Monday, March 10, 2025

Success Story; Mass on the Tailbone, Arthritis, Depression, Cysts on Kidney and Bladder, Pain


Success Story; Mass on the Tailbone, Arthritis, Depression, Cysts on Kidney and Bladder, Pain

It was one day in January when I received a call from a daughter whose Mom, Susan,  was suffering. She had a mass on her tailbone, there were cysts on her kidney and bladder, her bowels were not moving, there were disintegrating discs and she could not walk because of severe nerve pain in her legs. This poor lady was in so much pain that she would only leave the house without a wheelchair. Going to the bathroom was very painful so she was using commode. She just could not live on her own so she had home support to help her. Cooking meals was a challenge because the pain was excruciating.

Susan had completed 5 radiation treatments to address the mass on her tailbone. Because she was in a lot of pain  she was taking  3 different pain medications. I discovered that  Susan had been taking medication for depression and I believe she had been on this medication for many years. When I looked up the side effects of this medications guess what I discovered?  This medication was known to cause bone deterioration. That is exactly what Susan was experiencing, bone deterioration of the tailbone, arthritis, disc degeneration. To top it all off she also had been taking thyroid medication for many years. I do not like those thyroid medications. They are known to cause cancer. And what do we find out from Susan? She had a mass on her tailbone. That’s cancer.

Susan and her daughter listened carefully to the program that I designed. The week of Feb 1/25 Susan started the program. Her program looked like this:

Program No sugars, no grains, no cereals, no legumes, no pasteurized milk,  no peanuts, no alcohol, no pop, no junk food, no fruit juice, no fruit except for berries and appleEat meats grass fed, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, salads, seeds, berries, avocado , coconut oil

Smoothie: twice a day minimum

Arginine Plus 1 scoop

Essential Liquid Minerals 1 tablespoon

Collagen 1 scoop

Green : Power Greens 1 scoop

Solstic Energy ½ stick

water and frozen berries

Celtic Salt a pinch


Lobelia extract; take a squirt about 6 times a day. You can also apply it to your tailbone.


With meals:

Cat’s Claw combination, take 4 three times a day

Pau D’Arco, 4 three times a day

LBS11 about 3 twice a day to be sure the bowels are moving twice a day. Increase if necessary

Magnesium tablets 4 twice a day



After your evening meal take Probiotic 11 and UltraBiome DTX 2 sticks with 20 oz of water.


Drink water and Chlorophyll as much as you like. About 4 oz a day.


Stand strong in your own God given power.

Wean off the depression meds according to the pharmacist instructions.

Wean off the thyroid medications.

Take your BT first thing in the morning. Average : 98.6 F or 37C

Do the One Day Kidney Flush one day a week for about 20 times.


One Day Kidney Flush

1 glass water with lemon and Arginine Plus ½ scoop

2 K capsules, 2 Eight capsules, 1 Turmeric, 1 Super Oil

1 hour later

1 glass of water and Chlorophyll 1 tablespoon

2 K capsules, 2 Eight capsules, 1 Turmeric, 1 Super Oil


From Donna Roth

The work I do is to find the poisons that are the cause of the body’s deterioration.

From this consultation I knew I discovered the root cause of the mass on the tailbone, the arthritis, the cysts. Within a short time it was brought to my attention that Susan had been taking 2 medications for many years. It was these medications that were poisoning her.

Here is what we all need to become aware of. Side effects of the medications do not show up overnight. It is after taking them for many years, unknowingly a deterioration happens, In Susan’s case these medications were affecting her kidneys. Kidneys are in charge of your bones, your discs, your tailbones, your spinal column and your brain.  The medications prevented the kidneys from feeding the bones and spinal column with minerals and moving out toxic deposits from the bones and spinal column. Now you can see why I immediately recommended the One Day Kidney Flush. I designed it specifically for Susan’s situation.

K capsules is a herbal combination for the kidneys,

Eight herbal capsules specifically to heal the nerves to alleviate pain in the legs and the tailbone.

Turmeric CurCumin for movement of the blood and lymphatic fluids. The blood needed to move to the areas of deterioration to bring the oxygen to that area and to supply the stem cell carpenters of those injured areas with nutrient energy for cell regeneration.

Super Oil is needed to make the cells pliable so oxygen can move into the cells and toxins can move out of the cells.

Then there was the super food smoothie taken daily for energy. You cannot heal your body without energy from a good supply of nutrition. I gave Susan instructions to have a smoothie twice a day.

