Saturday, March 8, 2025

TAFYH Team 77 Evaluations


TAFYH Team 77 Evaluations Completion Ceremony Dec 5/24

Here is Martha’s success story. Great job and thankyou Martha.

From Martha


I, with you, could say there were so many Ahhas or awakening moments throughout the class that it is hard to decide which ones stand out.

• All disease and disorders are side effects of a leaky gut.

• Plants have always been used to fuel and heal the body

• Candida is the cause of disease not the “disease” itself.

• A deficiency of even one mineral will allow morbid waste to accumulate. (Sunshine is element….)

• Your intestinal system is teaming with an amazing lymphatic structure that has the ability to neutralize toxins, poisons and bad bacteria. Antibiotics, drugs, and vaccinations destroy the delicate balance of the gastrointestinal tract.

• The nutrients within our food act as information to our cells.

• Agricultural practices have interfered with our plants abilities to convert raw elements from the earth into bioavailable minerals and amino acids.

• No matter our circumstances no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish…

• Low temperature is the plague of the 21st Century. Choosing higher vibrational thoughts and emotions increases energy and body temperature.

• A clean inner habitation does not tolerate viruses, germs, or parasites; thus, the cleansing process: colds, rashes, cleanses we do ourselves. Just stay at it.

• The four elimination channels are skin, lungs, kidneys and bowels. When the elimination channels are under active toxic materials enter the blood and settle in weak organs.

• I urge you to have Cat’s Claw and Silver Guard at home for those times you might harbor an infection.

• There are 6 Chinese Constitutional Elements. 5 of the elements have a color, a body system, 2 body organs, a positive and negative emotion, a food protein, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, Super foods, and herbals.

• Enjoy and gain appreciation for the colors of the herbs, foods, plants, flowers, and seasons.

• Man is holistic being composed of body, mind and soul. Treatments should be non-evasive and nontoxic.

• Oxidation is the source of life. Its lack causes impaired health and disease and its cessation causes death.

• “No plan = No Health” “No health = No Life”

• Given proper nutrition the brain can heal itself



I was grateful that the class started at 8 o’clock Donna’s time and 9 o’clock where I am. It gave me time to prepare and do my morning chores. Also, because I homeschool my children, it was a good time for a break.

As for the length of the course I think that there should be 365 lessons, as it kept me going through some pretty tough spots.


I am grateful for all the new things I have learned and also the time Donna takes to explain and simplify the lessons. Also, to listen to the questions and answers after class was very helpful! The success stories put the motivational thoughts into your mind that if they can do it so can I. It is a positive learning experience that is interesting and encouraging and keeps you coming back for more.


Again, Donna has had the experience over time to build her class on a good foundation for success.

Every day I have enjoyed hearing Donna say,

“A healthy body is warm, full of vigor, radiant energy, magnetism, beauty and power.”

This is the ultimate TAFYH goal.


Get moving and connect to and breath in the nature around you. Enjoy the sunshine! Get oxygen to your cells.


Invigorating smoothies and foods that contain nutrition and energy that heal and strengthen.


Removing from our homes, surroundings and minds anything that causes a toxic environment.


Support the specific parts of your body according to your BSQ.


Waking up to positive thoughts, words and a vision of who you are becoming; then be the voice you were meant to be.


Your source of inflammation and remove it by putting the proper nutrients in place so that the bodies “carpenters” can do their work.


This class is about taking and making time to learn about and appreciate the creation and purpose of our body, and how it works in a holistic manner, along with how to cleanse and heal this body that is our earthy home.

“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”


To daily commit and have to answer to Donna, fellow students, and your TAG Team was indeed a motivation to keep at your commitments and stay at it when there is so many rooting for your success! I loved the interaction, sharing, and the rooting for each other to keep at it!! Thanks EVERYONE!!!


The world that we live in has been manipulated by people seeking power and destruction. So much so, that those who have striven to bring out the truth have been persecuted and shut down, but we know the truth will prevail and we each one can make the effort to make the world around us a better place for the upcoming generations by removing those things that poison our bodies:

Lectins, food additives, hydronated oils, processed sugars, chemicals, pesticides, dental toxins, EMFs and ELFs, vaccinations, drugs, antibiotics, soil depletions, mental stresses and etc.….

Although everything around us may be bombarded with toxins there are steps to take to live a full, happy and invigorating life. We can choose to partake of the good and turn away from poisons, in every aspect of the word, then leave behind us a good omen for those in need of it.


It was indeed a blessing to read and hear about others successes!

• She focused on healing rather than fear and despair

• I wanted quality of life and no doctor was able to help.

