Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Teleconference Call Jan 13/25 Martha, Gallbladder flushes, Liver Detox, Vitamin C


From the Desk of Donna Roth www.donnaroth.com Monday, January 13/25

Contact Donna Roth for consultations; kdroth@shaw.ca

Register for TAFYH team 78     Text 250 718 2852


Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018am



TAFYH team 78, 10 registrations and it is full!

Success stories:

Martha: I had a very interesting experience

AL-C, a TCM product breaks up lung congestion

David: Gallbladder flush

Brian and Maria; Gall bladder flush

What is the gallbladder, its function

How to do the 3 day Liver Detox

How to do the Gallbladder Flush

What I learned about Vitamin C

Words of Interest from Carol


Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon     



 I had a very interesting experience
 On Thursday I was retaining water. I felt swollen, and my "love" handles were showing. Also, the past few days, I had not gone for a walk. I did my cleanses as usual, but when I went to walk, I got really weak, and my head would start pounding. I usually can do the vibrator for 15 minutes, but I couldn't make it to 5 minutes without my body saying that it was done. Bouncing on the rebounder for two minutes was my max for this last week. My motivation was low. I kept pushing myself to keep going, but my mind kept feeling clouded.
> I went to see Karen for cranial sacrum Friday morning, and she broke into a sweat working on my liver. She said that it was stagnant and producing a lot of heat.
> She worked on it until it started to gurgle. I felt so much better. All this week, I had increased my LBS 2 because I felt so backed up. On Saturday, I got up but had to push myself all day, with frequent bathroom breaks, but not much coming through. I took several short naps through the day and had to push myself to get up and do anything.
> Before bed, I took 3 LBS 2 and some of Dr. Schulze's charcoal then went to sleep. I had a very restless night. In the morning, I went to the bathroom. I was there for about 6 minutes trying to go. Finally, I started to go but still felt cogged, then I passed a huge black ⚫️ mucus covered cyst or stone or something. It floated while everything else (brown) sank. Gross, I know, but the relief was immense. I felt a surge of energy flow through me. I laid back down, trying to process it all. I fell asleep for about an hour and got more rest in that hour than I had for the past few days. I'm going to do another bowel cleanse today to continue to flush things out....
> Thanks for everything 💜
> Martha


Hi Donna.

Update on the cleanse.  I followed this cleanse as instructed.

I had no food or water throughout except as per your instructions.

I lied down for 20 min after taking the olive oil mix (yuchhh!!! lol).

I did not fall asleep for a while however, as mentioned, I usually don't go to bed

till 2-3 a.m.

I woke up and took the epsom salts as well. 

Bowel movements from epsom salts were watery as expected.  Similar to the salt water

flush with the Master Cleanse fast.  At least the epsom salts do not taste nearly as bad.

Had bowel movement this morning after taking the salts.

Toilet had hundreds of little things there, brownish-green. Hundreds of them. 

Not usual stool for sure.

Second bowel movement was the same. 

None since. 

Are these the gallstones?  Is there really that many inside a gall bladder?


Feeling much less bloated as well.  We'll see how it goes for the next few days.

Feeling much better than yesterday when I called. I was feeling kinda dizzy then.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you so kindly for all your help!!




Recently I talked to Brian and Maria who both did the 3 day liver cleanse followed by the Gall bladder flush. Maria indicated that she had a few dissolved gallstones but not many. Brian on the other hand, told me that he passed hundreds of dissolved gallstones.


The gallbladder, a small pear-shaped organ located beneath the liver, plays a crucial role in the digestive system. Its primary function revolves around the storage and concentration of bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver. Bile contains bile acids, cholesterol, bilirubin, electrolytes, and water. Understanding what function the gallbladder does is vital for grasping how our bodies digest fats and absorb essential nutrients.

