Acid – 4 tabs a day (Supports structural system)

KB-C – 1 tab daily (Supports kidney & Bladder tract)

 My plan is to never use anti-biotics or take prescription drugs.    Use only natural methods to address pain and discomfort by using herbs and essential oils.

 Stop the use of environmental toxins in my home by switching over to natural non-toxic cleaners.  Stop using the microwave for cooking.   Only boil, poach, roast or steam foods.   Eliminate processed foods, grains, legumes and sugars from my diet.  Switch over to non-toxic skincare, body and haircare, make-up products to natural non-toxic ingredients as well.

 No longer use cosmetics or body lotions with harmful toxins.

By following my health plan I expect to have on going increased energy, improved sleep, less stiffness in joints, normal bowel functions, improved digestion (less or no bloating). 






TAFYH Evaluation by Shelly

 SHELLY’S Health Statement 

Life is awesome!

 I am SOOO lucky to be alive and I am grateful for every minute! 

I am in the best shape and health of my entire life!

 Everyday, I wake every completely alive and restored from an incredibly deep and restful sleep. 

I nourish myself with amazing fresh food, cystal clear water and great vibes! 

I hike, kayak and paddle board and do everything with boundless energy! 

I deeply love myself, my wonderful husband, family and friends and I cherish every thing I get to do and experience with them. I live in a beautiful place where nature surrounds me and I hike, walk and run thru the woods everyday. It is where I recharge my negative ions. 

I have a small but bountiful garden that gives me joy knowing I am feeding my body with organic and fresh fruits and veggies. 

I travel and seek new adventures! 

I have so much energy that Ben and I take overnight back packing trips thru the Rockies. I listen and hear what others say and appreciate there input and point of view!

 I learn something from everyone and I meet new amazing people everyday that surprise, inspire and enlighten me.

 Life is meant to be shared. I give love & I receive love without boundaries. I am proud of myself. I listen to my intuition. I heal from within. I love myself.

Shelly’s Success Story: Breast Cancer Warrior Goddess March 2021

 BSQ - Original Score: 41 New Score: 29 

Body Temperature :Ranges between 35.1 - 36.4 

Candida Test: No Candida at the start, no Candida now 

Weight: no change (already lost weight over the past 3 years prior to course) 

Sleep: no real change (going thru major healing crisis with cancering thru the course) 

Biggest Change: State of mind has improved. - Nervous System seems calmer and I am not in Fight or Flight (sympathetic mode nearly at all). Much more aware of when I am stressed and now I have so many tools to help me get back into a Parasympathetic state quicker. The support of others on the TAFYH team has been inspirational. Finding more like minded people who are looking for ways to live happier, healthier and longer lives creates a feeling of togetherness and also self reliance that western “NON-medicine” can’t provide. You are empowered when you are in control and you understand the laws of nature, which where all sources of healing come from. I will continue taking MC, PAW PAW, Flax Hull Lignans, my superfood smoothies and many of the other supplements to aid in my healing and overall health from now on. The Ionic breathing, the success stories, the AHA moments and lesson concepts will be resources and tools that I will use on a daily basis to keep a condent mind set, to calm my nerves and quell any doubts or fears they may arise. They are natural feelings, but letting them rule your life is not. They no longer control my health or my life. Right now... I am in the middle of my success story... as I use my new tools that I have learned thru TAFYH to keep helahty as I draw out the tumour and supporting my lymphatic and elimination systems as they manage the toxic over load that is about to be unleashed upon them. I now know so many more ways to do this, thanks to TAFYH. Thank you Donna and all the members of TAFYH 59!

TAFYH EVALUATION: SHELLY LUNDGREN - March 2021 TEAM 59 AH-HA Moments: One choice can change your life. Think about that. One choice, just one, can change your life forever. Simply put, your life today is what your choices have made it, but with new choices, you can change directions this very moment. From 1984 to 1988 the Peruvian physician treated 700 patients with 14 types of cancer successfully using Cat’s Claw and other herbs The lymph fluids that bathe the outside of all the cells for moving out debris become stagnant and thick and they just are not able to move waste debris out efficiently Not only are you cleansing debris from the liver/gall bladder with this cleanse but also you are ridding your body from possible stored emotions of anger and frustration and strengthening the emotion of love. “There are only 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

 Time: Worked fine for me. Able to get thru dinner and then have the call. 