• It takes strong vision to see that the body is created to heal.

• She did not know where the money would come from but she would follow the program and become cancer free.

• Mary’s leg and knee pain was related to her root canals.

• He knew that putting poisons in the body to heal it was a lie.

• If this doesn’t work, you don’t have a future. It had to work!!

• It takes a deep understanding to recognize our own God given powers.

• I learned to speak for myself and do it for myself

• My vision now is a new bucket list.

• There were 5 diagnosed diseases in my body…. But I never took ownership of them.

• I was discouraged… Donna’s response was simple, “Don’t Quit!”

• Everyone heals at a different level, but the overall outlook is that we are healing.


Learning from others and sharing what we have learned is part of life and the blessings that flow to us throughout it. Also, I can see the importance of recognizing our own success stories as we progress on the path of enlightenment, happiness, and healing.


I have seen that I no longer needed my health insurance because I was not receiving the assurances that I needed in my path of healing. I can see the need for interaction, something that I feared before. I am grateful to see how even Donna is learning and our success is her success; which shows the importance of keeping our commitments. It was a blessing as we took each step; then a wonderment would come up and it would be explained in the next class.

We don’t need to worry what others think but live our lives to the fullest and be a light to those around us. I have always loved the sunshine but learned to appreciate it so much more when Donna said, “Sunshine is a nutrition and gives our body nutrients that we need in many colors.”

Truly, knowledge is half power and the other half is practice and experience.

Thank you, Donna, Dorothy, TAFYH class and TAG Team!! Also, to all doctors etc. that have done the research to bless our lives.

Love and blessings always throughout your life,

Martha Emack

November 2024


BSQ start 79-today 11     

Digestive 6-4 Hepatic 5-1 Intestinal 6-1 Respiratory 9-0 Urinary 6-0 Circulation  5-0  Nerves 9-2 Glandular 10-2 Structural 10-0 Immune 7-0 Reproductive 5-1

Aha moments!!!!! Knowing that the little carpenters within my body are working to repair the damage created from over the years. All the nutrients required to facilitate the repairs that are sadly missing from our foods. Colours of the rainbows that are related to our nutritional needs. I have always had a love of rainbows and now they mean so much more. Consequences of Candida and how they affect our bodies. Toxic cleaning products used in our everyday lives and how they affect us. Having the knowledge to substitute natural products to replace all these toxins. Having a home first aid kit of natural remedies to rely on. Importance of our body temp related to disease and the ability to raise it through proper nutrition and ionic breathing. Ratios of positive and negative ions associated with waterfalls and the time before and after a storm. Importance of chlorophyll and clean water. We take for granted the importance of clean water. Cats Claw is my go to for so many things. No more tylenol for this girl!  Not being brain washed by a very flawed medical system that we need vaccines. What root canals do and the toxins related to dental freezing. Colon being connected to every nerve in the body and its connection to all the organs. 

Time- As I am retired the 7:55 start was fine and a positive way to start my day and remind me of the importance of staying committed and staying in my power. 

Participation- Great group of people, lots of good questions asked and answered. 

Structure- Very organized and streamlined. Great use of time and tons of invaluable info.

Information- I could never have imagined the amount of invaluable info I would come away with. I was very skeptical in the beginning but once you start receiving the information it becomes very clear how to manage your health with what nature provides us.

Commitment. Donna reminded us daily of our commitment to our mind and bodies to stay in our power to eat the right foods, drink clean water, and do ionic breathing, and drink superfood smoothies. It is so easy to go back to our old ways but so important to stay committed

 to our health.

Applications- Applying all the knowledge we learn in TAFYH will change our lives for the good. We are in control and keeping a positive mindset is key.

Success Stories- I loved reading all the positive and inspirational stories. Realizing that we do have alternatives to a very flawed medical system.

Comments- TAFYH has provided me with info that I will use everyday. I believe my life is forever changed with the knowledge I have received through TAFYH. I can now make informed decisions knowing the risks and having the solutions to move forward and to heal my past.I feel great, I feel confident in my decisions  and I look forward to honouring this body that I have exposed to so much. I will lead by example and certainly recommend to anyone wanting to listen that TAFYH is a game changer. I am forever grateful to my niece Shannon for recommending this course to me. She lovingly made me realize that a TAFYH lifestyle had immeasurable benefits. Thank you Donna for always being available to answer all the questions. Donna constantly reminded us there are no bad questions, she was always encouraging and positive  and answered with confidence. I am forever grateful for Donna.