Arginine to increase body temperature, to increase blood circulation to keep the heart healthy

Essential Liquid Minerals to heal the discs and the tailbone

Power Greens for electrical energy, for enzymes, for phytonutrients

Solstic Energy to clean out free radicals and poisons, It is loaded with Green tea extract, Korean Ginseng, Grapeseed extract and Guarana to break up sticky blood.


Lobelia is really excellent for healing nerves so that the pain could subside.

Pau D’Arco is known to clean out the blood sugar which feeds cancer and to clean our cancer cells.

LBS11 is a bowel formula.

Then in the evening I recommended UltaBiome DTX to pull out all the poisons from her system.



On March 8 I received this message from Susan’s daughter.

Hey Donna!

My mom is doing the program, she wasn’t taking all of the vitamins for a little bit there cause she said she had diarrhea. But I assured her it must be toxins flushing or something? So she started taking them. Proper again and has been since as far as she tells me.


She in general has been doing better! She did go see the naturopath two more times for the Neuro prolo therapy. 


But as for her progress she no longer brings her wheelchair when she leaves house, she cancelled home support, she uses a bathroom instead of commode that prob my favorite I did not like that thing! Lol,  She cooks her own meals and doesn’t complain of pain like she used to! 


So many wins over here, I talk with her daily to remind her of the importance of commitment and staying on track to see results!

Thanks for checking in :)

With Gratitude,



Rose had an appointment to do a CAT scan for an abdomen.

She was required to have an injection to proceed.

She asked “ What’s in it?” When she was given the insert she was shocked at all the side effects.One of them indicated “graphene oxide’ and she told the nurse that she did not feel totally uncomfortable.TAFYH gave her the confidence and the courage to do that.


Completed 2 Bowel Cleanses, 7 One Day Kidney Flushes, more energy, BSQ dropped from 45 to 16. Has started to use Tumeric CurQMin for her shoulder pain.


BSQ dropped from 97 to 48 to 44. Structural 13 to 2 Digestion dropped from 19 to 4, Nerves from 9 to 2, I cried the last time and this time I am excited. Candida; saliva now floats on top, Now 3 to 4 BM’s a day

I shared the One Day Kidney Flush with others and they want to do it. I have my voice back, Energy is back, no foggy brain.


BSQ dropped from 61 to 30, more mental energy, skin is cleared from eczema, itching is gone, asthma better,I doubled the smoothies, I now open the capsules and add Power Beets to mask the taste.Shared it with my sister and she is getting the results.


My root canals are out. Knee pain is 60% better, I move much easier, I do the twist on my rebounder I could not do that before. I have more positive attitude, I can walk longer time. My toenail fungus is 40% better.I added Flax Hull lignans to my smoothie.


I completed 2 bowel cleanses and a gall bladder cleanse and passed dissolved gallstones, head is clearing up,Less pressure on the sinuses, no more craving for food, I have confidence to talk to others, I have a new attitude to my nose bleeds I now know that there are things coming out of my body.. Candida, saliva is showing no Candida I loved putting the information of cholesterol and the tooth chart into my Health bank.


Cleared up UTI infection by doing the One Day Kidney Flush,Completed the Bowel Cleanse and I am ready to do the Liver Cleanse.

Teleconference Call March 10/25

 From the Desk of Donna Roth  March 10/25

Contact Donna Roth for consultations;

Register for TAFYH team 79     Text 250 718 2852

 Monday, Teleconference Call with Donna Roth

At 5:45 pm PST

Dial 604 227 1018



TAFYH Team 78 Results

Register for TAFYH team 79

NCI Insights

Results Shared by TAFYH team 78.

Success Story: Mass on Tailbone, Arthritis, Cysts, Pain

What Does a Consultation with Donna Roth Look Like

One Day Kidney Flush

Herbal Information; K, Turmeric, Eight, Pau D’Arco,

Interesting Information Revealed: Is It Really Breast Cancer?

Words of Interest from Carol

 Susan’s cookbook, Beyond Mudpies now available on Amazon

 Suzanne, TAFYH team 78, purchased a cookbook and said it is a great cookbook and she recommended it. She said everyone needs to have one.

 ‘A healthy person has a thousand dreams. A sick person has only one.’ Bobby Kennedy


NCI Del Bigtree

Who told you, you could not breathe God’s air?