Participation: Great to have the whole group chime in thru the calls and not just have it as a lecture format. It really gives the program a sense of teamwork. Personally, I think it would be totally fine to just group the check lists of “did you drink your smoothie, do ionic breathing, journal, eat the right foods, take your supplements, exercise, etc” in one “YES I DID” instead of 3 rounds per person as it does get a little long in the process to get thru that portion of the call. 

Education: I found it a good resource for people to then take the lessons excerpts and quotes and information and research the topics further on their own. Having the quotes and statements the we made by certain doctors and professionals was great so you knew who said or believed what so you could taek it upon yourself to look into each topic further and find there articles, websites, books etc and do further learning on your own time. Structure: The layout of the course was great. Easy to follow. Easy to understand.

 Information: I found it to have a lot of small articles that that gave quotes and statements that would be best followed up by the students finding the source and reading the author, doctor or scientists full article or book to see how they arrived at their findings so you had a far greater understanding but it was great to get a base that touched on so many topics. Time does not allow in-depth studies on so many facets of health, that would be a full time mutli year endeavor! Luckily, I was familiar with many of the topics from my own research over the past 3 years but it was great to see my findings and people I agreed with to be such a big part of the program. That left me with a far better sense that I was on a good path and now I have even more articles and topics to explore and learn about on my own time. 

Commitment: Totally doable. Easy to be committed to doing so many things that make you feel better about yourself both mentally, physically and emotionally. If you aren’t ready to commit to these simple diet & lifestyle changes, then your not ready to change. 

Application: Easy enough to apply... take some supplements, make a smoothie, do some exercise of your choosing, be grateful do some healthy breathing, do a little journaling, create some positive emotions, and connect with a support team for support ... easy squeezy zambizi! 

Reaching Others: I have found over the 3 years of my transformation and healing journey that the best way to “reach” others is to just let them see the results. No one wants to be preached to, harped on or compared to so saying nothing but letting them ask you questions “ how did you lose so much weight?”, “why does your skin glow?”, “ where do you get all your energy?” and then you can share. Opinions are like toothbrushes... we all have one so there is no need to share... unless someone forgot theirs. Or asks for yours. 

BSQ as a form of measurement: I like it. Makes people take a good look at what’s really going on. You forget how you feel sometimes because you are so used to it. Great to have it on paper and see the correlation of what your symptoms mean to your organs and body systems. Paints a much better picture of what’s really going on inside your body and mind. 

Comments: I think the course is informative, fun and affordable for most people to get a glimpse into a better way to treat their body and best of all... how THEY are in charge, not their so called doctor or the drugs they push down your throat. Empowering people with information and letting them know THEY are responsible for what they put into and onto their bodies, and that they are in charge of the quality of their health, happiness and life is invaluable. Why accept poor health from a failing/corrupt medical system when you can take action for your health and be responsible for how you look, act and feel... is it really anyone else’s job anyway? THANK YOU DONNA, for being energized, positive and knowledgeable. I am glad I took the class!

Shelly’s HEALTH PLAN March 2021

 A - Activate: Walk 5km day until I can manage more, Rebounding to stimulate my lymphatic system, Do deep cycle breathing, Ionic breathing, dynamic meditation (healing with the power of the mind) Create positive emotions with everyone I see or meet. Express on going gratitude. Get outdoors as much as possible. Hug s tree. Kiss a dog. Laugh loud and long and with the ones you love. Keep your mind, body and soul engaged and always stay fearless. Take Cat’s Claw daily for lymphatic system. . 

B - Build: Eat a healthy KETO DIE that is sugar free, lectin free, organic and veggie filled. Consume only cold water caught seafood and wild meats or organic meats, chicken and eggs. Get plenty of Omega 3s and use only organic, unheated, unprocessed Coconut oil or Ghee for cooking, and cold presssed olive oil for dressings. Drink plenty of good water, herbal teas and Super Smoothies each day with Chinese Mineral Chi Toni, Flax Hull Lignans, Green Zone & Solstic Energy. 

C - Cleans e: Keep elimination channels flowing with Psyllium Hulls Combination, LBS 11, with periodic Bowel, liver, kindey and gallbeladder flushes/cleanses. Drink chlorophyll with water throughout the day. 

