Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Teleconference Oct 7/24


From the Desk of Donna Roth www.donnaroth.com Oct 7/24

Contact Donna Roth for consultations; kdroth@shaw.ca

Register for TAFYH team 250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH team 77 Questions from Members

Quotes from Bobby Kennedy

Success stories

Guest: Maria; sore throat and blood pressure

MC: Your Best Vitamin/Mineral Tablet

Words of Interest from Donna Roth

Success Story: heart and chest pains

Words of Interest from Carol


Bobby Kennedy Jr

There’s nothing more profitable than a sick child.

Insurance companies. Hospitals. Big Pharma. They all make money when a child has a chronic disease. The earlier a kid gets sick, the bigger the profits.

The science couldn’t be more clear. Injecting babies and children with vaccine after vaccine weakens their immune systems, and leads to a lifetime of everything from mild allergies to severe asthma to a range of devastating neurological injuries.


Great Deal from Natures Sunshine

From now to Oct 31 there is a 30% discount on Ginger and Turmeric Curcumin.


I love your questions:

The Paw Paw program was not designed by Dr. Jerry Mclaughlin.

The Paw Paw program was designed by Donna Roth.

It is a program designed to heal injured cancerous tissue.

It addresses Injury, Inflammation, elimination, infection, circulation.

This is not a program designed by Dr McLaughlin.

Dr McLaughlin did 20 years of research on Paw Paw and found it to be 1 m times stronger than adriamyasin   chemo.

VariGone is a great herbal combination for healing hemorrhoids, but the poisons must be addressed.

Continuing to put poisons into your body and hoping VariGone will heal the hemorrhoids does not work.

TAFYH is a very different way of thinking.

Throughout TAFYH I will strongly emphasize the 4 root causes: poison overload, nutritional deficiency, mental emotional stress, physical injury.


Colostrum capsules from NSP can bind toxic lectins.

Stay in your power and do not allow bread to control you.

Potatoes are high starch which converts to sugar and feeds Candida.

You can take your blood pressure and weight now and once again at the end of TAFYH.

Dorothy took TAFYH with Anita who at the beginning of TAFYH had low energy, back problems, weak voice.

At the end of TAFYH Anita had power, determination, energy.


Dental pain: Obstruction of blood flow. Take 2 -3  Cat’s Claw combination with SilverGuard every hour.

This may take 24 hours or until the congestion moves out and the blood delivers O2 to that area.

Mineral Chi Tonic is available if you call 1 800 265 9163 and ask customer service to send it to you from the US warehouse.

Astragalus is found in the Mineral Chi Tonic but it is also available in capsules from NSP. It produces stem cells in your body.

Artemisia available from NSP has been scientifically proven to transform heavy metals into minerals in your body. Very cool!

Raminder grows Red Russian garlic on his farm. Garlic has been known for centuries to help rid poisons from your body and thereby prevent or stop infections. Garlic High Potency is a herb available from Nature Sunshine.
Body temperature can drop in colder temperatures if you are not eating enough proteins and fats.

BT is also affected by Candida yeast overload and by drugs and vaccines.

Today I am sending you Fay’s story; diagnosed with a rare blood cancer; Why? Synthroid for over 20 years.

She was poisoned by Synthroid.

Questions today:

Collagen is bovine and sourced from bones.

Colostrum is the first milk that a cow produces after the calf is born. It is loaded with all kinds of immune and body building properties.

To break up cognitive dissonance where the mind is programmed a great question to ask is :

Is the CoVid shot a nutrition or is it a poison?

Many people have a difficult time answering that question simply because they just have never thought about it.

Everyone knows that poisons do not belong in our bodies.

Instead of colonics you can clean your bowels by taking Psyllium Hulls combination and LBS11 many times a day.

We will be doing the One Day Bowel Cleanse later in TAFYH.


TAFYH is about discovering your power.

You have been taught not to trust it and not to use it.

You have been taught that you are not good enough.