Who told you, you should start messing with our God given immune system?

Who told you that you need a vaccine to live?

Who told you that it was safe and effective?

Who told you that you should be afraid?


What stood out for me by hearing the presentation from Del Bigtree was that there are actually parents who give up their little babies and their children for clinical vaccine trials. And we all blindly accept this as necessary and innocent. These trials were called safety trials for vaccines. There were 3 studies done with 147 children ages 1 to 10 years. These children were administered 434 doses of vaccines. They were monitored for 5 days. If a child died on Day 7 there was no record and the vaccine was determined to be safe and effective. Or if a child who received these vaccines got MS, myelitis, seizures, Bell’s Palsy, encephalitis or herpes then these records were taken off the trials. Once again these vaccines were deemed safe and effective.

Our bodies are not created to have unknown strange ingredients that you would never eat, injected into them. Yet we blindly accept such trials where children are actually sacrificed, they actually die or they suffer with pain and seizures as acceptable because we are told this is much needed for clinical trials and science. Do you ever question?

Who told you that you need science that sacrifices babies and children in their clinical trials

Who told you that there are dangerous viruses that can kill you?

Who told you that you need vaccines to prevent a virus that has never been isolated?

Once you can answer these questions than you come to know who is really behind this very dark agenda. Once you can answer these questions than you come to see the evil that is seen as good. Once you come to answer these questions than a whole new world begins to unfold within your very eyes. It is the world that gives you answers to your health challenges. That is why I teach TAFYH, Taking Action For Your Health. It is a world of life and love. It is the world of warmth, vigor, magnetism, beauty and power. It is the world that follows the Laws of Nature full of answers, plants, herbs and healing.

Today I want to share the most recent results that were shared by TAFYH team 78.


Dr. Christopher’s words” There is no such thing as an incurable disease. There are only incurable people.”

People become incurable when they start to drift into their winds of doubt and despair.

They  forget that their bodies are created to heal.

They forget the Hering’s Law of Cure.

They forget the significance of body temperature.

They forget the significance of creating a Health Vision.

They forget that health is lost when Laws of Nature are broken.


I ask you a very provocative question: Are you going to stay as a ward of the state or are you going to take charge and move into taking responsible action for your own health?


Rose had an appointment to do a CAT scan for an abdomen.

She was required to have an injection to proceed.

She asked “ What’s in it?” When she was given the insert she was shocked at all the side effects.One of them indicated “graphene oxide’ and she told the nurse that she did not feel totally uncomfortable.TAFYH gave her the confidence and the courage to do that.


Completed 2 Bowel Cleanses, 7 One Day Kidney Flushes, more energy, BSQ dropped from 45 to 16. Has started to use Tumeric CurQMin for her shoulder pain.


BSQ dropped from 97 to 48 to 44. Structural 13 to 2 Digestion dropped from 19 to 4, Nerves from 9 to 2, I cried the last time and this time I am excited. Candida; saliva now floats on top, Now 3 to 4 BM’s a day

I shared the One Day Kidney Flush with others and they want to do it. I have my voice back, Energy is back, no foggy brain.


BSQ dropped from 61 to 30, more mental energy, skin is cleared from eczema, itching is gone, asthma better,I doubled the smoothies, I now open the capsules and add Power Beets to mask the taste.Shared it with my sister and she is getting the results.


My root canals are out. Knee pain is 60% better, I move much easier, I do the twist on my rebounder I could not do that before. I have more positive attitude, I can walk longer time. My toenail fungus is 40% better.I added Flax Hull lignans to my smoothie.


I completed 2 bowel cleanses and a gall bladder cleanse and passed dissolved gallstones, head is clearing up,Less pressure on the sinuses, no more craving for food, I have confidence to talk to others, I have a new attitude to my nose bleeds I now know that there are things coming out of my body.. Candida, saliva is showing no Candida I loved putting the information of cholesterol and the tooth chart into my Health bank.


Cleared up UTI infection by doing the One Day Kidney Flush,Completed the Bowel Cleanse and I am ready to do the Liver Cleanse.

 Success Story; Mass on the Tailbone, Arthritis, Depression, Cysts on Kidney and Bladder, Pain

It was one day in January when I received a call from a daughter whose Mom, Susan,  was suffering. She had a mass on her tailbone, there were cysts on her kidney and bladder, her bowels were not moving, there were disintegrating discs and she could not walk because of severe nerve pain in her legs. This poor lady was in so much pain that she would only leave the house without a wheelchair. Going to the bathroom was very painful so she was using commode. She just could not live on her own so she had home support to help her. Cooking meals was a challenge because the pain was excruciating.