Direct Herbals – MC - 12 per day Paw Paw 9 per day Turmeric Curcumin 2 CoQ10 2 Super Omega 3 EPA 1 with each meal, Protease Plus 3 2xdly Vitamin D3 and K2 Iodine (Lugols) Chaga, Turkey Tail, Reishi mushrooms

 My healing journey will continue with all of the above daily practices. I will stay positive and confident that my body has every desire, ability and power to be healthy, strong and vibrant. I now know more than ever before that what I THINK, SAY, FEEL and DO both to myself and to others are truly what will hurt or HEAL me. Its really so simple... Garbage in = Garbage out. Whether it’s toxic water, food, environment or emotions. It’s all the same. All of the above are replaced forever. I will make it my daily practice to treat myself with far more patience, love and kindness and that will automatically become how I treat every other aspect of my life. I feel energized and connected to myself and all of my TAFYH Team and that gives me so much joy and courage to stay on the road to pure health. The people you meet, the choices you make and the attitude you take make all the difference in the world. I go forward with only one thought... I GOT THIS.

TAFYH by Chad

 Success Story (thus far)

1.     BSQ changes; total score went from 26 to 16

a.  Reductions of Digestive, Hepatic, Intestinal, Circulation, Nerves, and Glandular  

2.     Overall sense of well-being increased (don’t feel run down all the time)

3.     Body temp has averaged 97.04F at start to 97.12F recently (been testing every week day since TAFYH started)

4.     Candida Saliva test, from the first to the last test the last test was not as cloudy or stringy

5.     Energy levels have increased, especially noticed when sleep is longer than my regular time of sleep. (Normally when I slept in I used to get a headache)

6.     Weight-loss was low…but body structure changed in its shape…some areas have “tightened” up.

7.     Appetite has diminished…

8.     No cravings…of any type.

9.     Inflammation has reduced in many areas of my body

10. Some of the edema in my legs has also reduced, and a rash on one leg has also completely disappeared.

11. One change that I noticed was a “pressure” or “tightness” in my groin area that it wasn’t until about the third week of TAFYH that I noticed was gone and has not returned!!!!

12. TAFYH has sparked a desire in me to want to further my expedition into this field of health. As it has been such a positive experience and a great encouragement to me!!!!

TAFYH Evaluation Sample

1.      AHHA’s; During the course I had more than one AHHA moment in some lessons. Ionic breathing and it’s affect on balancing out your body’s ionization.  The impact of mental and emotional stress, Nutritional deficiencies, physical trauma, and toxic overload as the four ‘root’ causes of life or ad seen in the disease tree! How a lack of nutrition can hinder the bodies ability to rebuild itself efficiently and effectively (skin rebuilds in one month, ability to rebuild your bone structure in three months). The use of lectins and gliadins in our food and how toxic they are to our systems. How herbs are able to be fuel sources for the reconstructing of organs, glands, bones and brains. Also  how Dr Linus Pauling found in 1970 “You can trace every disease ailment to a mineral deficiency.” How body temperature affects so many bodily processes, and that only a half degree can affect your immune system by 35%. Yet, through the the understanding of say the Chinese Constitutional elements, and how the are directly linked to the body (physical, emotional and processes) and through the use of super foods like Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic or red foods (like red meat) with relation to the fire element as an example…we can turn these issues around.

2.      Time; I found the length of time to be a bit to short (for myself). I enjoyed how quick some of the lessons were and how we were given something to look forward to at the end of our day. Spending time with other people to hear their revelations and struggles encouraged me that we are not alone in the endeavor to gain better health!!!!! I also found that being with a group of like-minded individuals…created the need to be accountable for our participation as well as our support. Woohoo team 59!!

3.      Education; I so enjoyed the learning…so much so that I am now looking into becoming an herbalist. With my background in sports as well as being a life coach for people…learning to take action for your own health is a paramount addition to that type of support. This includes family, friends and friends to be.

 4.      Structure; I enjoyed the structure…the points of view of others makes you see things that you would miss through your own narrow field if view. As some ancients writings state, “out of the mouths of two or three comes wisdom…” Also the use of more than one teaching mode (hearing, reading, speaking) really encourages retention.  

