From the Desk of Donna Roth Jan.
For those who want to be self-reliant in health, and know how to take responsible action for health
TAFYH 68: registrations on the way
Advanced TAFYH; 15 have registered, for TAFYH grads
Everyone is asking me about spike proteins and graphene oxide. Here is
what I say.
Microzyma, somatids, exosomes
Blood Analysis and spike proteins
Words of Interest from Carol
Questions can be sent to
Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease and herb to cure
it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.” ~
Mourning Dove
Reports of COVID Vaccine Harms; Nearly 35,000 Reports of Injuries Among 5- to
17-Year-Olds, CDC Data Show
Recently the topic of diagnostic tests came into my energy field. Three
of the cancer clients I am presently working with were told by their doctor
that their cancer had progressed after following a nutritional program for at least
2 months and in one case followed a program for about 6 months.
So I decided to check this out. Here is what a found from my research.
Problems with CT scans
A cancer diagnosis based on CT scan has the potential to be completely
wrong – up to 30% of the time!
CT Scans Fail to Detect Cancer
Like ultrasounds, a CT scan is unable to differentiate cancerous tissue
from non-cancerous tissue:
Therefore, CT scans can lead to a false negative
This can negatively impact your ability to get any treatment at all
CT Scans Lack Detail
A CT scan cannot identify the most aggressive tumors:
They’re unable to differentiate between cancerous tissue and cysts (or
CT Scans Miss Tumors
A CT scan is unable to clearly identify the location of all tumors in
your body:
Therefore, it is common for tumors to be completely missed
CT Scans are Inaccurate for Treatment Monitoring
After cancer treatment, a CT scan is unable to determine whether masses
leftover are cancerous:
The CT scan might show signs of cancer, but that cancer might not be
For example, it could be scar tissue left over from cancer killed off by
your treatment
This means you won’t know whether or not you need to continue treatment
Now that I have some insight into this CT scan information that it is up
to 30% of the time incorrect I now ask this question. If you had a CT Scan how
do you know if your scan is one of the 30% that is wrong or the 70% that is correct?
Therefore, a CAT Scan cannot tell you anything about your cancer. My conclusion
then is what is the point of the CAT Scan. If you want to know the success of your
nutritional program, I suggest the Navarro test. It makes a lot of common sense
to me. If there is cancer in your body, then there is an anerobic environment in
that cancerous area. In other words, there is no oxygen in that cancerous injured
area. In a low oxygen environment, there is fermentation happening. The by-product
of the fermentation process in cancer is HCG hormones. These HCG hormones are
excreted by the kidneys as urine. The higher the HCG number, the greater is the
severity of cancer. When your HCG hormones show below the number 50 then you
know there is no more cancer cells forming in your body. A note of interest: HCG
hormones are also released during pregnancy and tissue production due to burns
or other physical damage.
Here is another significant story regarding CT scans.
I remember working with Lanny diagnosed with colon cancer. He had one of
those CT scans and the report came back that read tumor, scar tissue, cyst, and
the recommendation by the doctor was to get it surgically removed. So Lanny and
I had this conversation. I asked the obvious question; it is a tumor or a scar
tissue or a cyst? These are 3 very different things. The surgeon could not
answer any of these questions and aggressively slammed the door and left Lanny
in the office. That’s when Lanny had the answer. He would not do surgery. Lanny
followed the therapeutic herbal program and one day he had bleeding from the
bowel. This was pretty scary. I got the phone call and talked to him about the
body having an intelligence and that it could heal itself. The body is created
to heal. However it does need to get rid of that poison, toxin, waste debris ,
whatever you wish to call it in order for healing to take place. This is what
Dr Hering called a healing crisis. When you put enough energy into your body
there is a certain tipping point that occurs where the body throws off the poisons
and new cells are regenerated. You heal from the head down, from the inside out
and in reverse order as the symptoms appeared in the past. To this day neither
Lanny or I really know the answer to that question. Was it a cyst , a tumor or
scar tissue? It does not matter. Lanny’s colon has been healed with no cancer for
many years now.
