Monday, November 25, 2024

Teleconference Nov 25/25 

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 78 Text 250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018am



Questions from TAFYH 77 questions.

Success Story: Gallbladder flush

Are You Evaluating instead of Listening?

10 Doctors Prove that Cancer and Other Diseased Conditions are Caused by Poisons

Laws of Nature 5 Step Solution to Cancer

Sad Story of Man who Did Not Follow Laws of Nature

Cindy Klement: Asthma as  Child, Solved as an Adult

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon

She had been suffering with lots of migraine headaches and lots of pain in the past.

Martha’s words, I would have lost it without the support of the team and the calls every morning.

My will power was so low.” Then Martha made a decision with the help of Dorothy to do the TAFYH course.

Consequently every week since the start of TAFYH she did the One Day Kidney flush.

Then last Friday she did the One Day Kidney Flush, on Saturday the one day Bowel Cleanse,

Then the next 3 days she did the liver cleanse and the last day she did the Gall Bladder Flush as per

The instructions she received in the TAFYH course. The hard part for Martha was not to drink water.

Instructions state that no water or food be taken after 2 pm until 12 noon the next day.

Last night she sipped the Olive Oil and Lemon juice with a straw and all with skepticism.

Would this work? Lo and behold this morning she woke up to have a bowel movement and she

passed stones and stones and stones, all dissolved, green and floating on the toilet water.

There must have been 1000 stones. I am sure there were about 300 big ones about the size of my thumb.

How did Martha feel? In her excited voice , “ I feel wonderful. I looked at my belly and it was flat.

I weighed myself and I am 10 pounds lighter. When you are low just stay with it!”

Thank you, Martha, for sharing your story with us.


Questions from TAFYH team 77

The oncologist asked about Paw Paw as she did not know anything about it.

She kindly offered to continue to monitor her patient.

It then came to me that Leslie should be honored to provide the oncologist with information regarding Paw Paw.

In accepting that little bit of information on Paw Paw the oncologist has now opened the door to receive more light and knowledge.

It is Leslie who is bringing her that light.

And so we all should be honored to share the light and knowledge of the Laws of Nature.

When the clients that I have worked with ask questions or ask for my opinion I know they will manifest the health they are looking for.

When there are no questions I then know they have turned Google trying to find the magic bullet.

This is the magic bullet.

However it is only magic when you give it the time it needs.



Germs are my friends.

Germs are created by Nature and they are there for a purpose.

They are keep the environment clean,

They keep the lakes and rivers clean.

They keep my inner body clean.

Their purpose is to eat up the toxins and poisons that are destructive to my inner organs and glands.

Our society has been wrongfully taught that germs are enemies.

We have been wrongfully  taught that we catch colds and flus.

No we get colds and flus as a way to clean our own inner body environment.

We have been wrongfully taught to blame someone else for the colds and flus our body creates for us.

We have been wrongfully taught to believe a poisonous vaccine can save  you!

It is time to take back our power, to stop believing these made up lies to sell a product line called vaccines.

Stay in your power.


Are You Evaluating instead of Listening?

The greatest majority of us cannot listen; we find ourselves compelled to evaluate because listening is too dangerous. Carl Rogers

As I share this information with you I ask kindly that you set aside your evaluation of me and the information I present to you for just these few moments and that you listen, that you open your mind to think outside the box where you can find freedom. Its  not the danger you have been perhaps unknowingly programmed to find.

I have worked with thousands of clients over the past 40 years but I recall a specific incident that happened many years ago where the Carl Rogers statement definitely applied. I once had a client who was diagnosed with cancer and was very interested in an alternative approach. He came into my office with his  every intelligent daughter. As I proceeded to explain cancer and how essential it is to understand the 5 pillars that need to be addressed in order to overcome cancer so that you can take responsible actions, the daughter abruptly stopped me to inform me that she was not interested in any MLM scam. Note I never even entertained the idea of MLM but her listening was absorbed in evaluating and what she heard in her mind the entire time during my educational explanation was that Natures Sunshine was an MLM company and she would have no part of it. In anger she was leaving my office and dragging her Dad out of this so called dismal situation. Her father, however, was reluctant. He , in fact, was listening and wanted to proceed with the program. But for his daughter listening was too dangerous and they both left my office.

Now I ask you to think of the consequences of this man leaving my office without the program he really wanted to do because his daughter just did not listen. So I ask you to set aside evaluation and listen so you are prepared to ask questions so you too can come to a deeper understanding of what is being said.

10 Doctors Prove that Cancer and Other Diseased Conditions are Caused by Poisons

Dr. Tim O’ Shea: After age 75, 50% of males have prostate cancer but only 2% die from it. Few people die of cancer only, most die of cancer treatments. There are thousands of everyday DNA altering , carcinogenic situations, well researched.

60,000 chemicals.


Processed foods

GMO foods

Prescription drugs

Over the counter medications


Air pollution

Fluoridated water

Pesticides on our produce

Herbicides on our produce


Other contaminants in our water.


Dr. McDougall MD review of mammograms in his paper” Early Detection” …the painful compression of breast tissue during the procedure itself can increase the possibility of metastasis by as much as 80%


DR. Samuel Epstein 2009: stated that 5 radiologists have been presidents of the American Cancer Society. This might explain why routine annual mammograms their standard recommendation have been for years despite any proven upside. A woman who gets a yearly mammogram for 10 years old get the same cumulative radiation as a woman standing 1 mile away from Ground Zero at Hiroshima.


Dr. Cordain, 2007 Super Omega 3 is most important for cellular circulation but it must contain the correct ratio of 380 EPA to 190 DHA . A study was done on a breed of cats that had cancer. They were fed high amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids plus iron. The high amounts of Omega 3’s shrunk the tumours as the cancer cells were exploding from rapid cancer cell apoptosis.


Dr. Micheal Pollack , Professor of Oncology , U of McGill “ The insulin effects are so big that I think if you had to choose between being thin and having a low insulin level or having access to the best chemotherapy you would be more likely to survive without chemotherapy. “If you have cancer and you have to choose between the low insulin level and chemotherapy, choose the low insulin level.”

Dr. Sartorius. Estrogen is the fodder in which cancer grows. To produce cancer in lower animals yo first introduce an estrogen base.


1971 study: massive oral doses of vitamin b reduced the growth of cancer in experimental mice by as much as 70%.


Dr. Eli Metchnikoff 1908, Nobel Prize winner introduced the concept of dysbiosis to the world. Dys means opposite and biosis means life. He proved that fermented milk (kefir) is beneficial to the gut because it inhibits bacterial infection. Harmful microbes release poisonous chemicals, ammonia, hydrogen sulfides, indoles, phenols and toxic acids. These microbes can damage the microvilli in the intestines resulting in serious malabsorption of nutrients into the blood stream. In other words they cause leaky gut. When harmful microbes overtake friendly flora than a whole host of conditions arise: IBS, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, chronic fatigue, eczema, food allergies, cancers.


Dr. Rundell: heart surgeon It is leaky gut that leads to inflammation and the biggest culprits are sugars, grains, legumes, omega 6 oils, soybean oil, corn, sunflower, found in all processed foods.


Anthony Oro, cell biologist, Science News 2001 “ The slightest scratch can cause cancerous cells to crawl to the wound and form tumours in mice, a new study finds. The work may explain why certain kinds of cancers seem to cluster around burns, surgical scars and other injuries.  This raises the question about the possibility of developing cancer in the remaining or surrounding chest tissue following a radical surgery as double mastectomy. Needle biopsies have also been figured as sources of cancer that otherwise might not have occurred.


Dr. Susan Love a breast cancer surgeon 2009, Your genetic code is not =nearly as predeterministic as previously thought. You actually have a tremendous amount to control over how your genetic traits are expressed …depending on the environment in which it finds itself. Meaning the presence or absence of appropriate nutrients, toxins, and even your thoughts and feelings which unleash hormones and other chemicals in your body.


Nobel prize in Medicine was awarded to 3 scientists in 1998 after 20 years of research for discovering the signaling role of nitric oxide. Nitric  oxide is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells communicate with each other by transmitting signals throughout the entire body. Your body produces it through exercise or by taking L Arginine and L Citruline . Nitric oxide reduces inflammation, and assists the immune system at fighting off bacteria an defending against tumours.


Colostrum: 1994 discovered to have specific antibodies insulin like factors to inhibit virus penetration of cellular walls. It regulates blood glucose levels, increases bone and lean muscle mass and regenerates injured muscles, bones, cartilage and skin collagen and nervous tissue.  IT destroys viruses , bacteria and fungus. IT si scientifically known to bind toxic lectins  in the blood stream.


Invictus, Movie, I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.


Here are the steps required to overcome cancer or to prevent it from happening. If you think this does not apply to you because you don’t have cancer , let me warn you. Dr McDougall , Steve Job’s doctor  was able to calculate the starting point of his pancreatic cancer and that was at age 24 . Steve Jobs was already harbouring cancer at age 24 but did not know it. And he died at age 54.It is interesting to note that Steve Jobs truly believed he could save his life by being a vegetarian. That didn’t work. He just did not have enough education.

Now that we understand what cancer is, it is easy to see  the answer and it is the Paw Paw program for cancer.


Stop feeding the cancer.

 Eliminate sugars, yeast products, grains ,milk from your foods list. Dr. Milton White MD found fungal spores in every sample of cancer tissue that he studied. He found that leukemia disappeared on a grain free diet.


Repair the injury

Eat the right foods : grass fed meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, walnuts, almonds, seeds, berries which are low glycemic and high in antioxidants .

Make 2 to 3 Shakes a day. When Bob with cancer of the esophagus could not eat he simply drank 6 Shakes a day and took all of his herbals as part of his Shake. That was in 2003 and he is cancer free to this day. The high dense nutrient  Shake recipe is:

Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic for all missing trace minerals and all tonic herbs

Aloe Vera Juice to heal the leaky gut

Collatrim Plus , bioavailable amino acids to heal injuries.

Spirulina or Green Zone for amino acids.

Solstic Energy which has Korean Ginseng, Green Tea extract, Grapeseed extract and gurana, excellent in breaking up agglutination of the blood.

Berries of your choice

Water and ice

This Shake replaces the need to do any kind of juicing. Most juices that are made at home are too sweet from the apples, carrots and most  juices contain very little nutrient value compared to this high power Shake with quality controlled high energy , high mineral, and  Super foods. Dr Alexis Carrol in 1912 was able to keep chicken cells alive for 30 years by simply feeding them a mineral rich ,clean water solution every 48 hours. As a matter of fact the heart cells outlived the poor chicken that donated them.


Then it is important to take a Super Omega 3 to make the cells pliable so that O2 can move into the cells and toxins can move out of the cells.

Vitamin D3 is needed to replace the Vitamin D3 that is bonded by toxic phytates found in present day grains.


Decrease inflammation by cleansing the blood :

Drink water with lots of Chlorophyll that binds heavy metals.

Flax Hull Lignans binds toxic xenoestrogens

Colostrum on an empty stomach binds toxic lectins.

Protease Plus  enzymes on an empty stomach  digests undigested foods in the blood and breaks up  the outer protein coating of cancer cells.

Cat’s Claw herbal combination opens up the lymphatic system to drain the toxins through the natural elimination channels.

Many times a consultation may be necessary to determine the root causes of inflammation. This is where you may need to contact me at


Increase circulation;

This is where we use MC, the most incredible oral chelation tablet I have ever witnessed. It cleans out heavy metals like lead, iron, cleans out metabolic wastes, toxic triglycerides, toxic cholesterol and increases O2 flow. If blood circulation increases so does body temperature. Dr. Jernigan said this,” Cells degenerate and die in direct proportion to the depletion of O2.


Activate elimination:

All Cell Detox is a herbal combination that helps the kidneys ,bowels, and liver to detoxify debris .Use LBS11 to increase bowel and liver activity.


Address cancer infection:

Use large amounts of anti-fungal herbs such as Paw-Paw. This is American Paw Paw that grows in Eastern US. It is the twigs that are picked in May , pulverized and the active ingredient called  acetogenins are extracted. This is not Brazilian Paw Paw or Graviola which has a different molecular structure. This is the American  Paw Paw that was studied by Dr McLaughlin for over 20 years and found to be almost 1 million times stronger than adriamyacin chemotherapy. Paw Paw inhibits sugar from reaching the cancer cells to feed them. Paw Paw inhibits and cuts off the growth of the blood vessels that carry sugar to the cancer cells. Paw Paw destroys fungal cells and gets right into the cancer cells to destroy them.


Increase stem cell production:

Astragalus found in Cat’s Claw combination and Mineral Chi Tonic increases stem cell production.

Using  Silver Shield  every day will increase healthy stem cell production as well. Dr. R. O. Becker in his research findings proved that silver in an ionic form can increase the production of healthy stem cells in the blood stream.

A Sad Story as Related by Carol

Here is the trap that many people fall into by not heeding to Nature. A man in his 60’s tried MC and after using it for 1 month said that he would not take it any more because it wasn’t doing anything for him. However what he did not acknowledge was that he did not have to get up to go to the bathroom at night after using MC for 1 month. His prostate started to work right , the swelling went down and the bathroom trips subsided. So he went off MC. Consequence was that the prostate began to swell, then he was diagnosed with cancer= surgery= a serious hospital infection=isolation for 3 weeks= antibiotics= intestinal tract infection= diapers= diabetes= a brain tumour. Result is that he died. Yet all this could have been prevented if he had stayed on MC !

It is hoped that the above information will inspire you to incorporate the mentioned super foods into your diet for your own cancer prevention program and to share this information with your friends and families. If you know of someone diagnosed with cancer please help them by sharing this information with them.


Cindy Klement Masters in Nutrition

 Cindy provides living proof of the wisdom of the adage, "Heal thyself." A childhood wrought with asthma, allergies, skin problems, intestinal disorders, and other recurrent illnesses led her to personally begin practicing herbal medicine and nutrition in the late 1970s.  Much to her surprise (and her various physicians!) her medical issues disappeared.  She went on to raise her two children on plant medicine and organic foods and has continued her health disciplines for over 35 years, which she feels has enabled her to experience the degree of health and vitality she possesses today. Read her story --


"The doctors told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life and there was nothing anyone could do for me.  I had been suffering with asthma and allergies since the age of 5, spending many frightening evenings alone in the hospital on oxygen and steroid injections in order to breathe.  Four allergy shots each week for many years did little to alleviate the constant battle with sneezing (which then, of course, led to wheezing), and because of the chronic overuse of Benedryl, it no longer had any effect.  The eczema on my body had spread nearly everywhere and the steroidal creams and ultraviolet light treatments could barely keep it under control, while the black tar ointment my mom applied smelled awful.  The constipation was so severe it would occasionally tear my rectum when the bowels did move, so as a child I was hospitalized several times undergoing many upper and lower GIs after not having a movement for nearly two weeks' time.  The recurrent kidney infections meant I would miss even more school, and the dye used in one of the medical procedures to study my kidneys caused my body to go into anaphylactic shock.  Chronic ear, throat, and lower respiratory infections, and boils in my armpits meant constant antibiotic and steroid use that lead to recurring yeast issues.


Desperately seeking anything that would help, I turned to herbal medicine.  I met a practitioner who studied in Germany who went on to teach me how to heal my body, in less than one year, never to return to these illnesses again.  In 1979 I attended my first holistic health seminar. Afterward, I asked the speaker how he came to be so knowledgeable in a field where there was no formal training.  He told me he studied Native American herbalism and teachings from the earliest publications he could find, some even on microfiche, and then would put into practice what he learned.


So during the next many years I studied every spare moment I could and practiced healing my family and friends.  I raised two children on herbal medicine and healthy diets, and read book after book on holistic health and healing, easily studying 500 or more resources during the late 1970s and early to mid 1980s.  I opened my first practice in 1983 in Hartland, Michigan on M-59 called the Center for Traditional Folk Remedies. I became somewhat of a local celebrity and people flocked to my door.  Later I moved my

practice to Brighton and, ultimately, to Ann Arbor in 1989.  My office has been in The Parkway Center since 1997.


As an herbalist and nutritionist I have advised over 3,200 people in my career, all without a formal medical education; however, in September of 2006 I enrolled at Eastern Michigan University and, in April of 2012, at the age of 59, I earned my Masters Degree in Nutrition, both Summa Cum Laude and as an Honors College student.  I now teach at EMU as an adjunct professor for graduate students in the course I created called 'Functional and Integrative Medicine'


Cookies Gingerbread Men Cookies

o          5 cups blanched almond flour

o          1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

o          1 tablespoon ginger powder

o          ¼ teaspoon cloves, ground

o          ½ teaspoon celtic sea salt

o          1 teaspoon baking soda

o          ½ cup grapeseed oil  or palm shortening

o          ½ cup agave nectar  or honey

o          1 tablespoon vanilla extract

o          ½ cup yacon syrup

o          2 eggs

o          1 teaspoon lemon zest

1.         In a large bowl, combine almond flour, cinnamon, ginger powder, cloves, salt and baking soda

2.         In a smaller bowl, mix together grapeseed oil, agave, vanilla, yacon, eggs and lemon zest

3.         Stir wet ingredients into dry

4.         Chill dough in freezer for 1-2 hours

5.         Roll out dough between two pieces of parchment paper  to ½ inch thick

6.         To make dough even easier to handle sprinkle with almond flour

7.         Remove top sheet of parchment paper, cut out cookies using a medium gingerbread man cookie cutter

8.         Decorate with nuts and dried fruit –we used pieces of lemon rind for the mouth

9.         Transfer with a spatula to a parchment lined baking sheet

10.        Cook at 350° for 12-15 minutes

11.        Cool and serve

Chocolate Fudge


           ½ cup melted coconut oil

           ¼ cup honey or maple syrup

           ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

           ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

           Pinch of salt

           Unsweetened shredded coconut, for garnish


1.         Line a small square dish (I use this small square glass food storage container—it's perfect for this batch size) with parchment paper. Set aside.

2.         In a small bowl, whisk together the coconut oil, honey or maple syrup, cocoa powder, vanilla, and salt until very smooth.

3.         Pour mixture into the prepared dish. Refrigerate until solid, about an hour, then sprinkle the shredded coconut on top, and cut into 9 small pieces. If you're in a hurry, pop it in the freezer and you'll be ready to go in about half the time—although you might need to use a knife ran under hot water to cut through it.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Teleconference with Donna Roth

From the Desk of Donna Roth November 17/24

 Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 78 Text  250 718 2852

Transforming the Health of Nations

A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, beauty, radiant energy, magnetism and power!


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018am



Questions from TAFYH 77 questions.

Blood Pressure, Germs, Colds, Liver Test, Shingles,

What Did the CT Scan Show re: Paul’s Diagnosed Sarcoma?

Dr. Horowitz; Words about Vaccines.

A Healthy Microbiome; Answer to 90% of Diseased Conditions.

Cat’s Claw Combination; Answer to Infections.


What About Polio?

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


I know many of you out there in this world are looking for solutions to your health problem.

I say , Come and join my calls every Monday and learn to become self-reliant in health.”

I know many of you out there in this world are looking for a solution to a serious diagnosis.

I say , Come and join my calls every Monday and learn to become self-reliant in health.”

I have a myriad of amazing success stories to share.

Herbs have been created for our present day health purposes.

I say , Come and join my calls every Monday and learn to become self-reliant in health


From Dr Horowitz

.  “Kennedy insists he only seeks to improve vaccine safety. That’s noble but delusional. The fact is, you can never make vaccines ‘safe’ because of their toxic ingredients.”

According to Horowitz, the notion of ‘safer vaccines’ is a red herring. It diverts from corruption and the inherent risks from piercing the skin to inject chemical immunogens, lymphatic modulators, and DNA disruptors.

“The skin is your fundamental barrier to preventing infectious diseases” he argues. “In order to make vaccines ‘safe,’ or even ‘safer,’ you would need to remove toxic mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, formalin, MSG, polysorbate 80, tween, chemical stabilizers and sterilizers, adjuvants, graphene, and foreign proteins from bacteria, viruses, fungus, yeast, chicken embryos, bovine fetal serum, monkey kidney tissues, and for smallpox its cow pus.”

Besides toxic chemical additives, the injection of foreign proteins into the blood prompts autoimmune diseases, the doctor warns.

In addition, the infusion of foreign genetic materials include animal and microbial DNA and RNA that arguably converts humans into genetically-modified organisms (‘GMOs’).


A Letter From Paul; Sarcoma

Hi Donna,

I hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to reach out and tell you HOW RIGHT YOU WERE! We spoke a few weeks ago when I was feeling a little wobbly after seeing my doctor about my abdominal sarcoma. As you know, I have been on the Paw Paw program and following the diet and smoothie regimen over the last 8 months. 


I had a CT scan in December 2021 and was told that radiation therapy and an operation were needed immediately - however a little voice in me told me that there was another way. I joined the TAFYH program and learned so much starting in February 2022. 


My follow up CT scan was in late September 2022 - the doctor seemed to think that my sarcoma had grown by 2 cm’s and that we should operate shortly. I called you to discuss this as I was feeling a little discouraged - thankfully you reminded me that CT scans are far from accurate at times (and doctors too). My doctor said she would present my case to a board of experts to see what would be the best way to approach a "tricky operation on such a rare cancer."


Well, guess what? She called me back this week and said that after looking closely at the CT scans, they realized that there had been NO GROWTH of the sarcoma.  I was cheering inside and told her that I would continue with the Paw Paw program and talk to her next spring.

Reality is truly in the eye of the beholder......

I want to thank you so much for your pep talk as it really helped.

Take care!




What can be done for blood pressure?

Always think of the Disease Tree; blood pressure happens when there is an overload of toxins.

I do not really know all the toxins your sister has been exposed to.

So I am assuming heavy metals

Take MC 4 two times a day and Blood Pressurex 2 three times a day along with Chlorophyll and water.

Do the One Day Kidney Flush to clean out lots of the poisons.


Are germs our enemies?

Germs are my friends.

Germs are created by Nature, and they are there for a purpose.

They  keep the environment clean,

They keep the lakes and rivers clean.

They keep my inner body clean.

Their purpose is to eat up the toxins and poisons that are destructive to our inner organs and glands.

Our society has been wrongfully taught that germs are enemies.


We have been wrongfully taught that we catch colds and flus.

No we get colds and flus as a way to clean our own inner body environment.

We have been wrongfully taught to blame someone else for the colds and flus our body creates for us.

We have been wrongfully taught to believe a poisonous vaccine can save  you!

It is time to take back our power, to stop believing these made up lies to sell a product line called vaccines.

Stay in your power.


Thank you for your accountability and for recognizing the importance of taking responsibility.

The medical business is dependent on people not taking responsible actions for their health.

Then I think about responsibility.

How could these people be responsible when no one has taught them what responsible health is?

Health is not taught at home.

It is not taught at school.

It is not taught at any university.

TAFYH is the only avenue I know of that teaches responsible  health following the Laws of Nature.


Thank you for the great questions:

A simple liver test is to check the whites of your eyes.

If the whites show a yellow discoloration then your liver is congested.

If there is lots of anger that also indicated a congested liver.

If there is a hormonal imbalance like PMS, irritability then there is a liver congestion.

If the blood sugar is high there is a liver congestion.


What could raise my Dad’s body temperature. It is at 36.4

Keep taking Liver Support to detoxify the residue from the hormonal injection taken in July.

If you read Dr Jernigan you find out it takes a year to raise body temperature.


What could be done for a sore ear?

From the eustachian tubes of the ears to the esophagus to the stomach to the small intestine to the duodenum to the large intestine is one big long tube.

There could be a spot in the intestinal wall that has not cleaned out. Clean the bowel thoroughly.

Apply a drop of Lobelia to each ear and do this several times a day.



Ram asked about his Dad who has dry skin and blood pressure is slightly high at 160/80.

The dry skin is related to an overloaded liver.

The liver is overloaded from the hormone injection he had in July.

That hormone injection stays in his blood for 6 months.

That toxic hormone injection is the cause of the liver overload and the slightly high blood pressure.

I did add Liver Support to his program to alleviate the toxic burden on the liver.

Its great to know that your Dad has energy and is sleeping well.



Les, one of my TAFYH students,  was talked into getting a Shingles shot.

She ended up being very sick.

She was told by the nurse that Shingles shots do not cause such reactions.

I believe that the medical people are trained that there are no reactions to vaccines.

That belief is so deeply indoctrinated that they never even hear those who report reactions.

“it is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the vaccines!”

So countless numbers of vaccine injuries go unreported as a result.

Babies have died from the shots and they call it SIDS.

Adults have died from the CoVid shots and they call it SADS!

Vaccine deaths and injuries are all ignored!!

Learn to stay in your power. Just say NO!



My mother in law has osteoporosis and 2 K-C a day keeps her mobile.


I have been taking Lobelia before bed and I am sleeping all night long without getting up to go to the bathroom.


My step-Dad got really sick. He did not believe in herbs, Candus approached him to take Cat’s Claw combination. He was so sick he decided to try it. He took 11 capsules once during the day and 11 at bedtime. He did that for 3 days. Within 3 days he was all better and now has a respect for the herbs.


My Dad is 90 years old and had been taking high blood pressure for many years. His legs were very dark color; black. He is now off the high blood pressure ,meds and is taking Blood Pressurex instead. He also takes Cat’s Claw combination and applies Silver Gel to his legs and to the weeping oozing wound  he had on his leg. It had been oozing years and years. It has now been about a month. The leg is no longer weeping and the legs are now back to a normal color ; the black is gone. I will share the before and after pictures.


Low Vitamin D levels can slow the healing of fractures in children, according to a study presented at the 2024 American Academy of Pediatrics Conference. Researchers examined 186 cases of broken bones in children and found that those with low Vitamin D levels healed significantly slower, whether surgery was required or not.

For fractures that didn’t need surgery, children with low Vitamin D took an extra 20 days to heal, and it took two additional months for the fracture to disappear on X-rays. In cases requiring surgery, healing was delayed by a month, and fractures took nearly four more months to fade on X-rays. This highlights the key role Vitamin D plays in both preventing fractures and aiding in their proper healing.

Children need enough Vitamin D through a balanced diet and moderate sun exposure. Sunlight not only helps with Vitamin D but also reduces the risk of cancer, boosts melatonin production, and may increase longevity. It’s important to balance sun exposure carefully, as factors like diet, environment, and individual health affect how well the body absorbs sunlight and protects itself.


A Healthy Microbiome by Dr Axe

90% of all diseases can be traced to the gut and to the microbiome in the gut.

There are about 10 to 100 trillion bacteria in the gut.

There are 10 times as many microorganisms and bacteria in our body than there are human cells.

There are about 22,000 human genes in the gene catalogue.

There are about 3.3 million non-redundant genes in the human microbiome.

There are about 10,000 different species of microbes living in the human body.


Non-redundant genes in the human body are genes that perform the same function and are not duplicated. They contribute to the diversity of genetic variation and can provide resilience to external perturbations, such as a poisons that can result in the change of the gene.

Dr Bruce Lipton strongly stated genes are not in control of you but you are in control of your genes. If you allow poisons to enter into your digestive tract to obstruct the normal flow of digestive procedures and to destroy your many millions of good bacteria you are then offending or even destroying the functions of your inner genes. If you are injecting poisons into your blood stream because you thing health comes in a vaccine you are in fact adding injury to your inner genes.

You want to keep your non-redundant genes strong and healthy. Now you know why I recommend Cat’s Claw combination to be taken every day during our TAFYH sessions. Cat’s Claw combination neutralizes a lot of those poisons and keeps those poisons moving out through our lymphatic system.

Did you know that the Astragalus in Cat’s Claw combination makes healthy stem cell carpenters for you in your blood stream?

Did you know that there are years of research that has been done using Cat’s Claw for various cancers, arthritis, intestinal problems, infections?

Did you know that I have now throughout the years of doing this work witnessed thousands of clients take Cat’s Claw combination instead of antibiotics to overcome infections and it worked every single time.

Did you know that only Cat’s Claw combination from Nature Sunshine works. It works because it has been tested in a lab to be sure it contains the medicinal alkaloids needed to do its job of moving out the poisons that lead to infections.

Now you know why I am so adamant in promoting Nature Sunshine Cat’s Claw combination instead of the drug, antibiotics made in a lab by the hand of man.


Dr. Axe reveals the top 6 foods that can enhance your gut health:

1. Probiotic-rich foods: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can balance your gut microbiome. Include foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi in your diet.

I say take a probiotic every day, I take Bacillus Coagulans

2. Fiber-rich foods: Fiber promotes healthy digestion and feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Consume ample amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole seeds.

I say take Psyllium Hulls combination powder or Ultra Biome DTX. I take it every evening.

3. Bone broth: Bone broth is rich in collagen, gelatin, and amino acids that can repair and protect your gut lining.

I say take Collagen every day.

4. Fermented foods: Fermented foods like kombucha, tempeh, and miso contain probiotics and other nutrients that support a healthy gut.

5. Coconut products: Coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut kefir are beneficial for your gut health due to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Omega-3 fatty acids: Foods like salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation in the gut.


MAMMOGRAMS by Dr. Tim O’Shea

Way back in 1976, the American Cancer Society itself and its colleague the National Cancer Institute terminated the routine use of mammography for women under the age of 50 because of its “detrimental” (carcinogenic) effects. A large study done in Canada in 1992 found that women who had routine mammograms before the age of 50 also had increased death rates from breast cancer, by 36%. (Miller) [27]

John McDougall MD made a thorough review of mammograms. He points out that the $13 billion per year generated by mammograms controls the information that women get. Fear and incomplete data are the tools commonly used to persuade women to get routine mammograms. What is clear is that mammography cannot prevent breast cancer or even the spread of breast cancer. By the time a tumor is large enough to be detected by mammography, it has been there as long as 12 years! It is therefore ridiculous to advertise mammography as “early detection.” (McDougall p. 114 [28])

McDougall’s paper Early Detection is a must read for anyone considering mammogram. [43]