Evaluation - Jesse

Ahha Lessons

There has been many ahha lessons during the course, such as: candida overloads poisons in the body which leads to health problems, sugar feeds cancer, a body temperature of 37 degrees will not let cancer grow, lectins cause leaky gut and by eliminating the wrong foods you can take control. It has been amazing learning the function of each organ in the body. In order heal you have to give the stems cells the correct nutrition. The body can rebuild itself in less than 365 days.


The 20 minute time for each session is not long, it goes by fast, has very powerful information and a great way to start your day.


The education in the course is everything you would want to know about health, body, healing, herbs, supplements and more. It was great learning how all the organ’s function and their purpose. All information provided in the lessons and the success stories were relevant and amazing. I will definitely remember this for the rest of life.


The structure of the course is consistent and organized. The lessons where very informative and explained all relevant information without being overwhelming.


The participation of the team in the lessons and stories along with the question period after the lesson keeps everybody engaged in the session.


The information I learned from this course will stay with me rest of my life and make me apply this with anything related to health, nutrition and purchasing products.


Learning about what herbs can heal a health problem was amazing. There are many herbal remedies and programs provided. The lessons were very informative and provided references. It was very exciting to hear about the success stories.


The course is structured not only to learn but keep you committed by making a health plan, following a cleanse, eating clean, reporting to your TAG team, exercising, ionic breathing, taking herbs, supplements and super food smoothies, drinking clean water with chlorophyll.



When you learn about all the pollution in our world, how most foods are no longer safe to eat and how the food and medical industry work, you realize you have to put your health first and make the right decisions for yourself. The information provided with this course will help make the right decisions and know what is available to aid. I know what to look for when I go buy groceries, herbs, supplements, cleaning products, toiletries, etc.

Success Stories

The success stories were eye opening and great to learn about which herbs, super food smoothies, remedies or programs healed the situation.


The information learned during the course is incredible. The stories were amazing and proved the body will heal. I’m grateful to have done this course. I have used the NSP supplements, know they are high quality and they work. Doing this course has put in me in the right habits.


From Eddie

Ahha lessons, time, participation, education, structure, information, commitment, application, implication, success stories comments.


Many ahha moments. 

Ionic breath 

TAFYH foods for raising body temp. 37C 

Avoid sugar, wheat, beans and about lectins and leaky gut to use Colostrum.

Follow the Chinese Element Chart and Colors.

Follow the ABCDE system. Very powerful.

The many Cleanse/Flushes: Kidney, Liver, Bowel,etc...

About root canals.


7:55 every morning is perfect. 20 to 30 minutes then study later.


Learned a lot of new things. Always loved alternative methods, seems to make more sense, always keep an open mind, can always ask Donna questions.


I just follow the program, the format is easy to follow, well thought out structure developed by Donna.


Daily commitment on the calls, easy to stick with the program.


Very nice tools and methods in TAFYH that we can use ourselves to improve our health.


A lot of "Way to goes".  They also may learn something.


The endless success stories from people of all different types of ailments:

cancer(especially), rashes, liver, heart, blood, etc...  Gives me confidence that "Hey something is working here".


So grateful to learn the many ways to improve our health.

One important point is in the ABCDE system, the 'E' for emotion, is important to choose to have positive emotions throughout the day, eg: excitement, gratitude, joy, etc...   very healing!!!


Shannon Railton

December 3, 2024


Its amazing how on my second time taking the TAFYH course this year that I could feel AHHA like it was the first time again. I promise I was paying attention but the volume of information and the shear nature (pun intended) of a different way of thinking landed differently and more profoundly than the first.

AHHA moments are the best and these were a few of my favorites:

Daily seeing of your vision board or health blueprint creates essential circuits for your inner cell building process.

Changing your belief from giving your power to someone outside of you to a belief in the power inside of you to heal.

Stem cells simply cannot do their work of healthy cell replication for injury repair without minerals.

Superfoods are loaded with high dense nutrients that are easily assimilated and used by Stem cells.

Oxidation is the key to healthy cells.

Low body temperature is the plague of the 21st century as the body gets cooler the electrical oscillations of the blood and lymph fluids slow down.

Your Physician can name your disease; he can call it cancer, he can draw your blood and show you everything that is wrong with it but he is simply describing the process of low body temperature.

Cats Claw Combination “Don’t leave home without it!”

Our thoughts can affect how we heal.

Depending on activity level, 6-8 months from now our bodies will have regenerated nearly 100 percent of their tissue at the cellular level. The new tissue with literally be made up of what we eat between now and then.

No matter what our current circumstances, periodically putting our attention on our heart and thinking and feeling gratitude for another person or uplifting situation will improve our heart rhythm, immune function, hormonal balance and quality of life.

