Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Harm of Vaccines


Today there are many books written about the adverse harm of all vaccination shots. I want to share some of them with you.


The following books written by well researched doctors:

Contagion Myth: Dr Tom Cowan

Confessions of a Medical Heretic by  Robert S. Mendelsohn

Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines--The Truth Behind a Tragedy by Andrew J. Wakefield

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense

by Torsten Engelbrecht

The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization by Tim O'Shea

The Curse of Louis Pasteur by Nancy Appleton

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

The Vaccination Myth: Courageous MD exposes the Vaccination Fraud! by Charles Creighton

Fisman’s Fraud by Dr Regina Watteel

Saying No To Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages by Sherri J. Tenpenny

Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola : Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Leonard G. Horowitz

Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy A. Mikovits

The Hidden Dangers in Polio Vaccine by Eleanor McBean


Pasteur vs Bechamp; A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E Douglas Hume

So who is E Douglas Hume and why do I acknowledge her work ?

Who is Bechamp and what do I learn from this scientist that contradicts Pasture?


Ethel Douglas Hume (4 May 1874 – 16 July 1950) was a British anti-vivisectionist, animal welfare writer and traveller. She is best known for authoring a controversial book in 1923 which accused Louis Pasteur of plagiarizing Antoine Béchamp's theories

Hume was born in Batticaloa, Ceylon.[1] She was educated in Germany, Italy and London.[2] She lived in Canada for a year

Hume was an anti-vaccinationist and germ theory denialist. In 1933, Hume commented that cholera, dysentery and enteric are evidence of bad sanitation and bad water supply and do not prove the germ theory of disease.[9]


Bechamp was a scientist who worked alongside Pasteur. Yet who has ever heard of Bechamp and his work as a scientist who studied germs in a total different format than the studies of Pasteur. Now why is Bechamp’s work not ever discussed in our world. We give accolades to Pasteur. But is the Germ Theory truth. Notice it is called Germ Theory. A theory means it has never been proven in the world of science.


From Bechamp we learn that every single thing we find in nature has these minute seed buds that he called microzyma These microzyma exist primarily in the cells of every organ, gland, nerve, blood in your body. These microzyma can remain inactive or can become active to create parasites or germs when certain conditions in Nature are met. Here is a direct quote from the book by E Douglas Hume.

“If a deficiency of one or more mineral elements allows morbid waste matter to accumulate, the seeds buds belonging to the particular group affected by the mineral deficiency ( such as the skin, blood, bone etc) become active and grow up into germs in order to clear away the congestion.”

Germs then are parasites whose one and only function is to devour impurities. In a living body they act as scavengers and in a dead body they decompose it cell by cell until it is reduced to a substance upon which the chlorophyll bearing plants live, a wise provision of nature having placed the chlorophyll bearing plants between man and the crude elements of the earth with the germ as a mediator.

Without the germ as a decomposer of impurities live on this planet would soon be extinct, the plant alone having the power to convert the decayed substances into vital life giving food substances.


As protectors the seed buds of scores of diseases are stored in the cells of the body and remain dormant for years; but as previously explained should a deficiency of certain elements occur and accumulations of decaying waste matter arise the seed buds become virile and develop into specific disease germs in order to carry out the work of cleansing. When this is done the germs revert to their original state as seed buds ready for action when and if necessary.

The term picking up a germ is not a fact in science; it is a perversion. For instance, a man suffering from a severe cold may pass germs to hundreds of people but comparatively few “catch the cold, the reason being that germs attach themselves only to those with an accumulation of decaying waste matter in the mucous membrane. People with clean blood streams have what is known as resistance to disease. “


The question has come up on many occasions than why did so many people get sick from CoVid? It must be contagious. I now quote Dr Tom Cowan author of Contagion Myth.


Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan

The disease called Covid-19 is not contagious, and scientists have not properly isolated and purified a virus associated with the disease. The illness, characterized by lack of oxygen, widespread clotting, electrical or “fizzing” feelings, and degeneration of the lungs, fits the description of radiation poisoning from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies. The most likely culprit: microwave radiation from fifth generation wireless—5G. The Covid-19 illness has appeared following the deployment of 5G first in Wuhan, then in Europe and then in large cities in the United States.


I add to Dr Cowan’s statement this question. Who was directly affected first and foremost in regards to the CoVid sickness. It was the elderly people in nursing homes. These were people who already had compromised health. They were in nursing home because they were afflicted with illness. They could not live at home in their own environment and their family members kindly placed them in homes that would look after them. Sadly these homes are following government run so called health regulations that do not match the laws of nature. These people are vaccinated and administered drugs which have no nutrient value at all. The fuel energy for our bodies do not come from vaccinations and drugs. They come from animal and plant foods provided for us by Nature.

