Monday, February 24, 2025

My Story re Health Century and Cancer


My Story re Dr Lanctot

I first heard about the vaccine not told stories from a book that was introduced to me by Dr Lanctot, a Canadian medical doctor from Quebec who wrote the book Medical Mafia. I was instrumental in arranging her appearance to Kelowna many years ago. Her presentation was about the dangers of vaccines. That’s when Dr Lanctot introduced me to a banned book entitled, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. If you think censorship is a very recent phenomena think again. Well before internet books were written to warn us of the dangers of vaccines. Because my mind was opened to learning about vaccines after I personally witnessed my first-born suffering from high pitched screaming after a vaccine shot I was now fully being exposed to these “ vaccine are dangerous” books that were written, published but banned from the market.

Dr Lanctot told me her story, She said she knew of that book , Health Century, Being in the medical profession she was made aware of it but did not know where she could locate it. Her first thought was to enter the medical archived library. But upon entering this massive library Dr Lanctot was overwhelmed by the number of books that were staring at her. How could she ever come to find the book Health Century among the millions of books before her. It was like finding a needle in a haystack. So her first thought was to step into the aisle with books stacked from floor to ceiling on either side of the aisle, As she wondered through these aisles quite aimlessly the thought finally entered her mind that perhaps a prayer might help. She did this silently in her own mind. And once again Dr Lanctot wondered about aimlessly along aisles of thousands of books. As she sauntered through these books she focused on finding  the Health Century. It so happened that after minutes of doing so she happened to bump into one of the bookshelves and of course one of the books fell unto the floor. She bent over to retrieve it only to see the title of that book, Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. A most miraculous discovery. She found the book that she was looking for a, book that had long been  banned. That’s when excitedly she flipped through the pages to the story of Dr Bernice Eddy who in 1954 was studying polio vaccines in a lab, She was culturing polio vaccines and injecting them into hamsters. What Dr Bernice Eddy discovered was horrifying. These polio vaccine injected hamsters all got cancers and tumors of various kinds. She immediately alerted the medical establishment with her strong words of warning: IF you institute the polio vaccine into our society we will have an epidemic of cancer within 20 years.

The words of Dr Bernice Eddy fell on deaf ears. The polio vaccine was released into the world. Dollar signs became the focus of Big Pharma and their dollar sign scientists. Dr Bernice Eddy was fired.


Today we have an epidemic of cancer not just from the polio vaccines but from all vaccines. Vaccines and all shots are causing cancers and yet we are told that the cause of cancer is unknown.  Fast forward to 2025 I am now hearing that there is a mRNA vaccine forthcoming that will cure cancer! I am here to say NOT A CHANCE. Another vaccine to cure a cancer that is caused by a vaccine is ludicrous. Nothing made in a lab can ever be a cure for cancer. Everything made in a lab by the hand of man for the purpose of curing cancer is harmful and dangerous. Why do I so strongly say so. Their lab made vaccines do not follow the Laws of Nature. It was proven by Dr Bernice Eddy in the banned book Health Century by Dr Edward Shorter. And furthermore I am witnessing the rise of cancer exceeding since the introduction of CoVid shots.


I have a particular passion regarding cancer because in 1993 my Mother died from cancer. In 1992 my aunt, my Mother’s sister died from cancer and in 1994 my mother-in-law died from cancer. Today I know why my Mother died from cancer. Mom was hired to be a cook in a nursing home The Morley House in Manitoba was I was born and raised. Mom and all the employees loved the elderly whose last resting stage on this earth life was the Morely House. Mom was a conscientious cook, and she would make meals that often came directly from her garden; the home made borstch, the home made chicken soup, or vegetable beef soup, the cabbage rolls with sour cabbage from her own making and so on. Very little that was cooked in the kitchen of the Morley House was artificial or loaded with preservatives.

Mom loved working in the Morley House preparing healthy meals for the elderly.

However, there was one big problem. Morley House was a government funded operation and there were certain rules that were expected to be followed. One of them was yearly flu shots. So every year without giving it a second thought Mom lined up to get that flu shot. In all honesty I do not really know how many flu shots she really got but I do know it was more than 5. Consequently at 70 years old Mom was diagnosed with cancer of the bowels. At the time of her diagnosis, I was not aware of the number of shots she had or the harm of these shots. I just knew she got flu shots and I knew  I would never ever get them. It never occurred to me that the flu shots were poisons injected into my Mom’s blood stream to the point that the liver could no longer detoxify them and the result was cancer of a vulnerable weak organ for my Mom, the bowels.

Little do we know how deceptive these shots coming from medical world really are. Little do we know that the medical doctors and nurses are working innocently in this vaccine medical model being totally unaware of the harm their vaccines are causing people. Little do they know that it takes more than one vaccine in most cases over several years to see the consequences of those poisons. It may not just show up as a cancer but  it may show up as another diagnosed health problem such as mentioned by Catharin Layton; Belle’s Palsy, encephalitis, neuritis, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, autism. Leukemia and so on.

In my world cancer is nothing more than this: You have been poisoned!

 So how can you handle cancer if you are one of those diagnosed with it. The first thing to handle is that fear that cancer is a death sentence. Now start thinking the answer to this simple question: Who planted the fear into your mind that cancer is a death sentence? Who did? “ You must come to absolutely know that your body is created to heal. You have on more than one occasion witnessed your body heal from broken bones, or cuts or bruises. If your body can heal bones that it can heal an injured cancerous area. It is the Law of Nature, it is common sense and it just is.  In my world there is no such thing as cancer. There is only nutritional deficiency and there are poisons.

