Monday, September 23, 2024

Teleconference Call September 23/24 

From the Desk of Donna Roth September 23/24

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH team 77

Charter of Health Freedom

Cancer Over diagnosis

Blocking Spike Proteins

Dissolving Gallstones Instructions

Success stories; gallbladder flush

Skeletal Strength for backaches

Chlorophyll insights

Words of Interest from Donna Roth

 My daughter informed me that Skeletal Strength is awesome. She took about 6 a day for one month and her back ache is gone.

I am so thankful to Donna, my TAFYH team and my TAG team for their insight, sharing their knowledge, in promoting health.

From Leilani

I have lost my trust in the medical system when my ENT told me that he was not able to help me and that I would need to take steroids. I am so thankful I did not comply and wanted to find a better way to healing and health.

I am currently symptom free from Meniere’s Disease and I want to keep it that way! But avoiding my environmental and food triggers and currently eating the right foods and exercising and taking healthy supplements to nourish my body.


I love sharing with those I care and love about the knowledge I have gained from the TAFYH program.

Thank you to my friend Sophea for sharing her experience from TAFYH that has got me intrigued to take the leap of faith to join TAFYH.

I express gratitude to my TAG Team and my TAFYH team, my loving and supportive husband and my beautiful children who have been a HUGE support through this journey.

Most of all, I am thankful to God for everything He has blessed me with: a healthy and happy family and good friends and creating nature in abundance to be used for healing and health.


Donna you have inspired me to just be myself to continue to working on myself and being my true self. My win is not only understanding and overcoming my cancer, but it is also about how to serve others from my true self. This is caused to step up in a bigger and more confident way in my offerings as I have been inspired by TAFYH.

 Without freedom on thought there can be no such thing as wisdom.


Eustace Mullins quotes a then Rockefeller silenced medical doctor's book from 1936:


"I have never seen an unvaccinated person with cancer. Vaccines attack the immune system 5 years, 10 or 40 years later - Vaccination is really a time bomb within the human system.”


In an era where the boundless potential of scientific advancement should herald hope and healing, it has instead been perverted in the darkest manner possible. We might shake our heads and shame the Chinese for the atrocity; however, Western nations, including Canada, Europe, Australia, the U.K., and the United States, are participants in the CCP organ harvesting industry.

Western nations have quietly allowed and paid for organ transplants for their citizens from those who have been falsely arrested, charged, and slaughtered. All made possible by DNA matching technology and machinery provided by U.S.-sold patents.

Medical professionals and institutions in the Canada, United States, the UK, and Europe, regarded as beacons of knowledge and healing, have directly contributed to the efficiency of this gruesome trade, providing the foundations of China's organ harvesting practices.

How fear and panic lead to higher mortality rates


Avicenna was a Persian scientist who lived 1,000 years ago. He placed two lambs of equal health in separate cages. But only one lamb could see a wolf, who was put in a third cage. The observations were astounding.


Both lambs received the same food. The weight was also exactly the same at the beginning of the experiment. However, after a few months, the lamb became moody, restless and weak at the sight of the wolf, lost a lot of weight and showed signs of poor development.


The lamb, which was chronically stressed because it was constantly in clear danger, eventually died. In fact, the wolf posed no danger, but the lamb did not perceive it. This phenomenon is now known as the nocebo effect.

This experiment showed that elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol have a terrible effect on mammalian metabolism.


From GreenMedInfo

Back in 2012, The National Cancer Institute convened an expert panel to evaluate the problem of cancer's misclassification and subsequent overdiagnosis and overtreatment, determining that millions may have been wrongly diagnosed with "cancer" of the breast, prostate, thyroid, and lung, when in fact their conditions were likely harmless, and should have been termed "indolent or benign growths of epithelial origin." No apology was issued.  No major media coverage occurred. And more importantly, no radical change occurred in the conventional practice of cancer diagnosis, prevention, or treatment.

The JAMA study found that a wide range of standard medical procedures and interventions that millions are subjected to annually, are not evidence-based, as commonly assumed, and have little to no benefit, and may even be causing significant harm. As a result, I now believe that good medicine often involves doing as much as nothing as possible. I also think that people should be aware that any conventional cancer diagnosis has the ability to exert lethal harm via the nocebo effect, regardless of its accuracy (i.e., even a misdiagnosis can result in lethal consequences because the power of belief). 

On April 14th, 2016, in an article titled "Its Not Cancer: Doctors Reclassify a Thyroid Tumor," the New York Times reported on a 2016 study published in JAMA Oncology which should forever change the way we classify, diagnosis and treat a common form of "thyroid cancer":

"An international panel of doctors has decided that a type of tumor that was classified as a cancer is not a cancer at all.

As a result, they have officially downgraded the condition, and thousands of patients will be spared removal of their thyroid, treatment with radioactive iodine and regular checkups for the rest of their lives, all to protect against a tumor that was never a threat.

Their conclusion, and the data that led to it, was reported Thursday in the journal JAMA Oncology. The change is expected to affect about 10,000 of the nearly 65,000 thyroid cancer patients a year in the United States. It may also offer grist to those who have been arguing for the reclassification of some other forms of cancer, including certain lesions in the breast and prostate.