You have been taught not to speak out.

You have been given that inner God given power.

With that power and knowledge you can then take a strong stand for your body.

Someone else is not in control of your body. You are.

Something else does not control your body. You are in control and you take charge.

Stay in your power at all times.


Thank you for your questions this morning.
Aging is not the cause of disease.

Its poisons that age your body.

Its lack of nutrition that age your body.

Regarding your Vision of Health; see your self in your perfect state of health.

You do not want to visualize your present weaknesses whatever they may be.

You do not want to visualize your diagnosis or your present day symptoms.

You visualize your health in its perfect state; its your blueprint.

You are then setting up brain patterns that look like the perfect health you are working towards.


We don’t drink alkaline water because the pH is too high and can become destructive to the HCl that our stomach produces.

We follow the Laws of Nature; water running down a stream ; the pH is bout 7.5

We drink clean water knowing that water is continually being bombarded with poisonous residues from all those vaccines and all the drugs people are consuming.

No such thing as bad cholesterol; the liver makes cholesterol to bind poisons so the liver can neutralize them.Eat as many eggs as your body desires; they are loaded with good cholesterol and Omega 3 and proteins.

Beets are good foods.


Hi Donna....from Nairobi, Kenya. Just wanted to thank you for your part in my education around health. 2 weeks ago my BP and blood sugar readings were dangerously high. I immediately initiated a no nonsense TAFYH program after some sliding had happened in the preceding months. Today both readings are in the normal range. Thank you and blessings on your service to the world 🥰...warmly Danielx


Guest: Maria; Blood Pressure and Sore Throat


I looked at the Emergency kit and it said Cat’s Claw and Silver. I gargled with Silver and Capsicum and I took Cat’s Claw . Scratchy throat gone!

From Dr Mercola

Topping the list of the most common nutrient deficiencies are vitamins D, E, A, C, magnesium and calcium. Certain nutrient deficiencies are common even among those taking supplements

 MC; Your best vitamin and mineral tablet.

My take away is that we all need to know that our foods do not provide us with these much needed nutrients. Let me tell you about my most favorite multi vitamin mineral supplement. It is MC. It stands for Master Chelation which means it has the ability to clean out heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, lead and so on. But it can also clean out sticky triglycerides that the liver is spilling out into the blood stream. It can clean out metabolic wastes that perhaps your liver and kidneys are not able to do. There is an end product to the whole oxidation process. Oxidation uses oxygen and nutrient energy for the production of healthy cells by the stem cell carpenters. Just as there is carbon monoxide by product from your car which operates on gas and oxygen there is a byproduct from the oxidation process and it is acids and carbon dioxide. These by products are also known as metabolic wastes. It is MC that helps to clean out this metabolic waste. MC is loaded with all the vitamins like vitamin B and vitamin C. Each tablet contains 250 mg of Vitamin C and if you are taking 4 a day then you are getting 1000 mg of Vitamin C. MC also has in it adrenal bovine which gives your adrenals energy and alleviates stress. There are many benefits to bovine adrenal:

Supports metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Regulates blood pressure.

Regulates sleep-wake cycle.

Raises glucose levels during stress.

Helps maintain immune function.

Promotes an energetic feeling.

Supports healthy levels of cortisol.

Improves stamina and energy.

It moves out toxic debris that leads to inflammation

MC has another bovine in it and its thymus. What are the benefits to bovine thymus:

Boosting the immune system

Fighting off symptoms of allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disorders

Possessing antioxidant, , pain-relieving, antimicrobial, and antitumor properties

Treating bronchitis, whooping cough, sore throat, colic, arthritis, upset stomach, stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bedwetting, a movement disorder in children (dyspraxia), intestinal gas (flatulence), parasitic worm infections, and skin disorders

Enhancing immune function, correcting hormonal imbalances, treating allergies, and combating inflammation

Improving heart function, some symptoms, and the ability to exercise in some people with dilated cardiomyopathy

Then MC also has 2 fabulous herbs in its tablet. That is Gingko Biloba and Butchers Broom. Here are the  Gingko Biloba benefits

Age-Related Cognitive Decline Ginkgo bilobo is often touted as a beneficial supplement for improving memory, combating Alzheimer's symptoms, and reducing age-related cognitive decline. Some research suggests that when used in conjunction with other treatments, people with mild symptoms of Alzheimer's disease may see some improvements in function. ...