Bile is essential for the emulsification of fats. When we consume fatty foods, the gallbladder releases stored bile into the small intestine through a duct system. This release is triggered by hormones such as cholecystokinin (CCK), which signals the gallbladder to contract and expel bile. Without this process, fat digestion would be significantly impaired, leading to malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

The relationship between the gallbladder and liver is intricate; they work together to ensure that digestion occurs smoothly. The liver continuously produces bile, but it's the gallbladder that regulates its release based on dietary needs. This dynamic ensures that when food enters the small intestine, an adequate amount of bile is available to facilitate digestion.

The Role of Bile in Digestion

Bile serves several essential functions in digestion beyond just fat emulsification. It plays a critical role in:

Emulsifying Fats: Bile acids break down large fat globules into smaller ones, increasing their surface area for enzymes to act upon.
2. Absorbing Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E, and K require fat for absorption; without adequate bile production or release from the gallbladder, these vitamins cannot be effectively absorbed.
3. Neutralizing Stomach Acid: Bile helps neutralize hydrochloric acid from stomach contents as they enter the small intestine.
4. Excreting Waste Products: Bile serves as a medium for eliminating waste products from the body; substances like bilirubin (a breakdown product of hemoglobin) are excreted via bile.

Gallstones can vary in size from tiny grains to large stones that can fill up your entire gallbladder. They may not always cause symptoms; however, if they block a duct or create inflammation (cholecystitis), intense pain often results.


Symptoms Indicating Gallbladder Issues

Recognizing symptoms associated with potential gallbladder problems is crucial for timely intervention:

Intense Pain: Often located in the upper right abdomen or center; it can radiate towards your back or right shoulder.

Nausea/Vomiting: Accompanied by pain after eating fatty meals.

Bloating and Indigestion: Feeling excessively full after meals.

Changes in Urine/Stool Color: Dark urine or pale stools may indicate issues with bile flow.


Liver Detox

To cleanse the liver for 3 days do the following:

LIV-C - 1 with each meal

Hydrangea – 4 /3  times a day

Lecithin - three with each meal


Drink Chlorophyll 2  tablespoons in water three times a day


Gallbladder Flush

On the day of the gall bladder flush do the following:

On the morning of the flush, have only a Smoothie

2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o’clock.

Mix 4 Tbsp of food grade Epsom Salts in 3 cups of cold water and refrigerate

At 6 pm drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

At 8 pm drink 3/4 cup Epsom salt mixture

9:45 pm - Prepare 1/2 cup Olive Oil with 1/2 cup lemon Juice and 10 drops Black Walnut extract.  Shake hard

Use the bathroom

10:00 Sip the above olive oil mixture with a straw

Lie down immediately and lie still for 20 minutes, then fall asleep


Next morning:

At 8:00 am drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

At 10:00 am drink 3/4 cup Epsom Salt mixture

At 12:00 you can eat


The gall bladder flush has the ability to dissolve hardened gall stones and they then turn into softened green round blobs that move into the intestinal tract and out through the bowels. They appear as green blobs floating on the toilet water after a bowel movement.

Vitamin C was discovered by Albert Szent -Gyorgyi, heralded by Linus Pauling, denounced by the AMA, branded a dangerous placebo by Dr. Paul Offit and questioned on form by natural health advocates.  Its therapeutic value has been evidenced by dozens of physicians including Drs. Rath, Klenner and Klinghardt and by contemporary researchers Drs. Hickey, Roberts, Saul, Wright and Levy, to name just a few.  Much of the misinformation on Vitamin C comes straight out of supplement marketing.  A quick read of blog articles (like this one) and the public comments that follow will reveal a high level of cluelessness.

Over the years I have read:

Vitamin C is acidic. That is true of the ascorbic acid form which is so sour one would be hard put to take a few hundred milligrams by mouth.


Only complexed Vitamin C should be taken. That is generally true. Fresh whole fruits, berries, herbs and vegetable come packed in an array of phyto-antioxidants as do their derivatives in natural supplements. The exception would be when higher therapeutic doses are desired to halt oxidative stress, infections and to mobilize metals during detoxification.


Kidney stones are not a result of Vitamin C use.


