Monday, February 24, 2025

My Story re Health Century and Cancer


My Story re Dr Lanctot

I first heard about the vaccine not told stories from a book that was introduced to me by Dr Lanctot, a Canadian medical doctor from Quebec who wrote the book Medical Mafia. I was instrumental in arranging her appearance to Kelowna many years ago. Her presentation was about the dangers of vaccines. That’s when Dr Lanctot introduced me to a banned book entitled, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. If you think censorship is a very recent phenomena think again. Well before internet books were written to warn us of the dangers of vaccines. Because my mind was opened to learning about vaccines after I personally witnessed my first-born suffering from high pitched screaming after a vaccine shot I was now fully being exposed to these “ vaccine are dangerous” books that were written, published but banned from the market.

Dr Lanctot told me her story, She said she knew of that book , Health Century, Being in the medical profession she was made aware of it but did not know where she could locate it. Her first thought was to enter the medical archived library. But upon entering this massive library Dr Lanctot was overwhelmed by the number of books that were staring at her. How could she ever come to find the book Health Century among the millions of books before her. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. So her first thought was to step into the aisle with books stacked from floor to ceiling on either side of the aisle, As she wondered through these aisles quite aimlessly the thought finally entered her mind that perhaps a prayer might help. She did this silently in her own mind. And once again Dr Lanctot wondered about aimlessly along aisles of thousands of books. As she sauntered through these books she focused on finding  the Health Century. It so happened that after minutes of doing so she happened to bump into one of the bookshelves and of course one of the books fell unto the floor. She bent over to retrieve it only to see the title of that book, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. A most miraculous discovery. She found the book that she was looking for a, book that had long been  banned. That’s when excitedly she flipped through the pages to the story of Dr Bernice Eddy who in 1954 was studying polio vaccines in a lab, She was culturing polio vaccines and injecting them into hamsters. What Dr Bernice Eddy discovered was horrifying. These polio vaccine injected hamsters all got cancers and tumors of various kinds. She immediately alerted the medical establishment with her strong words of warning: IF you institute the polio vaccine into our society we will have an epidemic of cancer within 20 years.

The words of Dr Bernice Eddy fell on deaf ears. The polio vaccine was released into the world. Dollar signs became the focus of Big Pharma and their dollar sign scientists. Dr Bernice Eddy was fired.


Today we have an epidemic of cancer not just from the polio vaccines but from all vaccines. Vaccines and all shots are causing cancers and yet we are told that the cause of cancer is unknown.  Fast forward to 2025 I am now hearing that there is a mRNA vaccine forthcoming that will cure cancer! I am here to say NOT A CHANCE. Another vaccine to cure a cancer that is caused by a vaccine is ludicrous. Nothing made in a lab can ever be a cure for cancer. Everything made in a lab by the hand of man for the purpose of curing cancer is harmful and dangerous. Why do I so strongly say so. Their lab made vaccines do not follow the Laws of Nature. It was proven by Dr Bernice Eddy in the banned book Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. And furthermore I am witnessing the rise of cancer exceeding since the introduction of CoVid shots.


I have a particular passion regarding cancer because in 1993 my Mother died from cancer. In 1992 my aunt, my Mother’s sister died from cancer and in 1994 my mother-in-law died from cancer. Today I know why my Mother died from cancer. Mom was hired to be a cook in a nursing home The Morley House in Manitoba was I was born and raised. Mom and all the employees loved the elderly whose last resting stage on this earth life was the Morely House. Mom was a conscientious cook, and she would make meals that often came directly from her garden; the home made borstch, the home made chicken soup, or vegetable beef soup, the cabbage rolls with sour cabbage from her own making and so on. Very little that was cooked in the kitchen of the Morley House was artificial or loaded with preservatives.

Mom loved working in the Morley House preparing healthy meals for the elderly.

However, there was one big problem. Morley House was a government funded operation and there were certain rules that were expected to be followed. One of them was yearly flu shots. So every year without giving it a second thought Mom lined up to get that flu shot. In all honesty I do not really know how many flu shots she really got but I do know it was more than 5. Consequently at 70 years old Mom was diagnosed with cancer of the bowels. At the time of her diagnosis, I was not aware of the number of shots she had or the harm of these shots. I just knew she got flu shots and I knew  I would never ever get them. It never occurred to me that the flu shots were poisons injected into my Mom’s blood stream to the point that the liver could no longer detoxify them and the result was cancer of a vulnerable weak organ for my Mom, the bowels.

Little do we know how deceptive these shots coming from medical world really are. Little do we know that the medical doctors and nurses are working innocently in this vaccine medical model being totally unaware of the harm their vaccines are causing people. Little do they know that it takes more than one vaccine in most cases over several years to see the consequences of those poisons. It may not just show up as a cancer but  it may show up as another diagnosed health problem such as mentioned by Catharin Layton; Belle’s Palsy, encephalitis, neuritis, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, autism. Leukemia and so on.

In my world cancer is nothing more than this: You have been poisoned!

 So how can you handle cancer if you are one of those diagnosed with it. The first thing to handle is that fear that cancer is a death sentence. Now start thinking the answer to this simple question: Who planted the fear into your mind that cancer is a death sentence? Who did? “ You must come to absolutely know that your body is created to heal. You have on more than one occasion witnessed your body heal from broken bones, or cuts or bruises. If your body can heal bones that it can heal an injured cancerous area. It is the Law of Nature, it is common sense and it just is.  In my world there is no such thing as cancer. There is only nutritional deficiency and there are poisons.

Knowing this I then designed a formula that anyone can follow whether your diagnosis is cancer or RA or diabetes or MS.  The formula looks like this I + I + E + I + C = health

Injury: You need lots of energy to move out all those poisons and you need to feed your stem cells with nutritious energy and oxygen for healthy cell replication. Once the injured cells have healed all replication of cancer cells goes to rest. The only reason cells replicate is to heal the injury. It is the Law of Nature that states cancer cells don’t randomly replicate in your body. They are replicating because the stem cell carpenters are trying hard to heal that injury. The healing is not happening because there is not enough nutrition in your body and because your body is loaded with poisons which leads you to the next part of this formula.


Inflammation: The injured area is loaded with poisons from various sources thereby preventing the nutrient energy and oxygen from reaching the injured area. Dr Otto Warburg stated very clearly when he received his Nobel Prize in 1931 that when the oxygen levels to the injured area drop to below 35% then oxidation for healthy cell replication can no longer happen So in the case of inflammation it is imperative that you find out what is poisoning your body.


Elimination: Now that you know that there are poisons in your body your must address your elimination channels to move out those poisons. Your elimination channels include bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin. This is where you can do a Body Systems Questionnaire to find out which of your body systems are malfunctioning. And you then can get on with it and address your sluggish elimination channels.


Infection; Now that you know that your elimination channels are sluggish and you know that poisons are obstructing the oxidation process it makes sense to know that there is an infection happening in that injured area. . With low oxygen levels and high amounts of poisons and sugar the oxidation process flips into fermentation thereby giving rise to parasites and Candida and fungal infection. The stem cells carpenters are still working hard to heal that injury. They are still trying to replicate cells. But the fungal DNA is now integrating into the stem cell line during the replication process and the end result is the replication of mutated cells which the medical institution calls cancer.