In 1931, Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize when he proved that fermentation of sugar causes cancer.


While the time of day 7:57 am was not ideal for my family responsibilities, it was great to start our day with such positive energy. I felt like it gave me a kick start to focus on my health and prioritize my assignments, healthy eating, super smoothies, supplements, ionic breathing, exercise and connecting with my tag team.


I had been searching for this kind of information for a good long time when I was referred to this program, at the time of completion I was excited to put what I had learned into full force, what I realized shortly thereafter, is that there is strength in numbers, I stuck with the program but felt the need to share its benefits to those who showed interest thereby spreading the gift that I had been given. It had been such an eye opening experience as to how to “Stay in my Power” and the information was presented in an in depth but easily understood manner to Donna’s credit. I

honestly will never look at Western medicine the same way following this course. The lessons, research data, metrics, success stories were compelling and transformative. I am grateful for Donna and her inspiring and informative approach.


I appreciated the structure as the format allowed for listening to Donna and to one another, sharing our Ahha’s and our commitments, encouragement through moments of celebration and life changing exchange of information given through the lessons and assignments. I also really got a lot out of the questions asked each day and appreciated the trust and candor that our group displayed.


The accountability and commitment aspects of this program were personally very important to me despite not being able to be on the call as consistently as I had hoped. It was amazing to have a group of like minded people to use our combined power to create a culture of safe accountability. I felt safe to be met where I was at each day, drew strength from our collective on days when I struggled. Thank you TAFYH Team 77 and Donna for your compassion and commitment to our journey. It made a world of difference to me.


What is clear to me thanks to TAFYH is that everything we do, eat and interact with has implications for our health and well being. Even as I work through the challenges I endured during the past two months I really focused on how my thoughts guide my health and made an extra effort to keep the narrative positive which I know made a difference. I feel empowered, informed and I will continue to use herbs, eat the right foods, drink superfoods smoothies, use ionic breathing, exercise, ask more questions of my healthcare team and be a champion for myself, my family and others on their own journeys.


Donna is so credible with her experience and knowledge but add in the success stories and you have a very compelling and inspiring presentation. Story telling has long been a method used to reinforce concepts and pass along information in cultures and society. The use of the success stories gave us context and hope, especially given Donna’s direct connection to them. Thank you Donna!!!!!.


I am grateful for the day I met Donna! I was actually looking for help for my husband at the time and ended up finding myself, my power and a new way of thinking and living that would transform me and give me a fighting chance to overcome the challenges I have faced this year! This program is and will continue to be a journey for me. I remember early on during TAFYH 75 thinking “I am forever changed” by this information. I have had good days, hard days, set backs and breakthroughs. Throughout, I knew that there is no going back and I never will. I have gone from someone who was brainwashed to think of the medical system as the answer to everything and putting faith and trust along with a whole host of medications and vaccines into my system to someone who has been

able to go off several toxic medications, advocate for my health with medical practitioners and feel empowered to say NO to medications, vaccinations and procedures that do not follow the laws of nature. I knew that participating in TAFYH 77 would be a challenge with my Functional Neurology appointments but I had to be here and show up for my amazing Auntie Leslie who has honestly saved me more times than I can count and has been a second mom to me as long as I can remember. I knew she would be a great fit for this program and I am so proud of her for the progress she has made especially while caregiving for my Uncle. I am so grateful that her participation inspired my Uncle Buzz to embrace his power and put faith in a natural way of healing himself and let me put it this way. I cant wait to read his success story!

AND Finally, TAFYH 77, You guys are amazing and I wish you so much success and Donna, What do I say to the person that gave me the opportunity to change my life…….you are my hero! I am forever, along with the thousands of other people who you’ve help, your biggest fan. Thank you for all that you do each day to share your knowledge, answer our questions and take our calls. You are truly amazing!




The journey to achieving perfect health begins with a powerful tool: visualization. This process involves creating a vision board filled with real images that represent the various aspects of a healthy body. Visual representations of a healthy heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, and brain can serve as a reminder of what we aspire to become. This vision is not only about what we want to look like physically but also about cultivating the feeling of perfect health within ourselves. By attaching emotions to these visualizations, we can begin to embody the state of well-being we desire. Focused thought, combined with emotion, is the key to mastering our health and manifesting the body we envision.

In addition to visualization, incorporating simple but effective practices, such as breathing exercises, can greatly improve our health.  But the most crucial step in achieving optimal health is nourishing the body with the right foods. Proper nutrition is essential for healthy cell repair. Foods, particularly smoothies that are rich in nutrients, play a vital role in providing the stem cells with the necessary building blocks for tissue repair. By raising the body temperature, these nutrients promote the healing process, allowing the body to repair itself in less than 365 days when given the right conditions.

Certain foods, however, must be eliminated to promote healing and cellular repair. Processed sugar, soda, alcohol, fruit juices, aspartame, grains (such as wheat, rice, oats, and barley), legumes (including beans and soy), hydrogenated oils, and even certain vinegars should be avoided. These foods are harmful because they contain substances known as lectins, which are anti-nutrients that can cause leaky gut syndrome. To heal this condition, it is necessary to eliminate these foods and replace them with bioavailable amino acids, such as those found in collagen. Colostrum, a powerful substance known for its ability to bind to toxic lectins, can also aid in healing the gut. Additionally, supplements such as Cat’s Claw can support the repair of a leaky gut, improving overall health.

The body’s stem cells require minerals to function properly, especially for effective injury repair and healthy cell replication. Without these minerals, stem cells cannot perform their tasks optimally, hindering the healing process. Candida, a type of yeast in the body, is another concern. An overgrowth of candida can occur when the body is detoxifying, often leading to flu-like symptoms. Maintaining a balance of candida is essential for overall health.

In order to support the body’s healing and detoxification processes, it is crucial to keep the four elimination channels – the skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels – functioning properly. These channels help the body eliminate toxins, including heavy metals. If these channels become clogged, the body can become burdened with toxins, leading to inflammation, acidity in the blood, and sticky red blood cells, which struggle to transport oxygen and nutrients. Heavy metals, in particular, cause inflammation and can harden the walls of the arteries, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

An often-overlooked aspect of health is the direct connection between the colon and all organs and glands in the body. Every nerve ending from every organ and gland converges in the colon, creating a direct pathway for communication between the colon and other parts of the body. As a result, each area of the colon corresponds to specific organs, such as the liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, and heart. Therefore, maintaining a clean and healthy colon is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body.

From Sandy


Its great to have this in the morning, however I found challenging and would have loved 8:30, or 7:30.



Very high-quality education with careful research delivered in a very direct way always with testimonials.




I deeply enjoy the structure and to hear how everyone is doing on the program and here what resonates with everyone else.




Commitment is super important and is where I fell short this time. I know what the results are when a person can commit but felt that I was over committed. Meaning I need to clean up my life circumstances so I can better improve my health and focus on myself.




With everything being poisoned, from our water, air and food, we need to be so careful of what we eat and we need to make detoxing a part of our every day life.


I am very grateful for all these tools and products to help me live my best life!






From Amy

Evaluation - I have a general sense of  optimism- my body can begin to  heal and become more energetic. I am able to walk further without being in pain. My back, legs and feet feel better, less inflamed. My constipation is gone, I have several bowel movements daily now and feel much less bloated. I had tried many other teas and supplements to help me with this issue, including monthly colonics which were very expensive. Now I drink my super food smoothie every day which includes Solstice Energy, Power beets, greens and psyllium hulls. I reduced my lechin intake and have noticed that I'm sleeping better and can think more clearly. I have been walking in the park and zoo  which is helping my overall circulation. I need to increase my exercise but for now it's working. I drink chlorophyll and mineral chi every day. I have also started buying meat, chicken and fish from the butcher which is higher quality and tastes better. I have lost 10lbs so far and would like to lose another 100lbs total- slowly. 


The BSQ is a good direction finder and good analytical measure of looking at what areas of your body needs to be addressed. 


Ahha lessons- High Cholesterol levels protect you from cancer and heart disease. Fat cells also protect from toxins. If you get rid of toxins, heavy metals, you no longer need the fat cells and they will go away. Joint pain is caused by inflammation which can be reduced by taking colostrum and other herbs. I knew about EMF exposure (COVID Symptoms) but there is so much more I need to learn. I have also used essential oils for

various concerns but have a lot more to learn about their use. 


The cold is the cure !! We  have been lied to about colds and flu and how we "catch colds" from others which was the scare tactic used during the Scamdamic. We get rid of toxins through coughing, sneezing and blowing our nose. Mucus is formed to protect us and we need to eliminate these toxins.


Success stories-

My diabetes is better controlled since I'm eating better, exercising and taking herbs. I no longer need metformin which I have been taking for over 10 years.  My A1C number has been reduced. I did the kidney flush and liver cleanse and felt much better afterwards.

I have learned about the medical profession and how they are trained to push vaccines and big pharma pills which are petroleum based.and have many side effects. Synthroid causes cancer and many doctors are prescribing this dangerous drug- success story was amazing (Elva) and how she was being poisoned. Once she stopped taking Synthroid and feeding her body with nutrition, she healed.