Vitamin C will not cure the common cold. That is true just because the common cold is not actually a disease, but a cell cleansing event

A thorough detoxification of metals will prevent the discomfort of colds


Lipospheric Vitamin C is the preferred form.  Lipo-C  maintains serum levels longer than water soluble forms and is thought to be well absorbed due to its fat soluble characteristics. However Lipo-C does not seem to deliver a mega ascorbate spike that prompts H2O2 release or an "oxidative burst."  Lipo-C is the goto source for those with poor bowel tolerance to ascorbate and could be used in conjunction.


Vitamin C  is the common name for ascorbic acid. Vitamin C/ascorbic acid becomes acid neutralized to yield the non-sour ascorbate form using sodium bicarbonate in water to yield sodium ascorbate and CO2 gas. As it is swallowed, ascorbate rapidly enters the bloodstream and cell membranes aided by transport molecules.  Since glucose and ascorbate are similar molecules they share transport mechanisms and may compete for entry through cell membranes.

Wherever an oxidized molecule is found, ascorbate donates an electron to neutralize the free radicals that steal oxygen.

What creates free radicals? Sayer Jy states that
free radicals and acids are constantly being generated via metabolic oxidation, The process of oxidation meaning using oxygen and energy from nutrition, has a by product and that by-product is free radicals and acids. Acids and  free radicals that steal oxygen are also caused toxins, radiations, emotional stress and poisons, These all cause an inflammatory response. An inflammatory response causes fluids and sodium secretion to surround the poisons for the purposes of preventing further damage by these poisons and toxic debris. Vitamin C  helps to clear up a lot of this toxic debris and therefore it is known as anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antimetastatic.

Many common foods exhibit antioxidant activity and are rated as to strength on the ORAC scale, oxygen radical absorbance capacity. One of the products that Nature Sunshine offers is Zambroza which has a very high ORAC strength to absorb the free radicals that steal oxygen. In the USA Zambroza goes by the name of Tai Go juice.

Here is another important characteristic of Vit C.

Along with Vitamin E and the amino acids lysine and proline found in collagen-rich bone/cartilage Vitamin C helps construct all connective tissues that make up blood vessel, bone, ligament, cartilage and skin! Therefore to enhance the building properties of Collagen you can add some Vit C.

Toxic metals are relieved of their positive charge by Vitamin C's electron inputs.  Vitamin C neutralizes charge killing metals that are then mobilized to float free in blood and lymph and become chelated in the intestines, passed through the kidneys or eliminated in sweat. If you study the ingredients listed in the product MC you will find there is 250 mg of Vit C in each tablet. It helps with the detoxification of heavy metals.


At peak dosage, Vitamin C generates H2O2 in an oxidative burst which helps destroy damaged cells, organic toxins, and  cancers.  Here is an interesting comment by MedInfo; We might have better clinical data were these therapies not officially forbidden.

Vitamin C's electrons supercharge immune cells like the macrophages that reside in lung, liver, adipose and connective tissues.

The best method for oral use is to mix Vitamin C crystals (ascorbic acid) with half as much Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (contains no aluminum) and let fizz in half a glass of water.  A level teaspoon supplies 2.25 grams of Vitamin C  or 2250 milligrams.  A rounded teaspoon is about 5 grams and a heaping teaspoon 7 to 8 grams. Exact measurement is unnecessary since personal doses must be individually titrated and maintained just below bowel tolerance.  Bowel tolerance is the point at which diarrhea ensues, so by eye, use just a little less.  Oral mega dosing is best done before meals and at bedtime. Four to five doses a day can total 20, 3O or 40 grams. Vitamin C c be purchased in 3lb jars and larger bulk quantities.

Vitamin C,  the "electric vitamin," can be considered a universal remedy. The concept of electron charge is as "new" to medicine as was a "round Earth" 500 years ago.  Vitamin C works at the molecular level where all biochemical activities including DNA expression are based on charge terrain and oxidation/reduction reactions.  Every ill from depression and gingivitis to heart disease, encephalitis and cancers have been conquered through Vitamin C based protocols.  Failure to understand the fact that electrons are required in quantities sufficient to overwhelm individual levels of oxidative debt and inflammation is a result of the general confusion surrounding ascorbate.  