Blood Circulation: All the poisons are in your blood system, and they are being deposited into your most vulnerable weakest organ or gland. Consequently, you must really work hard to clean that blood from all those poisons and you must stop putting poisons into your body. Your blood tells you whether you have enough energy to clean out the poisons. You have all heard of the simple saying: IO must have poor blood circulation because I have cold hands and feet. If you had enough energy in your body you would not have cold hands and feet. Now here is the biggest secret that is never revealed to you. Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37C proven by science.


So now that you have this amazing information which is not only common sense but it also follows the Laws of Nature and it is also documented by science you can get your body back to health.


1 Injury; Energy comes from food. So stop eating low energy foods like grains and legumes and sugar. Eat good proteins and fats and vegetables and berries.

Have a super food smoothie twice a day with Arginine Plus, Flax Hull Lignans,  Collagen, Power Greens, Liquid Minerals, Solstic Energy and water. Its so easy to put all of these products into a shaker bottle and then add water when you are ready to fuel up.

2 Inflammation; Address all those poisons and start taking the Cat’s Claw combination in high doses to move the poisons out through the lymphatic system.

3 Elimination Be sure to address your bowels with LBS 11, Magnesium and UltraBiome DTX and address your kidneys with chlorophyll and water. You may need to do a One Day Kidney Flush once a week.

4 Infection; It’s a fungal infection so you need Pau D’Arco or Paw Paw or E tea.

5 Circulation; Test your body temperature first thing in the morning. It should be about 36.5 to 37 C. Work on cleaning your blood with MC and Liver Support.

6 Be patient. It takes time for your stem cell carpenters to replicate healthy cells to heal your injury. It takes about 4 to 6 months to heal a broken bone. It may take longer. It may take a year.


Gary was diagnosed with cancer in the small intestine and after following the program he was cancer free within 4 months verified by a medical doctor.

Dr Lynda was diagnosed with a tumor in her uterus and after following the program for 6 months she passed her tumor. Cancer gone!


Bee was diagnosed with breast cancer and followed the program for 1 year. Cancer gone confirmed by a medical doctor.


Peter was diagnosed with bladder cancer and told he would have to have his bladder surgically removed. He followed the program for 3 ½ months and the doctor confirmed him cancer free. Cancer gone and no surgery, no chemo and no radiation.


Phyll was diagnosed with lymphoma of the spleen. She followed the program for about 4 months whereupon the doctor informed her that her spleen was almost back to normal. Lymphoma is gone; spleen reduced in size from 13.7 to 12.5 Normal is 12 Cancer gone!

Fay was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer which I cannot even pronounce. She had suffered for 10 years.  After following the nutritional program for 4 months her blood test was back to normal. Cancer gone!


Barb was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had a hysterectomy. A few months later she was diagnosed with lung cancer. After following the Paw Paw program for 3 months the doctor confirmed all cancer was gone.


Steve had an ultrasound and a biopsy that concluded that there was a cancerous tumor in the sternum which was leaking into the bone area. He had chemo treatments but with no results. He followed the Paw Paw program for 3 ½ months and the blood tests showed that there was no cancer in his body.


Ellen was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had surgery to have a tumor removed. She then followed the Paw Paw program and 8 months later she was declared cancer free.


Gail was diagnosed with breast cancer and after having chemo treatments which sent her to a psych ward for 6 weeks Gail started the Paw Paw program and 1 year later she was cancer free and was 100 pounds lighter.


There are so many more cancer successes I could relate to you. How many do you really need to hear to believe that even if you are diagnosed with cancer and even if your doctor declared a death sentence you are not destined to die but to heal because the laws of Nature state that your body is created to heal. However it does take knowledge and it does take action on your part. I can teach you what I know but you must take responsibility, and you must do the program.



Teleconference Call Feb 22/25

From the Desk Of Donna Roth Feb 22/25


From the Desk of Donna Roth

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH Team 78 Questions

Accomplishments from TAFYH team 78.

Guest: Doni, TAFYH Accomplishments.

They Told You Polio Was Eradicated??

My Story re; Dr Lanctot author of Medical Mafia

Why My Mother Got Cancer?

My Formula to Overcome Cancer

Injury, Inflammation, Elimination, Infection, Circulation

9 Cancer Successes

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon


Suzanne, TAFYH team 78, purchased a cookbook and said it is a great cookbook and she recommends it. She said everyone needs to have one.


‘A healthy person has a thousand dreams. A sick person has only one.’ Bobby Kennedy


Accomplishments you have achieved in TAFYH. This is so awesome!

Valerey: Eczema is improving, Hip pain reduced, bowels moving better, More nasal mucus but it is different - more clear and like string, Lots of gunk on my tongue when I scrape it (Too much info?)No sugar craving, lost 5 lbs, less body fat

Doni; Did Kidney Flush every Monday, 10 Days of Candida cleanse, have confidence, nervousness and fear is gone, calm, more stamina, belief in purposeful life

Pauline; good attitude to healing, fearless leader, foggy brain gone, back pain is gone after root canal removed, could not get out of bed in the morning, have found my voice, did the bowel cleanse and passed parasites, more energy, now a leader for others.

Tim; Made a decision to be immersed in healing, joint pain is gone, afternoon fatigue gone, mental clarity, weight dropped, sugar cravings gone, sleep improved

Suzanne; root canal gone, did Kidney Flush 10 times, lots of knowledge on how to use herbs, clear thinking, calmer, no more overthinking

Deborah; did the gall bladder cleanse, feeling emotional

Mark; did 15 Kidney Flushes, did bowel cleansing and bowels are moving, UTI cleaned up no antibiotics, stopped medications, now working on the heart.


Guest: Doni will share her accomplishments to date.


Questions from TAFYH team 78

High blood pressure is caused by stress where all muscles tighten up and the pressure needs to increase to keep the blood moving.

High blood pressure is caused by an overload of poisons and the pressure increases because the blood is stagnant.

It is critical to stay in your power, to stand up when you witness the wrong, to stand up for your own health, to say NO with power.

Say NO to all vaccines and all shots.


Catharine Layton, COO Informed Consent Action Network

They told you polio was eradicated. 


They said the polio vaccine saved the world. 

 They showed you grainy black-and-white photos of children in iron lungs, terrified parents, and long lines of kids getting their shots.

 They framed it as a historic victory for science—the ultimate proof that vaccines are mankind’s greatest invention. 

 Only problem is, none of it is true.

 Now, let’s talk about the polio narrative–created by our government and amplified by the media and impressionable non-profits who had not reviewed the data or the science.

 While the world was told the polio vaccine healed children, prevented polio, and was safe and effective, the truth is…

 Paralysis didn’t disappear—it was reclassified under different names… 
The polio vaccine caused further outbreaks…and, more concerning– 
The FDA approved the currently-used polio vaccine after only a three-day safety trial.

But what they refuse to acknowledge is this: A polio vaccine injected into our children was never adequately tested.

 Think about that. A vaccine injected into millions—billions—of children was approved based on a study that lasted just THREE DAYS! 

 All adverse reactions after the first 72 hours were ignored. That’s not safety.

 Yet, it gets worse.

 Before any polio vaccine, doctors classified all sorts of paralysis as “polio.” If a child lost the ability to walk or move their limbs, it was polio. If someone’s legs suddenly gave out, it was polio. 

 Then, after the vaccine was introduced, the medical establishment did something truly devious: they split polio into multiple different conditions.

 They stopped calling it polio and started calling it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Guillain-BarrĂ© Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Bell’s Palsy, Enteroviral Encephalitis, and Traumatic Neuritis. 

 They didn't cure the disease—they simply rebranded it.

 And here’s the horrifying reality: Many of those same conditions are now listed as side effects of vaccines.

 The “miracle” of the polio vaccine wasn’t a scientific breakthrough—it was a masterclass in public relations.

 I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for saying this. I’ve been censored, ridiculed, and attacked. 

 But here’s the truth.

 The iron lung never went away. It just got smaller. 

 Today, vaccine-injured children rely on portable ventilators that they carry in backpacks, strapped around their necks, with a tube running straight into their throats. These are today’s “iron lungs.”

 This is the part of the story they never tell you.


My Story re Dr Lantot

I first heard about the vaccine not told stories from a book that was introduced to me by Dr Lanctot, a Canadian medical doctor from Quebec who wrote the book Medical Mafia. I was instrumental in arranging her appearance to Kelowna many years ago. Her presentation was about the dangers of vaccines. That’s when Dr Lantot introduced me to a banned book entitled, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. If you think censorship is a very recent phenomena think again. Well before internet books were written to warn us of the dangers of vaccines. Because my mind was opened to learning about vaccines after I personally witnessed my first-born suffering from high pitched screaming after a vaccine shot I was now fully being exposed to these “ vaccine are dangerous” books that were written, published but banned from the market.

Dr Lanctot told me her story, She said she knew of that book , Health Century, Being in the medical profession she was made aware of it but did not know where she could locate it. Her first thought was to enter the medical archived library. But upon entering this massive library Dr Lanctot was overwhelmed by the number of books that were staring at her. How could she ever come to find the book Health Century among the millions of books before her. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. So her first thought was to step into the aisle with books stacked from floor to ceiling on either side of the aisle, As she wondered through these aisles quite aimlessly the thought finally entered her mind that perhaps a prayer might help. She did this silently in her own mind. And once again Dr Lanctot wondered about aimlessly along aisles of thousands of books. As she sauntered through these books she focused on finding  the Health Century. It so happened that after minutes of doing so she happened to bump into one of the bookshelves and of course one of the books fell unto the floor. She bent over to retrieve it only to see the title of that book, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. A most miraculous discovery. She found the book that she was looking for a, book that had long been  banned. That’s when excitedly she flipped through the pages to the story of Dr Bernice Eddy who in 1954 was studying polio vaccines in a lab, She was culturing polio vaccines and injecting them into hamsters. What Dr Bernice Eddy discovered was horrifying. These polio vaccine injected hamsters all got cancers and tumors of various kinds. She immediately alerted the medical establishment with her strong words of warning: IF you institute the polio vaccine into our society we will have an epidemic of cancer within 20 years.

The words of Dr Bernice Eddy fell on deaf ears. The polio vaccine was released into the world. Dollar signs became the focus of Big Pharma and their dollar sign scientists. Dr Bernice Eddy was fired.


Today we have an epidemic of cancer not just from the polio vaccines but from all vaccines. Vaccines and all shots are causing cancers and yet we are told that the cause of cancer is unknown.  Fast forward to 2025 I am now hearing that there is a mRNA vaccine forthcoming that will cure cancer! I am here to say NOT A CHANCE. Another vaccine to cure a cancer that is caused by a vaccine is ludicrous. Nothing made in a lab can ever be a cure for cancer. Everything made in a lab by the hand of man for the purpose of curing cancer is harmful and dangerous. Why do I so strongly say so. Their lab made vaccines do not follow the Laws of Nature. It was proven by Dr Bernice Eddy in the banned book Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. And furthermore I am witnessing the rise of cancer exceeding since the introduction of CoVid shots.


I have a particular passion regarding cancer because in 1993 my Mother died from cancer. In 1992 my aunt, my Mother’s sister died from cancer and in 1994 my mother-in-law died from cancer. Today I know why my Mother died from cancer. Mom was hired to be a cook in a nursing home The Morley House in Manitoba was I was born and raised. Mom and all the employees loved the elderly whose last resting stage on this earth life was the Morely House. Mom was a conscientious cook, and she would make meals that often came directly from her garden; the home made borshch, the home made chicken soup, or vegetable beef soup, the cabbage rolls with sour cabbage from her own making and so on. Very little that was cooked in the kitchen of the Morley House was artificial or loaded with preservatives.

Mom loved working in the Morley House preparing healthy meals for the elderly.

However, there was one big problem. Morley House was a government funded operation and there were certain rules that were expected to be followed. One of them was yearly flu shots. So every year without giving it a second thought Mom lined up to get that flu shot. In all honesty I do not really know how many flu shots she really got but I do know it was more than 5. Consequently at 70 years old Mom was diagnosed with cancer of the bowels. At the time of her diagnosis, I was not aware of the number of shots she had or the harm of these shots. I just knew she got flu shots and I knew  I would never ever get them. It never occurred to me that the flu shots were poisons injected into my Mom’s blood stream to the point that the liver could no longer detoxify them and the result was cancer of a vulnerable weak organ for my Mom, the bowels.

Little do we know how deceptive these shots coming from medical world really are. Little do we know that the medical doctors and nurses are working innocently in this vaccine medical model being totally unaware of the harm their vaccines are causing people. Little do they know that it takes more than one vaccine in most cases over several years to see the consequences of those poisons. It may not just show up as a cancer but  it may show up as another diagnosed health problem such as mentioned by Catharin Layton; Belle’s Palsy, encephalitis, neuritis, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, autism. Leukemia and so on.

In my world cancer is nothing more than this: You have been poisoned!


So how can you handle cancer if you are one of those diagnosed with it. The first thing to handle is that fear that cancer is a death sentence. Now start thinking the answer to this simple question: Who planted the fear into your mind that cancer is a death sentence? Who did? “ You must come to absolutely know that your body is created to heal. You have on more than one occasion witnessed your body heal from broken bones, or cuts or bruises. If your body can heal bones that it can heal an injured cancerous area. It is the Law of Nature, it is common sense and it just is.  In my world there is no such thing as cancer. There is only nutritional deficiency and there are poisons.

Knowing this I then designed a formula that anyone can follow whether your diagnosis is cancer or RA or diabetes or MS.  The formula looks like this I + I + E + I + C = health

Injury: You need lots of energy to move out all those poisons and you need to feed your stem cells with nutritious energy and oxygen for healthy cell replication. Once the injured cells have healed all replication of cancer cells goes to rest. The only reason cells replicate is to heal the injury. It is the Law of Nature that states cancer cells don’t randomly replicate in your body. They are replicating because the stem cell carpenters are trying hard to heal that injury. The healing is not happening because there is not enough nutrition in your body and because your body is loaded with poisons which leads you to the next part of this formula.


Inflammation: The injured area is loaded with poisons from various sources thereby preventing the nutrient energy and oxygen from reaching the injured area. Dr Otto Warburg stated very clearly when he received his Nobel Prize in 1931 that when the oxygen levels to the injured area drop to below 35% then oxidation for healthy cell replication can no longer happen So in the case of inflammation it is imperative that you find out what is poisoning your body.