I have witnessed many times where the doctor used a CT scan and said the
cancer was worse.Peter with bladder cancer was told the cancer spread to the prostate after
3 months on the program.The doctor said the bladder and prostate would have to be cut out. Peter
said NOPeter continued to follow the program.3 months later there was no cancer!!
Dr Lynda with a tumor in her uterus was told the tumor grew bigger in size
after 6 months on my program.2 weeks later she passed a bloody mass.The doctor could not find any tumor.
Diane with MS was in a wheelchair, and it took her 2 years to walk
again.A few years later she went to the doctor for a scan and the doctor told
her the MS had progressed.This is when Diane decided to walk away! Not just walk away but not come
back either.This is now 30 years later and she continues to walk in her high heeled
So there is one other factor I recently discovered. One lady diagnosed
with cancer that I worked with did the therapeutic nutritional program for 3 months
or so and the Navarro test came back at 52.4. Shortly thereafter her husband had
the Covid shot. Another Navarro test was done, and the number increased to 53.
I know this is a slight increase. However, I really believe that the spike
proteins were shedding and affecting her healing process. Spike proteins shed by
sweating. Of course, this was my assumption but recently at one of the meetings
I attended I met a lady who showed us her recent blood analysis. She was one
person who was quite dedicated to having her blood analyzed and she reported
that she was always proud of her blood cells being free flowing and not sticking
to each other. Since the CoVid vaccine mandates that her colleagues were coerced
into getting she had another blood analysis done and was shocked to see her
blood sticky, not free flowing, lack of movement. I was privy to see a picture
of her blood. She attributes the change in her blood to the spike proteins. The
question then comes up; what you can do to eliminate spike proteins and the answer
is nitric oxide generator as found 2 of Natures Sunshine products.; Arginine
Plus and Rejuvenaid. Because I am very aware of the spike protein transmission,
I take Arginine Plus or Rejuvenaid every day.
Then there is the problem of the heavy metal graphene oxide as found in
the CoVid shots. If you have had a shot I recommend you do a program of
Rejuvenaid at least 2 sticks and 1 scoop of Arginine a day along with Ultra
Biome DTX to pull out that graphene oxide and drink lots of Chlorophyll and
water. Do this for at least 6 weeks then continue to take Arginine 1 scoop a
day until we see the end of these shots.
On many occasions I have talked about the Germ Theory. I have alerted
everyone to the fact that this is only a theory. It has always only ever been
known as a theory. In other words it does not follow the laws of nature and
there is no scientific evidence that it has been proven to be true. It has only
been deceptively used to market vaccines to a world that blindly trusts the medical
institution involved in promoting it. Now it is 2022 and the vaccine scenario
is now so bad that Big Pharma and all who are behind it are now wanting to mandate
these CoVid vaccines to every human being on this Earth. Today I express my
utmost gratitude to the brave courageous truckers who have been the brave and
strength in our society to take on the convoy approach to stop mandates and to
restore our freedoms which was at the brink of utter destruction.
I have attended rallies for 2
years now and today I share my observations. I knew it would have to be a large
group of people who would have to take this on; to expose the deception and the
lies that were given to us by the MMS. I really believe that out here in the
West it started with our little gathering of 200 people in Bertram Creek Park right
here in Kelowna with a few of us, Susanne, Darlene, Fran, David and me. WE were
confronted with an entourage of police and Health Care worker and Parks
attendant. We could have been fined, or cuffed but through our knowledge of the
Constitution and The Charter of Rights and Freedom we took a strong stand and
their entire agenda dissipated. We started a movement of rallies. In the East It
started with a few brave nurses who lost their jobs after speaking up for the
elderly. These nurses started a movement of nurses. Then a few doctors came on board,
Dr Malthouse, Dr Hoffe, Dr. Nagasse, Dr Bruchet and many others who started a movement
with the doctors. Then there was Paster Pawlowski trying hard to get the
pastors across Canada to take a stand, The movement of pastors started. The
police then came on board with Police on Guard for Thee and Mounties for Freedom.