So we start to see that these elderly people are not fed adequate nutrients with minerals as stated strongly by E Douglass Hume in her book Bechamp vs Pasteur. Without minerals morbid waste matter begins to accumulate and disease sets in. These elderly people are not following the pathway of Nature. Now how many of you are really following the pathway of Nature for your health.


I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Alice was following a path through the forest in Wonderland when she came across a division in her path. There were 2 directions to take.

She began to wonder which pathway she should choose when out of nowhere appeared a Cheshire cat.

She inquired of the Cheshire cat the pathway she should take whereupon the Cat asked,

Where do you want to go?

Alice replied “ I don’t know”.

Then said the Cat, It really doesn’t matter does it?

I think of the many people in our society that do not have a health pathway and they are misled by the those whose intention is financial gains.

For us as seekers of health a pathway does matter!

We have a pathway, and it is directed by the Laws of Nature! So now I want to introduce you to the pathway that I have followed for years and the pathway that I have taught for years in my course, TAFYH.


I love Nature Sunshine products for one very specific reason. Their products are meticulously tested in quality-controlled labs to ensure that the products are loaded with minerals and nutrient energy needed for strength and power.  So I would like to share with you several different super foods that are available for you so that you can take responsible action and provide your body with the essential nutrient mineral energy;

Super Foods:

Power Greens; the formula based on Steve Smith who many years ago resolved his own cancer with the combination of different plants in Power Greens. I take it every day and have done so in a smoothie for years.

Arginine Plus; the founders of L Arginine , an amino acid are Nobel Prize winners. This is a Nature Sunshine product designed to increase blood flow, to break up blood clots, to increase body temperature and to create nitric oxide to keep your heart healthy. The most recent study of Arginine came from Dr Jessica Rose, a Canadian scientist, who disclosed the fact that Arginine has the ability to bind spike proteins, to neutralize them so they cannot cause bleeding and blood clots. Sophea , a TAFYH grad has a profound story regarding Arginine Plus. Her sister had received 3 CoVid shots whereupon she ended up with a blood clots and a stroke. Her right hand was affected and she could not write.  Sophea immediately told her to take Nature Sunshine Arginine Plus in high doses. Her sister was taking about 3 scoops of Arginine Plus in water every day. Within about 2 weeks the blood clots dissolved and her sister regained the use of her right hand.

Power Beets; builds healthy blood

Natures Harvest is a plant protein powder with lots of proteins and minerals.

Essential Liquid Minerals is a must.

I add Solstic Energy to the smoothie and it tastes delicious.


Now I want to tell you about some of the amazing herbal formulas that you can use if your body gets into trouble, and you need extra help during those times of 5 G stress or otherwise.

CoQ10 is a vitamin type lipid blend that helps your body produce energy at the mitochondria levels. It is an anti-aging product that has been tested to improve mobility in Parkinson’s Disease, muscle ataxia, hypertension, heart disease, cancer and immune factors.

HRP-C is a Chinese TCM product that removes heavy metals, improves liver functions and moves out poisons.

Yellow Dock cleanses the blood of mercury and formaldehyde present in all vaccines

Cat’s Claw combination moves out the toxins and poisons through the lymphatic system to the point that germs are no longer needed.


To this I can add that it is a good idea to do a so-called Parasite Cleanse to keep the blood stream clean.

Artemisia about 7 twice a day on an empty stomach

Black Walnut about 2 three times a day

Horsetail about 2 three times a day

Do this for 7 days.


On March 29/22 I recorded this conversation and I would like to share it with you.

Last night I attended the VCC call and Peter asked why all his family members all got the CoVid virus.

His conclusion is that it must be contagious and that there must be a dangerous virus out there to get us.

I was given the opportunity to explain the Terrain Truth.

I call it truth and not theory. Here is my simple explanation.

Viruses are part of the Laws of Nature.

I first read about the true explanation of viruses many years ago in a book that was banned at that time.

It was called Bechamp vs Pasteur, The Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by E Douglass Hume.

It is now available on Amazon.

I believe it is there for anyone to read because people have bought into the Germ Theory dogma.

Consequently, that book no longer can influence the masses.

However the truth that was written at that time still applies today as truth does not change.

The Laws of Nature do not change.

Bechamp discovered these very tiny, microscopic particles he called microzyma that exist in our bodies.

As a matter of fact they are found in every living thing on this earth.

They are inert until Nature calls them into action.

When there is an over abundance of toxic debris that needs to be cleaned up these microzyma are called to action.

These microzyma then convert to germs or viruses or parasites for the purpose of cleaning up the toxic debris to allow life to continue.

Imagine what our world would look like if debris could not be broken down!!

Viruses are my friends and not my enemies!!


Your body is created to heal once you move out the poisons and move in nutritional energy with minerals.  My website has many success stories as experienced by many people even those who have been afflicted by CoVid shots or cancers. Go