5.      Commitment; Being committed to the group, was at the start daunting. But, over the course of the programs weeks it was a pleasure to share with and receive what was seen or going on in my teammates lives. Which in turn created more commitment to make sure you were ready for each class. And in turn has compelled me to look deeper into the use of nutrition and its us in our lives and the lives of others.

6.      Implications; there were over the course of the program many things that parroted other teachings I had come across. And yet there were many lessons that I had never heard before that made logical sense. There is a sense of freedom from the tyranny of the medical system for the health side of my life. Knowing that we have access and understanding to now help ourselves and others brings a sense of relief, hope and peace!!!!!

7.      Reaching Others; I definitely want to help others and will continue to absorb the information we have been given. But also continuing to develop a greater knowledge base that will be transferable to others.

8.      BSQ’s as form of measurement; I found this tool quite useful…I have yet to use it with someone but I do refer to it in my conversations with people about evaluating their own health and that at any time we could go over it if they so choose.

9.      Comments; Thank you Donna for your wisdom and experience garnered over the past 35+ years. Also for your passion and desire to see people operating in their peak health. You are inspiring and encouraging….       Thank you!!!!!!!


Health Plan

1.     Vision of health

a.  My body is full of energy, vitality and contentment. I am at a most favorable weight and all of my bodies systems are functioning in harmony. I am in peace!!! I have an amazing wife who I am passionate about and two young boys who are amazing. I am experiencing; love, well-being, good cheer, good health and blessings.

2.     New ABCDE Therapeutic nutrition plan

a.       A – continue with cats claw combo, weightlifting and walking and ionic breathing.

b.      B – continue to eat the right foods, and having a smoothie twice a day

                                                              i.       Red - Chinese mineral chi tonic Yellow - MCT Oil White - Collagen Blue - water and berries Green - green Zone Stixated, lugol’s solution

c.       C - psyllium hulls LBS 11, chlorophyll & water

d.      D - Haptic - Liv-C, and continue using Protease plus three times a day, but also include capsicum to raise body temp and include K-C of the water element to address the edema in my legs.

e.       E - express gratitude that with proper nutrition my body will heal itself!

3.     I will meet and consult with Donna to re-evaluate where I am at and make any adjustments. I will continue to development my knowledge base by learning more about natural health remedies.

 4.     Planned cleanses;

a.  Candida clear

b.  Liver cleanse

c.   Kidney flush

d.  Bowel cleanse

e.   Gallbladder cleanse

TAFYH Evaluation by Donna


AHHA’s:  Fermentation of sugar feeds cancer.

               Dr. J saved husbands life, serious heart at attack by using emergency protocol

               All creation begins with one thought!!

TIME:  I was very grateful to have the evening class.  Regular attendance was easier.  However, the morning class that I took in 2013  was a great way to begin the day!

PARTICIPATION:  It is inspiring to hear other people’s stories and to share their successes. 

EDUCATION:  The amount of education offered is amazing.  It will take me quite a bit of rereading to take it all in and understand how to apply herbs where.  I am grateful to have that at my fingertips!

STRUCTURE:  I love the structure.  It is timely, thorough and enjoyable

 INFORMATION:  There is so much information to take in from past and present sources.  I love all the NSP information we receive.

 COMMITTMENT:  The daily commitments help me to keep on track.  I have learned that commitment is inspiring.

 APPLICATION:  The many flushes, recipes and herbal suggestions are so helpful.  We can keep going back to them so that we can do them on our own time.

 IMPLICATIONS:  In a perfect world, health would prevail!!

 REACHING OTHERS:  This is the most difficult part for me.  People i approach are not interested, but  hope I have planted a seed.

 BSQ’s:  It is a simple test but very effective.

 COMMENT:  I am grateful to Donna Roth for putting this course together and helping so many people.  I am also grateful that she makes herself available to any questions we may have at any time.

This is my second time around.  I have stuck fairly close to the program for the 8 years by taking the smoothie and avoiding grains and sugars.  However, i began to add more wrong foods, such as potatoes and desserts occasionally.  This past year, I found myself going further into the abyss of wrong foods, more desserts and junk food and more pasta.  That was my reason for taking the course again.  To get back on track.

Thank you for that opportunity Donna!  Who knows what kind of illnesses i prevented by somewhat sticking to the program for those years!!