Susan had completed 5 radiation treatments to address the mass on her tailbone. Because she was in a lot of pain  she was taking  3 different pain medications. I discovered that  Susan had been taking medication for depression and I believe she had been on this medication for many years. When I looked up the side effects of this medications guess what I discovered?  This medication was known to cause bone deterioration. That is exactly what Susan was experiencing, bone deterioration of the tailbone, arthritis, disc degeneration. To top it all off she also had been taking thyroid medication for many years. I do not like those thyroid medications. They are known to cause cancer. And what do we find out from Susan? She had a mass on her tailbone. That’s cancer.

Susan and her daughter listened carefully to the program that I designed. The week of Feb 1/25 Susan started the program. Her program looked like this:

Program No sugars, no grains, no cereals, no legumes, no pasteurized milk,  no peanuts, no alcohol, no pop, no junk food, no fruit juice, no fruit except for berries and appleEat meats grass fed, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, salads, seeds, berries, avocado , coconut oil

Smoothie: twice a day minimum

Arginine Plus 1 scoop

Essential Liquid Minerals 1 tablespoon

Collagen 1 scoop

Green : Power Greens 1 scoop

Solstic Energy ½ stick

water and frozen berries

Celtic Salt a pinch

 Lobelia extract; take a squirt about 6 times a day. You can also apply it to your tailbone.

 With meals:

Cat’s Claw combination, take 4 three times a day

Pau D’Arco, 4 three times a day

LBS11 about 3 twice a day to be sure the bowels are moving twice a day. Increase if necessary

Magnesium tablets 4 twice a day


After your evening meal take Probiotic 11 and UltraBiome DTX 2 sticks with 20 oz of water.

 Drink water and Chlorophyll as much as you like. About 4 oz a day.


Stand strong in your own God given power.

Wean off the depression meds according to the pharmacist instructions.

Wean off the thyroid medications.

Take your BT first thing in the morning. Average : 98.6 F or 37C

Do the One Day Kidney Flush one day a week for about 20 times.

 One Day Kidney Flush

1 glass water with lemon and Arginine Plus ½ scoop

2 K capsules, 2 Eight capsules, 1 Turmeric, 1 Super Oil

1 hour later

1 glass of water and Chlorophyll 1 tablespoon

2 K capsules, 2 Eight capsules, 1 Turmeric, 1 Super Oil


From Donna Roth

The work I do is to find the poisons that are the cause of the body’s deterioration.

From this consultation I knew I discovered the root cause of the mass on the tailbone, the arthritis, the cysts. Within a short time it was brought to my attention that Susan had been taking 2 medications for many years. It was these medications that were poisoning her.

Here is what we all need to become aware of. Side effects of the medications do not show up overnight. It is after taking them for many years, unknowingly a deterioration happens, In Susan’s case these medications were affecting her kidneys. Kidneys are in charge of your bones, your discs, your tailbones, your spinal column and your brain.  The medications prevented the kidneys from feeding the bones and spinal column with minerals and moving out toxic deposits from the bones and spinal column. Now you can see why I immediately recommended the One Day Kidney Flush. I designed it specifically for Susan’s situation.

K capsules is a herbal combination for the kidneys,

Eight herbal capsules specifically to heal the nerves to alleviate pain in the legs and the tailbone.

Turmeric CurCumin for movement of the blood and lymphatic fluids. The blood needed to move to the areas of deterioration to bring the oxygen to that area and to supply the stem cell carpenters of those injured areas with nutrient energy for cell regeneration.

Super Oil is needed to make the cells pliable so oxygen can move into the cells and toxins can move out of the cells.

Then there was the super food smoothie taken daily for energy. You cannot heal your body without energy from a good supply of nutrition. I gave Susan instructions to have a smoothie twice a day.

Arginine to increase body temperature, to increase blood circulation to keep the heart healthy

Essential Liquid Minerals to heal the discs and the tailbone

Power Greens for electrical energy, for enzymes, for phytonutrients

Solstic Energy to clean out free radicals and poisons, It is loaded with Green tea extract, Korean Ginseng, Grapeseed extract and Guarana to break up sticky blood.

 Lobelia is really excellent for healing nerves so that the pain could subside.

Pau D’Arco is known to clean out the blood sugar which feeds cancer and to clean our cancer cells.

LBS11 is a bowel formula.

Then in the evening I recommended UltaBiome DTX to pull out all the poisons from her system.

 On March 8 I received this message from Susan’s daughter.

Hey Donna!

My mom is doing the program, she wasn’t taking all of the vitamins for a little bit there cause she said she had diarrhea. But I assured her it must be toxins flushing or something? So she started taking them. Proper again and has been since as far as she tells me.

 She in general has been doing better! She did go see the naturopath two more times for the Neuro prolo therapy. 

 But as for her progress she no longer brings her wheelchair when she leaves house, she cancelled home support, she uses a bathroom instead of commode that prob my favorite I did not like that thing! Lol,  She cooks her own meals and doesn’t complain of pain like she used to! 

 So many wins over here, I talk with her daily to remind her of the importance of commitment and staying on track to see results!

Thanks for checking in :)

With Gratitude,

 Strange logic: Zero-stage cancer detected but treated aggressively

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) refers to the abnormal growth of cells forming a lesion between 1 and 1.5 centimeters in diameter.  While this is not cancer, approximately 25 percent (60,000 cases) of all newly diagnosed breast cancer falls within this category each year.

Because evidence indicates that less than half of DCIS cases progress to invasive cancer, some experts declare it should be reclassified as a non-cancerous condition.  Additionally, they recommend a “watchful eye” for women who have this condition rather than invasive therapy.  After all, why treat someone who doesn’t have cancer with chemotherapy or radiation – which places their immune systems at risk for a lifetime?

However, mammography proponents claim they’re saving lives through early detection and treatment of DCIS.  They view it as pre-cancerous or “stage zero cancer” and believe it could eventually cause harm if left untreated.  Therefore, they recommend treating it in the same manner as invasive cancer with aggressive treatments.  But is this right or fair?

According to Time Magazine, “Cancer has a language problem …  A 57-year old woman with low-grade DCIS that will almost certainly never become invasive hears the same word as the 34-year old woman who has metastatic malignancies that will kill her.  That’s confusing to patients conditioned to treat every cancer diagnosis as an emergency in a world that still reacts to cancer as though it’s the beginning of the end.”

The latest round of controversy was set off about DCIS treatment after a study was published by JAMA Oncology.  After a 20-year analysis of 100,000 women who were diagnosed with DCIS, the mortality rate from breast cancer of these patients was the same as the general population at 3.3 percent.

Radiation from mammogram screening is a breast cancer risk

While several organizations like the Susan G. Komen for the Cure heavily promote mammograms for early screening for breast cancer, it’s ironic that mammogram machines put each woman at risk for the very thing they want to prevent.  The ionizing radiation used to detect breast tumors is a risk factor for breast cancer development.  Additionally, the crushing compression of this test on the breast tissue may potentially spread cancer if the cancer cells are present.

After several studies, Cornell University determined people who are exposed to ionizing radiation emitted from machines like the mammogram machine place themselves at risk for breast cancer.  They also stated, “… female breast tissue is highly susceptible to radiation effects” as it “is one of the most sensitive tissues to the carcinogenic action of ionizing radiation.”  They also revealed that it takes a minimum of five to 10 years for radiation-induced breast cancer to develop.

Finally, they concluded that greater levels of radiation exposure lead to a greater risk of breast cancer.  Every time a woman is exposed to this form of radiation, she is placing herself at higher risk – especially if the screening is done when there is estrogen stimulation and tissue proliferation that occurs during monthly menstrual cycles.

Prevention of breast cancer is better than detection

While early detection of breast cancer can be done by mammogram screening, it is not the same as “prevention.”  Lifestyle choices will help you prevent cancer or any chronic illness.  Be sure to eat real whole and organic foods, drink plenty of fresh (clean) water, exercise regularly, get plenty of rest, and manage stress levels.

If prescription drugs cured you, there would be no need for pharmaceutical companies. If banks helped you get out of debt, there would be no need for banks. If politicians solved the nation’s problems, there would be no further need for politicians.

The bottom line: drugs don’t cure; banks keep you in debt and there are politicians who create problems that they have no intention of solving, but design them for their own selfish purposes. If we really want a free country we must make sure those corrupt politicians were never elected.

You can take a horse to water but you can ‘t make him drink.

You can give information but you can’t make them think. Carol