There can be no standard dose when everyone has different needs.  Illness of any type indicates those needs are huge.  Consider the electron debts levied by inappropriate nutrition, metal burdens, lifestyle habits of smoking, exercise and sun exposure or the ravages of emotional fear and stress. Smoking for example, is thought to devour 500mg of Vitamin C per cigarette.  The key to successful application depends on this knowledge to provide overwhelming dosages to reestablish conditions favorable for cellular function.  Obviously, drug-based medicine never addresses the basic needs of living cells in its vain search for a profitable downstream silver-bullet intervention through some discreet mechanism. Absurd.

Though Vitamin C alone performs real-life miracles, it can best rebuild and regenerate tissues when used in the context of a focused protocol.  Correct nutrition by eliminating grains, vegetable oils and sugars. Fresh organic fruits, vegetables, algae, ferments and free range eggs and grass fed meats, soup bones (collagen), milks and cheeses hunted down.

Detoxify metals. Nature Sunshine offers UltraBiome DTX, Liver Support and MC to detoxify heavy metals.

Power Greens has chlorella to move out heavy metals.

Chlorophyll is also known to bind heavy metals. It keeps the oxygen levels high in the blood stream.

It is recommended to supplement with trace minerals as in Essential Liquid Minerals.


I love this last statement from Sayer Jy: Keep the mind in a happy loving place while resisting the confines of our high stress collective narrative. Feel empowered by taking full responsibility for one's health and don't lose sight of the big picture where electrons and oxygen run the show.


Your health does not come in a vaccine or a drug. Health does not come in a remedy. Health comes in a package that involves eating the right foods, having a super food smoothie every day with Essential Liquid Minerals, Collagen, Power Greens, Power Beets, taking Cat’s Claw combination to keep that lymphatic system moving, cleansing the kidneys and the bowels and addressing all poisons and toxic debris. Health comes with outdoor sunshine, fresh air, ionic breathing, expressing gratitude.


Today I want to share what Martha stated about the success stories she read as she studied TAFYH.



It was indeed a blessing to read and hear about others successes!

• She focused on healing rather than fear and despair

• I wanted quality of life and no doctor was able to help.

• It takes strong vision to see that the body is created to heal.

• She did not know where the money would come from but she would follow the program and become cancer free.

• Mary’s leg and knee pain was related to her root canals.

• He knew that putting poisons in the body to heal it was a lie.

• If this doesn’t work, you don’t have a future. It had to work!!

• It takes a deep understanding to recognize our own God given powers.

• I learned to speak for myself and do it for myself

• My vision now is a new bucket list.

• There were 5 diagnosed diseases in my body…. But I never took ownership of them.

• I was discouraged… Donna’s response was simple, “Don’t Quit!”

• Everyone heals at a different level, but the overall outlook is that we are healing.


From Leslie

Success Stories- I loved reading all the positive and inspirational stories. Realizing that we do have alternatives to a very flawed medical system.

TAFYH has provided me with info that I will use everyday. I believe my life is forever changed with the knowledge I have received through TAFYH. I can now make informed decisions knowing the risks and having the solutions to move forward and to heal my past.I feel great, I feel confident in my decisions  and I look forward to honouring this body that I have exposed to so much. I will lead by example and certainly recommend to anyone wanting to listen that TAFYH is a game changer. I am forever grateful to my niece Shannon for recommending this course to me. She lovingly made me realize that a TAFYH lifestyle had immeasurable benefits. Thank you Donna for always being available to answer all the questions. Donna constantly reminded us there are no bad questions, she was always encouraging and positive  and answered with confidence. I am forever grateful for Donna.


The endless success stories from people of all different types of ailments:

cancer(especially), rashes, liver, heart, blood, etc...  Gives me confidence that "Hey something is working here".