Knowing this I then designed a formula that anyone can follow whether your diagnosis is cancer or RA or diabetes or MS.  The formula looks like this I + I + E + I + C = health

Injury: You need lots of energy to move out all those poisons and you need to feed your stem cells with nutritious energy and oxygen for healthy cell replication. Once the injured cells have healed all replication of cancer cells goes to rest. The only reason cells replicate is to heal the injury. It is the Law of Nature that states cancer cells don’t randomly replicate in your body. They are replicating because the stem cell carpenters are trying hard to heal that injury. The healing is not happening because there is not enough nutrition in your body and because your body is loaded with poisons which leads you to the next part of this formula.


Inflammation: The injured area is loaded with poisons from various sources thereby preventing the nutrient energy and oxygen from reaching the injured area. Dr Otto Warburg stated very clearly when he received his Nobel Prize in 1931 that when the oxygen levels to the injured area drop to below 35% then oxidation for healthy cell replication can no longer happen So in the case of inflammation it is imperative that you find out what is poisoning your body.


Elimination: Now that you know that there are poisons in your body your must address your elimination channels to move out those poisons. Your elimination channels include bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin. This is where you can do a Body Systems Questionnaire to find out which of your body systems are malfunctioning. And you then can get on with it and address your sluggish elimination channels.


Infection; Now that you know that your elimination channels are sluggish and you know that poisons are obstructing the oxidation process it makes sense to know that there is an infection happening in that injured area. . With low oxygen levels and high amounts of poisons and sugar the oxidation process flips into fermentation thereby giving rise to parasites and Candida and fungal infection. The stem cells carpenters are still working hard to heal that injury. They are still trying to replicate cells. But the fungal DNA is now integrating into the stem cell line during the replication process and the end result is the replication of mutated cells which the medical institution calls cancer.


Blood Circulation: All the poisons are in your blood system, and they are being deposited into your most vulnerable weakest organ or gland. Consequently, you must really work hard to clean that blood from all those poisons and you must stop putting poisons into your body. Your blood tells you whether you have enough energy to clean out the poisons. You have all heard of the simple saying: IO must have poor blood circulation because I have cold hands and feet. If you had enough energy in your body you would not have cold hands and feet. Now here is the biggest secret that is never revealed to you. Cancer cannot grow in a body temperature of 37C proven by science.


So now that you have this amazing information which is not only common sense but it also follows the Laws of Nature and it is also documented by science you can get your body back to health.


1 Injury; Energy comes from food. So stop eating low energy foods like grains and legumes and sugar. Eat good proteins and fats and vegetables and berries.

Have a super food smoothie twice a day with Arginine Plus, Flax Hull Lignans,  Collagen, Power Greens, Liquid Minerals, Solstic Energy and water. Its so easy to put all of these products into a shaker bottle and then add water when you are ready to fuel up.

2 Inflammation; Address all those poisons and start taking the Cat’s Claw combination in high doses to move the poisons out through the lymphatic system.

3 Elimination Be sure to address your bowels with LBS 11, Magnesium and UltraBiome DTX and address your kidneys with chlorophyll and water. You may need to do a One Day Kidney Flush once a week.

4 Infection; It’s a fungal infection so you need Pau D’Arco or Paw Paw or E tea.

5 Circulation; Test your body temperature first thing in the morning. It should be about 36.5 to 37 C. Work on cleaning your blood with MC and Liver Support.

6 Be patient. It takes time for your stem cell carpenters to replicate healthy cells to heal your injury. It takes about 4 to 6 months to heal a broken bone. It may take longer. It may take a year.


Gary was diagnosed with cancer in the small intestine and after following the program he was cancer free within 4 months verified by a medical doctor.

Dr Lynda was diagnosed with a tumor in her uterus and after following the program for 6 months she passed her tumor. Cancer gone!


Bee was diagnosed with breast cancer and followed the program for 1 year. Cancer gone confirmed by a medical doctor.


Peter was diagnosed with bladder cancer and told he would have to have his bladder surgically removed. He followed the program for 3 ½ months and the doctor confirmed him cancer free. Cancer gone and no surgery, no chemo and no radiation.


Phyll was diagnosed with lymphoma of the spleen. She followed the program for about 4 months whereupon the doctor informed her that her spleen was almost back to normal. Lymphoma is gone; spleen reduced in size from 13.7 to 12.5 Normal is 12 Cancer gone!

Fay was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer which I cannot even pronounce. She had suffered for 10 years.  After following the nutritional program for 4 months her blood test was back to normal. Cancer gone!


Barb was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had a hysterectomy. A few months later she was diagnosed with lung cancer. After following the Paw Paw program for 3 months the doctor confirmed all cancer was gone.


Steve had an ultrasound and a biopsy that concluded that there was a cancerous tumor in the sternum which was leaking into the bone area. He had chemo treatments but with no results. He followed the Paw Paw program for 3 ½ months and the blood tests showed that there was no cancer in his body.


Ellen was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had surgery to have a tumor removed. She then followed the Paw Paw program and 8 months later she was declared cancer free.


Gail was diagnosed with breast cancer and after having chemo treatments which sent her to a psych ward for 6 weeks Gail started the Paw Paw program and 1 year later she was cancer free and was 100 pounds lighter.


There are so many more cancer successes I could relate to you. How many do you really need to hear to believe that even if you are diagnosed with cancer and even if your doctor declared a death sentence you are not destined to die but to heal because the laws of Nature state that your body is created to heal. However it does take knowledge and it does take action on your part. I can teach you what I know but you must take responsibility, and you must do the program.