Then there was Vaccine Choice Canada and Action4Canada. At this point I got
lost in the plethora of freedom movement groups there were so many.
But in all honesty, little did I
think that it would be the truckers that would really pull it all together to
unite all these groups and move to Ottawa. My heartfelt gratitude to these very
well-organized truckers that have gathered peacefully and have moved millions
of others to support them in so many very touching ways from donating almost 9
million dollars to preparing food and serving them in all kinds of other capacities
as they crossed Canada. I am so thankful to the many kind and loving and compassionate
people that have come out in full support of the truckers and this historical
movement in Canada. My heart is full as I and I know you also for the last 2 years
attended rallies, written letters, signed numerous Notices of Liabilities so
that we today could witness the hundreds of truckers as they passed numerous cities
and towns witnessing the thousands of people that supported them. It has taken
2 years to get to this point. We never gave up. We kept going. Now the work we
all did to prepare has been taken over by the truckers. Lots of love and blessings
to those truckers and their families.
Now back to the Germ Theory. It was Bechamp in the late 1800’s who
stated that in every living thing there are these very tiny particles that hold
life and he named them microzyma. Our bodies have microzyma that stay dormant
until they are called to action. When there is an overaccumulation of poisons
or toxic debris in the body the microzyma are called to action. They are then
able to create a viruses those particle,
or somatid as described by Dr Gaston Nassens or the "exosome. These all function as a
carrier of information (like a text message), which then alerts the entire
immune system in your body into action to
get these enemies out as soon as
possible. In the process of getting these poisonous enemies out all of these special messengers , these viruses get to work and they then induce some very unpleasant conditions; the fevers, diarrhea, mucus formation , the
coughing, the runny nose as they move out these destructive poisonous enemies
out through your elimination channels, the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and
the skin. These are the times these viruses
are actually life-saving to our bodies. Quote Sayer Ji. For example, lethal
conditions such as cancer, or deadly opportunistic infections with certain
bacteria, can be averted through the induction of episodic, seasonal
"healing crises." The virus can actually move out the poisons that
form cancers and tumors. Now you can see why I call the virus my friend and not
my enemy as we have been falsely taught. I am reminded of the scripture which
states Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put
darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and
sweet for bitter!
Now I do have a responsibility to my body in order for this process of
viral action to happen effectively. I
need to nourish my body with all the energy of life; good foods, super foods, Ultimate
Green Zone, Collagen, Solstic Energy and I must drink lots of water and Chlorophyll.
My bowels must move and if not I can add LBS11 and magnesium. The lymphatic fluids
must move so I add Cat’s Claw combination. I give my body sunshine and if there
is not enough of it I add Natures Sunshine Vitamin D 3 which comes from sheep
lanolin. If I don’t eat enough fish then I add Super Omega 3 full of fish oil
to make the cells pliable and breathable. I exercise and breathe in fresh air
without a mask! I do all that I can without using poisons such as drugs or antibiotics
to stop this process of moving out the enemy. Finally I trust that my body is
created to heal and I wait patiently in faith until the healing is complete. Sometimes
this may take only a few days, sometimes a few weeks and other times as in
cancer a few months or a year. But the bottom line is that it will happen.
laws of Nature state that your body is created to heal. I love Dr Christopher
who once said, There are no such things as incurable diseases, there are only incurable
people. The famous herbalist Samuel Thompson used two herbs mainly, cayenne
& lobelia. And with those two herbs, it is estimated he helped 3.5 million
people recover from their illnesses.” ~ Richard M. Schulze Getting to know
herbs and the love and energy that has been planted in those herbs by a higher
being, I call God is truly the answer to all diseased conditions. I want to leave you with
And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley