BSQ dropped from 62 to 14
Body temperature increased from 97.9 to 98.1
Hepatic dropped from 6 to 2
Circulation 6 to 4
Nerves 9 to 0
Glandular 12 to 0
Structural 8 to 3
Candida changed from 1 big, long strand to 1 small strand
Heart palpitations gone
Itchy skin gone
Anxiety and nervousness gone
Muddled confusion is gone
Now feel calm and clarity
Low energy is gone
Sugar cravings gone
Muscle soreness is gone
Did the gall bladder cleanse and stones are dissolved and passed and
shoulder pain decreased
Clearer thinking
Treat the whole body using the Laws of Nature
I loved my classmates
BSQ dropped 77 to 22
Body temperature increased from 36.2 to 36.8
Urinary dropped from 11 to 1
Circulatory dropped from 8 to 5
Nerves dropped from 7 to 4
Glandular dropped from 10 to 5
Structural dropped from 11 to 1.
BT increased from 36.2 to 36.8
Frequent bathroom experiences gone
Sense of calmness in my belly
The vision board, the TAG team and the structure was perfect
My nerves, blood and fluids were flowing in rhythm
My commitment shifted from weight loss to a health movement.
BSQ dropped from 74 t0 9
Body Temperature increased from 35.6 to 36.8
Is now off thyroid medication, Synthroid, Had been on it for over 25
Off anti-inflammatory medications
Masses in lower abdominal area have decreased in size
Surgery is no longer an option
Lost 10 pounds
Bloating is gone
Puffiness is gone
Swollen joints gone
Right leg pain is gone
Cold hands and feet gone
Hands and feet are no longer cracked and dry
Constipation is gone’
Energy has increased
Kris. So wonderful to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers from you,
Kris, as a token of your gratitude.
My heartfelt thank you to you, Kris.
BSQ dropped from 21 to 8
Nerves dropped from 5 to 2
Glandular dropped from 5 to 1
Reproductive dropped from 3 to 1
Feels so much lighter
Nerves are relaxed
Is now grounded
Now empowered to stand up for myself
Coughing spells are now a lot better
Sinuses have cleared up
BSQ dropped from 19 to 8
Urinary dropped from 2 to 1
Circulatory dropped from 4 to 2
More clarity and well being
Feet have healed
Water retention gone
My feet are healthier and I am honoring them
I love Rejuvenaid, Cat’s Claw, Psyllium Hulls and Capsicum
Medical bullying has conditioned us to comply
See my greatness and wisdom
I am learning to be my own physician, my own lawyer and my own teacher
I choose to be proactive and vibrant and to be the Centurion
You are amazing
BSQ 31 to 29
Body temperature increased from 36.1 to 36.7
Extracted my infected tooth and used no antibiotics and used Cat’s Claw
and Silver
More energy
More happy
Incredible information
Donna has done years of research
BSQ dropped from 89 to 49
Less abdominal pain
Root canal was extracted after 2 months of high dense nutrition to build
up the energy
Used Cat’s Claw and Silver for root canal extraction; no antibiotics
After numerous doctors and ND’s and dentists, no one told me to take out
my root canals.
Anxiety is gone after the root canal extraction; anxiety and panic
attacks for 6 years
Bowels are working
Sinuses have cleared up and breathing is better
Gas and bloating is gone
Muscle pain has lessened
Lost 8 pounds
Lost lots of fluid retention
Donna was there for me
BSQ dropped from 117 to 57
Dramatic improvement in health
Candida test showed that it is almost gone
Heart palpitations gone
Stopped taking Synthroid
Bowels are moving twice a day; this is huge
Sinuses have completely cleared up
By brain is thinking and doing better
I have to work on my root canals
Thank you, Donna, for your generosity and care.
BSQ dropped from 24 to 8
Body temperature increased from 36.2 to 36.5
Second time doing TAFYH
Intestinal stomach pain is gone
Urination, back to normal
Joint pain gone; tried everything in the past
Did the Gall Bladder cleanse and passed many dissolved gall stones
Now more intentional about body systems
Has inspired my wife and kids
Sleep has improved
Lost 7 pounds and is much more stronger
Love the accountability
Love your spark and I support you,.
Its been an honor to be a part of Team 61.
BSQ dropped from 44 to 19
Nervous 7 to 4, Glandular 8 to 4, Structural 3 to 1
Body temperature increased from 35.9 to 36.3
Anxiety gone
Constipation gone
Expelled lots of parasites
Skin problems, itchiness gone
Dropped 8 pounds
Biofeedback showed energy has increased from 5. 5 to 6.1 out of 10
Menstrual cycle is now normal
Cravings are gone
Sinuses have cleared
Medical side has totally got caught up in diagnosis and names
TAFYH is a wonderful, comprehensive program, packed with so many gems of
Donna is a wealth of knowledge and has put years into this course.
The testimonials are invaluable motivation.
No more doctors practicing on me
Structural 10 to 8, Circulation 6 to 4, Urinary 6 to 2
Body temperature increased from 36.1 to 37.2
Clothes fit better, lost 9 lbs.
No shortness of breath when I climb stairs.
Cleared up infection in teeth using Silver Guard
Cleared up skin rashes from the CoVid shot using Rejuvenaid and Pine
Needle Oil
Sleep has now improved and no more 3 pm naps
No more waking up at night
Was diagnosed with Lupus, arthritis, and was told I was just getting
Digestive 11 to 8
Nervous 10 to 12
Glandular 14 to 15
Body temperature increased from 98.2 to 98.4
Improvement in digestion
No matter what disease you are diagnosed with if you follow the Laws of
Nature your body will heal.
I have gained more confidence by reading all the success stories
Its about organ renewal not organ removal
Donna is a born teacher, on track, on time, and committed
BSQ dropped from 26 to 13
Intestinal 4 to 2, Circulation 7 to 4, Nerves 6 to 2, Glandular 2 to 1
Body temperature increased from 35.3 to 35.7 to 36.5
Blood Pressure -decreased
More energetic throughout the day!
Sleeping 7 hours
Easy to wake up and feel good for the day.
Morning stiffness and joint pain Gone!
Cravings for sugar are gone.
Increased will power to say NO to unhealthy food.
Gallbladder cleanse- completed today July 7/21. Successful- expelled
about 80 or more pea size to marble size stones.
Bloating gone
I have found that this course has changed my whole outlook on our health
care system and what I can do differently to bring healing to myself and
I have gained more confidence and knowledge to share with others who ask
for holistic health advice.
Understanding the 5 Pillars of health and the need to address them with
nutrients and proper protocol was very enlightening.
Will work on extracting the root canals
Really great course, empowering
People suffer needlessly
There is a whole misconceptions about cholesterol; no such thing as a
bad cholesterol
I have become a fearless leader
Loved Donna’s passion; teaches us true health
BSQ dropped from 84 to 61
Body temperature increased from 35.7 to 36.6
Lost 20 pounds
More energy
Can cope with stress
Look forward to waking up every morning
Less pain
Cravings for sugar gone
Conscientious of food choices
Craves the smoothies
Will address my teeth
Give help to others
We have been chosen for this time.
Evaluations Team 61 July 8/21