Elimination: Now that you know that there are poisons in your body your must address your elimination channels to move out those poisons. Your elimination channels include bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin. This is where you can do a Body Systems Questionnaire to find out which of your body systems are malfunctioning. And you then can get on with it and address your sluggish elimination channels.


Infection; Now that you know that your elimination channels are sluggish and you know that poisons are obstructing the oxidation process it makes sense to know that there is an infection happening in that injured area. . With low oxygen levels and high amounts of poisons and sugar the oxidation process flips into fermentation thereby giving rise to parasites and Candida and fungal infection. The stem cells carpenters are still working hard to heal that injury. They are still trying to replicate cells. But the fungal DNA is now integrating into the stem cell line during the replication process and the end result is the replication of mutated cells which the medical institution calls cancer.


Blood Circulation: All the poisons are in your blood system, and they are being deposited into your most vulnerable weakest organ or gland. Consequently, you must really work hard to clean that blood from all those poisons and you must stop putting poisons into your body. Your blood tells you whether you have enough energy to clean out the poisons. You have all heard of the simple saying: IO must have poor blood circulation because I have cold hands and feet. If you had enough energy in your body you would not have cold hands and feet. Now here is the biggest secret that is never revealed to you. Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37C proven by science.


So now that you have this amazing information which is not only common sense but it also follows the Laws of Nature and it is also documented by science you can get your body back to health.


1 Injury; Energy comes from food. So stop eating low energy foods like grains and legumes and sugar. Eat good proteins and fats and vegetables and berries.

Have a super food smoothie twice a day with Arginine Plus, Flax Hull Lignans,  Collagen, Power Greens, Liquid Minerals, Solstic Energy and water. Its so easy to put all of these products into a shaker bottle and then add water when you are ready to fuel up.

2 Inflammation; Address all those poisons and start taking the Cat’s Claw combination in high doses to move the poisons out through the lymphatic system.

3 Elimination Be sure to address your bowels with LBS 11, Magnesium and UltraBiome DTX and address your kidneys with chlorophyll and water. You may need to do a One Day Kidney Flush once a week.

4 Infection; It’s a fungal infection so you need Pau D’Arco or Paw Paw or E tea.

5 Circulation; Test your body temperature first thing in the morning. It should be about 36.5 to 37 C. Work on cleaning your blood with MC and Liver Support.

6 Be patient. It takes time for your stem cell carpenters to replicate healthy cells to heal your injury. It takes about 4 to 6 months to heal a broken bone. It may take longer. It may take a year.


Gary was diagnosed with cancer in the small intestine and after following the program he was cancer free within 4 months verified by a medical doctor.

Dr Lynda was diagnosed with a tumor in her uterus and after following the program for 6 months she passed her tumor. Cancer gone!


Bee was diagnosed with breast cancer and followed the program for 1 year. Cancer gone confirmed by a medical doctor.


Peter was diagnosed with bladder cancer and told he would have to have his bladder surgically removed. He followed the program for 3 ½ months and the doctor confirmed him cancer free. Cancer gone and no surgery, no chemo and no radiation.


Phyll was diagnosed with lymphoma of the spleen. She followed the program for about 4 months whereupon the doctor informed her that her spleen was almost back to normal. Lymphoma is gone; spleen reduced in size from 13.7 to 12.5 Normal is 12 Cancer gone!

Fay was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer which I cannot even pronounce. She had suffered for 10 years.  After following the nutritional program for 4 months her blood test was back to normal. Cancer gone!


Barb was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had a hysterectomy. A few months later she was diagnosed with lung cancer. After following the Paw Paw program for 3 months the doctor confirmed all cancer was gone.


Steve had an ultrasound and a biopsy that concluded that there was a cancerous tumor in the sternum which was leaking into the bone area. He had chemo treatments but with no results. He followed the Paw Paw program for 3 ½ months and the blood tests showed that there was no cancer in his body.


Ellen was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had surgery to have a tumor removed. She then followed the Paw Paw program and 8 months later she was declared cancer free.


Gail was diagnosed with breast cancer and after having chemo treatments which sent her to a psych ward for 6 weeks Gail started the Paw Paw program and 1 year later she was cancer free and was 100 pounds lighter.


There are so many more cancer successes I could relate to you. How many do you really need to hear to believe that even if you are diagnosed with cancer and even if your doctor declared a death sentence you are not destined to die but to heal because the laws of Nature state that your body is created to heal. However it does take knowledge and it does take action on your part. I can teach you what I know but you must take responsibility, and you must do the program.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Teleconference Call Feb 17/25

From the Desk of Donna Roth Feb 17/25


From the Desk of Donna Roth

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH Team 78 Questions

Recent quotes regarding Shots

Moving Those Poisons Out

Success Stories

Esophagus cancer,

Cancer of Ribs, Bladder, Bones

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Swelling, TURP cancelled

The Importance of Super Foods

A List of Super Foods

What I Learned About Milk

Question about Hernia

Question about D and C for Uterus

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon

Suzanne, TAFYH team 78, purchased a cookbook and said it is a great cookbook and she recommends it. She said everyone needs to have one.


‘A healthy person has a thousand dreams. A sick person has only one.’ Bobby Kennedy


Dr. Denis Rancourt

 Independent studies suggest that, contrary to dogma, excess infant mortality is associated with vaccine program rollouts and maintenance. Using yearly infant all-cause mortality rate directly, I estimate approximately 100 million vaccine-rollout-associated infant deaths 1974-2024 worldwide. I conclude, overall, that the longstanding industry of infant vaccination programs is a baseless fraudulent enterprise of exploitation.

 Moderna was fined for ‘luring children into Covid vaccine trials’ with teddy bears. The complaint related to four X adverts published by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in June and July 2023, which looked to recruit children aged 12 and over for Moderna’s updated mRNA vaccine.

Nicolas Hulscher writes: “It’s deeply worrisome that Moderna has resorted to bribing children with teddy bears to take experimental gene therapy injections. This isn’t just unethical, it’s predatory. In my opinion, they shouldn’t just be fined, they should face criminal penalties for such exploitative behavior against children.” –

 Sayer Ji writes:

“. For decades, a silent war has been waged against the health and sovereignty of the American people. A war fought not with armies, but with captured agencies, corporate propaganda, and policies designed to keep us sick, dependent, and powerless. That era ends today. For too long, families suffering from chronic disease, medical injury, and the unchecked greed of corporate medicine have been dismissed, silenced, and gaslit. They were told they were imagining things. That their suffering wasn’t real. That they were “misinformed.” But today, their cries for justice have been heard. With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leading HHS, the tide has shifted. This is the moment health freedom advocates have prayed for—the dawn of a new era where the shackles of medical tyranny are finally breaking. For too long, families suffering from chronic disease, vaccine injuries, and the unchecked greed of corporate medicine have been voiceless, dismissed, and oppressed. But today, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. leading HHS, their cries for justice are answered. This is our 1776 moment—a declaration of independence from a system that has failed to protect us, and a reaffirmation of our sacred right to bodily autonomy and true informed consent. It is proof that the will of the people, when united, is unstoppable. Let the restoration of American wellness begin. For years, the American people have been told they have no choice—that their health belongs to bureaucrats, that their children’s futures can be dictated by unelected agencies in collusion with corporate interests. That ends now. This confirmation is proof that the will of the people, when united, is unstoppable. No matter how powerful the opposition, truth will prevail.”

 From Dr Mark Trozzi

mRNA and DNA-based vaccine technology pose significant risks that must not be ignored. These genetic injections instruct human cells to produce foreign proteins, which leads to immune system dysfunction and long-term health consequences. When the body begins generating proteins associated with pathogens, it mistakes its own cells for threats, triggering autoimmune disease and widespread inflammation.

Freedom Rising

Legislative efforts to BAN the dangerous COVID-19 mRNA injections are now underway across multiple U.S. states, with bills being considered, drafted, and supported at various levels of government. Montana is the first state to draft a bill [HB371] “prohibiting the administration of gene-based vaccines into humans.”

 My Response to Shots

You don’t need any of them. Yes they stimulate your immune system. Did you ever stop to think why shots stimulate your immune system. They are poisons and  your body’s natural response to any poisons is immune function stimulation. The body immediately recognizes that poisons have invaded your body after a shot and action is needed to clean out those poisons. It is the Law of Nature that your immune defense system will immediately kick in to clean out those poisons to save your life. That is why I have witnessed skin rashes show up after those shots. Your body is moving out the poisons through the skin. Some people get horrible colds and flus as the poisons move out through the lungs or via the sudorific system meaning your sweat glands. There could be massive diarrhea as the poisons move out through the bowels.

The key is not to have any poisons injected into your body. If you have done so then get on with a program of UltraBiome DTX and Detox Basics to move those poisons out.

 From Bob Esophagus Cancer 2003

May 2003

 A vertical adenocarcinoma tumor that has invaded the esophagus to approximately 12 cm as well as the mass was beginning to invade other areas called the fundus. The comments in the letter said” this is a fairly advanced lesion and it is not likely that cure will be possible – certainly palliative care will be necessary.”

My body was completely ravaged by the chemo and radiation down to 135 pounds from 158 pounds. My veins were black road maps from the corrosive effect of the chemo and my body had very little energy.

September 2003

Thank you , Donna for giving us such a wonderful reference book that gives us the support and the guidance we need during trying times as well as sharing your knowledge with us.

I drank 6 glasses of Smoothies a day My wife would throw in vegetables, blue berries, Saskatoon berries Aloe Vera Juice, Essential Liquid Minerals and opened capsules of Nature’s Sunshine herbals

Dec 11/2003

Upon the biopsy of lesions there was no cancer activity, something that hardly ever happens in this stage of advanced cancer. What ever we have done and whatever you have done has worked and I can say you are cancer free at this time.”

 Bill cancer of the ribs, bladder , bones 2013

He drank not two Smoothies a day but three and sometimes four a day to give his stem cells all the nutrients required to repair the injury in the cancerous areas. He took up to 20 Paw Paw a day along with Protease Plus enzymes and Colostrum on an empty stomach. He also took high doses to Aloe Vera juice and Green Zone to clean out the radiation. With meals he took Cat’s Claw combination and MC. Bill stopped the consumption of sugars, all grains, legumes and dairy. He was on the path to health. After 2 ½ months of taking supplements and Smoothies with Mineral Chi Tonic, Flax Lignans, Aloe Vera juice and Green Zone  Bill had diagnostic tests done by a doctor who told him that all the cancer spots in his bones and ribs were no longer there and that he could not detect cancer.

 Cancer  Prostate Cancer

At the 2018 Nature Sunshine convention an elderly gentleman and his wife approached me to express gratitude to my Paw Paw program. Claude was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago. He succumbed to surgery which today he regrets and then refused the chemo, radiation, hormone therapy and just followed the Paw Paw program which is continues to this day. The consequence is that he has no cancer of any kind and he is full of life and energy. The sad part to this story is that his friends who were also diagnosed with prostate cancer chose the medical route and all of them have now passed away.

Ken’s Account on Prostate Surgery Cancelled Client of Fran’s

My problems began probably 2 1/2 or 3 years ago with limited ability to go pee properly. It was stopped up, a little at first then more so as time went on. Finally, about the time of last fall I got into a more specific investigation of this with our family doctor as Janis and I were both concerned about it. As you recall my late father had this problem as well. Now more recently my friend.

So PSA tests were done amongst other things but I never allowed a biopsy. The PSA test and other things determined I did not have cancer, but I had an enlargement of the prostate which was causing the urethra to be restricted, hence the urinary tract disorder I suffered through. When we went to Cuba at the beginning of 2011 it was very prominent, and it made my time there not as enjoyable as I would have liked.

Finally, my doctor sent me to a urologist who scoped me and confirmed that it was indeed an enlarged prostate causing this issue. They wanted to do a TURP surgery, that is where they go up the urethra and carve out by chipping the inner edges of the gland enabling an unrestricted flow. At first, I thought this would be alright, but the more I looked into it and the side effects, the more horrified I became of having this done to me. After awhile it became a downright terror to me. An overwhelming fear worse than any fear I have ever had, I was more afraid of that surgery rather than of my condition itself, I found myself wanting to remain with the condition, but either way, this was impossible. So, I resigned myself that I had to go through with it.

As you both know, I am a man of prayer. My parents taught me to give my life to the Lord, so naturally I did this concerning this issue that now was daunting in front of me. For a period of 2 months I sought for divine healing, but it did not come. Finally, in desperation I asked the Lord to lead me to some way out of this and that He did answer.

 I was led to a woman we know here in Westbank for the past 25 years who owns a health food store selling Nature’s Sunshine vitamins and so on. She is now 70 years old. Without me really knowing why I was in her store, I told her about my upcoming surgery. This was only 9 days before the surgery was to happen to me in Kelowna General Hospital. She looked at me and said: “You do not need that!” Her husband had the very same problem and she got him out of it.

 Long story short, I spent $400 for both Janis and her issues and my problem. Fran, the lady at the health food store, said I would be fine in 2 months. So, I called the hospital and postponed the operation and put off any further blood tests. On Wednesday the 4th of April it will be exactly 2 months since I started her program and I am happy to report that I am going pee like I was an 18-year-old! Not only that but I lost over 45 pounds weight and the weight is still peeling off at the rate of one pound per day. Fran also put me on a weight program which worked.

From Dr Mercola, Cow’s Milk

Comparing the nutritional content of cow's milk and plant-based alternatives reveals key differences. Cow's milk is naturally rich in high-quality protein, containing all nine essential amino acids needed by the human body. This protein is necessary for building and repairing tissues.

A study from the University of Copenhagen, on the other hand, reveals that the quality of protein in plant-based drinks is often lower than in cow's milk.1 This is due to processing methods that modify the protein and lead to the loss of some essential amino acids. The University of Copenhagen study found that cow's milk contained 3.4 grams of protein per liter, while eight out of 10 plant-based drinks tested contained between 0.4 and 1.1 grams.

Furthermore, all tested plant-based drinks had lower levels of essential amino acids compared to cow's milk.2 Vitamins and minerals are also important factors to consider. Cow’s milk is a richer dietary source of calcium, B vitamins and biotin than plant-based drinks, with researchers writing in Frontiers in Nutrition:3

Cow's milk contains beneficial saturated fat and milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which strengthens your gut health. Many plant-based milks, on the other hand, are high in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), including linoleic acid (LA), a mitochondrial poison that’s dangerous when consumed in excess. Many plant-based milks even have LA-rich seed oils added, which contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and decreased cellular energy.

 Dr Bruce Liptom

This is where the old “hippy” phrase comes into play, “Before we fix the world, we must first take care of our own back yard.” Toward that end we must prepare for the very uncertain future we face.  Do you have enough food and water available if there is a failure in production or a breakdown in distribution? Survival is predicated on community support … how is your community? Fiat money (i.e., paper money) is facing a collapse, what will you do if your money has no value?

Once again I remind everyone to have certain supplies available for those times of adversity, calamities, storms, fires, food shortages. Just about 2 weeks ago I walked into our neighborhood SaveOne store to find the shelves which were usually full of eggs, were totally empty, For about 3 days or so there was not one single egg in sight.

From MSM I heard that the CFIA declared Avian flu in some of the chicken sights and all chickens were destroyed. I am very skeptical about such announcements as I also know from studying the information in the book Bechamp vs Pasture by E Douglass Hume that viruses cannot really be detected because they are in constant change. Viruses happen when there is an overload of debris, wastes, poisons in our bodies and the virus is created in your body to clean out that overload of poisons. Viruses, if we wish to call it that, are part of Nature. They show up not to destroy life but to clean up poisons and waste debris and convert them into harmless forms. Yet in our society we are taught that viruses spread that you can actually catch them from someone else.

We are also taught that these so called food inspection agencies are there to protect us. So the question entered my mind. I now witnessed no eggs at the SafeOn food stores; reason Avian virus in the chickens; How did they test those chickens? Did they test dead chickens or live chickens? This is critical information because I know that a dead crow on my lawn will immediately be infected with microbes or viruses to break it down to the earth. This is all the Laws of Nature, and this is all common sense stuff. Testing dead chickens tells us a different story than testing live chickens. I also know that these same food inspectors were involved in testing ostriches that are presently residing on a farm about 2 ½ hours from where I live. These same food inspectors tested 2 ostriches and both were dead. No live ostriches were tested because they refused to do so. Now it has been determined by these food inspectors that all 400 ostriches need to be killed. Once again my mind wondered off into a question. First, they came for the chickens, then they came for the sheep in Ontario, then they came for the ostriches, so what will they decide to come for next? Might it be the meat farm where I buy my beef?

There may be a day when food may not be readily available for the reasons just stated. I really do not know how long before our God given common sense can kick in. I suggest you have a food storage in place. Include water storage or a purification method. I know Nature Sunshine SilverGuard is an excellent purification method. Just add 8 drops to a glass of water and it will clean up your water.

Have some super foods in place. These can also be stored for a long time like 5 years or more. Nature Sunshine Super foods have been tested not just for heavy metals and other toxins but they are run through an nutritional analysis to be sure there is high dense nutrients and to be sure that the herbs in those super foods have the medicinal alkaloids which are sometimes called actives. I know the energy power of the super foods because of the numerous success stories I have received from thousands of people I have worked with over the years. Today I shared 4 brief stories. I have comtemplated on this question a lot. Here is the question. How many success stories do you need to hear before you actually believe that what I offer in my TAFYH course and in these calls is true. You have a health problem?? Then you need super foods, You cannot get enough energy from the foods you purchase from a grocery store. Once again I urge you to have some in your home for those just in case moments.  Here is a list of some powerful super foods.

Power Beets

Arginine Plus

Power Greens or Green Zone in capsules

Collagen powder or Collatrim Plus in capsules

Marine Collagen

Nature Harvest

Plant Protein

Essential Liquid Minerals

Solstic Energy

Solstic Nutrition

Aloe Vera Juice

Zambroza great for children

Noni juice

Chlorophyll in liquid or capsules.

I would have  a few shaker bottles in your home. You do not need a $700 Vita Mix just a simple $10 shaker bottle. So here is what I do when I want to make an afternoon smoothie. Into my shaker bottle I add the following super foods:

Power Greens 1 scoop

Arginine Plus 1 scoop

Collagen Powder 1 scoop

Aloe Vera Juice or Aloe Vera Gel

Solstic Energy 1 stick

Fill it up with water, give it a good shake and  off I go. It tastes delicious.


Question: Hernia for someone who is vegetarian

Hernia; Avoid all grains, legumes. Vegetarian protein powders are Nature Harvest, Plant Protein, Nutri Burn Whey, Power Greens

Take UC-C about 4 to 6 capsules a day,

Take Colostrum about 3 twice a day on an empty stomach.

Drink lots of Chlorophyll and water.

Arginine Plus to bind spike proteins from CoVid shots.

UltraBiome DTX about 2 sticks in the evening with 20 oz of water.

If there are no root canals, mercury fillings then this program would take about 4 months.



Marcie; Question regarding having a D and C. I could not find the email that was sent to me.

The question was whether to take hormones as prescribed from a doctor.

First of all I would not even consider having a D and C. I looked up D and C and here is what I learned:

“Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Health care professionals perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions — such as

You have unusual uterine bleeding.

You have bleeding after menopause.

You have unusual endometrial cells, which are discovered during a routine test for cervical cancer.”

I would take on a serious herbal program and this may take 2 or 3 months.

Eat the right foods.

Avoid all grains, legumes, pop, alcohol, sugar foods

Have a super food smoothies twice a day with Power Beets, Arginine Plus, Collagen Solstic

Take Cat’s Claw combination about 4 three times a day

Take FCS 11 a combination of herbs that heals the uterus. Here are the herbs in FCS11

Red raspberry leaves, blessed thistle, cramp bark, squw vine root, black cohosh, ginger root, marshmallow, queen of the meadow, capsicum.

Here is what the scientists said about FCS11

It stops excessive uterine bleeding

It balances female hormones,

Its for PMS, nervous tension, stress, anxiety, cramps, swollen tender breasts, depression,

It strengthens ovarian functions,

It is used to treat uterine hemorrhages, nephritis, edema, postpartum weakness, hemorrohoids and anemia.

I want to add what I learned from Dr Tom Cowan; To increase fertility eat butter and lard.

So I would add Super Oil to this program. You need lots of cholesterol for healthy hormones.



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Teleconference Call Monday, Feb 10/25

From the Desk of Donna Roth Monday, Feb 10/25

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna 

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH Team 78 Questions

Recent quotes regarding Shots

Question about Fevers, High BT.

Success Stories

What I Learned About Eggs

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon

Suzanne, TAFYH team 78, purchased a cookbook and said it is a great cookbook and she recommends it. She said everyone needs to have one.


Robert F Kennedy Jr. 

“Corruption is not just in the federal agencies, it is in Congress too. Almost all the members of this panel … including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry.”

 “We are allowing these companies — because of their influence over this body, over our regulatory agencies, to mass-poison American children. And that’s wrong. It needs to end,” Kennedy said. “The president’s pledge is not to make some Americans healthy again, but to make all Americans healthy again.”


Sayer Ji wrote this week:

“Maybe, after years of gaslighting generations of parents of vaccine-injured children—pretending that the skyrocketing rates of chronic disease, pediatric cancer, neurological disorders, and autism have nothing to do with the ever-expanding vaccine schedule—Senators will convince themselves that being voted out by the American people was just another coincidence—not the direct result of their willful, malignant ignorance on children’s health


Ted Kuntz Pres VCC

As Upton Sinclair once said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Nowhere was this more evident than during Bobby Kennedy’s confirmation hearings, where the world watched in shame and disgust as these Senators, stuffed to the gills with pharmaceutical cash, feigned concern for public health while in reality protecting the profiteers who knowingly sacrificed children at the altar of their failed vaccine schedules and newly developed, lethal mRNA technologies. Their performance was nothing more than a scripted defense of an industry with a rap sheet of felony convictions—one whose liability is conveniently underwritten by the very government they control. They didn’t seek truth. They didn’t seek accountability. They sought to silence, discredit, and protect the machine—because their power, their wealth, and their entire political survival depends on it.” -

The Argentine government has announced its decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to the “catastrophic” economic impact of COVID-19 lockdowns. In a statement shared on X on Feb. 5, the Argentine President’s Office said that the COVID-19 lockdowns were one of the greatest economic catastrophes in world history, citing the severe and lasting impact on global economies as their primary reason for pulling out. “The WHO was established in 1948 to coordinate global health emergency responses, but it failed its most significant test: it promoted indefinite quarantines without scientific backing during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Argentinian President Javier Milei said. –


From Ted Kuntz

The CIA released a new analysis last week that concluded the COVID virus likely came from a lab in Wuhan, China, sending Democrats and allied science writers into a tizzy as it undermined their years-long campaign to label people “conspiracy theorists” or “racists” for discussing a Wuhan lab accident


A new large-scale, peer-reviewed study of nearly 50,000 children released this month published in Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law reveals significant associations between childhood vaccinations and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, and epilepsy. The study found that vaccinated children had a 170% higher likelihood of being diagnosed with ASD compared to unvaccinated children, a 420% higher likelihood of encephalopathy, and a 530% higher likelihood of tic disorders in vaccinated children compared to their unvaccinated counterparts. Preterm infants who were vaccinated had a 214% increased likelihood, and were 200% more likely to have at least one NDD compared to unvaccinated



A fever with a high BT is there to burn up toxic waste debris.

The medical world teaches us that a high fever is dangerous and deadly.

Notice how I asked each of you if you have known someone who died from a high fever?

Everyone replied with a NO.

So why are we taught that a high fever is dangerous and deadly?

Is it a fear mechanism to sell aspirin, Tylenol, antibiotics, take a vaccine.

Recall how they were taking BT’s during the pandemic announcement; it prepared everyone to be opened to taking a vaccine. Everyone was now ready to take that CoVid shot because they could now correlate the taking of body temperature by the health authorities to the taking of a CoVid shot.

We were all very well prepped for many years to fear fever, high BT.

We had all witnessed having a fever meant we had a virus. During their pandemic; I say their pandemic because it was not mine and 30 % of the population also did not take their pandemic on; So during their pandemic about 50% of the people were well seasoned to accept high body temperatures as a sign of a virus and that the savior was a CoVid shot.

 Half of the population were all ready to accept a vaccine which would keep us from getting a fever which was labelled as CoVid!

The fever is my friend. It is not my enemy. Do I get fevers? Yes of course. Did my children get fevers. Yes of course. I had learned that it is of utmost importance to clean out that waste debris as fast as possible. So what did I do,. I took lots of Cat’s Claw combination every hour jto move the lymphatics and LBS11 to move the bowels. I drank lots of Chlorophyll and water. And usually within 24 to 48 hours all signs of fever were gone.



BSQ dropped from 112 to 42

Digestive 10-2

Hepatic 11-3

Intestinal 9-3

Respiratory 9-3

Urinary 9-1


Nervous 13-8

Glandular 15-7

Structural 8-1

Immune 12-6

Reproductive 4-1

Body Temperature went from 35.4 to 36.7

Weight dropped from 168 to 158

Candida is still cloudy and stringy

Tumor in the left breast gone from a golf ball size to a flat bottle cap size

Lower back pain has decreased to almost nothing

Body shakes have decreased

My jaw has stopped popping



BSQ dropped from 19 – 12

Body Temperature went from 36.2 to 36.5

Candida was not bad

Hip operation set me back; took meds for pain

Now no meds for 3 weeks

Now on a maintenance program

Eat the right foods and cleanse every day

Taking Focus ATN for ADHD

I wear my emotions like a garment, joy, excitement

Its freedom

Taking Colostrum for leaky gut

I have a root canal and now ready to take it on.

Take a smoothie every day.

Take Cat’s Claw and LBS11 and Chlorophyll every day

Will do the One Day Kidney Flush once a week



BSQ dropped from 79-11

Digestive 6-4

Hepatic 5-1

Intestinal 6-1

Respiratory 9-0

Urinary 6-0


Nervous 9-2

Glandular 10-2

Structural 10-0

Immune 7-0

Reproductive 5-1

Body Temperature went from 36.3 – 36.7

Weight dropped from 138 to 126

Still Candida

I feel great

Everyone tells me I look healthy and I feel honored

Sleeping amazingly

I am sticking to my Health Plan

My bowels now move regularly, from every 2 days to every day

Bloating and gas gone

Big bulges on wrists are gone

Had a big attitude adjustment



BSQ dropped from 27-9

Intestinal 4-2

Respiratory 5-2

Urinary 2-0


Nervous 2-1

Glandular 2-1

Structural 1-0

Immune 2-1

Reproductive 1-0

Body Temperature went from 36.3 tp 36.8

Abdominal pain reduced

Cat’s Claw keeps my pain at bay

Mucous from respiratory tract gone

Itchy nose and ears gone

Mental emotional stress reduced

Varicose veins gone

Urinating at night gone

Off Synthroid medications

Today not feeling good, fatigued, muscles are sore



BSQ dropped from 64-22

Digestive 4-1

Hepatic 4-1

Intestinal 4-1

Respiratory 4-0

Urinary 4-2


Nervous 6-2

Glandular 11-4

Structural 7-5

Immune 7-1

Reproductive 6-1

Body Temperature went from 36.4 to 36.8

Got off the lectin foods

Fixed the leaky gut

Smoothie with Collagen, Power Beets, Arginine and Solstic

Helped my skin

Bloating and gas is gone

Candida looks pretty clear

Lungs are feeling great

No more numbness

Cat’s Claw is keeping my immune system strong, no sickness

I have had surgery to clear blockages

Skin tag fell off using MS


Lesson 15  pg.1 Changes since start of TAFYH Jan 16-feb 7, 2025


I am so grateful  for Donna’s Experience, Wisdom and Guidance  and all the support and acknowledgement I am receiving, from family and friends, thank you. Today are home work is to write down all the changes we have had since the start of our lessons on Jan 16/25 .  I thought I would also share with you. 

I can reach my arms up over my head, I can get in and out of the bath tub, I have way more energy, I can add to a conversation and stay focused.  I can drive into town with hands on the wheel with no pain , I get into and out of the car easily, I can reach back and put my seat belt on.  I can bend over and pet the dogs, and put on there jackets, put there meal plates on the floor and pick them up. I can get to the bottom of the litter box (I could only scrape the top before). I can squat and pick things off the floor, I can cut my toenails ( Keri-lynn did them last time with the cats nail clipper)that was a experience we both hope never happens again lol. I can take things out of the cupboards, type on the computer, Put my hair in a ponytail get in bed without a stool pull the blankets on and off without pain, sleep on my side for a while., go up and down the stairs with out holding the railing (that Mel put on for me).  Eat a good well rounded diet, Prepare and cook a meal, mash potatoes. all these things i took for granted before.  