The other unsupportable illusion is that mammograms prevent breast cancer, which they don’t. On the contrary, the painful compression of breast tissue during the procedure itself can increase the possibility of metastasis by as much as 80%! Dr. McDougall notes that a between 10 and 17% of the time, breast cancer is a self-limiting non-life-threatening type called ductal carcinoma in situ. This harmless cancer can be made active by the compressive force of routine mammography. (McDougall, p. 105 [28])

More recent data on mammograms was brought to light through the research of Samuel Epstein MD. [3] In a 2009 interview, Epstein reminds us that 5 radiologists have been recent presidents of the American Cancer Society. This might help to explain why routine annual mammograms have been their standard recommendation for years, despite any proven upside. The mammogram business is extremely lucrative and very competitive. ACS ads consistently make unsupported claims of 100% detection, with no clinical studies whatsoever to back it up.

Without question, the biggest danger of mammograms is ionizing radiation. That means the mammogram itself can be the cause of cancer. A woman who gets a yearly mammogram for 10 years would get the same cumulative radiation as a woman standing one mile away from Ground Zero at Hiroshima, according to Epstein and others. [44]


What can you do to keep your Breast Tissue in Great health.

I have never had a mammogram and I will never have one. I do not go to doctors for check ups. I am self reliant in health and I have become educated in looking after my own health.

I do not take any prescription drugs.

I do not take any over the counter drugs.

I do not line up for flu shots.

I do not line up for CoVid shots or any other shots.

Health does not come in a vaccination needle!

What do I do for health and for breast health and its all the same.

Here is my routine.

Every morning I stretch and skin brush.

Then I bounce in my cellusizer for 20 minutes outdoors in the fresh air and in the light.

I then have a super foods smoothie:

Essential Liquid Minerals.

Aloe Vera juice

NutrBurn Whey protein.

Power Greens

Arginine Plus

Flax Hull Lignans

My Immune Defense Mushroom powder

Solstic Energy

Water and frozen berries.

I add Black Walnut extract and Licorice extract

Then I take herbs; Turmeric Curcumin, CoQ10, Vit D

There are  times I do MC and Cat’s Claw combination

In the evening I take UltraBiome DTX 1 stick with 1 tsp Psyllium Hulls in a 21 ounce glass of water

With that I take 6 Magnesium tablets and LBS11 and a Baccilus Coagulans.

Then I pick days to do the One Day Kidney Flush.

Lately I completed the Gall Bladder Flush and I passed only a few dissolved gall stones.


What if what you have been told about polio is not true:

We are told that the science on polio is settled — but that may not be the case.

There are scientists who believe that polio-like symptoms could be caused by toxic substances, such as, DDT which was considered not only “safe and effective” but also good for the prevention of polio. DDT could have been a major contributing factor to the “polio epidemic.”

Article by Scobey

“Unlimited poliomyelitis research allowed for all kinds of unbiased science. Toxicologists and bacteriologists said that poliomyelitis could be produced both by organic and inorganic poisons Others said it was due to bacterial toxins. The relationship of this disease to beriberi was also being given consideration 

 Research. ceased abruptly when this disease was legally made a communicable disease. The public health law made poliomyelitis a germ or virus disease.

.All investigations lost support when polio became a  germ or virus This was the full and final answer to the problem. Funds for poliomyelitis research were from then on designated for the investigation of the infectious theory only.

Even to this day  many investigators have strong evidence contradicting the germ theory. Vitamin and mineral deficiency, poison, allergy and other theories are being presented to explain the mystery, but these men, because of the public health law and the limited ability to obtain funds or cooperation from any source cannot work freely on the problem of [the] cause of poliomyelitis.

Among other things, he noted:

“Paralysis, resulting from poisoning, has probably been known since the time of Hippocrates (460-437 B.C.), Boerhaave, Germany, (1765) stated: ‘We frequently find persons rendered paralytic by exposing themselves imprudently to quicksilver, dispersed into vapors by the fire, as gilders, chemists, miners, etc., and perhaps there are other poisons, which may produce the same disease, even externally applied.’”


In 1824, Cooke, England, stated: “Among the exciting causes of the partial palsies we may reckon the poison of certain mineral substances, particularly of quick silver, arsenic, and lead. The fumes of these metals or the receptance of them in solution into the stomach, have often caused paralysis.”

In his article, Ryan Matters also pointed out the fact that “Dr. Salk’s polio research was funded by the mother of Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to the Mellon family banking fortune who idealized Margaret Sanger and later joined the board of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation,” and who supported compulsory sterilization as a means to limit birth rates in developing countries.