The reclassified tumor is a small lump in the thyroid that is completely surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue. Its nucleus looks like a cancer but the cells have not broken out of their capsule, and surgery to remove the entire thyroid followed by treatment with radioactive iodine is unnecessary and harmful, the panel said. They have now renamed the tumor. Instead of calling it "encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma," they now call it "noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features," or NIFTP. The word "carcinoma" is gone.

Many cancer experts said the reclassification was long overdue. For years there have been calls to downgrade small lesions in the breast, lung and prostate, among others, and to eliminate the term "cancer" from their name. But other than the renaming of an early stage urinary tract tumor in 1998, and early stage ovarian and cervical lesions more than two decades ago, no group other than the thyroid specialists has yet taken the plunge.

In fact, said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, the name changes that occurred went in the opposite direction, scientific evidence to the contrary. Premalignant tiny lumps in the breast became known as stage zero cancer. Small and early-stage prostate lesions were called cancerous tumors. Meanwhile, imaging with ultrasound, M.R.I.'s and C.T. scans find more and more of these tiny "cancers," especially thyroid nodules.

"If it's not a cancer, let's not call it a cancer," said Dr. John C. Morris, president-elect of the American Thyroid Association and a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Morris was not a member of the renaming panel.

Dr. Barnett S. Kramer, director of the division of cancer prevention at the National Cancer Institute, said, "There's a growing concern that many of the terms we use don't match our understanding of the biology of cancer." Calling lesions cancer when they are not leads to unnecessary and harmful treatment, he said."


Blocking Spike Proteins Dr Trozzi

The world has been spiked. Spike protein poisoning is foundational to the massive wave of disease and death that follows the covid-19 injections. Many organs can be affected; and people present with a variety of clinical pictures from myocarditis, to strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, kidney failure, infertility, rashes and many more. Many doctors are blind to the underlying process causing their patients’ troubles. I hope my videos and referenced materials will help patients to recover and doctors to help them.

Quercetin is a naturally occurring compound. It is a member of the flavonoid group of polyphenols. It has many health benefits. It is found in blueberries, red wine, kale, red onions, as well as many other fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, and grains. As a supplement people take quercetin dihydrate, 250 to 500 mg once or twice daily with food.

Other natural items that are promising for blocking spike protein attachment to ACE2 receptors include: milk thistle extract, dandelion leaf extract, curcumin or “turmeric” and curcuminoid extracts, Some of these items have multiple additional mechanisms through which they aid in treating and detoxifying covid “vaccine” injuries.


Among treatments for spike protein disease that work by interfering with spike protein adherence to ACE2 receptors, these are the five most popular: Ivermectin, quercetin, N-Acetyl Cysteine, dandelion leaf extract, and curcuminoid extracts.

 About 2 weeks ago I received a call from a lady who was suffering gallbladder pain.She had a horrible story to tell. She ended up with severe pain and not knowing what it really was she called an ambulance. She was wheeled into the hospital emergency area and there she waited, writhing in pain in a wheel chair in the hallway of the hospital  for several hours. Finally a doctor came in to diagnose her with gall stones. He declared that this was not an emergency and that she would have to wait to see a surgeon the following week, meaning one week later. The doctor gave her pain medication and sent her home. She was traumatized knowing that she would have to live in  pain taking pain drugs for another week before she could see the surgeon. Then she would be waiting again for the surgery.

And there was one more fear lingering in the back of her mind and that was this: Would the surgeon insist that she have a CoVid shot? She did not believe in those shots and as a matter of fact she was terrified of them.

With this pain and fear and apprehensions she headed off to the Health Food store and that is when I came into the picture. She called me to ask me about a natural way to dissolve gall stones. Of course I have the answer to this question. In the consultation I gave the instructions for doing a gall stone cleanse and I clearly stated that most times you would have to do this cleanse more than once to dissolve all the gall stones.

So this desperate lady took my instructions and did the gall bladder cleanse and sent me pictures of the gall stones she passed.

Today I want to share the simple steps to take to dissolve gall stones:



Liver Detox

To cleanse the liver for 3 days do the following:

LIV-C - 1 with each meal

Hydrangea – 4 /3  times a day

Lecithin - three with each meal

Drink Chlorophyll 2  tablespoons in water three times a day



Gallbladder Flush

On the day of the gall bladder flush do the following:

On the morning of the flush, have only a Smoothie

2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o’clock.

·         Mix 4 Tbsp of food grade Epsom Salts in 3 cups of cold water and refrigerate

·         At 6 pm drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

·         At 8 pm drink 3/4 cup Epsom salt mixture

·         9:45 pm - Prepare 1/2 cup Olive Oil with 1/2 cup lemon Juice and 10 drops Black Walnut extract.  Shake hard

·         Use the bathroom

·         10:00 Sip the above olive oil mixture with a straw

·         Lie down immediately and lie still for 20 minutes, then fall asleep


Next morning:

·         At 8:00 am drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

·         At 10:00 am drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

·         At 12:00 you can eat


The gall bladder flush has the ability to dissolve hardened gall stones and they then turn into softened green round blobs that move into the intestinal tract and out through the bowels. They appear as green blobs floating on the toilet water after a bowel movement.