I also did a lot of self reflection  and realized I had some shadow work to complete, meaning I knew I needed the changes however I was not ready for the deep self reflection, I needed more pain and I got it.  I needed to change. I needed to question life more and let go of my thinking, surrender to Love, and unconditional Love. I realized there is a  bigger picture that I only get glimpses of.  I let go of the though that 


I know best for not only me but for you too.  I wanted to be open to hearing, doing and saying things differently.   As I get stronger and more whole and more in harmony with Mother Nature, I see the Good in everyone and everywhere..I am very grateful for the Miracles that are in everything, you and me. 

like the saying “I could not see until I could”. 

Love Always Doni



Ostrich Destruction

I have already learned that eggs can bind the spike proteins from the CoVid shots. This is what my friend Paula shared with me regarding the killing of the ostriches and chickens.


I believe that the motivation is money. From what I have learned, the eggs have anti-bodies. If the farm is able to put the anti-bodies in the market, they will compete with big pharma. There was much speculation about the ostrich farm in the beginning, but not it's pretty clear that the CFIA just wants all the ostrich dead. They have offered NO SOLUTION to the problem, meanwhile the ducks are flying in and out of the enclosures as there is ostrich food available for them to eat. CFIA doesn't care about the ducks. They don't care about any treatment for the ostrich, all they care about is eradicating the birds. Court is being held on Wednesday and Thursday online. Have a good day, PaulađŸŒº

"Immunoglobulin Y is a type of immunoglobulin which is the major antibody in bird, reptile, and lungfish blood. It is also found in high concentrations in chicken egg yolk"



Eggs impressive health benefits includes protection against cardiovascular disease, lowering LDL cholesterol, a good source of choline, supporting eye health, a good source of protein, reducing the risk of breast cancer, preventing fatigue, supplying needed energy, and supporting strong bones.

That means eggs have more nutrients -- vitamins, minerals, amino acids -- per calorie than most other foods. Have an egg and you'll get:

High-quality protein




Vitamin B12

Multiple antioxidants, which help keep your cells healthy 


A single large (50 g) egg contains:

Vitamin A: 5% of the RDA.

Vitamin D: 10% of the RDA

Vitamin B12: 10% of the RDA.

Vitamin B6: 5% of the RDA.

Selenium: 28% of the RDA.

Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA.

Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA.

Eggs also contain decent amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium and zinc. A large egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of healthy fats.

Eggs also contain various other trace nutrients that are important for health. Eggs are pretty much the perfect food, they contain a little bit of almost every nutrient we need.

Here are some of the exciting health benefits of eggs:


From Diane MS Gone since 1984

So, I Began Researching Natural Remedies

When we get sick, it is usually not overnight - often it is just the final drop that makes the vase go overboard. And it usually happens over time, even years … one symptom, then another one … then another … until they call it a disease.

My research led me to eastern philosophies, nutritional strategies, herbal medicines, mental visualizations, alternative therapies and so on.  The more I studied them, the better all these pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit. When I finally started to get well, they all mysteriously disappeared …the MS, Sarcoidosis, Erythem noueux, CFS and Fibromyalgia.

My family doctor was a staunch supporter and simply said “whatever you’re doing Diane, don’t stop!” and my neurologist finally threw up his hands and said it’s gone, I don’t know why, but it’s gone, check-in annually so I can document this… and I did, though I stopped going several years ago…

I believe people need to know they have choices ...

You do have options and choice ... and they are a powerful combination

I had finally decided to take ownership for my own recovery! 

I did not think or say if … I said once I would come back ... this is a very important point and I believe crucial to successfully fighting any illness or disease (or achieving any goal for that matter). You see, in my mind and in my heart - there were no doubts.

I did not know how long it would take

I did not know what I would have to do

I did not know how much money it would cost.

My one burning desire was to get well, then stay well.

I wanted to enjoy life without depending on others - I wanted and still want to do everything I choose, when I want, as long as I want, and I still do whatever it takes to stay healthy.

The years of nutritional support I required to get my body functioning normally included a clean diet with lots of whole foods plus large quantities and correct formulations of nutrient dense herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Through early trial and error with a number of herbal product lines, I eventually found the correct formulations in Nature's Sunshine Products and today, they remain a part of my maintenance program and my natural health practice.

It's now over 30 years since the crisis that landed me in the hospital.  Yes, the doctors diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis in 1982 and the other diseases were to follow but I never took ownership of them, they were simply names of conditions I worked very hard at healing naturally "Your body has the amazing ability to naturally realign and heal itself, if you’d just give it some basic attention!".


Did you have people that discouraged you from doing your herbal program?

Many people insisted that I go to the doctor. Some of my best friends told me I was being taken for a ride by using herbal products to heal. I decided that if they were not supportive of my choices I would just cut ties.

Did you take pharmaceutical drugs?

At first, I didn’t know any better, so I took them and they just made me worse. I had to give them up. After taking them for 5 days my bed would be turning, I had to crawl to the bathroom. The doctor told me it would take 3 months for the drugs to work. My thought was that if it causes so many side effects then how it could heal my body.

Did you feel improvement?

Very little. But I would celebrate my victories. If I had spasms, then I would time them and find that they would not last as long as the last time. So that was a victory. I did reflexology, I did ankle rotations and I went to the chiropractor. I now work with one lady who could just now barely move her toe, but she could move it and that is a victory.

How much did it cost?

For me there is no cost. We borrowed the money, so I could do this program. I can’t put a price on it. If I am not healthy I can’t do anything.  I could not work without health. I could not look after children without health. I would be a burden without health.  There is no cost. You are never too old, you are never too young. And you need to stick to it. I decided to do the program until it worked. I made a decision and I became involved in taking control of my own health. I took courses and I got to know that nobody could help me to get healthy but me. Money was not going to stop me from getting healthy.

One day after doing the program for many months and still seeing no results I called my Mom and I cried. I had spent all my money. I had taken all my supplements. I was ready to give up. I cried all night. Then something happened. During the night I got this inspiration. I would not quit, I would not give up. Where would I be if I quit. I would do the program until it worked.

What about taking drugs for bladder and colon control like I do? Can you take herbs with them?

You just keep taking the drugs and add the herbs. As you start to feel better you can decrease the drugs and increase the herbs. Herbs rebuild your body. Its like mending a sock. It takes time for the herbs to build.

What about fear?

Feeling fear is normal. You really don’t know fear until you are in a crisis. Its like going out in the night. You can’t see ahead, and you don’t know what is coming. But just know one thing. If you are doing the right thing your body will heal!

How long did it take?

From the time I was in a wheel chair it took a year to get out of my wheel chair. During that time I took about 30 different products some in very high doses..

Have you ever had an MRI?

Yes, the last time I had an MRI was about 4 years ago for a totally different reason. The doctor told me that my MS was progressing! Progressing??? I had been out of my wheel chair and walking for 20 year and he told me my MS was progressing! That is when I decided to “walk away!”