TAFYH Evaluation by Shawn

 TAFYH Evaluation

 Shawn  03/22/2021

 Ahha’s:  Ahha moments were plentiful during the weekly lessons. If one looks a at the nutritional deficiency, toxicity, stress and trauma all disease and illnesses can be stopped from starting or cured. Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37 C. Candida scrambles up all the hormones. Lectins in grains cause inflammation. Heat your food with steam do not microwave. Radio waves cause harm to your own electrical balance. You body can rebuild itself in 365 days. Cancer can be cured with Pawpaw. Gall stones can be dissolved using a cleanse. Cat’s Claw and Silver can heal infections.

 Time: After work for the meeting was better for me and learned so much from the information and sharing from the meeting.

 I like the sharing format of the way commitments are shared. Listening to everyone is a great help and support.  It is a good way to experience what you present each lesson. Participation is the key.

 Education: The education I have received in these past few weeks is helpful to me. I can reference this information for the remainder of my life.

 Structure: I liked structure. Patterns are good to follow. Every single day was mostly new information. Having the lessons in print form so I can review the information over and over is a big plus.

 Commitment: Having the class at the same time every weekday evening, 15 min. made for a success in commitment. I will make time for whatever I really need to do.  This course has helped me be more confident in understanding herbs and how the body works together. I really do not remember learning these bodily functions.  I can help anyone that will listen.

 Implications: I now know we do not need vaccination shots to prevent disease. We prevent disease with nutrition. I have trust in taking Cat’s Claw. I see the increasing effect of having people telling other people and sharing information can be huge.

 Reaching Others: More knowledgeable on how herbs can be used.

 BSQ’s as form of measurement: I see that it is a snapshot of my health, it identifies the system that I need to work on. Before and after BSQ’s are a great reference tool.

 Money: My wife takes care of purchasing our Nature Sunshine Products and I mostly take care of the grocery side of the costs

 Comments: I am incredibly grateful to you and for all the work that went into this course. I enjoyed this class greatly. This is my second set of lessons and enjoyed both.

 Regarding implications of TAFYH: We are in control of our own body, and it is our responsibility to take care of for an eternity.


Shawn Boyce 03/22/2021 


BSQ start Date 01/13/2021 score of 31…………   03/22/2021 score of 7

Saliva test was normal.

Blood Pressure was normal.

Body Temperature was normal- 36.9C

Weight lost .5 lbs it’s a start, 119.5 lbs to go.


A - Activate:  Continue walking to and from the kennel, slowly increasing the distance.  Continue ionic breathing and expressing gratitude. Take Cat’s Claw, MC, Multi Vit., Super Oil, Berberine, twice daily.


B - Build:  Morning Smoothie- Chinese Chi Tonic, Green Zone, Berries, Collatrim Plus, Solstice Energy, Psyllium Hulls, Flax Hull Lignans, Reverse Osmosis Mineral Water. Continue to eat the right foods from the recommended food list, staying away from grains, legumes and sugar.


C - Cleanse:  2 LBS II daily. Drink chlorophyll with water.

Tiao He Pak

Ultra Biome DTX

Periodic bowel, liver, kidney and gallbladder cleanse (approx. every 60 days)


D-      Direct Aid- Urinary- K for Kidneys

                  - Circulatory- MC, heavy metal cleanser

                  - Intestinal- LBSII, Psyllium Hulls

                  - Immune- Cats Claw

                   - Nerves- Super Oil capsules

                   - Glandular- Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic


E-       Gratitude- Healthy food which we can nourish and heal ourselves and others, plants, seeds, nuts, free from antibiotic Beef, Chicken, Pork, Wild Fish.


We will be using only natural non-toxic products in our home.  Skincare, body and haircare, make-up and home cleaning products.

 During this course and for the remainder of the year I will diligently try to lower the list of poisons causing any remaining inflammations:

Eating too much


Emotional injury

Physical injury

Radiation, from welding


Inadequate sleep

Environmental toxins  

Iodized salt  

Vaccinations, tetanus shots

Micro waved foods

Drugs, medications


Root canals 

Scar tissue 

Chemicals, plastics, personal care and home products

ELF- extremely low frequency from power lines, welding equipment, appliances and EMF- electromagnetic field from both low (Power lines, Appliances, Welding equipment) and high frequencies (Cordless and mobile Phones, I pad, GTAW Welding equipment)