Memory ...

Anxiety ...

Eye Health ...

Blood Pressure ...


Health benefits of Butcher’s Broom

• Traditionally used for disorders of the circulatory system, varicose veins.

• In Europe, where it has been used for over 2000 years, herbalists recommend Butcher’s Broom for a variety of ailments, including broken bones. In the Middle Ages, it became popular for treating"heaviness in the legs". Other indications for butcher’s broom in folk medicine include jaundice,

headache, menstrual pain, and chest ailments.

Improves circulation in hands and feet.

Several human studies have lent support for using Butcher's Broom in treating venous insufficiency.

Helps reduce edema in legs and feet.

May help soothe the swelling and pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

the herbs use in treating hemorrhoids

Constricts and strengthens veins.


Now you are able to see why MC is really the best vitamin/mineral tablet you can take.

MC is also a great go-to when you are experiencing emergency type symptoms. So here is a story I would like to share with you.


Success story Heart and Chest Pains

One lady called me one evening and in a concerned voice reported chest pains. heavy chest and shooting pain through the shoulder and neck area. I knew this was an emergency and the heart was having a hard time, possibly even a heart attack or stroke. But  I also knew how to deal with this situation.

In my not-so-concerned voice I asked if she has the following items at home: Capsicum, MC, Mineral Chi Tonic, CoQ10 And she did. Diane is a strong believer of herbs and her emergency supplies were at hand. With my instructions she took the following:

3 capsules opened in water and drank it down with 8 capsules of MC and 4 CoQ10.

In 15 more minutes she repeated the capsicum with water.

Within 1/2 hour all her symptoms dissipated.

She took 8 more MC later .

Diane continued to take the above program for 3 more weeks at which time she knew the danger was over and she could reduce the amounts. Diane will pursue this program for 1 months for every 10 years of her age.

Laurence Smith; Heart Attack 

Here is something more  detailed.......and the I's can be changed to Laurence.

Early in 1984 I was a wreck looking for a place to happen. I had been taking Mylanta and Maalox by the gallon. I was pushing myself, working 14+ hours a day. I ate pizza, fried chicken and any other fast food that looked good to me. I was not sleeping well, getting up several times a night. I had no energy, and had to force myself to go on each day. Then in December 1984 my body said enough - and I found myself in the emergency room with a heart attack, not knowing whether I would live or die. In addition, something in the process caused me to loose most of my eye-sight. I was scared and didn't know what to do.

I had to give up driving, and lost the business and our home. My cholesterol was 380, my triglycerides were high, and my HDL's were low. Time to change how I was living. So for the next 5 years, I fought a battle with my life-style. I was on lots of medications. My wife and I tried everything!! We started to broil, bake, and anything else that we could think of that might bring my cholesterol down. We bought special cookbooks and tried lots of different recipes. When I went in to see my Doctor, I was again informed that my cholesterol had come down very little. We tried several different diets - all to no avail. Nothing seemed to help.

In October 1989 I found someone to talk with and give me some direction. As I added in quality supplements I really began to feel and do better. Three months later my Cholesterol was below 200. Within one year I was taking no medication at all. My digestive problems are gone. I sleep through the night and wake up with more energy than I have had in years. My cholesterol had dropped to 187, my triglycerides went from a high of 576 to 75, and my HDL went from a low of 22 to 59. I had also lost a solid 30 pounds.

The products Laurence took was MC, Super Omega and Chi Mineral Tonic. He lived to be 82 years old and passed away a few years ago.