There is a sequel to this story.

There was another lady who ended up with a horrible pain at the back behind her  shoulder blade. A short time later she threw up. Did she go to emergency? Was she terrified of the pain. NO. She knew exactly what it was. It was a gall bladder stone attack. It only takes one gall stone to get stuck in the bile duct. Then BAM. There is pain and lots of it. In this case an Epsom salt bath alleviated the pain a lot. Then a castor oil pack on the liver/ gall bladder area eased the pain The following day she did a gall bladder flush following the instructions. On Tuesday she passed some gall stones and the shoulder pain was gone. But there was still a slight nagging feeling so on Tuesday afternoon she did another gallstone cleanse back to back,. Once again galls stones were passed on Wednesday and on Thursday. The person who had this experience was none other than me, Donna Roth.

How incredible it is to know what to do in these emergency cases. There is no fear, there is no panic, there is no need for ambulance and no need for doctors or surgery. You can just do the gall bladder flush and the stones just dissolve.

That is why I encourage everyone to do my TAFYH course to become self reliant and independent of hospitals, doctors, diagnoses, drugs and surgeries.

The gall bladder flush dissolves your gall stones. They are formed when there are poisons that the cholesterol picks up and stores them as stones in the gall bladder. The poisons could come from various sources.





From Steven Horne Chlorophyll

The green color associated with plants is due to the presence of chlorophyll, an amazing substance that makes life on planet earth possible. Chlorophyll makes it possible for plants to capture light energy from the sun to produce carbohydrates, the basic energy source for people and animals.

Chlorophyll is one of the reasons we’re often advised to eat green leafy vegetables for good health. Chlorophyll-rich, green leafy vegetables contain many minerals needed to build strong tissues, especially magnesium. The chlorophyll molecule is based on the mineral magnesium, a nutrient many people lack.

In addition to being a valuable source of magnesium and other minerals, chlorophyll has many positive health benefits.

Chlorophyll and the Blood

Chlorophyll has been called the green blood of plants and has been likened to hemoglobin which provides the red color of human and animal blood. Chlorophyll appears to positively influence the health of the blood. It reduces agglutination (stickiness which causes the clumping of red blood cells). This reduces the tendency to clotting while increasing oxygen uptake in the blood. It is also part of the reason chlorophyll is alkalizing. In my experience, chlorophyll contributes to healthier blood and may be helpful in anemia but the mechanisms for this are not fully known. It may have something to do with aiding hemoglobin production, but I haven’t found any solid evidence to back this up.

This also makes chlorophyll energizing. I’ve seen it perk up someone who is tired and pale in a matter of minutes. Someone once shared with me how she used liquid chlorophyll to help her father in the hospital, who was suffering from lung problems and low oxygen. She claimed that the oxygen levels in his blood would rise very rapidly after using chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll and Detoxification

In 1994, The American Association for Cancer Research found that chlorophyll has the capability to ward off cancer-causing agents within the body. Some of the carcinogens chlorophyll has the ability to combat include benzopyrene (associated with tobacco smoke) and certain carbamates (elements found in insecticides that result in convulsions and death in lab rats). Upon oral administration of chlorophyll, there was a significant drop in the incidence of cancerous growths.

Oregon State University and the University of Hawaii found that the properties of chlorophyll inhibit an amine from fried foods, an element that has been found to instigate cancers within the mammary glands and the liver in human subjects. Chlorophyll was shown to suppress the carcinogenic factor.

Other Properties of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll has infection-fighting properties both topically and internally. It has been used in enemas to aid dysbiosis in the bowel and has a mild laxative action. It is also deodorizing. It has been used for years in nursing homes to lower the odor of fecal matter and perspiration. Chlorophyll is a good product to use when doing a cleanse as it reduces odors when detoxifying.

Chlorophyll Supplements

The natural way to get chlorophyll is to eat raw green foods. Cooking destroys much of the chlorophyll in foods, which is why green foods often fade in color as you cook them. Natural chlorophyll is a fat-soluble substance, which is why it causes grass stains.

Chlorophyll is stabilized and made water soluble for use in supplements by replacing the magnesium in the molecule with copper and adding sodium. This produces sodium copper chlorophyllin, which you can find in both liquid and powder forms. Sodium copper chlorophyllin is a good copper supplement, rather than a magnesium supplement, and has many of the same benefits as natural chlorophyll.

Steven”: I've always liked liquid chlorophyll and the brand, Nature Sunshine,  I've used is flavored with spearmint oil which can aid digestion and ease gas and bloating.

Chlorophyll is also available in capsules which is the way I like it because it is easy to travel with it. I love it for keeping my bowels moving, sources. These can be eaten in salads or juiced as part of a smoothie. Again, the best benefits come from consuming them raw as the chlorophyll breaks down with cooking. Cooked greens are beneficial, of course, but it is easy to overcook them.